Another great article from the regular Yours for Scotland columnist Mia who is building quite a following on this site.

Sturgeon’s legacy of carrots

Dangling a carrot once and getting the electorate to fall for it is a political success.  Dangling the same carrot for 7 consecutive years and still getting the majority to fall for it must be some kind of record.

Sturgeon’s SNP has been exploiting the Scottish people’s desire for independence by dishonestly dangling an indyref carrot since 2015. You would think that after almost 7 years of being shown the same useless carrot, everybody in Scotland would have worked out that it is going nowhere because it is just a tease. Unfortunately, too many still refuse to look beyond the carrot.

I think this might be because the carrot is never out for long enough so everybody can see the stick. This has also been helped by deliberately forcing the attention of the Scottish people back to our basic needs. 

From this perspective, the political strategy against independence followed for the last seven years has had all the appearance of being a complex operation involving concerted action from all political parties, MSM, and of course a series of puppets whose strings are being moved by the state.

This strategy seems to have involved Sturgeon dangling briefly the indyref carrot every time there is an election on the horizon, a conference or a sudden surge in discontent among the voters due to her embarrassing inaction in progressing independence.  “Opposition parties’ and state apparatchiks have given the SNP and its carrot credibility by standing in front of the stick so we could not see it, by pretending the SNP under Sturgeon is still a pro-independence party and by pretending the indyref is ever going to happen.

Sturgeon never leaves the carrot out for long.  It is quickly removed with some excuse of another after the election, conference, or damage limitation emergency.  Known excuses are Brexit negotiations, a new COVID variant, another denial for an S30, an upcoming general election, a new tory PM emerging from the revolving door in the tory party depot or some newly found urgency to pass a draconian law that nobody other than Sturgeon and her masters see justification for.  The carrot and the stick are swiftly put back in the freezer to maintain them looking fresh for next time. Because with Sturgeon, if there is anything certain, is that there will always be another opportunity for her to dangle the carrot to avoid delivering the real thing.

In any context other than politics, a huge gap between what you were told you would get when you buy something and what you actually get is called either false advertising or fraud.  The onus is on the seller to demonstrate the product was up to specification. 

In the context of Scottish politics however, not only false advertising, lying or downright fraud has become acceptable in the eyes of the “law”, it has in fact become the norm. Somehow, without noticing, the onus to demonstrate that the product is up to specification has been moved from the politicians to the voters.

Consequently, the blame for deliberately defaulting on political promises or for refusing to fulfil a democratic mandate does no longer fall on the dodgy politician selling the con manifesto.  The blame lands on the voters for allowing themselves to be fooled by political frauds. So the Scottish voters are double victims, victims of a political scam and victims of being blamed by the scammers for being scammed. 

Moving this bizarre transposition of accountability to a different scenario would see an abuser telling their victim, after they had beaten them to a pulp, that the responsibility for all the abuse lies with the victim for allowing the abuser in her life.  Completely unacceptable, isn’t it? So why are we expected to accept responsibility for being abused in politics?

Unbelievably, for the last 7 years, the Sturgeon’s SNP have embraced every excuse to distract Scottish voters from independence. They have dangled the carrot all this time to disguise the fact that the SNP has held since 8th May 2015 the power not just to hold a referendum, but actually to end the union. 

After the Scottish people have been taken for a 7 year long ride full of carrots, these do no longer have the “calming” and soothing power they did before. So what is Sturgeon’s SNP solution to keep us distracted from independence?

Well,  more distraction and dishonesty, of course.

We have witnessed how the SNP passed against the will and the interests of the people they were supposed to represent, policies that would have made fascists like Franco and Mussolini convulse in their graves with envy.  There could be many interpretations about the reason behind those outrageous laws.  Mine is that they have been passed to forcefully quash dissent to maintain the external appearance that the people of Scotland is still content with Sturgeon’s carrot.

While Sturgeon dangled the carrot in front of us, we were expected to consider acceptable that people in Scotland endure financial hardship while our taxpayers’ money is wasted in what looks like political stitch ups and laughable charades passing as parliamentary committees, where evidence is hidden by the truckload to protect the party in power, perjurers and corrupt politicians.

We are also expected to accept dodgy rulings from judges presiding court cases where the presumption of innocence had been substituted for a presumption of guiltiness, where putting people in prison has become a bigger priority than ensuring no innocent person is wrongly accused, and where juries and the traditional “non proven” verdict are removed in order to make easier for corrupt judges and an unprincipled prosecution to send political inconveniences to prison without having to present any solid evidence to back their case.

