Independence needs to be about INDEPENDENCE!


If you refuse to take on board beliefs you don’t adhere to, or could ever hold.   Or if you refuse to look the other way when confronted by the abuse dished out to individuals like Joanna Cherry MP or the gerrymandering which is so prevalent within the leadership of the SNP, then you run the risk of being ostracised. 

At 58%, the First Minister’s personal ratings have dropped nationally.  The closest to her in the SNP is Kate Forbes with 6% while a few others fall below that percentage figure the rest do not even register one percent.  They are not rated at all.  The natural order of accession would have seen a number of potential leaders like Kate Forbes to the fore and in close proximity to the FM.  The lack of a suitable replacement would never have happened without the FM holding on firmly to the reins of power.

 Time and again efforts have been made to remove Joanna Cherry and Alex Salmond whom the FM most certainly saw as a threat to her hold on power.   Failing on both counts, the FM has continued to plough on regardless with her obsessions, irrespective of how it will damage the independence movement.  If the FM asked her cabal to stop their abusive behaviour it would stop.  The situation has become unhealthy.

  I joined the SNP when I was 16 years old for one reason, Scottish independence.   At that time everything within the SNP revolved around independence.  Now people are joining the SNP for various reasons; many see it as a career opportunity or a way to indoctrinate people into changing the way they think and behave,while others genuinely enjoy being elected representatives.   There is nothing wrong with the latter view just so long as those elected representatives realise why they were elected and why the party came into existence in the first place and that should be their priority.

  Not many political leaders become more important than the party they lead but the FM has achieved that accolade by refusing to delegate or allow debate within the SNP or even to entertain other independence supporters who hold an alternative opinion on the way forward.   She is preoccupied by promoting herself at every opportunity to the elation of her support.   That has enabled the FM’s promotion to become the priority rather than independence.

  Maybe the cabal should take on board the words of philosopher Herbert Spencer that “hero-worship is strongest where there is least regard for human freedom”.  The idea that everyone should work together sounds good but who is stopping it?   We know the answer.

 The Scottish electorate and in particular those within the independence movement deserve to hear both sides in any political debate.   For the SNP to deny them that opportunity is nothing less than voter persecution.  The answer to resolving any political differences is by debate.  A televised debate between the FM and Alex Salmond would be TV gold.  I know who would back out. Maybe someone from the FM Twitter team could stand in?        

The bile that is dished out by Pete Wishart MP on Twitter against ex-SNP members is palpable yet he complains vociferously when his targets respond in kind.   Other close associates of the FM also use Twitter to besmirch Alba Party members without any condemnation from those who are in a position to act as mediators.  It is quite reprehensible.  Now we have silence from the SNP on the most awful Tweets from SNP parliamentarians.    Some of whom should have been asked to resign by any standard of integrity, failing which they should have been sacked.   

Unless we get rid of the bile emanating, in the main from the SNP, or reduce the numbers of people who are providing and encouraging such behaviour, it will not matter one jot when we hold a referendum.  

Bill Clark


Sadly some sites had given up on being pro Indy sites and have decided to become merely pro SNP sites where any criticism of the Party Leader or opposition to the latest policy extremes, results in censorship being applied. This, in the rather over optimistic belief that this will suppress public discussion on such topics. My regular readers have expertly worked out that by regularly sharing articles on this site defeats that censorship and makes it all rather pointless. I really do appreciate such support and free speech in Scotland is remaining unaffected by their juvenile censorship. Indeed it is has become a symptom of weakness and guilt. Quite encouraging really.


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61 thoughts on “Independence needs to be about INDEPENDENCE!

  1. I completely agree with the Bill Clark.

    Unfortunately the party is now 1) obsessed with promotion of the Leader, 2) riddled with proponents of Queer Theory and 3) obsequious careerists. The aberrant behavioural pattern seems fixed and unalterable without regime change.

    The fact that there has not been any condemnation of the bullying of Joanna Cherry, even criminal bullying, demonstrates this beyond doubt. In addition I think that the hounding and (continued) smearing of Alex Salmond is hard for people to stomach, especially when many folk believe that there should be an accounting for those responsible for his treatment in a court of law.

    it is difficult to unity arising among the Yes Movement when the aforementioned is on-going.

