Photo by Valeriia Miller on

Realising they are now on the receiving end of widespread criticism AIM, the Woke nursery branch up in Aberdeen have come up with a great new idea. Close down anyone or any outlet that dares to contest their bizarre outpourings. The above article highlights the latest moves to declare as fake news anyone who takes a biological view of gender issues rather than accepting as real women men wearing dresses whose make up preparations for a night out include trimming their beards!

Not satisfied with already succeeding in getting their Woke Bible Code of Conduct firmly on the agenda for the upcoming SNP Conference they now seek to intimidate and threaten any who oppose their views with disciplinary action for opposing them, especially for standing up for Women’s Rights. It is an absolute wonder that the YES campaign back in 2014 managed to run the most excellent, United campaign without the “benefit” of these controls and regulations all organised by juvenile jobsworths whose commitment to the cause is their membership of the Thought Police Division. So far their work has destroyed the unity of the SNP and greatly divided the entire YES movement. But here they are, back looking for more controls.

I would remind readers this is the same “nationalist” Conference where attempts to discuss whether the Scottish Government’s current plans to go to the Supreme Court to determine whether they have the “power” to hold a Independence referendum or indeed how to host a plebiscite election have been barred from any discussion or debate. We are dealing with the most pathetic nationalist party ever imagined here in Scotland. A Party that has completely lost its democratic principles. A Party that has betrayed decades of effort by many thousands of people before them who worked tirelessly for the freedom of our country. A Party that has taken us from the verge of success backwards to where our “ hopes” rest in a foreign court in the foreign land of the coloniser.

I am not going to appeal to the “decent” folk in the SNP to stop this. Why? Because while I know there are plenty of them they have slept while the cabal at the top and in the NEC have whittled their powers away to leaving them being largely powerless. Control of the agenda, control of the speaking rota, the impact of the payroll vote, reduces the impact of the ordinary membership making it virtually impossible to reverse the leadership’s wishes. Exactly as planned.

If you are one of these “ decent people” the time to display that decency is to walk away. Now!
If you stay you condone the undemocratic takeover of the SNP by entryists who do not prioritise Independence over their own narrow, frankly bizarre, priorities. They have used your once great Party and cause. With Nicola Sturgeon and Angus Robertson’s guidance and support, they have completely sidelined the ordinary member.

You can see clearly from the Code of Conduct resolution and now the attempts to censor, block and discipline any member who dares to share or retweet anything the Thought Police consider fake ( their rules, their judgement) just how dangerous it is to be a member of the SNP these days.

They control the Appeal Process as well so no justice is available anywhere. It is such a Kangaroo court every member, including many on the NEC ,should be renamed Skippy!

Oh and just for good measure debating the Cost of Living crisis and Energy costs have been rejected as well in favour of the demands of the Woke regiment as this letter in the National highlights.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland.


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  1. Sadly the remaining SNP members are locked in the Con of carrot chasing. They cannot replace Sturgeon even if they wanted too. She has amended the rules and placed her followers in every key position to ensure rigid control of the Party.

    The SNP voters will be the breakthrough. Keep the articles coming, keep shining the light on the Cult.

    Liked by 29 people

    1. This is precisely what I fear the most about Sturgeon and the SNP, their ability to change rules to favour the party. What is to stop them changing the rule that, following Inependence, the SNP will be disbanded? or changes the rules to ensure the party, as it is now exists, is under another name and cannot be removed. Who will challenge them? No-one is challenging them at present and they are getting away with murder.

      No-one can stop the imposition of gender ideology which Scotland does not want. No-one has stopped the Hate Crime Act. No-one is held accountable for the missing funds, the ferry debacle, the bullying of Joanna Cherry and Joan McAlpine, the sexual inappropriateness of the actions of Patrick Grady et al and the biggest scandal of all – trying to imprison Alex Salmond and the continuing attempts to destroy his reputation. The long arm of the FM is obvious and no-one is able to challenge them or hold any of them to account. They have become untouchable. How can we guarantee a Scotland that will be free of the people in the current SNP?