We appear to be at a point in Scottish history where dirty politics is used as the front cover behind which a rotten establishment hides while it serves itself by transforming judges into expensive unelected politicians hiding under an outdated wig to justify their deconstruction of justice, by exposing the prosecution as another of its toys to get rid of political dissidents, and by transforming Scotland’s courts into reality shows where the outrageous crushing of democracy and justice is whitewashed with the hope the electorate will not notice.

Dirty politics is what a rotten establishment uses in Scotland to pretend democracy is being destroyed on our behalf. Meanwhile, Sturgeon keeps dangling the carrot.

Judging by the reaction of some SNP MP to finding some carrots on their doorstep, it seems that the word “carrot” might soon be classified as another hate word Sturgeon’s New SNP could add to their 7 years’ long list of forbidden words.  Because as it seems to be standard operating procedure in Sturgeon’s SNP, it is never a matter of addressing a problem.  It is always a matter of crushing the highlighting of the problem so the fabricated “non-dissent” can be used as a credible excuse to do nothing about it.

When after more than 6 years of holding the power to end the union all what the SNP has to offer to remain in power is to fool the electorate with indyref carrots, you know the party is finished.  But when those who called themselves pro-independence warriors throw a tantrum when they see the carrot they happily dangle in front of the yes voters being dangled back at them, then you realise they were never a serious pro-indy party in the first place, but rather a deceiving contraption designed to stop Scotland’s independence while pretending to pursue it.

Looking at the whole picture in a bit more detail, it is obvious the carrot on its own has not been successful at containing the desire for independence. It has been contained because the carrot has been dangled in a scene where every democratic and justice structure has been deconstructed.  The carrot dangles while we see the destruction of our justice system, our parliament’s credibility, a failed dirty attempt to effect the political annihilation of the only man at present with the balls to take Scotland out of this union.  The carrot dangles while we are being deliberately exposed to a fabricated hostile environment where we are being forced to forget about independence because we are being deliberately and forcefully pushed down our hierarchy of needs.

For example, under the guise of “transactivism”, women in Scotland are being forced to move their attention from independence to focus on basic things like their fundamental rights and the safety of their children.  The continuous lockdowns, the empty shelves and covid fearmongering are another convenient tool to push us down our hierarchy of needs.  We are being forced to think about survival and satisfying our fundamental need for social interaction, instead of self-determination and independence.

The fear of independence of those driving this must be enormous when they feel they need to go to these lengths in an attempt to stop it.

When you look at the graphs of COVID infections, you see something repetitive: covid appears to be artificially maintained in the population by the regular arrival of new variants.  The variants do not last for long, judging for how quickly the peaks pass, but covid remains stubbornly in Scotland quite possibly because the borders are fully open and covid is being brought in constantly. Looking at how countries like New Zealand have been able to contain the virus, it is obvious that what does the trick is not continuous lockdowns, removing our liberties and causing untold economic damage.  What does the trick is to deprive the virus from hosts and you do that by actively closing the borders.

But if you close the borders and stop new covid variants being fed into Scotland, Covid quickly fades away and with it one of the main smokescreens that has been covering the impact of Brexit and one of the main excuses used for the last 2 years to take the carrot of indyref away after every election/conference has passed by and to keep the Scottish people’s attention focussed on their basic needs instead of self-determination.

I am an unashamed cynic who never believed in coincidences.  The excuse of having to wait because of Brexit, the sudden hype of transactivism, the hate bill, the unscientific gender nonsense, the pretend incompetence at controlling covid despite having experienced the same pattern of I don’t know how many variants and despite watching how countries like New Zealand have successfully contained the virus by closing the borders, the threat of destroying women and children’s rights, the deliberate destruction of the basics of Scots law and the meaning of justice, cannot be simply coincidences.  There is nothing random about them when all of them point towards the exact same direction: to distract the Scottish people from independence by forcing them to be concerned about their basic needs. It is my personal view that they are all a battery of supporting pieces in the same anti-independence strategy, one that involves keeping Sturgeon’s carrot dangling still effective for as long as possible and our attention away from independence.  Without those supporting pieces, the carrot (and Sturgeon as a leader) would have become a fossil a few weeks after 8th May 2021.

There are many who still claim that we need the SNP to get independence.  I couldn’t disagree more.  We do not need the SNP, particularly one that only claims to support independence when there is an election nearby or a hole in the party’s finances.