    Liked by 23 people

  2. My thoughts exactly, Bill. I’m not sure there’s any point in campaigning for Independence until Sturgeon and her cabal are removed. They will ensure a referendum is lost if it means remaining in power to pursue their own agenda.

    Liked by 19 people

    1. Sadly she is once again using the oldest of tricks. Westminster or ME – “Would you prefer 100 lashes a day or 99”. The sheep are saying 99 instead of stating “I will not be lashed at all”

      Liked by 14 people

  3. All good intent also has a weakness. That is why we debate before we pas Acts and Laws.
    The Far Left of Politics is just as likely to produce a dictator as the Far Right.
    The gulf between Religion and Faith can be enormous, Skin colour, Class, Caste all have been used to divide.
    When division is there we shine a light on it and ask why.

    Mandela recognised this and tried to bring White and Black together in South Africa – Good Leadership.- unification

    The Balkans conflict, N/Ireland, – Bad Leadership – one side favoured

    Good Leaders don’t pick a side. They try to bring the temperature down. They do not pick a side and use their position to push that one case. They do not bring one side to the table and shun the other. They do not openly and blatantly show favouritism to one side.

    Sturgeon is a bad leader. The treatment of Women recently has proven that. She has done the one thing that guarantees ongoing conflict..she has stifled debate. Can you imagine her being asked to lead a New Good Friday Agreement or Balkan Settlement? She would decide her position and try to impose it on everyone.

    History has thousands of examples of Sturgeons trying to impose their views on others. It seldom works for very long. The People are Sovereign and change such as same sex marriage will go though if you allow open debate. Fascism and Racism weaken with open debate not Laws and instructions banning them.

    Sturgeon is creating a pressure cooker environment with her dictatorial style and if she can treat Women in this manner she has who will be next?

    “First they came for the Socialists and I said nothing because I was not a Socialist….” , you all know the rest.

    Liked by 20 people

    1. Excellent response. We have a one-side leader and it appears nothing will change her view. She has created division and mayhem amongst Independence supporters and amongst women, 51% of the population. Imagine what she could have achieved if she had forged the path to Indpendence and stopped gender ideology from taking root in her government. Independence supporters and women on her side would have made her unstoppable. Then she could been rightly feted as a great leader. That will never be the case.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. It shows and highlights the stupidity of Sturgeon and her inability at critical thought , she wants to be remembered as a progressive leader who enabled the safety of trans gendered people whose safety was never under threat , when in fact she will be remembered and reviled as the enabler of perverts and deviants whilst families with children and the elderly suffered financial hardship and having to choose between heating or eating

        She could have been exalted in history and taught in schools and education establishments as the FM who freed her country from a colonial oppressor and bully , who enabled Scottish citizens to thrive and prosper from the vast wealth of natural resources which Scotland is endowed with , instead she will go down in history as a betrayer of her country and citizens , a weak incompetent harridan who surrounded herself with even weaker incompetents who conspired and colluded with her to falsely accuse and imprison persons who were considered intellectually superior to her and who openly challenged her competence in leadership and governance , a weak and craven coward who hadn’t the bravery or INTEGRITY to admit her incompetence or mistakes , an IMPOSTER

        Liked by 4 people

    2. ” Good Leaders don’t pick a side. They try to bring the temperature down. They do not pick a side and use their position to push that one case. They do not bring one side to the table and shun the other. They do not openly and blatantly show favouritism to one side.”

      THIS is the absolutely critical point . Her partisanship is inexcusable , and could very likely prove her undoing . Let’s hope so , and soon .

      Excellent post Clootie

      Liked by 7 people

  4. “The best type of leader is one of whose existence the people are barely aware.
    Next comes one whom they love and praise.
    Next comes one whom they fear.
    Next comes one whom they despise and defy.
    When you are lacking in faith,
    Others will be unfaithful to you.
    The Complete Thinker is quiet and uses few words.
    When tasks have been accomplished and things have been completed,
    All the people say, “We ourselves have achieved it!”

