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The most important resource a country has is its people.  The Scottish people is what makes Scotland what it is. Without them, their history, heritage, traditions and languages there would never be a Scotland.  What we call Scotland would be just another section in the world map where the indigenous population has been displaced and swapped by something else.

The first record of Scotland’s population was Webster’s in 1755, which claimed Scotland had 1,265,380 people. Some disputed estimations of the population of Scotland around the year 1700 put it between 1 and 1.5 million people.

Webster’s “census” was done 50 years after the treaty of union, after some clearances had already started, after lots of people migrated away from Scotland to America and after “the rebels” were dispatched in ships to the colonies, so it would not be a surprise if Scotland’s population had already decreased significantly from 1700 to 1755.

At the time of the Treaty of Union, it was estimated that the population of England was around 5,200,000, that is, England entered the union with 3.5 to 5 times more population than Scotland.  By 1900 England had already around 6.7 times more population than Scotland.  By 2000 this figure became 9 and by 2011 England had around 10 times more population than Scotland.  Goodness knows what scary ratio will the 2021 (now 2022) census hides.

A way of measuring the success of a political union is by watching how the population and the wealth of the component countries increase in the same measure, suggesting that the union is balanced and fair.

Clearly a balanced benefit among the component parts of the UK union is not what we see.  The statistical figures speak for themselves: toxic policies have been draining Scotland of its people for 300 years and, by the look of it, this continues to this day.

A faster increase in population in England compared with Scotland works against Scotland in several ways.  For example, because “the UK” resources’ revenues are divided on the basis of population, the less population Scotland has and the more England accumulates, the larger the share of Scotland’s revenues England will get and the smaller the share of England’s revenues that Scotland will receive in return, exacerbating the problem inequality as the time progresses.

But it is not only on material resources that Scotland is losing out.  Scotland is also being drained of its voice.  We are losing representation in the England as “the UK” parliament. We are about to lose two MPs shortly because of the difference in population growth between England and Scotland.  This is just another example of the “union dividend” – England’s ruling class causes the problem and walks away leaving us to deal with it. Then it comes back later on to penalise us for the problem they caused.

Scotland’s demographic situation has been crying for 5 years for a political class in Scotland with a backbone to end this toxic union and give Scotland the much needed chance to recover its population, while finally start benefitting from its many natural resources.  However, due to misplaced and unjustified complacency and very poor time management from our representatives, Scotland is losing bit by bit its most precious resource and with it, its identity as a nation.

A couple of days ago I came across an old article from the main England government propaganda outlet, otherwise known as the BBC.  The article’s title was “UK deaths outnumber births for the first time in 40 years”.  It was published already in June 2021, but I only came across it a couple of days ago because I rarely pay attention now to anything he BBC says.

This article caught my attention though. It claimed: “Last year more deaths than births were registered in the UK for first time since 1976.  In total, just over 683,000 births were registered compared with nearly 690,000 deaths”.

In other words, there were in 2020 1% of more deaths than births in “the UK”.  Considering COVID and the number of deaths it caused in all 4 countries of the UK, 1% difference between deaths and births did not seem like an awful lot.

Since 2014, the pre-dissection of what the BBC says, in order to find out what hides behind the propaganda, has become second nature. So when one reads “the UK” with regards to population instead of referring to Scotland, Wales, NI or England, knowing how different the four populations are, you know immediately they are trying to lock back inside their “one-nation” Pandora box some nasty “union dividend”.

If you look at the time series for deaths and births available to download from the National Records of Scotland, you realise that this problem of deaths being higher than births, presented by the BBC back in June as a “once in 40 years” event and caused by COVID, is in fact a huge problem that has nothing to do with COVID and that has been affecting Scotland for at least half a decade (figure 1).  COVID has only made that problem impossible for the England government and its main propaganda outlet to hide it any longer.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they are already preparing us for a shocking census in 2022.  For instance, the 1% excess of deaths compared with births in “the UK” mentioned by the BBC is insignificant compared with the 37% excess of deaths compared to births in Scotland for 2020.  Yes, you read it correctly. According to the National Records of Scotland, under the “leadership” of this FM, Scotland saw during 2020 37% more deaths (64,093) than births (46,809).  If only she had walked into a charity shop and found a second hand backbone to wear in order to close the borders and stop some of those nasty virus variants getting in, maybe that scary percentage may have been less frightening.

When you look a little bit further back in time in those time series of births and deaths you realise that this process of natural contraction of population in Scotland with more deaths than births started to happen already at least in 1998.


Figure 1: Births and deaths in Scotland per year – graph plotted with data taken from the National Records of Scotland

The decrease in births may be a consequence of the change in women’s roles in society over time, but it is also caused by continuous migration out of our young.

According to the information available through the Office for National Statistics, Wales has also been experiencing for the last 5 years less births than deaths.  England and Northern Ireland however didn’t.  Considering the astronomical levels of death due to COVID in England, the fact that it continues to have more births than deaths suggests that England’s population is very healthy and sustainable, whereas Scotland’s and Wales’ are not.