      Liked by 9 people

      1. The FM gave an interview in the US where she said independence had failed because it had lacked a social vision. She believes in her social vision – which is trans activism and accessing young minds – more than independence and I am sure she has found the union a disinterested colonial power where she can indulge her perverted vision. Who needs independence? Not Sturgeon. This is a dangerous, incompetent individual with a poor mind and non existent ethics. So long as Sturgeon and her cabal remain Scotland will remain in this fetid “union”.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. The SNP has lost all relevance to the quest for self-determination and instead of focussing on the issues that really matter to the people of Scotland or to facilitate the SNP’s prime function they have decided to ignore the members in favour of a small interest group that is destroying what credibility they have left.

    It has been clear for some time that we must prepare for a new major Party to lead and take forward the hopes that so many have worked so hard to achieve over the years. Had the members I knew back in the 60s, 70s and 80s still been alive, they would have been horrified by the actions and inactions of their Party.

    While the SNP are riding high as far as numbers of MPs is concerned, the electorate are not fools and will catch on soon enough. However, more problematic should the proposed referendum take place, is that the unionist Parties will catch on much quicker and use what has been taking place to their advantage and to the disadvantage of the people of Scotland.

    Liked by 27 people

    1. I was an SNP member and activist in the 1960’s and I am still aliive and active, though no longer an SNP member. I know what I think of the SNP in its present incarnation. I am now a member of Alba. I was accustomed to being laughed at in the 60’s for being an SNP member. However, I find it really hard being called a Unionist and other unrepeatable names by present SNP members whose parents were probably not born when I was climbing tenement stairs with SNP leaflets. Shame on them.

      Liked by 18 people

      1. I had an almost identical experience as I joined before the Hamilton by-election of 1968 was Branch Chairman and Constituency Organiser. Now also a member of ALBA and proud to be so. Back then we could never have dreamt of the electoral success that the SNP achieved and neither would we have believed what the Party has become having been an exemplar of what a democratic political party should look like to now being a cult controlled by a small group of individuals more interested in their own fame and fortune than the furtherance of Scotland’s self-determination!

        Liked by 14 people

    2. The only reason they are still doing relatively well in the polls is because the others, especially the Tories, are that bad.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sad to say the SNP ‘raisin d’être’ has been lost and seems to be colluding with the British State in thwarting and silencing the wider “Yes movement of 2014. In dictating they are the only voice of Independence they are excluding the voices of many supporters and narrowing the narrative. Such is irresponsible and alarming. SNP should change their name to the ‘Woke’party. Soar Alba Gu Brath 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Liked by 26 people

    1. I agree they should change their name to the Gender Ideological Party and run for election with a manifesto that explicitly states the ideological aims of its party in Scotland. This would have to include its background in Queer Theory and the important inclusion of paedophilia, along with removal of women’s rights to safety and privacy and the removal of safeguarding of children; the necessity of pronoun use and the lengthy changes to the language that are required to satisfy the party. Codes of thinking conduct would be enforced on members of the party to ensure no-one speaks other than the party rulers.
      Let them run on that ticket.

      Liked by 11 people

  4. Only a man or the lure of cash in the pocket would try to take away women’s rights.
    NuSNP, AIM and the SNP led YES movement are doing their damdest to break the Independence movement and control women.

    Liked by 21 people

  5. It’s as old as …. well, COINTELPRO.
    See items 2 & 6
    * Break down internal organization by creating conflicts (for example, by having agents exacerbate racial tensions, or send anonymous letters to try to create conflicts)
    * Restrict the ability of individuals to participate in group activities (for example, by character assassinations, false arrests, surveillance)

    Liked by 23 people

  6. New SNP are nothing but a personality cult and no longer fit for purpose. If this snake can be defanged then it’s essential that it’s done asap otherwise the indy movement will go nowhere. (NB: no threat of violence was intended by the previous statement in case the Thought Police are reading.)

    Is it just me or does anyone else detect a bit of devilment from Alba in going hell for leather on the campaign trail for the October 23 referendum? They must surely know there’s not going to be one as most of the rest of us do. Quite an ingenious move if so as the fallout for New SNP will be bad.