    Liked by 13 people

    1. One of my favourite Lao Tzu quotes . As relevant now as when it was written . It’s the antithesis of every misguided attempt to impose a set of morals on people who neither need nor want such imposition

      Folly we see writ large everywhere now and to extremes of fanaticism in the so-called Culture Wars , where the suffix * phobe * is akin to incantation , part of the liturgy of the new , ( ironically , puritanical ) religion of Queer Theory .

      Liked by 5 people

  5. Couldn’t agree more. It’s why a new party of independence is so desperately needed. But the problem is people like Alex and long term members spent decades building up the SNP as the party of independence, so to have it stolen by the power hungry, vindictive cabal at the best time for independence is just beyond gutting. I will never forgive those responsible, but what use is that now? The best hope is someone like Joanna Cherry can take over, but I don’t see any route to that given how internal democracy has also been stolen.

    Liked by 17 people

    1. The problem isn’t that folk like Salmond and others built up the SNP but rather that they maintain the false notion that the English government and its establishment have sole authority. Scotland’s representatives treat the Scots not as sovereign peoples but as beholden to another country’s government despite the Scots actually electing their own government and imbuing it with Scots sovereign authority. Unless Scotland elects those who assert Scotland’s authority it will make no difference who is in office. The Scots need to learn that they are sovereign, meaning the highest authority in and over Scotland. No ifs, buts or maybes. Matters of governance – all matters – are the responsibility of the Scots. They are not those of England regardless of whether the English government refers to itself as England or UK. As legally equal partners, how many Scots demand that their government take up their rightful place in the parliament of GB rather than sitting at the back of the chamber and seeking approval from the English government? I could probably count on 1 hand the number who demand their own government step up and act with the authority that was placed in them. Even the vast majority of Scots view and treat Scotland as a colony rather than the sovereign country and nation state that it is simply because they refuse to hold their own to account. Even if Joanna Cherry was to take over it would make no difference as the root problem remains.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am ‘amused’ that not one MSP has not been charged with wasting police time, with the number who have reported ‘death threats’. All this activity seems to take place in the small hours of the night. Whilst death threats are totally unacceptable, as my father told me whilst growing up in a notorious gang fighting Glasgow housing scheme, ‘don’t worry about the yobs that threaten to stab you..they never will. It’s the ones that just do it, that you have to worry about.
    Agreed, the top of the SNP Party have done nothing to condemn or stop the behaviour of both MP’s and MSP’s, who seem to think they can say and do anything with impunity. In my opinion, they have ‘gone rogue’. There is no ‘discipline’ in the Party, in all sense of the word. They have devised a structure to keep themselves in position and ‘guard each other’s back’ to the detriment of the Party’s integrity.

    Liked by 18 people

    1. As is predictable in any colony, our national party has made its accommodation with the metropolitan power and consequently become little-more than a mutually protective gang of self-interested, well remunerated conspirators. Among whom all dissent and good sense along with any taste for independence has been expunged. Recognizably rational governance too has been replaced, by a series of inexplicable cabinet appointments and promotions, in-tandem with a fascination with imported liberalist fads and a rolling-programme of colonial style policy mystification.

      It is surely time that this simple truth was acknowledged and nationalists and nationalist thinking moved-on accordingly, by becoming solely focused on the fundamental, though, studiously avoided question of Scotland’s on-going colonisation by England. Without which, the media, police and judiciary controlling fascism that we see being perpetrated by this pro-colonial gang, with its leash stretching back to Downing Street and Whitehall, wouldn’t be possible.

      Without, I fear, the appearance and robust intervention of a plain speaking, unequivocally anti-colonial national party, a party supremely confident regarding its ancient constitutional grounding and its inalienable right to call-out to our citizens the home-truths and realities of our humiliating colonial subjugation, it may be that the creeping fascism that I’m forced to speak of, will attain its apotheosis much faster than anyone could have previously imagined.

      Liked by 6 people

  7. The SNP appears to be a group of delusional fantasists now, with the odd rational exception such as Joanna Cherry and Philippa Whitford.