It is seems obvious that the England government propaganda outlet was trying to brush another “union dividend” for Scotland and Wales under the “one nation” carpet.  The healthy excess of births in England and Northern Ireland compared to deaths have been able to mask the problem that Scotland and Wales’ populations have been experiencing since 2015.  If it was not because of COVID, this problem in Scotland and Wales would continue to be masked under the “one nation” mantra and ignored for years.

It is not surprising that England’s government has been hiding this.  What is surprising is that this has not been shouted from the rooftops by our alleged nationalist representatives in Scotland and Westminster.

Why is the census being delayed?  Well, this is just my own guess, but 5 years of more deaths than births in Scotland, a 37% more deaths than births in 2020 and the number of EU citizens and others leaving Scotland because of Brexit is going to make rather difficult to present Scotland’s population as a “growing” one.  The only way they are going to be able to do that is if there is a huge increase in the net migration from the England, Wales and NI into Scotland to compensate for the loss of EU citizens.

Let’s not forget that the census is done at a point in time.  We could have 200,000 people from the rest of the UK entering Scotland today and leaving after a week.  Scotland would be seen in that census with 200,000 people more than it really has, but the net migration figures for the year would remain low.  Smoke and mirrors then – but hasn’t that always been the way the UK has been run?

The situation of Wales and Scotland may well have been the result of decades of migration of the young from those countries in search for better opportunities because this toxic union has strangled their countries’ growth to avoid them becoming England’s competitors.

Whatever the reason, huge damage has now been permanently done to Scotland over decades if not centuries of neglect, and the result is that the dynamics of Scotland’s population has now irreversibly changed compared with that of England.

The populations of Scotland and England grow at very different rates, therefore to remain sustainable and healthy they need different policies.  Somebody who still thinks the toxic UK policies that have been draining Scotland of its population for 300 years are going to suddenly start working for us now cannot be taken seriously anymore.  What can be worse than policies that are contracting the population of a country?.

The disparity in population growth between Scotland and England is a clear symptom of the enormous damage that remaining in this union is inflicting on Scotland. The 5 extra years that Sturgeon’s obstinacy forced Scotland to remain in the union have not done Scotland any favours to its demographics.

It is my personal opinion that Scotland and Wales’ populations are being artificially maintained at just about “surviving levels” by frequent but controlled influxes of migration from England and elsewhere to hide the damage the union is doing to Scotland and Wales demographics.  I say controlled influxes because I think that the last thing England’s ruling class want is to give Scotland or Wales any excuse to demand a bigger share of their own resources or, heaven forbid, an increase in their representation in England’s parliament and a bigger say in how to run this union of non-equals.

For obvious reasons, a population where the number of deaths per year surpasses the number of births, will tend to contract naturally in the long term.  From the figure 1, it is clear that we have been having this problem already since at least 1998.  So how does Scotland population continue to grow?

The answer is positive net migration into Scotland.  Figure 2 shows how from at least 2002-03 onwards, more people migrated in to Scotland than out.


Figure 2: people migrating to and out of Scotland – graph plotted with data obtained from the National Records of Scotland

Seen together, figure 1 and 2 suggest that Scotland’s increase in population has been artificially maintained with positive net migration.  I say artificially maintained because most of the migrants that come in to Scotland do so transiently.  At some point they will return to their countries or move somewhere else.  Only a few set roots and remain permanently in Scotland to set their families here.

To prove this point, I have plotted the number of births per year from 2004 until 2020 against the cumulative value of net migration to Scotland since 2004.


Figure 3: Impact of migration on births per year – Data for births and migration was obtained from the National Records of Scotland.

As it can be seen in Figure 3, the accumulated levels of migration Scotland has had for the last 16 years have not helped to stabilise birth rate.  Scotland may have had record number of migrants among its population but the number of births per year continues to decrease and it has been doing so since at least 2008.  In other words, migration may have increased the population slightly but it is not helping in the long term to stop the ageing of the population nor to stop the natural tendency of Scotland’s demographics to contract.

There was a census completed in 2001 and 2011.  The population given by the census in 2001 was 5,062,011 and in 2011 5,295,403.  This means an increase in population between 2001 and 2011 of over 230,000 people.  How much of that was thanks to migration in to Scotland and how much due to natural growth of the original population?

Well, the real figure is difficult to calculate because migrants come and go and with them some of the Scottish people.  But with the aim to illustrate how the apparent increase in population may be just a temporary bubble caused by transient migration, I have plotted in the figure below the actual increase in population from 2001 to 2011 as shown in the census (labelled in the figure as “2011-2001”), versus the one we would have in an imaginary scenario where there would be no net migration in (labelled in the figure as “Adjusted-2001”).  The aim is to see if the Scottish population still has a natural tendency to grow on its own.  To calculate this latter figure, I simply considered the original population value given by the 2001 census (5,062,011) and added to it all the births from 2002 to 2011 and discounted the deaths.  This value makes the assumption that the number of births and deaths would remain similar between the population that migrates in and the one that migrates out of Scotland. This may not be necessarily the case, but the aim of the graph is simply to illustrate with an extreme example (net migration of zero) how an ageing population, as Scotland’s, may give the false impression of continuous growth due to transient migration.