What we need is to get our parliament seats back so we can hand them to those who will use them to deliver independence and not to grow their bank accounts and to promote their careers at the expense of Scotland’s democracy and right to self-determination.

I don’t know how Sturgeon will be remembered in the annals of the SNP, but the SNP under her leadership will be remembered among the voters as the party of cowards who helped a political fraud to dangle carrots instead of delivering independence


Unfortunately a number of pro Indy sites have turned out to be merely pro SNP sites and have blocked a number of bloggers, including myself. We have managed to frustrate these efforts to close us down through our readers sharing our articles and building our audience.Sharing is very important and helps the Independence message to reach a much wider audience. In addition many have taken out free direct subscriptions. I very much appreciate this support.


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  1. The Sturgeonites do indeed argue that “the onus is on the seller to demonstrate the product was up to specification” by stating that it is up to US to convince and convert the mythical “soft No’s”.

    If that were the case then the SNP leadership are out of a job. They would have no purpose. Of course, their actions prove that they are pointless, and actually counter-productive, for Scotland’s Cause.

    So we need to move to “Buyer Beware” mode: DON’T VOTE SNP!

    Liked by 19 people

  2. ‘What we need is to get our parliament seats back so we can hand them to those who will use them to deliver independence and not to grow their bank accounts and to promote their careers at the expense of Scotland’s democracy and right to self-determination.’

    Even a spot of ordinary conventional governance might not come amiss, you know, like the infrastructure for getting occasional road repair or travel facility or doctor’s appointment, things like that which are becoming fond memories from the past.

    Well done Mia, thanks. But it seems to me that what the people of Scotland may have to do instead of allowing ourselves to be herded into feudalism is to look hard for ways in which we can bypass governance and do it for ourselves, collectively. We might start by cataloguing all that we used to have and checking what happened? In the far north we used to have a maternity service in our training-hospital for example (which is now functioning on a much reduced staff and budget) our mums now have to travel a 3 hour road trip to hospital, in labour. Lovely. We used to have roads we could use without vast craters in them busting our springs, with clear bright lines along the edge to guide us safely in poor visibility. We used to have a trolley serving refreshments during the four hour train journey to the town which houses our local council, hospital, car servicing etc., vanished with no warning. Tough if you didn’t know and have mediation to take in that time… We used to be able to rely on our doctor’s surgery following up on hospital appointments, we had district nurses too. etc etc etc etc

    Nicola Sturgeon’s government took, with a smile and a cheery wave and a pat on the head to any available child, took a developing and improving government which was working to the benefit of all and actually has reduced it to rubble. And we all let her. That carrot, Mia. Full of root fly.

    Liked by 21 people

  3. This is why there has been no convention and they have tried to allow the YES movement to wither. They cant control it.
    Imagine we the people talking and advocating for Independence? How dare we! Look at the 1M papers, to relaunch the YES campaign, all party political. Nothing about tackling currency, pensions the things people need reassured around. But a nice big picture of “ME”!
    The majority of Independence supporters are trapped into voting SNP. It is the only party, currently, which can deliver the mechanism for Independence however reluctant they are to implement it. Perhaps a Convention, that sets demands and deadlines, is the only way forward. The farce that is unfolding daily of the SNP dictating that they won’t work with AUOB, Common Weal, YES and ALBA needs to be stopped. The SNP as a party are diverting everything towards themselves for political gain not for Independence.
    Even as we speak, with only 4 months to the local elections, they don’t have a single candidate in place to contest the Council elections.

    Liked by 23 people

  4. If you have never voted Tory in your life – grow up in a Labour Scotland and always for Labour only for it to be hi-jacked by Tony Blair to win power in the south. The Lib/Dems that will never be a party of power at Westminster so never able to do any good in Scotland (even if they were that way inclined) so who do you vote for – which party will really deliver for Scotland? The SNP under Alex was that party of progress and many (like Myself) moved from Labour to the SNP, For change seemed then possible. as for Brexit that was still only a wet dream of Johnston. A lot of water under the bridge, but unless Alba can show the people of Scotland that they mean business and are ready to take power in Scotland the SNP will remain the only alternative for many.

    Liked by 9 people

  5. Agree with every word. Sturgeon’s downfall is coming. Hopefully soon.

    I have noticed that the SNP are not replying to newspaper questions. And newspapers are beginning to report on the wokeratti in a negative way . This must worry the genderwoowoo as they cannot withstand any kind of scrutiny.

