Part two of the article by David Taylor.

Westminster England omits Revenues, and ‘allocates’ Debt to Scots to make sure Scots have a ‘Budget Deficit’. Westminster forces Scottish Government by law, via Westminster appointed Civil Servants, to use the ONS figures and print the GERS Report. With GERS and all of the above, Unionist MPs and Media like BBC repeatedly broadcast a Scots failure, budget deficit and over-spend. It is not true. Scotland always was, a Westminster ‘Piggy-Bank; its elitist Country Playground, and its Colony – even today. The English Crown Estates claim to own about 100,000 acres of Scotland. Despite sales allegedly disallowed, much was also sold to rich ‘friends’. The Crown also claims to own Scotland’s seabed and much of its foreshore. The National Trust also ‘manages’ many public buildings and historic assets, and has a history of selling them off. Westminster repeatedly comes up with schemes to defraud Scots. In the late 1990’s it created PFI/PPP projects funded by banks and Investors which cost seven times more than cost . These cause decades of additional so called ‘Scottish Debts’ of fifty billion pounds or more. It is described as: One of “The Greatest Financial Rip-Offs of the Scottish Electorate since 1707”. But how does Westminster get away with it? Surely people would rise up if they knew? The answer is simple. Westminster and the ‘British’ state are masters of propaganda. They invented psychological war, colonisation and misinformation and aretrue masters of those arts. They even brag about it in historic documentaries about Empire and WW2.

Westminster is a Master of PropagandaManipulation and Lies.

After centuries of Westminster Machine propaganda, ordinary people are shocked to learn even basic truths. For example, Scotland is not much smaller than England but is always portrayed as much smaller. On every BBC map seen by people many times every day for eighty years Scotland was shown as much smaller. When territorial waters and assets in are included, Scotland is far larger than England. So much so, in 1990’s Westminster unlawfully re-drew territorial waters and stole six thousand square miles of Scottish Waters for oil and fisheries. 

Illustrations and Listings of Scottish Territory, Assets, and Resources.

If the ‘Union’ is partnering of equals  why does the Westminster Machine steal? Theft is a centuries old Imperialist theme. Another basic lie is: ‘United Kingdom has a Constitution’. ‘Experts’ claim it is in multiple Laws and Rulings. There is no Westminster Act relating to Sovereignty, nor is it in the Act of Union and there is no written Constitution. What exists is piecemeal Laws easily altered by Westminster, which Conservatives are exploiting today to their advantage for more power and to dilute and pollute Democratic Rights. So Parliamentary control, Reserved Matters, exploitation of Scottish Resources, and earlier ‘Act of Union’ fraud, and military invasion are the truth of Scotland’s relationship with the Union. Even today, despite Devolution, Westminster retains power over 85% of Scotland’s fiscal levers. Unionist parties and BBC deliberately lie to the public daily criticising Scottish Government in areas where Westminster causes problems and SG has no formal legal control. 

Westminster England’s Reserved Powers Over Scottish People.

In 2014 the Scot independence Referendum was subjected to prolific levels of Westminster and Unionist parties, obfuscation, misdirection, lies and abuse. Tories campaigned that voting ‘NO’ was the only way to stay in the EU. English Labour bussed in activists to tell Scots a ‘YES’ vote would mean losing UK pensions. British media, especially BBC, worked overtime to discredit Independence people and organisations. By far the worst offence of a great many, was the three English Registered Unionists Party Leaders signing a declaration ‘The Vow’ that if Scots voted ‘NO’, Westminster would grant Scots greater self-Government. This turned out to be another half a dozen Unionist brazen lies to deceive Scots. In the 2014 Referendum, the ‘YES’ vote was narrowly defeated due to lies.

Westminster Lies to the Scottish People Promising More Power.

In 2016, Westminster Tories lied about BREXIT and forced the fiercely European minded Scots out of the EU against Scotland’s will on 2020/21. The Red Bus promising 350 Million pounds a week which could be given to the NHS fooled a lot of people. It was yet another Westminster and in particular a Tory Lie. The extent of the lies and misinformation gave impetus to a rapid rise in visible public racism and hate speech in England which the liberal internationally minded Scots viewed with horror. 