Figure 4: impact on migration on population change

Migration to Scotland is positive because we need migrants to avoid Scotland’s population contracting.  But what we have to be careful about is not to reach a point where the excuse of needing migration is misused as a way to swap huge chunks of Scotland’s original population by population from elsewhere that comes only transiently to Scotland and then leaves without developing any form of allegiance to Scotland or interest for its heritage and culture.  It stands to the obvious that a progressive substitution of sectors of the original population of Scotland by another will lead to a loss of sense of nationhood.

To avoid Scotland’s population contracting, we cannot simply rely on admitting more and more people in. Admitting people in is good, but it is even better to reduce the numbers of the Scottish people who feel the need to migrate elsewhere because they do not have in Scotland the opportunities available to them they find in England or elsewhere.

The UK is supposed to be a union of equals.  If it was a true union instead of a toxic arrangement, our young should be able to find the same opportunities here than they may find in England.  The fact that they cannot shows inequality between countries when we are made pay the same rate for being in this union, is another reason to terminate it: paying the same for lesser service it is not value for money, so we are better on our own.  If the same opportunities that England offers were found in Scotland, and less Scots felt compelled to migrate in search of those opportunities, maybe Scotland would not have to rely so much on the people from elsewhere to keep the illusion that our population is still growing and we would not see such an alarming progressive decrease in the number of births.

Admitting lots of migrants when they are needed is fine, but giving them as soon as they arrive the right to vote and the power to balancing out the right of the people of Scotland to run their own country in their own way, does not seem right.  No other country does this. England for instance, with the excuse that it does not have its own parliament and uses its own MPs as its de-facto devolved government does not allow migrants other than those of the commonwealth to participate in the vote.

Migrants bring their voting patterns from their origin country and in great numbers will effectively silence the original people of Scotland.  This could be interpreted as a modern version of colonialism and should be avoided.  You want to give the migrants the vote? By all means, do so, but only after they have stayed in Scotland for long enough to see it as their home and their country, and after they have embraced Scotland’s culture and gained citizenship by swearing allegiance to Scotland.

The FM of Scotland tells us that “Time is on her side”.  It may well be on “her” side but 5 years of higher deaths than births is telling us that most certainly time is not on Scotland’s side.  From the figures above, it is evident that Scotland run out of time long ago and maintaining a pretence of modest population growth by lots of people transiently migrating into Scotland and allowing them to dilute the vote of the original Scottish population does not solve the underlying cause of the problem.  It causes another one.


Once again Mia demonstrates the urgency of securing Independence. What world does the FM live in if she thinks time is on her side ? All around her the sands are shifting, none of them in Scotland’s favour. Yet she insists that Independence must not be mentioned during Cop26 where her voice, as it stands is silenced. What the World needs to hear is that Scotland cannot do anything until we have secured our freedom. We have a FM unwilling to voice that message but still assumes the leadership of the YES movement. She needs replaced urgently, even so a once in a lifetime opportunity to spread our Independence message across the World will have been spurned by a weak, insipid, Leader.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland.


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  1. A good article providing some key observations.

    The tried and tested way is to destroy the indigenous inhabitants of the colonised lands.

    Maori in New Zealand, Aboriginals in Australia, the indigenous Indian nation in the USA and Canada, and of course the mess that was the ethnic engineering Plantation of Ulster.

    And today the Plantation of Scotland progresses apace.

    Liked by 16 people

  2. My family moved from Aberdeenshire to Corby in Northamptonshire in 1961 when I was 8. My father had worked as an engineer in the railway yard in Inverurie. This yard was closed when the railway was nationalised and dad lost his job. He found bits of work here and there but not enough to maintain a family with three children. They moved to Corby because of lack of opportunities and housing in their home towns. Many moved from the North East and Glasgow to work in the Steel works there because they were guaranteed a job and housing. So many moved there from Scotland that the town was actually named locally as ‘little Scotland.’ You could buy butteries, haggis and Irn Bru many other Scottish foods long before they were seen in shops in England. There was a Grampian club in the town and although there is nowhere near the numbers of Scottish people there and those born there have little allegiance to Scotland the club still exists.
    I married a man from a village close to Corby and his work moved us to Aberdeenshire in 1984 and this is now home for us and our two children both born in England. I suppose that given what I have said about those growing up in Corby to Scottish born parents having no allegiance isn’t entirely the whole story because me, my husband and our two children would all vote for independence.
    I know our family is a drop in the ocean but it can be done because once here there are those who commit to the country and stay. It was easy for me because I already had a love for the country and lots of family locally to make it feel like home.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. I was interested in this. We stopped at Corby in 1986 on the Gartcosh March to London. We were given a civic reception by the Local Council. After the dinner we all split up and we visited many clubs and pubs in Corby, including the Grampian Club, and the Rangers and Celtic clubs as well where everyone threw money at us to help the fighting fund. Sleeping in our mobile caravans that night we were regularly interrupted by well wishers dropping off bottles of whisky and donations. The tradition of supporting Scotland was certainly very strong in Corby at the time. Long remembered!