    Liked by 22 people

    1. The images of crowded Wee Blue Book meetings with former SNP activists, MP/MSPs campaigning in the spirit of 2014 is in stark contrast to the holiday snaps being posted by SNP heid yins apparently showing little or no interest in Nicola’s box-ticking indyref2 announcement. Not one of them has actively campaigned for independence since 2014, and appear to have zero plans to do so. The hapless Pete Wishart even posted a photo of himself campaigning 8 years ago and wondering if he should perhaps get going, after his holidays and important his Westminster business, of course.

      Liked by 14 people

  7. Plain as the nose on the face. The brit state laughing up their sleeve enabled by the compromised nicoliar. She’s preparing for her next mission once she destroys the Indy movement. Well we’ve got news for you and your apron clinging perverts, you will not succeed. Scots are stronger than you and will fight against the wretch you have become AND you’ve taken Scottish women on! Numpties 😡..

    Liked by 19 people

  8. “protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order” Under directives like these the SNP has been compromised.

    Liked by 13 people

  9. Just another sad example of what the SNP has become and why thousands and thousands of members have left the party.

    And as a previous commentator said, the electorate are not fools, they will and are catching on, and catching on fast. The SNP’s electoral position is not impregnable as they arrogantly believe. The independence movement is bigger than the SNP and already a new invigorated movement is forming outside and around the SNP. Their gravy train is being usurped as surely as labours gravy train was before them.

    Salvo, SSRG, Alba and the wider movement are on the march. They are exposing why, and explaining well why independence can be taken, does not rely on gift of the English Westminster MPs who consider themselves to be our masters.

    And this is the focus as our economy bombs, our standard of living goes into reverse, folks savings get shredded, pensions get shredded and all as heating and lighting famine portends. And the energy famine in a land of energy plenty!

    Eight wasted years. Eight years of wasted mandates. But not another eight years. Independence will be taken with or without the cult focussed SNP.

    Liked by 22 people

  10. I wish I could say that this has all been the work of the British State, but, unfortunately, it hasn’t. I have no doubt whatsoever that the British State is capitalising on it all, but it is not responsible for this ordure. We were all so mesmerised by the large numbers of people entering the SNP after 2014 that we were less than observant. Had we been, we would have seen that, among those converts were the far-left, rejected by Labour as a total nuisance. Decent Labour people did join the SNP, but this cabal set out from day one to undermine and use the party in power for its own benefit. This was no mistake or set of unfortunate circumstances. It was a deliberate take-over by parasitical people whose only answer to their own empty noggins is to destroy everything around them. In that sense, yes, they are infantile and juvenile, having never learned to accept the word, no, as having any relevance to them.

    Female spaces and rights are the target, and, once occupied, the demands will increase in both number and volume, as do the demands of over-indulged infants. The SNP is finished as the party of independence because independence has no relevance for these people, and I just wish that more loyalists would open their eyes to see what the agenda is, and it is not independence. That would actually prevent them from being able to do what they set out to do, which is to overturn the whole society in which we live – not to amend it or change it for the better, but to completely destroy it and start again with a set of principles that are more totalitarian than even Stalin could have managed. The rewards to the faithful are sex, power and money. Who’d a thunk it, eh?

    The underlying theme seems to be that society has become feminised in recent years: by that, they mean that our world might become less aggressive, less power-seeking, less money-orientated. So that’s a bad thing? The porn industry makes zillions in profits from human misery and alienation, but, hey, who cares when getting one’s rocks off in any and all ways is so all-important. It is all smoke and mirrors. There is always a price to be paid or we would not have sexually-transmitted diseases, we would not have dire poverty, we would not have climate change that we cannot change now, we would not have psychopaths and sociopaths running countries and economies. Infantile instant gratification is something we are supposed to grow out of.