The Union is at best a hostage situation for Scots. Even anyone who supports the Union cannot argue Scotland has a right to choose, without being bullied, lied to, acted against, defrauded, threatened or ridiculed by Union politicians and press magnates. It is a fact, for example, that the cost of Scotland being in the UK, is twice as much as was the cost of UK being in the EU. That cost to Scotland does not include Westminster frauds mentioned elsewhere here nor does it include the ‘Vampire’ banking system Westminster uses. Even today, Northern Ireland has three times the powers the Scots Government does. Westminster actively promotes allocation of inequality depending on whether or not people support its politics. Westminster rules by ‘Divide and Abuse’. Let us restore Scotland into EU, the biggest Free Trade and member state free-access partnership the world has ever known.

Westminster & Unionist Press & BREXIT Prolific Lies, Put ‘Britain’ in Dangerous Isolation, and Far Worse Off.

Scots 1603 Alliance with England, was broken by England. The bitter pill Scots must swallow, especially Unionists, is that 1707 ‘Union’ was to defend England. The Union was a colonisation enforced by four hundred Military Garrisons in Scotland. Like other English colonies, Monarchs, Elites, Westminster, and their Laws proceeded to strip Scottish assets, shrouded in secrecy, and false conciliatory diplomacy Politics. It misplaced, tortured, deported or killed Scots. Theft of Scotland’s wealth together with Ireland, Wales, India the empire (and most regions of England too), is still ongoing today in ‘The Little City of London’. In early to mid 1900’s Westminster spent 74% of Scot Revenue whilst Scots starved and sent many to their death then thereafter refused to issue transparent figures. In the 1970’s to today Westminster hid then squandered vast oil wealth. In the 1980’s -1990’s it lied and invented GERS systems to falsely report Scottish wealth claiming Scots were ‘poor’.

French MediaScotland, 14th Richest Country in the World.

‘The Little City of London’ still launders money today. The ‘Little City’ is a separate state within UK, with its own Government, Police and Security, set up in 1857 to launder the plundered trillions in wealth of the ‘British’ (for that read English) Empire. It still does so today and celebrates its crimes annually with ‘The Lord Mayors Show’ grandiose parade. The ‘Little City’ is why Westminster needed UK out of the EU – new EU Tax and Fraud laws would have exposed this English Institutional theft on the most epic scale the world has ever seen, making Pablo Escobar’s drugs and Mafia crime takings combined, look like pocket money. Even when England previously tried to get rid of Westminster evil, Kings and Elites simply re-established it again and the frauds continued.

In 2021, if you are a Scot or you live in Scotland (or any other normal person living in UK) why should you care about history? Because today, you are part of the Westminster England machine. That machine is abusive, dishonest, racist, greedy. It has no social conscience. It is evil because it does not care about you. For money it murdered 20 Million in WW1 and more in WW2. Post WW2 there was a moment when Socialism advanced and many measures we believed immutable were taken and the lot of the majority improved immeasurably. The Conservatives work ceaselessly and successfully to roll these back. Scotland is a country which has not voted Conservative since 1955, but gets ruled by Conservatives in Westminster. Scotland is a Country that supported Labour for decades, until Labour abused Scots just as Conservatives do. Over recent decades Westminster (Conservative and Labour) has murdered hundreds of thousands of UK citizens by claiming ‘Austerity’ essential. Over the COVID crisis it murdered fifty thousand English and over recent years murdered a hundred thousand by cutting disabled benefits and ‘Universal credit’. Westminster Justice is today, and it always was, about the rights of Kings, Elites, and maintaining power to abuse the weak and others via Governmental power. English ‘Laws’ are about maintaining those rights at the expense of the People – Scots, English, Welsh, Irish, foreigners alike. It is still not about UNION but DOMINATION and MONEY. Scottish Justice is about the Rights of people expressed through a people’s Parliament, with or without Kings or elites – these days many Scots prefer without, whilst England’s elites and billionaires grow in number. You need to care about history because it tells you that sooner or later the Westminster machine will kill you, or some of your family, if it has not done so already. 