      Liked by 12 people

  3. “Migration to Scotland is positive because we need migrants to avoid Scotland’s population contracting.”

    I’m prepared to get pelters for this but it is only positive if the migration is of working age people. An influx of elderly/ retired people from rUK to take advantage of bigger better housing thy can afford after selling in price inflated SE England and then taking advantage of policies such as free personal care will strain the capped devolved budget beyond what it can cope with. Meaning everyone will lose out.

    Older people from rUK are not going to change their allegiance to rUK ever. They will be hard Nos. They will also skew the age demographic of Scotland even further. I want Scotland to thrive not become a retirement home/colony.

    Thanks Mia for your research. Did you find any data on breakdown by age of migrants to Scotland?

    Liked by 13 people

      1. “Personal care provided by your local council is free if your local council decides you’re elgible. You can get this regardless of age income, capital assets, or marital or civil partner status.”


        Maybe you are confusing it with residential care in a care/nursing home? However care in the home is free to all who are assessed as needing care.

        “Free Personal Care has been available in Scotland for adults aged 65 or over since 2002. The Scottish Government has legislated to ensure that by 1 April 2019 adults of any age, no matter their condition, capital or income, who are assessed by their local authority as needing this service, are entitled to receive this without charge.”


        Liked by 7 people

      2. panda paws residential care is personal care and is not free. Certain care services are not free. Also LA ration it causing bed blocking. I had to deal with a case where LA wouldn’t put a care package in place and blocked an essential bed until MSP became involved. Our “free personal care ” service is not fit for purpose and needs refrming as there are too many holes.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. The majority of migration to Scotland (and the UK) has only made things worse on average.

      There are not detailed breakdowns for Scotland, but at the UK level the average incomes for our largest ethnic minorities (Bangladeshi, Pakistani, African, West Indian) are below the local average which in itself has been reduced by downward wage pressures:

      This means that the vast majority of migration has LOWERED the average wealth of the country, because you cannot raise an average value by bringing in large amounts of below average values.

      This does not even account for increased costs from translators, billions lost to remittances overseas that are not spent locally, increased house prices and numerous other economic factors alone.

      Migration to the country should only be highly skilled people earning at least £30,000. Otherwise it is making us poorer on a per capita basis. We have done well by bringing in highly skilled people from India for example, so it is possible.

      I would also contend that restricting unskilled education would help solve the declining birth rate.

      What are the best contraceptives for a conscientious working class family family? Low wages and high house prices!

      By limiting the inflow of masses of unskilled labour then the country as a whole would be forced to cherish, educate and improve the chances of everyone. We would no longer be seen as interchangeable economic units that are easily replaced by a cheaper alternative that could be shipped in.

      This would boost the wages, giving more families the confidence and cash to have kids

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I do not wish to take anything away from the detail in this important article but the story isn’t new unfortunately.
    However what has accelerated the issue in the last decade is the retirement of tens of thousands of English people using Scotland as a cheap solution to their personal lifestyle. A larger house and a significant cash release by simply moving North every year. They seek a better Health and Welfare system, a cleaner environment, a quieter rural community etc etc.
    It is obvious that Sturgeon delayed the census to hide the details of such migration. By the time a 2nd. Referendum takes place on Independence, using the same mandate, then those additional half a million NO voters will end any chance of Independence.

    We are a retirement home.
    We are a shooting estate.
    We are a second home investment option.
    We are a resource for energy for England.
    We are a base for WMD.

    We keep highlighting these issues over and over but nothing is ever done!

    As long as the Sturgeon fan club/cult runs Scotland nothing will.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. Altogether, we are a colony. Many may refuse to recognise the fact, perhaps because the connotations of the term “colony” are too sore to contemplate. Who can say? The thing is: no two colonizations are alike, but the results in every case are alike: natural development in every sphere of national life is adversely altered to the disadvantage of the colonized. That Scotland has been and is still experiencing an even more accelerated population decline than hitherto should surprise nobody. Is there not a strange and self defeating arrogance in imagining that England, that arch coloniser, would view Scotland any differently than let’s say, Jamaica, or any of its other one time colonies throughout the world? It is today as it always has been in the psyche of the plunderous English ruling class: England first and England always!

      Liked by 10 people

  5. Excellent analysis. Much to think about. Combatting the Westminster plotters is not an easy process but success is possible if determined fists keep knocking on the door.