    Never before had I contacted a candidate to tell them that I wouldn’t be voting for them, but that is exactly what I did when I received a personalised letter from Ben Macpherson during last year’s election. To be fair to him, he did reply to me to offer to talk to me, but I don’t believe for one moment that he would have done anything other than trot out the party line on whatever their actual policy on independence is, and their assault on the reality of biology over fantasy identity constructs.

    I will not vote SNP unless and until they have a serious shakeout of the Queer ‘Theory’ (it isn’t even a theory) nutters and devolutionists. They are supposed to be the party for Scotland’s independence, but it is very much a fish rotting from the head. Perhaps it’s time they were cleared out entirely?

    Liked by 18 people

  8. Some very goods points there Mr Clark, my feeling is that a lot of what ails the SNP could be resolved with a change of leadership, (Sturgeon and Murrell) and it would get the SNP back on track and unite the indy masses.

    But who to lead is the question all the decent big hitters have left the SNP, leaving a bunch of self serving mediocre politicians, though as you say Kate Forbes could fill the post, she’s young and ambitious, and in my opinion she could fill the FM’s slot with the right guidance.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. As you point out however, there is nobody to provide the ‘right guidance’, nor to support the drive forward. Too many have become careerists and have never thought of a policy since they were elected.
      The only thing keeping the SNP in power is the YES bandwagon of support. Perhaps we need to become more like Catalunya, with a bloc of different Independence parties. They would HAVE to cooperate, the uniting factor being Independence!

      Liked by 8 people

    2. Kate Forbes is good at what she does. But it will take someone of exceptional calibre to lead Scotland out of this mess. Unfortunately all the competent folks joined Alba, which, however true to the principle of independence, is unlikely to gain any power at Hollyrood in the near future.

      This leaves only the empty suits hanging round the Sturgeon/Murrell faction, backed by the same forces that throughout the world are building identity politics into the depths of human consciousness and re-engineering society to reproduce docile mindless consumers who will believe whatever they are told because others will like them.

      Sure, dump Sturgeon and purge the SNP of idiots and cowards. Then what? All those competent folks who joined ALBA out of principal are not going to rush back to the SNP …

      Maybe though in historical terms, it is too soon to know what is happening. The genderigecals proclaim themselves to be on the “right side of history” often enough, but they have such a tenuous grasp of history, it seems unlikely they know wtf they are talking about. At the same time, they have a lot of capital on their side and the support of bourgeois privilege and entitlement. In which case perhaps the only hope is actual class war. The parliamentary process has clearly atrophied.

      Time to take democracy to the streets.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. A successful Scottish tax payer should not pay the price on the streets for Sturgeons entitled betrayal. Sturgeon and her acolytes must pay that price.

        Liked by 2 people

    3. ROS you and others say Kate Forbes or Joanna Cherry or Phillipa Whitford could lead the party WHAT are they doing NOW , WHAT have they DONE to get independence back on the road , WHAT are they doing to remove Sturgeon , WHAT have they DONE to speak out at the bullying of JC by other SENIOR members of the party , WHY have they NOT spoken out about Alex Salmond and Craig Murray , WHY has JC NOT highlighted a legal challenge to WM breaches of TOU , WHY are they sitting on their A+++S and allowing this lunatic to RUIN Scotland’s chances of independence
      They may be nice people but that doesn’t feed poor children or elderly people , or heat their homes , whilst they be nice people on £60,000+ a year or £80,000+ a year and let independence get shoved off the board
      I don’t care about loyalty to parties or celebrity leaderships , LIEBOUR should have educated us , I ONLY care about independence and if they don’t do their job no matter how NICE they are they should be out on the street

      Liked by 3 people

  9. I will never forgive Sturgeon and her weird gang, not just for the abandonment of the pursuit of independence, but for their ongoing attempts to brainwash our children with their strange philosophy. Attempting to alter their minds at a delicate stage in their development. To me this is just another form of paedophilia and they should answer for it one day in an (honest) court of law, when/if we eventually get them.

    The likes of Cozyfeet Pete are easier to understand. Greed, pure and simple. He reputedly will leave Westminster with a pension of £50,000 per annum.