    Will the newspapers still get £9 million of taxpayers money ? And can the genderwoowoo pocket £9 million of NHS money ? After a self-identified trans person has been found guilty of paedophilia and raping a dog ? I think this last guy will peak a whole lot of people if he is put in a women’s and children’s prison.

    It is a terrible fact to relate that I used to think that Sturgeon would lead us to independence. Now I cannot wait until her downfall.

    Liked by 23 people

  6. The Sturgeon gov has ditched the carrots as the Covid stick works far better. In variant form could go on for ever and ever unless a healthy scepticism prevails and the zealots of Covidism are thrown out.
    Much damage has been done to the political system which we may rather over reverence as democratic and national economies, effectively a shift in the paradigm. Whether in a good or bad direction from the perspective of humanity is the big question.
    Either way simple, knee jerk trust in many societal domaines has dissipated.
    No bad thing in an informed and dynamic democracy. Time we had one.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. You are right, coronavirus has become the get out of jail free card for Sturgeon she doesn’t need to do anything about IndiRef2 – she can blame any delay on COVID-19, then it will be the recovery of the economy after the pandemic – and on and on. Did you see the headlines on the newsstands – The National – Well, there you have it, Scotland is a Principality and the SNP are outraged. Had Blackford been in a position to tell the Prime Minister, he would have. been standing up in the Commons, cry out – over the jeers of all other MP in the house,

      “Scotland will not stand for it”

      To which Boris would reply, with all the confidence in the world, telling the chamber –

      The Scots voted in 2014 to be part of the UK and that is how we will treat them – like any other part of England” to a crescendo of cheering from the Tory benches.

      For he knows better than most that Sturgeon has no intention of calling an independence referendum or using any other means to free Scotland from the tyranny of Westminster power. There is only one way and that is to vote Sturgeon out of office, the people of Scotland must send an unambiguous message to the SNP high heid yins at the local elections,

      Get rid of this woman and her bully of a husband or we will vote the whole darn lot of you out of office at the general election.

      Liked by 4 people

  7. As a well known cartoon character ( no , not Baron Wishart of Westminster ) used to ask , in between chomping on a carrot …..” What’s up Doc ? ” .

    ” Well ” , Doc might reply now ……” if I see another carrot in your possession I’m gonna forcibly rip it from your hand and ram it right up your f*****g a**e , then you’ll know with certainty what’s * up * ”

    Another no-targets-missed post Mia .

    Glad you’ve turned that hawk-like gaze on the Covid as endless get out clause duplicity being deployed by the Sturgeon scream team : I would urge you – and everyone else – to go a bit further and start seriously questioning the entire basis of the twisted and incalculably damaging * State of Emergency * narrative

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Well said, Robert.

      I would also, urge people to go further. And ask questions and do some research. The truth is available. Seek and ye shall find.. But not from the TV, MSM or politicians and their so-called experts. Theirs is a continual, revolving door.

      Persuading people away from the Covid nonsense, is proving to be as difficult as persuading SNP voters away from the SNP nonsense. But the tide is turning. All I wanted for Christmas, was for both to happen quicker…..


      1. Yes , I think the tide is turning – at least to some degree – Bruce . To the palpable disappointment of those hoping to turn the screws of more and more restrictions ( ie control ) and despite the hysterical , deliberately apocalyptic pronouncements of Sturgeon , Leech et al Omicrom is not performing as they were – dishonestly – predicting , in fact , the data is showing that it may reduce the negative effects of the virus substantially . My fear is , given this , another * variant * will be * discovered * to keep the whole thing going and the public in a state of disoriented fear , ergo malleable and supportive of whatever ludicrous * measures * those in authority wish to inflict on them

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you Mia for the brilliant analysis of the predicament that we are now in.

    It was becoming obvious in 2016 that the previous drive for independence was being sidelined. What did it for me was the ‘STOP BREXIT’ bus. Why should we be interfering in the politics of another country? The bus should have read ‘INDEPENDENCE NOW’ and have had representatives of all independence groups standing beside it.

    The last thing we will need as a resurgent nation is a flawed autocratic dictator, the world has had enough of these all through history. So full of her own self importance that the views of others are ignored, a person who takes great delight in harming opponents, or even imprisoning them on fabricated charges. This is a person with a serious personality disorder and should not be near politics in any capacity, she has the temperament of a malicious schoolchild that has no moral understanding. She needs permanent adulation from her fan base to function. This is a woman (if that description is still allowed) who does not understand the sensitive nature of girls arriving at puberty and females in general requiring privacy in their toilet deliberations.