    Liked by 13 people

    1. ‘Combatting the Westminster plotters’, aye CJ a noble cause indeed, consider the progress we might have achieved had the ‘guisers’ identifiyng as SPADS attached to the SNP HIERARCHY been committed to that task rather than promoting the proclivities of Sturgeon and her ‘WOKE’ brigade to the extreme detriment of Scotland’s future generations.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. Indeed, Robert. Quite how encouraging young female Scots to, literally, make themselves infertile with cross-sex hormones, helps the birth rate, I really don’t know. If we want women to have children, then we need to give them incentives to do so, such as paid benefits while they look after their children at home, good nursery provision for when they return to work and re-training for new work. Step 1 gives females the incentive to remain at home with children without being penalised financially, and it also puts money back into the local economy; step 2 allows them to be able to return to work and not have to worry about paying all their ages in nursery fees, while it also allows work to be created for others who look after the children on wages that are not absolutely basic; step 3 acknowledges that work can change rapidly in the five years or so a women is absent because she is looking after her children, so a programme of refreshment and re-training is necessary or women simply lose out on promotion. The other thing that has to be acknowledged is that many women would far rather bring up children that work outside the home, and, instead of making these women feel they are a burden, or useless, we should be encouraging them to have their children with the blessing of the state. For too many young women, having children and raising them has become a second-rate occupation.

        Liked by 7 people

      2. Robert. Cheaters enjoy the gift of betrayal so long as they are not on the receiving end. But happy endings are never on the agenda for such people deserve no pity when the axe falls.

        Liked by 4 people

  6. The article might have boldly stated that Scots are not having children. Scots are by no means unique in that, it is a «problem» for all so called developed countries. Where my ancestors originate children are considered a blessing, in the technologically advanced West something of an imposition and perhaps even a sign of an «irresponsible» social attitude. The ease with which children can be disposed of by abortion, perversely as a human right, is highly suggestive of visceral anti-child mentality.
    If being «developed» means the kind of society which many in the West would like to impose as normative on the «underdeveloped», I know where my preference lies. I shall not be reset to suit an alien agenda.
    When a country is led by those who are assertively «pro choice», pro LGBTQ+ and see immigration as a utilitarian means of filling the replacement gap the sense that the death wish is stalking the house feels chillingly real.
    The median age of Scots is rising and Scotland is not among the healthiest of nations, the virus has little to do with the raw death stats. Better look to the events of 1603 and 1707 which started the national, socio-cultural decay which despite the rise of Scottish nationalism continues unchecked.
    Truly there is something rotten in the mental state of the developed world.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. I do not think the problem is not with the Scots not having children, Ottomanboi. The problem is that far too many of the Scots that are/were at the age of having children are/have been migrating for far too long elsewhere because this union of non-equals is not allowing Scotland to offer the same opportunities to its young than down south.

      England has plenty births and they are part of the exact same union and the same developed world. But the difference is that England’s rulers have their hand in the UK purse so they can help themselves to it on demand.

      Besides, because they establish the rules, they have decided it is fair for England to siphon most of the revenues England generates, but also most of the revenues that everybody else in the union generates because it has the biggest population.

      The barnet formula does not take into account neither the needs of the population, how the population is ageing or how disperse it is, just its numbers. So Scotland always loses out.

      The way the UK has been set up, and deliberately so because England did enter the union with significantly more population than Scotland, is by being an advantage over the others to have the biggest population. The bigger population the more you retain from your own revenues and resources, the more extra you get from everybody else and the more you can then grow. The less population you have, the more of your own revenues you will have to give away, the less you will get from everybody else and therefore the less you are allowed to grow and develop.

      Should Scotland have control over all the revenues it generates and did not have to continuously help England pay its own debt, subsidise its vanity projects and invest by force in England’s infrastructure, army and warmongering projects while remaining unable to invest on its own, and the opportunities the young here would have would be much more. In such scenario I suspect Scotland’s population would not be in the dire state it is now.

      Proportionally speaking, the number of COVID deaths that England has had is higher than the one for Scotland. Yet, the number of total deaths in England does not surpass its number of births for 2020. In Scotland however, the number of deaths is 37% higher than its births. That is astronomical.

      You are right that as countries develop, they tend to have less births because of more efficient birth control, also because having many children becomes too expensive and because the young choose to progress their careers before having children. But that is not new. That has been going on since last century. This means that if that was the problem here you would not see such a marked decrease in the number of births since just 2008. What you would see is a tendency for the births to remain static at the same level.

      Scotland’s current population problem is not caused by becoming a developed country. It is caused because it is not being allowed to develop to its full extent by a union that is designed to drain Scotland of its resources and to stop it becoming a competitor for England in the internal and external markets. The immediate consequence of this is that its working population, and incidentally the one in age of having children, has to emigrate somewhere else to find the opportunities they need.