    These people have deliberately undermined the path to independence because it suits their own narrative and aims, and, in doing so, they have destroyed the SNP. Like the scorpion that stings the frog half-way across the river, they cannot help themselves but destroy all they touch. The only answer is to leave them stranded and drowning in the middle of the river by refusing to rescue them. Abandon the SNP – unless, and only unless, it does a complete turn-around, throws out all these parasites draining its vital juices and co-operates willingly and enthusiastically with all other independence parties, groups, movements to form one unstoppable surge for independence before it is too late. The SNP, like the Irish Party before it, will not do that, of course, so, like Ireland in pre 1916, we turn away from them and go our own way. It will be hard and it will be messy, but we will get there.

    Liked by 23 people

  11. In 2014 I campaigned vigorously for Yes with the SNP although I wasn’t a member . I took my turn manning the SNP hub and pounded the streets with piles of leaflets and canvassing on the doorsteps . I doubt if. I would be allowed near an SNP hub now . I would undoubtedly fail their proposed pure thoughts tests. concerning blokes in frocks etc.

    Liked by 18 people

  12. Irish history repeating itself in Scotland is not unthinkable, at least electorally. At the 1910 UK GE in Ireland the establishment home rule party (IPP) won 73 seats, the Irish Unionist Alliance 18 (all in the north) and All-for-Ireland League 8 (independent nationalists, apparently).

    The post-election 1910 map of Ireland looked very similar to the map of Scotland after past 3 UK GE’s since 2014, and not unlike the map of Scotland after the Holyrood elections of 2016 and 2021, in other words, predominantly the colour of the party of national self-determination. Yet, just 8 years later, in December 1918, the map changed completely – the established party was swept away by the more radical pro-independence Sinn Fein, whose MPs never appeared at Westminster but stayed in Ireland and established the first Dail Eireann.

    It may well be that the SNP can no longer be saved, Sturgeon is going nowhere soon and her woke allies have been secreted throughout the entire party apparatus. More than a few agents and spies of the British state are no doubt in situ across the entire Scottish establishment, including the SNP. The pompous and sleekit Angus Robertson is already preening himself for the role of FM. He is, for obvious though unprintable reasons, a safe pair of hands for Sturgeon after she moves on. Iain, you’ve probably given the best advice to any SNP member who seriously desires to see the restoration of Scotland’s national independence in his or her lifetime:

    “If you are one of these “ decent people” the time to display that decency is to walk away. Now! If you stay you condone the undemocratic takeover of the SNP by entryists who do not prioritise Independence over their own narrow, frankly bizarre, priorities.”

    If a week in politics is a long time, 8 years is a lifetime. If SNP party democracy is so undermined that it cannot change its leader, then members should choose another party, pronto. Other pro-indy parties are available (excluding the gender-crank careerist rabble Patrick Harvie leads).

    Liked by 22 people

    1. An excellent post. 👏👏👏
      It is a great pity that we have to wait even longer but it appears we have no choice

      Liked by 5 people

  13. Other parties are certainly available, unfortunately, none of them thus far seem willing to employ the direct and unembarrassed, class of inspirational rhetoric employed as a-matter-of-course by the men and women who set Ireland on her road to independence. Too feart o the Inglish media, maist like.

    Liked by 12 people

  14. Whilst AIM and their cronies have been rendering the independence movement asunder and making it dangerous to be in possession to two X chromosomes in Scotland, the Westminster Tories have not been idle in turning the screw against Scotland as this video demonstrates,

    Slightly o/t but the pseudo woke “journalist” Adam Ramsey has been sending “have you stopped beating your wife” type letters to various feminists in Scotland. The response from For Women Scotland is a thing of beauty and will have you laughing your socks off!

    Liked by 9 people

  15. Just to change the subject, is the SNP still urging members to renew their subscriptions early? Last time I looked (which must be nearly a year ago) they were desperate for cash and heading for bankruptcy. Why else would they refuse to open the books to the elected Treasurer and Finance Committee? I’m surprised that they haven’t hit the wall already. Probably they’ve been running up large debts but we won’t know that till they finally post 2021’s accounts 11 months after the fact, which then raises the question – what have they incurred in 2022?

    Liked by 3 people

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