    If she or her nutter friends were to have any say in the negotiations with Westminster leading to independence, who could predict the outcome, any negotiations would end up worse than the existing disaster. That is apparent from the mess the SNP made of the ferry contract, no need cover that again Alf Baird has done that clearly enough.

    It’s never just another mandate she needs, it’s just another crisis she wants.

    Liked by 14 people

  9. “I don’t know how Sturgeon will be remembered in the annals of the SNP…”

    I do. As a modern day Boadicea who fought tirelessly to bring us to within a whisker of independence if it hadn’t been for necessary delays due to Brexit, the economic impact of Brexit, Covid, the economic impact of Covid, rising sea levels, the economic impact of rising sea levels, the sun becoming a red giant, etc, etc.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. The British political system allows unpopular parties a long time at the trough. The Labour party utterly shafted Scotland in the 70s then legislated the Scotland Act out of existence in 1979. It continued to win a majority of Scotland’s seats at UK elections (on a minority of votes) for another 30 years. We have to keep the Tories out, right? The State political parties can always be sufficiently rehabilitated by the state press. Will a desire for Independence keep us voting for the SNP within the British system for another 30 years? Who knows. I never voted for a British party. I always voted SNP. I won’t vote for SNP again. If I have no one to vote for who is serious about Independence then I won’t vote.

      These past few years have been an education for me. It is obvious now that the types of characters attracted to politics include people who have no conscience. I will be keeping this in mind for the rest of my life. How we progress towards independence from here surely involves people taking to the streets demanding their national and civil rights (in defiance of the sociopaths, their pet prosecutors and chief constables – therefor exposing them for what they are). Otherwise, it will not happen.

      I think the first AUOB march is in Paisley on the 5th of March. It is surely time to start turning out again.

      Liked by 15 people

      1. ” It is obvious now that the types of characters attracted to politics include people who have no conscience.” . This is a perennial problem ObairP .

        Not only does Politics ( ie Power ) attract a host of morally-suspect , dishonest , self-serving misanthropes , the nature of the system – it’s intrinsic contradictions , * inducements * both financial and in terms of status – itself means that very often even those with good intentions to be of genuine service to the people they represent become corrupted by that * system * . T’was ever thus , though that is no reason to be fatalistic about the possibility of finding enough good men and women steadfast in doing the right thing/s .

        Liked by 7 people

  10. Aye, Sturgeon is the self styled Governor General runnin’ the ‘colony’ on auld Betty’s behalf aided and abetted by fifth columnist’s and her loyal opposition.

    Liked by 14 people

  11. I totally agree with you Mia. At the moment it seems that the only way to get rid of Sturgeon is if the UN or some other large organization offers her a carrot she can’t resist. ALBA has to make rapid headway because the SNP with or without Sturgeon can no longer be trusted.

    My wife saw a remark/joke on Facebook this morning which I thought was quite funny.

    “The only reason the pyramids are in Egypt is because they are too heavy to carry to the British Museum.”

    We know the truth of that only too well.

    Liked by 14 people

  12. A peculiarly Scottish strain of fascism, with a pronounced emphasis on authoritarian-centralism is what Sturgeonism has produced over these past seven years. None of this has anything to do with Scottish independence and everything to do with maintaining the union by the systematic removal of all avenues of dissent open to the many of us opposed to the continuation of the union. The completely unnecessary Hate Bill, is about the consolidation of her lop-sided fascistic mission.

    Liked by 16 people

  13. Surely we must be nearing peak Sturgeon time, I’m disgusted with the SNP’s MSPs of who not one has broken ranks and spilled the beans to save their country, instead they’ve chosen to hunker down and keep on supping from the taxpayers trough.

    Liked by 13 people

  14. “Time for an organised STURGEON MUST GO campaign”

    I am going to get pelters for this, but I think we would be wasting precious time if we engage in such futile campaign. We will be playing the game they want us to play. If the british state wants her there then she will remain there. We have seen proof in how the powers that be protected her and the civil service during the charade they called “parliamentary inquiry”.

    In my personal opinion the most effective way to bring her down as SNP leader is by making look like her use for the British state has ended. This can be done, for example, by bypassing her SNP altogether and taking another political vehicle towards independence. For now, ALBA seems that political vehicle.