      Liked by 10 people

      1. I hold, with any rational person, that a nation should have full sovereignty over its internal and external relationships. In the times we inhabit that is increasingly questioned by globalism and its many agents among which one must count the Brexit state.
        Coming from a MidEastern background I do have a different perspective on children which are rarely perceived as a financial liability. That may be deemed odd even primitive by western standards but at least it ensures our populations are healthily balanced, and youthful.
        That brings its «problems» too of course but certainly not one of dying out.

        Liked by 5 people

    2. It is not beyond the wit of our country to work out a parallel abortion system with birth rate that does not disadvantage anyone. Anyone who cannot put her/him self in the shoes of a young girl, trapped by a pregnancy she does not want, for whatever reason, should not be making laws. If she is forced to give up her university career, for example, why should not the young man who impregnates her, and then force him to support her in all circumstances? There is nothing to be gained by forcing women to continue with pregnancies they do not want, but there is everything to be gained by encouraging women, as a whole, to give birth by means that will not place them immediately at an economic disadvantage.

      Feminists have been saying this for years and no one listens. Of all the people I went to school with, only a handful have stayed in their home area throughout their lives; the rest, all well-educated, all young and of an age to have children, migrated to England or emigrated to a foreign country, while elderly retirees from rUK have migrated north. Therein lies the problem. To persuade young people to stay, you have to create the jobs for them, at salaries that can compete, and you have to open up these jobs to them and not allow them all to be given to migrants from rUK, as is happening today. Scotland, about 20 years ago, started to have a shortage of nurses, dentists, doctors, teachers, etc. because it had not planned for any change in circumstances and population, and allowed courses to be cut in universities, in colleges.

      Within a few years, jobs became scarce, so people had to compete for them. Unfortunately, advertisements fir many top or professional jobs in Scotland were in English newspapers, or European newspapers, and home-grown graduates began to look furth of Scotland for work because it became an established principle that bigger is better, and that Scots were too wee in a too wee a pond to have the necessary skills to take these jobs. Absolute nonsense, of course, and it will surprise no one here, that this happened faster and more vigorously under the SNP. I recall listening to a SNP person speaking of being able to access a bigger talent pool and I thought then, you are making a huge mistake. The latest insane policies are also massive mistakes, but, this time, they will finish us and alienate females forever, even as they drive us into a population cul de sac.

      Liked by 7 people

  7. ‘While Scotland is not at the negotiating table, my pledge is that the Scottish Government will do everything and anything we can to ensure their message is heard as part of a successful Cop26, alongside the doubling of our world-first climate justice fund for the world’s poorest and more vulnerable communities.’ ( NOCOLA STURGEON 30th October 2021 )

    Jeepers why doesn’t the wee nobody just keep her trap shut. She hasn’t even got a cameo at the COP26 as a toilet cleaner, Scotland is completely sidelined and disregarded, and the wee woman keeps on issuing worthless press releases trying to kid on she has some relevance.

    Liked by 6 people

  8. Mia hasn’t figured out that ‘national identities’ change over time, wherever you are.

    For example, the German ‘national identity’ underwent a huge change in just 20 years.


    1. There is a massive difference between a naturally evolving, cosmetic change in the identity of a country, and a forced change because the conditions have been set for sectors of your original population, particularly the young who would keep that identity alive for the next generations, to leave the country and be actively swapped by similar age population from somewhere else.

      The first is a natural evolution of nationhood in a global world. The second, when deliberate and in big proportion, could be interpreted as national identity cleansing.

      According to the 2011 census, only 83% of the people living in Scotland were born in Scotland. A 10% of those living in Scotland were born elsewhere in the UK. According to the BBC, a 16% of those born in Scotland are currently living elsewhere in the UK. Scotland is therefore actively losing population to the rest of the UK.

      9% of those living in Scotland were born in England. Only 1.5% of those living in England were born in Scotland.
      With those figures, can you confidently say that the impact of Scotland’s identity on England’s is to the same extent than the impact of England’s identity over Scotland’s when the influx of people from England to Scotland is proportionally to the recipient population 6 times bigger?

      According to the BBC and the census, of the people born in Scotland, 800,000 live in England and 4,411,884 live in Scotland. Of the people born in England, 458,000 live in Scotland and 43,000,000 in England.

      in other words, for Scotland to be able to proportionally have the same impact on England’s identity than England currently has on Scotland’s, almost the entire population of those born in Scotland would have to emigrate to England.

      For England to have proportionally the same impact on Scotland’s identity as Scotland currently has on England, you should have only around 80,000 people from England living in Scotland.

      So, in light of those figures, of the two countries, which one of the two do you think this union of non-equals has put more at risk of experiencing depopulation and as collateral, national identity cleansing?

