Photo by Flora Westbrook on Pexels.com


It is because we care. It is because we desperately want to see Independence for our country. Not for ourselves, although it would be very welcome, but for the huge numbers of our fellow citizens whose lives would be enhanced if Scotland could have a Parliament in full possession of our assets and wealth and the powers to make use of them on Scotland’s priorities. Ending foreign control of our country, once and for all.

I always thought the most powerful argument we made in 2014, far more important than the economy, what currency we should use etc was the overwhelmingly good sense that the big decisions about Scotland and our future would be best made here in Scotland by the folk living and working here. Those with the biggest stake in our country and the most to gain from getting it right. I could never see how it would be better to hand those powers to a Parliament in London where Scotland’s priorities rarely feature and where our elected representatives are outnumbered by more than ten to one. In passing, that ten to one fact could do with a bigger role in our campaigning, far too few Scots know and understand just how powerless Scotland’s MP’s are in Westminster. It is an argument when properly deployed that changes minds.

We live in times when the main Party in favour of Independence is facing a lot of criticism from both within and out with the Party from the rest of the YES movement for the lack of drive and direction present at this time. As one unused mandate is piled on top of another it has become noticeable that Independence only seems to rise up the agenda as another election approaches. Likewise punters are becoming well used to the leadership’s use of language to describe future action as always being non specific and always leaving a get out clause to delay further once an election has passed. 

This is further complicated by the actions of the NEC who have not been interested in pushing Independence but getting hung up on issues like GRA and the Hate Crime legislation while at the same time stripping the Constituency organisations, branches and ordinary members of a range of important powers in an effort to impose centralised control over the entire vetting and candidate selection processes. Much of this was done in secret. The NEC itself was denied any opportunity to discuss Independence with the agenda dominated by how the selection process could be controlled and how the minority groupings on the NEC could exert the maximum advantage for their members into the process.

Here ladies and gentlemen we uncover the reason for the incredible anger from the leadership and the controlling cliques about the pro Indy bloggers. You see this was all supposed to happen with no involvement from the rest of the Party. These were designed as closed door deals. This plan was blown apart by the pro Indy bloggers revealing to all what was going on and who was responsible.

Take a look back on Facebook or Twitter you will find constant attacks on the bloggers. None of these attacks will deal with the issues, none of them will challenge any of the facts. They concentrate on calling people names, accuse them of being divisive, being Tories, anything but challenging the accuracy of the articles themselves. They have been caught and exposed and they don’t like that one little bit.

It is now reaching farcical levels, yesterday I was named by Peter Wishart MP as being, amongst others, being one of these SNP BAAD Bloggers. I had to laugh. I can’t recall writing even a single word about #wishywashyPete, to give him his Twitter nickname, on my blog ever before, so I thought I should see what I could find out what he has done for Independence since being elected. Not the easiest of tasks.

I have discovered that he has been enjoying his pay and pension contributions for his seat at Westminster for almost twenty years and that he once attempted to nominate himself as the Speaker of the House of Commons (unsuccessfully) I spotted he described the most prominent pro Indy blog in Scotland as failing at the same time as its recorded views has soared from around 670k to 860k a month. He also appears to hold the record for blocking the most members of the SNP and members of the Yes Movement from his Twitter feed. Now I am sure he is an excellent local MP because people always say that if there is a lack of specific achievements available. Far from being SNP BAAD I have a big collection of comments, emails and letters from SNP members thanking me for shining a light on what is going on. I haven’t had to block anyone on Twitter yet either.

Now here is a tip to Pete to get us on the same side once again. Side with openness and honesty. Support the ordinary membership. Oppose those who seek to centralise the entire Party. Support open accountancy of financial accounts. Work with others outside the Party who seek Independence and build bridges between the SNP and the Yes Movement. Accept as a veteran SNP MP you have a duty to help lead the fight to settle up, not settle down.

I enjoy your music, give me a chance to enjoy your politics.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland.

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