    Whatever their motives, the present crop of SNP
    Representatives really should have looked ahead to a world without Sturgeon. They will not fare well without her protection. One way or another they will have to answer for their part in the Sturgeon era.

    Liked by 12 people

  10. A few people think that if Sturgeon and Murrell go the SNP can be saved. I would suggest since her chosen successor is Angus Robertson that it would be frying pan and fire. I don’t think replacing one toxic couple with another will help independence. The only thing I see helping is the electorate realising they are being taken for mugs but £3 million with a rumoured further £9 million in the pipeline buys a lot of looking the other way.

    Still I’m a nobody, what do I know? Maybe it will be all right on the night..

    Liked by 13 people

    1. From the article

      “She added: “There will be many, many more women like me who will remove themselves from politics in Scotland because of the relentless abuse, harassment and misogyny”

      Bleeding heck that is next level DARVO right there.

      “DARVO is an acronym standing for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender, and is a form of gaslighting that all abusers use. It is fairly self-explanatory, and shows the steps the abuser takes whenever they are called on their behaviour. The first step of DARVO is to Deny.”

      I’d quite like more women like her to remove themselves from politics and more women like former MSP Joan McAlpine to return thanks very much!

      Are we sure it’s her decision? Or did Pollok SNP branch finally get fed up with her???

      Liked by 10 people

    2. What very good news. But ‘…a rising star…’? In my opinion a blank space to be filled hopefully by someone who actually does some work for the Branch. (Not that I am a member any more.)

      Liked by 3 people

    3. How comfortable for GCC to quote the SG mantra that due to privacy issues we cannot divulge this information ( the amount owed) I am amazed it wasn’t redacted , redacted The amount owed should be arrested from any money due to her , it just shows her audacity and front

      Liked by 1 person

  11. The SNP is no longer a properly functioning party. All process has been highjacked by a clique that is Sturgeon, Murrell and their acolytes.

    Branch and constituency function is relegated to insignificance. The selection of candidates is gerrymandered. The ability of members and branches to propose motions is restricted. Conferences are utterly stage managed affairs and the NEC is but sham council stuffed with compliant nonentities prepared to vote through, often illegally, the leader’s bidding.

    And the theft of funds. Well we know about that too.

    And in this state of affairs will come the utter demise of the SNP. Too many stalwart well intentioned capable people have now left. Too many of the voting public are now becoming only too well aware too of the policy heist that is at the heart of the so called Independence Party. And the governmental delivery of service, as is now becoming only too apparent, is failing miserably be it the shambles that is education, the shortages and under resourcing of doctors and nurses in the NHS, the failure to tackle environmental waste, the utter malfeasance of spending in failure to procure assets or infrastructure with the Queen Elizebeth Hospital and Fergusson Marine ferry contracts illustrating the failure now built in to government.

    Everywhere you look Surgeon, her government, and the remains of what was once a vibrant SNP, are being exposed. Out of Europe too, or the removal of Scottish Parliamentary powers, to the shaping up of the NHS for privatisation, to the scandal of fuel poverty across Scotland – what is it that Sturgeon and the spinners deliver. – GRA Hate Crime legislation and an increasingly hostile political Police Force.

    But out of this change will come. Too many good folk have left the SNP but the dream for them has not died. And too many people in the wider community now see the utter mendacity of the failing government sold out for English gold. But there is a new party in Alba, growing in strength, gaining support. The ISP too. The Council elections in May will therefore without doubt I believe be a wake up call for the SNP when their councillors are routed the length and breadth of the country.

    The old words from the declaration of Arbroath about having a King only until such time as it is decided to replace with another ring as loudly today as they did all those years ago. Sturgeon and her clique have no God given right to rule and we will vote to replace her and her rotten party.

    Send a message in May. No votes SNP and pick another King!

    Liked by 15 people

  12. Post 2014 and after the rapid election of successive nationalist majorities to Westminster, the new SNP leadership first hesitated and then chose neutralism. This meant that these elected nationalist majorities have never been properly deployed as they should have been.