      Let me give you a clue: it is not England.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. and how do you stop this migration both ways. Even after independence Scots are going to move to other countries in Europe and England. At the same time people in the south east of england are going to retire to devon cornwll wales and scotland all have the same population problem. Are you going yo introduce border controls like the USSR did otherwise freedom of movement is going to happen. Devon and Cornwall tried to introduce residency rules and that hasn’t worked.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Yes, that is true, EC. Scotland managed easily to absorb many different nationalities before and after WW II. The difference, of course, was that these people brought benefits to the economy with them, had children and, generally, settled into the Scottish population. Crucially, they did not continue to vote against Scottish interests in favour of their own former country’s interests. Certainly, not all English people behave like that either, and quickly settle in and can become more Scottish than the Scots, but the 2014 referendum was to thinking Scots, and should have been to all Scots, Unionist as well as Nationalist, that we were going to be on a trajectory to nowhere fast if the majority of those coming north held all allegiance to England and were over 50 years of age.

      Liked by 5 people

  9. Equally tragic is the fact that she keeps getting those “worthless press releases” published in the colonialist controlled media!

    Liked by 5 people

  10. Excellent article Mia, lets not forget that the Home Office has also helped to keep Scotland’s population small and manageable.

    Also when it comes to an inquiry on Sturgeons botched handling of the pandemic in Scotland, it will go along the lines of Alex Salmond one, and like that one, no one will be sacked or even reprimanded over it, with documents redacted and the FM suddenly suffering from about of amnesia.

    Liked by 6 people

  11. There is no doubt Scotland has suffered tremendously because of emigration over many years – however it has also benefited from immigrants arriving in Scotland to work, and suffered because of tensions between ‘natives’ and ‘immigrants’ at various points – and numbers alone don’t even begin to tell the story.
    One of the problems of looking at number of births, number of deaths etc over a relatively short period is that long term effects are neglected. As an example, the event that had the biggest effect on Scotland’s population during the 20th century was WW1 (and yes, as a fraction of population more Scots than English died). Not only were fewer children born during the years of the war, but there was also fewer men to father children after the war, and because of the decline in children being born during the war, there was a shortage of parents and another decline in the birth rate 20- 30 years later, and this ‘cycled’ down through the rest of the century, with birth rates taking further hits due to WW2 and then the widespread availability of the birth control pill in the 1960’s.
    I would suggest Mia needs to extend the period being analysed back to cover a longer slice of history – eg why rise in no of deaths since 2015? could it be something to do with rise in number of births about 70 years earlier (post war baby boom?) rather than an increase in number of pensioners immigrating from outwith Scotland? I’ll bet any money there’s a big effect obvious from the Thatcher years still coming through in the 21st Century! Of those emigrating to / from Scotland, how many are immigrants going back (in either direction)? Of babies born, how many born to immigrant parents, parents where one is Scots born, parents where both Scots born?
    When you dig down the situation is probably much more complex than this analysis shows. I speak as a pensioner ‘Scot’* currently living in England (emigrated during the Thatcher era), hoping to return to Scotland one day soon, with 2 children born in Scotland, one born in England and 3 grandchildren born in England – all of whom happily embrace Sottish culture!
    *One of my grandparents was born in England to a half English, half Australian mother and a Scot. They brought their 10 ‘English’ born children to Scotland, where they all grew up and had ‘Scottish’ families. My other grandparents were Scottish but with significant Irish immigrant ancestry).

    Liked by 1 person

  12. A very good article from Mia which highlights another of the ever growing list of failures that NS has allowed to be perpetrated on Scotland and its folk.

    I’m trying really hard to find something positive to say about her apart from a “baby -box” but even that probably wouldn’t get through nowadays without the “cult” loonies needing one to satisfy their weird fantasies.

    Scotland has the Right and the means via Sovereignty to regain its independence but whatever we complain or moan about, we always come back to the same point, we have no leadership and can expect none from NS.

    And one thing you can all be certain of, NS cares nothing for Scotland, she is hell-bent on a career and fame outside of it. When or if she gets a plum job, she will drop Scotland like a piece of hot s**t.

    Liked by 6 people

  13. Can Mia explain how the Home Office is controlling the influxes of immigrants to Scotland and Wales? Why look for conspiracies when the trends outlined in the article explain what is happening? Higher house values in England combined with Covid makes buying a house in Scotland an attractive proposition. England attracts far more immigrants of child bearing age than Scotland. Lack of opportunity drive our talented young people away.

    Liked by 5 people

  14. “Lack of opportunity drive our talented young people away.”

    Precisely, Andrew Kid. That is the core of the matter. This is supposed to be a union of equals where both kingdoms were supposed to be benefiting in the same measure. If this was a real union, rather than a construct designed to drain Scotland out of its resources, and I include Scotland’s working age population among the most valuable resources, after 300 years both countries should have been able to offer the same opportunities to their own people, particularly when it has been Scotland’s resources for the last 40 years what has kept this union afloat.

    That for 300 years the population in one has increased progressively its growth while the other is progressively reducing it to the point of stalling growth altogether unless you have continuous injections of migration, tells you that there is nothing equal in this union. And what it is more, this union is hurting Scotland and badly. It is draining Scotland of every possible resource.

    If this was a union beneficial to Scotland, Scottish young people would not have to pack their suitcases and go to England searching for opportunities.