    But because all the elections are controlled by the british state, and there is nothing stopping that state sending hundreds of thousands to register to vote in Scotland to frustrate our democratic will, we need something else more tangible other than a political party. We need something that cannot be sidelined by robbing us of an election or by pumping propaganda 24/7 through the mouthpieces of the state. I am convinced we need something solid, like a compilation of signatures from a majority of Scotland’s natives supporting the dissolution of the Union. A display of a replica of that compilation with an increasing number of signatures cannot be sidelined like a political party can be. It stands to the obvious that the original compilation must be well hidden and cannot be exhibited for fear that an useful idiot of the state might attempt to steal it or destroying it to make the “problem” go away.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. I agree Mia , sole reliance on any single Political Party to provide everything necessary to achieve our aim is flawed – possibly fatally – witness the state doing that with SNP has brought us to . Complete paralysis and a deeply divided support base .

      The idea of a list of names – all bona fide Pro-Independence – is sound . There just remains the logistics of organising such a compilation . It could be done on an area-by-area basis using Social Media , YES groups ( though not those still suffering from NSNP narcolepsy , obv ) , personal connections of friends and family , telephone and post and would not necessarily require great expenditures of time and money , though it would of course require a degree of these .

      Count me in

      Liked by 11 people

    2. I very much agree that this is one way to target her and her gang of incompetents, they are a parasitic infestation.

      I have made this suggestion to independence supporting friends in the recent past. They are concerned that they might be targeted by their state employers. Teachers, civil servants, health workers etc., fall into this category. By signing how can we ensure their anonymity to protect them from malicious attacks, they need to know that they will not be set up by the very people we are at odds with. This person is a dangerous enemy supported by the UK and Scottish state mechanisms. It is ridiculous that we are at near war with a party that most of us once supported, who have now become more like the Stasi than a party of freedom and independence.

      Liked by 9 people

    3. @mia

      I completely agree—expecting a colonial administration to put itself out of business is beyond daft! Among us, surely, we have the technological expertise to organise the harvesting of the needful signatures; under the rubric of the SSRG, if at all possible, would be my personal preference. At last, an idea which recognizes the futility of relying on a compromised administration with a diametrically opposed agenda to lead us anywhere other than up-the-hill-and-back-down-again.


      We would be remiss in the extreme, in my opinion, to allow Mia’s technologically feasible suggestion to wither away due to a lack of serious attention.

      Liked by 3 people

  15. Re the subject of a list of names to promote independence , MIKE FENWICK of TWA AULD HEIDS podcast has basically resurrected the DECLARATION OF SCOTS SOVEREIGNTY where individual Scots declare their sovereignty in letter form downloaded from his website and then post to the UNITED NATIONS secretary general
    Please check out MIKE FENWICK and follow through

    Liked by 9 people

  16. Let’s make use of the carrot. Start posting them deliver them send out pictures capture the carrot and use it to our advantage. Make it the symbol of SNP sturgeon failure and fraud. A couple of truck loads dumped at our parliament might give the hint. I could go on and on.

    Liked by 8 people

  17. The SNP keeps demanding we vote for them, then, after we do they turn round and say it’s up to us, not the SNP, to campaign for independence.

    I honestly believe Sturgeon is milking the covid crisis in order to use it as another excuse to postpone our independence.

    It’s essential we keep the pressure on her to deliver indyref2, regardless of Westminster’s “permission”.

    Liked by 4 people

  18. Iain, both New Wokeland and Tranada, both once beacons of liberal and democratic Western Enlightenment are now so authoritarian that they are no longer any kind of example for Scotland. This stuff is much, much bigger than Scotland or independence.

    Liked by 7 people

  19. superb article Mia. you made a lot of good points and brought them together beautifully. you don’t miss
    much that sturgeon and her cronies have been up to instead of going full throttle for our freedom. They tried to take out Alex Salmond as their main threat. ‘Mandate? What mandate?’ you can hear Sturgeon wonder. And yes Wullie
    carrots should be the mascot for all of us desperate to leave this so-called union

    Liked by 5 people

  20. A lot of good stuff from Mia, spoilt by her nonsense about the New Zealand COVID experiment (an experiment that cannot be judged as successful or failed until the NZ prison doors are opened once more, as inevitably they must one day be).

    Even if Scotland COULD have emulated New Zealand (and a moment’s thought clarifies that a country with a land border can never be compared with an isolated sea-girt archipelago), that train left the station 2 years ago.

    The voters won’t waste time filtering Mia’s good points from her bad ones To make traction with them, the Indy carrot broken promises, SNP corruption, GRA woo woo and COVID fascism themes are more than ample.


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