    According to Fanon’s postcolonial template: “Neutralism means that everything is going to be decided elsewhere”, i.e. in the imperial metropolitan capital, and sovereignty is handed over by the dominant national party which is now ‘neutral’ on independence. Coincidentally, Fanon also notes that, “at this moment colonialism may decide to arrest the nationalist leaders (and) it may happen that the arrested leader is in fact the authentic mouth-piece of the colonized masses.”

    Scots should perhaps look more deeply into the decolonization template which seems to be playing out before our eyes.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. Alf, do you think that template is still being played out or will be played out or have the arrests stopped? I noted one of the leadership insiders, who was involved in the arrest of at least 3 people is being reported as leaving politics.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. OP, political repressions may be expected to continue so long as natives campaign for independence and ‘the arms’ of the imperial power control the territory, albeit Fanon maintains that “far from calling a halt to the forward rush of national consciousness, urge it on”.

        Repression tends anyway to be a common feature in in colonialism as reflected by overflowing prisons stuffed full of natives and a dominant cultural hegemony-elite/cultural division of labour favouring the oppressor group.

        Colonialism is ‘force’ after all, and ‘geographic violence’, as well as being ‘a co-operative venture’ with native elites/bourgeoisie.

        Liked by 8 people

  13. Fantastic news that Rhiannon Spear is chucking in the towel and not standing again in the May council elections.

    Jumping ship before the electorate dump her Spear was one of the inner circle Wokes and a close confidant of Nicola Sturgeon and at th3 heart of the clique. She was moreover one of the councillors involved in making the complaint about Manny Singh who was jailed for organising the last Glasgow independence march.

    And now, throwing in the towel she knows what’s coming. Good riddance Ms Spear and many more of your ilk to follow.

    Liked by 11 people

      1. Depending when the CT arrears were built up, she could be in trouble if she voted in last years Council budget. Nothing like trying to blame everyone else for your own inabilities. No doubt, she believed she was “a rising star”

        Liked by 4 people

  14. The most frustrating and depressing aspect of this despotism of Sturgeon is that it has happened at a time when the conditions for pushing for independence couldn’t be better. And yet, in typical fashion, she has said ‘there is no rush’. The combination of factors will not necessarily remain this propitious for ever, and her vainglorious attempts at promoting herself and her personal obsessions with social engineering threaten to derail things even further. The silence of SNP MSP’s and MP’s is very revealing of how little they believe in their supposed core value, while clearly enjoying the pampered, upholstered life they couldn’t have outside politics.
    Bashing Boris Johnson must the easiest sport in the land, yet they continue to think this is an acceptable substitute for doing or achieving anything under their own steam. They are bought and paid for, and it suits them to play court jesters, ringing a few. bells while comfortably in the pocket of the puppet master.
    Very sad how the SNP, now a membership organisation for the. benefit of Sturgeon, and not a political party with internal democracy and debate, have hollowed out Scottish politics and the prospects of real independence. This is a party who have done nothing whatsoever to prepare the ground for independence in 8 long years, despite having all the available time and resources to do so. Instead they have squandered their time and energy in attacking their own by devious, nefarious means and imposing policies without any consensus or consent.
    Sturgeon will eventually go, maybe in the next two years, but she will leave behind a neutered shell of a party which will need serious rebuilding if it is ever to fulfil its supposed goal.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Yes. A neutered shell. Or the SNP will become the Scottish equivalent of the Conservative Party in England, no more than the political voice of the Scottish establishment, which will favour slow devolution, or, in the now unlikely event of Scotland becoming independent, doing nothing, only maintaining social stability.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I detect some panic: if ALBA make a manifesto pledge to open negotiations for independence if they are returned with a majority of Scottish MPs in the GE then they may well sweep the board. Both the UKG and the SNP SG will have a gun to their head – they cannot credibly deny Scotlands right to self determination when democracy demands it. This route would be recognised as legitimate internationally and UK denial would only destroy the small amount of credibility left to Downing Street. Sturgeon has made herself the servant of Westminster so has not remit to comment.