    The numbers do not lie. Scottish young people have been forced to migrate out of Scotland for a long time, suggesting this union has not been working for Scotland for a very long time, if it ever did.

    What this tells you is that there is a massive imbalance. England is offering all the opportunities and Scotland none. Why should England offer more opportunities than Scotland when Scotland has to pay its fair share in this union and actually, is the one who has been providing more in terms of revenues from natural resources?

    What you mention about the houses is another example on effect of England’s problems spilling onto everybody else. The ridiculous policies driven by the incompetents that England puts in power have driven house prices beyond the scale making them unaffordable for many people in England. These people have been displaced from the house market in England or wish to release equity, so they search for cheaper houses in Scotland and Wales. Because they have more equity than people in Scotland and Wales, they have been driving house prices up here and there for a while now stopping Scottish and Welsh people being able to buy houses in their own country. Consequence? They will have to move somewhere else.

    it is always the same in this union of non-equals: England creates the problem and then transfers that problem to everybody else to solve it. Somehow, that problem always translates in the young people in Scotland having to pack their bags and leave their country.

    Why, after 7 years of majorities in Westminster and Holyrood and proof after proof after proof of its toxicity to Scotland, is this union still standing?

    Because we have a complete uncommitted incompetent as a “leader”.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. The reason nothing is happening is there are over 100 highly paid politicians with support staff. Some have already pensions of over £40,000 why change

      Liked by 4 people

  15. Seen on Twitter this morning.

    “The Law Society of Scotland has issued this statement this morning. We are deeply concerned by news from over the weekend of a solicitor being removed from a court building by police whilst giving advice to a client. A key principle of our legal system is the right of a citizen to get independent legal advice without police interference.”

    “Any action which undermines this right is unacceptable We have written to both Police Scotland and the Scottish Court’s Service asking for an explanation.”

    The American, French, and Russian revolutions were largely run by lawyers. When you upset the middle classes, particularly lawyers then you are asking for trouble.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Can anyone offer more detail to this story? On the surface, this may have been unlawful and potentially criminal action carried out by the police. Needs further scrutiny…..


  16. You were ‘singing my life with your words’, Mia, in this article.

    Had to go south when Thatcher was in her prime to get a job. It was meant to be for just two or three years, turned out to be a lot longer, but I finally made it back up the road.

    If a young person wants to see more of the world that is a fine thing. But they shouldn’t be forced to leave Scotland just to get employment. That will only end when we put an end to the Union.

    A fine article, thanks.

    Liked by 8 people

  17. Excellent work and analysis of the data Mia . Nothing much to add other than that the facts contained in this article and previous ones speak for themselves and only the wilfully deaf , dumb n blind are immune to the inescapable conclusions they compel .

    What adds to the deep sense of frustration is seeing the totally side-lined * leader * of the COP(out)26 hosting nation desperately thrashing around trying to be noticed and appear important whilst saying nothing about Scotland’s absurd position vis-a-vis the straight-jacket that is the * Union * other than a mealy-mouthed reference to Scotland not being an Independent country …DUH !!! and why is that you fckn spineless fraud ? .

    About that Vogue interview ( note she’ll NEVER risk an interview with any Indy blogger who may actually ask her some taxing questions , like WTF has she been doing for seven years ? ) …..who was it aimed at ? in what way does it help further the cause ? in what way does her appearing in an outfit that probably costs more that the average person’s monthly wage ( even if it was just loaned for the photo-shoot , that’s the image projected ) connect with the * ordinary * man and woman on the streets of our country , particularly those uncertain about leaving the ( illusory ) comfort blanket of the status quo ,but potentially persuadable * Soft Noes * ?

    My thought is that such an interview and it’s visual imagery has ZERO to do with attracting/persuading more people to support Independence and EVERYTHING to with projecting the Sturgeon brand to the global political/financial elite where here ambitions really lie . Really * lie *

    Liked by 8 people

  18. Anecdotally, I see lots of evidence that younger people have to leave Scotland to find decent jobs and older people retire to Scotland to enjoy better later life care.

    Scotland, through GERS, pays for the education of too many people who leave and don’t contribute taxes to our economy. We then pay the later life costs of those who didn’t contribute much, if anything, in taxes to Scotland but retire here to get cheaper property, better health and social care, nationwide bus passes, free prescriptions and eye tests etc. Scotland gets charged their pensions and other costs but gets none of the taxes that these people paid when they were outside of Scotland. Meanwhile, London gets a ready supply of labour that was educated at no costs to their economy, then avoids paying pension costs for those people who move to Scotland to retire. I also see anecdotal evidence of families moving to Scotland to benefit from our free tuition fees and high quality universities.

    GERS is a complete sham. It’s an accounting fiddle that’s designed to make London look more prosperous and makes every other part of the UK look like poorer.

    Maybe one of the academics that supports independence would be able to objectively quantify these effects? I expect that they are massive in financial terms and will make GERS look completely different.

    Liked by 2 people

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