Scotland is unchanged in its relationship with Westminster since 1707, under-represented, under-funded, over-taxed, and basically stolen from. In the coming weeks Scots have an opportunity to vote on Independence. A hundred previous colonies have escaped ‘Empire’ domination and thrived. Ireland escaped Westminster and thrived. Northern Ireland and Wales are talking about it. Scotland has a majority of its population in favour of Independence. Scotland has its own Government, but with restricted powers, dominated and abused by Westminster. In forthcoming elections, let us cast off the abuse, dishonest, racist, greedy millstone Westminster Machine – it has no social conscience. The English are our friends, but Westminster England is an elitist abomination. Let us vote once and for all to leave this fake Unionism’s evils behind. Let us vote to be in control of our own Nation. Let us control our own future. Let us use Scottish Justice and support Scots. Let Scotland take its place as a prosperous international country. 

‘Nemo Me Impune Lacessit’


‘Wha Daur Meddle Wi Me’


‘Cha togar m’ fhearg gun dìoladh’


I appreciate the work and effort that went into creating this article and I thank David Taylor for it. It highlights a history of cheating and stacking the odds against Scotland. It is still happening today, look at the censorship of the Alba Party on the broadcast media for no other reason than we represent a serious threat to the Unionists seats in Scotland. What is happening is a democratic outrage and it insults every voter in Scotland through telling them it is the TV companies who determine what political choices you can hear from. The excuses have been pathetic, the connivance of the other Parties is disgraceful and deserves punishment at the polls from every democratic voter in Scotland. This is our freedoms they are denying including the most important of all, freedom of speech. This is a very dangerous game that is being played. If Scotland has any self respect and worth Scots will say, in the strongest of terms, this will not do!

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland

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16 thoughts on “HOW WE GOT HERE PART TWO

  1. Christ Iain, if the author would tidy up his grammar a bit, focus his delivery slightly and properly cite all his assertions with verifiable sources then this is as volatile for the Unionists as McCrone. Clean it up, boil it down to its essence and a copy through every door in the land!

    Liked by 7 people

    1. And tweak some of the historic dates. The one attributed to William the Conqueror is wrong. He was dead by then. One of my mates would pick holes in that kinda thing. Got us thrown off an Edinburgh ghost tour for constantly correcting the tour guide re dates, historic features etc.


  2. Excellent article.

    All that is contained is already available – hidden in plain sight.
    This is the skill that Westminster/Whitehall have honed over the years. They are like the magician/pickpocket who removes your watch and wallet while distracting you. The con man in a suit or hi viz jacket.

    The critical issue is not producing the evidence. It is getting people to read and understand it.
    They have created a game in which they can change the rules whenever they please. You can never win in this game.

    Every Nation on the Empire/Commonwealth were told how lucky they were to have the King/Queen care so much and be so generous regarding their welfare. That cost India 50 Billion Pounds in today’s money. Where is that Great Wealth? The money that flowed back to London for Centuries from 50 countries. The UK should have a wealth fund that would make the Norwegian Fund look like a piggy bank. The truth is it was never for England or later the UK. It was always about the accumulation of private wealth.

    Scotland is to them a spreadsheet accountancy loophole. They draw wealth and at the same time assign/hide UK debt to present a basket case Scotland and a prudent England.

    They thought they had stripped Scotland but then Oil & Gas arrived for another banquet.

    They have realised that freshwater and renewables are now the next feast.

    People make jokes about the letters from rich Nigerian Princes wanting to send you a large amount of money for a small advance. The same people who laugh fall for a con much closer to home.

    It is not the people of England who are gaining wealth. It is an elite few who have created a syphon in the middle of London to drain wealth away from everyone and hide it from the curious. As the article states – the real reason for Brexit. The dark money behind Brexit was supplied from their hidden fighting fund.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Off topic Iain, but perhaps you can help put my mind at rest.

    2 days ago I was emailed by Ellen McMaster enquiring if I could help with leafletting for Alba in West Scotland. Of course I replied that I could. I have received no reply to date and can’t be sure if my reply has reached her. Perhaps I’m being a tad paranoid but who can blame me in the current climate?

    Are you in contact with West Scotland reps? If so, can you ask about availability of printed materials for distribution please? Thank you in advance.