        If ALBA are bold they may yet win the day. It will be interesting to see what the UKG and Sturgeons appalling SG decide to do as they see this day of reckoning approach. And I think the UK GE is the day of reckoning – this may well be done and dusted before the SNP even try to save themselves.

        Liked by 2 people

  15. With the first of the fanatics leaving frontline politics (I hope she means it), it looks as though some of the cabal are starting to think about their future. Hopefully there will be a trickle of others like her soon. It’s too early to say it’s the end of Sturgeonism but it might be a speck of light at the end of the tunnel.

    Will we now begin to see a lot of finger pointing as the “It wisnae me” crowd start to look for ways of distancing themselves from her?

    Sturgeon herself now looks tired and in need of a rest, as does her government.

    Liked by 8 people

  16. Excellent posting from Bill Clark of Fort William.

    The whole situation can be summed up by the new abbreviation:

    SNP = Scottish Nicola Party.

    It’s as simple as that. How any woman can treat Joanna Cherry (and others) like that is beyond human comprehension.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. As Aime Cesaire said: “there is an infinite distance between colonization and civilization.” And that out of colonization “there could not come a single human value.” Much as the persecution of numerous independence campaigners serves to demonstrate.

      The real problem for the SNP hierarchy and its preference for co-operative colonial bourgeoisie rule is that it “increasingly takes refuge in a hypocrisy which is all the more odious because it is less and less likely to deceive.”

      Liked by 9 people

  17. Just been to the Women for Independence website, they now have a new site (with different colours).

    This is what WFI are campaigning for – We promote the causes of Scottish independence and other constitutional changes likely to contribute to greater democracy and home-rule for Scotland.

    Does anyone know any of the background to this?

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Self – Determination and Independence
    We make the case for maximum devolution of power and responsibility possible at any time, particularly in areas such as the economic levers and business policies. In turn, this will allow a Scottish Government to boost economic growth. Business for Scotland.


      1. I don’t know what the craic is Iain or Whether there has been a change or not at these organisations, centrally at least. I cannae find any articles after 2017 in the WFI archive either. Its a while since I’ve been on the site and would like to know if any members have an insight into how things are going with both orgs.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. A while ago, I realised they were Womxn for Independence (a bit in the small print about being open to self identifying women). It wouldn’t surprise me at all that having ignored the “W” part of their name, the “I” part wasn’t far behind at HQ if not the branches

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It has that feel to it PP. However, a quick look at the board (its out of date I think) seem to suggest there would be resistance there to ‘falling in line’. Who knows?


    2. The huge danger with “Home Rule” is that the tame franchise may like the sound of it and it will certainly remove our status as a country, probably in the small or future print, blocking future independence and leaving us exposed to the perfidy of Westminster. We must have eyes on this option to this extent: it must not contain any provision that removes our status as a country. That done, we campaign hard for independence.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Everything I know about failing organisations says that when a toxic culture takes hold it’s very rare that things can turn around. The examples in commercial companies are legion. One could argue that local government is pretty much a permanent demonstration. Competent employees leave, the dead wood remains. Constructive criticism is shunned, brown-nosing preferred. Changing the leadership can’t change the now-embedded toxic culture. It’s Ratnered. Numerous gaps in the High Street appear.

    When a political party has a toxic culture AND internal democracy is effectively non existent, it’s doomed. See Labour (Scotland). See ParIiamentary Party (Irish).

    I don’t see how the SNP is savable now, sadly.

    It’ll have to be replaced

    Liked by 6 people

  20. Get the Saltires out, wear the independence t-shirts and caps, put up the independence posters. Sturgeon will hate you for it so that’s as good a reason as any for doing it. Don’t wait for the SNP to do anything positive for the independence movement.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. To follow by faith alone is to follow blindly. When you watch NS being asked a question about anything she shakes her head and rolls her eyes as if she’s above questioning. Scotland and its people have become prisoners not to WM or the UKG but NS and her New SNP. She is our jailer and executioner and what i’ve seen over the years about her character, if we the Scots dare defy her, watch your back. I believes she is punishing the Yes movement because we dare to question her direction and even her intention and or ability to achieve independence.

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