  4. When the plebs get restless, “give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.” This applies today as it did 1,000 years ago. Today, in Scotland, it is “fitba” and “X-Factor” or “the Great British Bake-Off.” If you make food affordable to most and available and you provide entertainment (TV promoting British/English culture subliminally telling you who you are, how to think, to know your place and to be thankful for it “that Dunkirk spirit”). Football in Scotland entertains, but by its very nature divides which is a welcomed by product for the British establishment and one that the media is happy to stoke the fires of hatred and division. The modern Scot is consumed by the modern world at their fingertips. 24 hours a day television, movies and news. Generally the news of another country and Scottish news from a London perspective hostile to Scotland presented by a hostile Scottish presenter. And where there is no news they generate it to fill in the gaps. We have wall to wall bad news, covid,19 deaths, corrupt politicians, corrupt bankers it is now “normal” and has little effect on society as there is never any accountability. Nobody is ever punished, tried or imprisoned for their blatant crimes. No wonder so many people don’t do politics! They don’t appreciate the impact that they can have if they paid attention, researched becoming informed and voted, as an informed choice, appropriately. Most don’t if they vote at all. This is exactly what the state wants. A poorly informed electorate but enough of them engaged to make any election look democratic even the “one horse race” one’s helped by the dodgy voting systems.

    Since 2014 Scotland has had numerous referenda, elections and unexpected general elections all achieving the “status quo”. The only thing that has changed is that the SNP hierarchy are now openly critical of independence and those that would promote it. What I am trying to say in this long ramble is that as well written and informative as this article is those that have no interest in our history, politics, the community of the realm and Scotland will not bother to read it or if they do, it probably won’t register. They will have one eye on the page and the other on their watch. “It’s nearly time to eat and “the Great British Bake-Off is coming on!” “Bread and Circuses, Bread and Circuses!”

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Another helpful synopsis by David Taylor.

    Related to his analysis, any study of postcolonial theory tells us precisely where we are, and why.

    What ALBA demonstrates, as JP Sartre described, is that by integrating into ‘establishment Scotland’ the SNP are now a part of: “the tin-pot bourgeoisies that colonialism has already placed in the saddle”. This is effectively Scotland’s colonial (i.e. unionist) administration – ‘no mention of independence on SNP election leaflets please!’

    Sartre (and Fanon) also noted that the independence movement, after initial success loses momentum, and if it is to start again it “must throw their bourgeoisie overboard” and with it “the cult of the leader” who, in Fanon’s words, will make their own “accommodation with colonialism”.

    The events we are now witnessing have been played out many times before in many different countries through the well trod path to national liberation, or to continued subjugation. It is about time that the Scots better understood what independence is really about and the realisation will be shocking for many as they come to know what it is, and why it is necessary.

    Liked by 7 people

  6. Just got my third SNP election leaflet.

    The words independence and referendum are not used. Neither is GRA or Hate Crime bill.

    So that is three leaflets and not one mention of a referendum at all, never mind a timescale, and some people still hold on to the belief that the SNP will hold a referendum later this year. The word delusional is just not enough to describe these people.

    The SNP under the current leadership are the party of devolution and as such is a Unionist party. Vote Alba a true party of Scottish independence.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Interesting, but if they were such masters of propaganda, they woluldn’t have messed up with the Briexit referendum, surely?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Absolutely chilling stuff to read today Oxford University Professor Ciaran Martin’s statement view that there will be no democratic route to achieve independence irrespective of how Scotland votes.

    Preserving the Union by the ‘ force of law ‘ as opposed to ‘ consent ‘ is how the professor sees Downing Street proceeding.

    I’m afraid I can see British troops in yet imposing Westminster rule. This is truly frightening stuff but we should expect no less. Britain does not do democracy, never has, it’s an illusion.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Well, this should not really be so surprising; colonialism, which is racism after all, depends on force. The only upside to this, as Albert Memmi said, is “if colonization destroys the colonized, it also rots the colonizer”. And as Sartre noted: “Colonialism creates the patriotism of the colonized”. Which is the basis of the desire for independence.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. crown estate in scotland is administered by the scottish government and the revenues it generates are paid to the scottish government


  10. The National Trust for Scotland is run in Scotland by an elected committee of members. It often sells or rents properties where a commercial purpose assists NTS funds. The English NT is completely separate the only link being each organisation allows the others members free into properties.


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