This is a guest post from a business friend of mine who is currently living in Estonia but who has considerable experience in running businesses in the Baltic’s and other Eastern European nations. He has experienced the creation of new currencies and he relates those experiences in this article. Phil Lawrence, originally from Buckie is a longstanding supporter of Scottish Independence.

Not too wee, not too poor and definitely not too stupid!

It’s done. Not exactly the result that I was hoping for but, somehow, we are facing in roughly the right direction. At least IndyRef2 seems to be front and centre for the SNP and the key people in the party are actually talking about it in a seemingly positive way.

I have been observing the media from both sides of the border in recent days and the two critical issues which are being focussed on by the naysayers are borders and currency. 

The border issue is one for another day but I would like to take a bit of a dive into currency issues in an attempt to reassure my fellow too wee, too poor, too stupid countrymen that this is an area of the economy which holds no terrors. 

My own story is one demonstrating a strong association with the Baltic states since the early 1990s. I moved to Tallinn, Estonia in March 1993 and I met Iain Lawson over here not too long afterwards. We have witnessed remarkable things inthe intervening years and it became manifestly clear to me that one of the critical spokes by which any state can develop, grow and protect its economy is by sensible currency choices.

So, what were the currency stories in the Baltic states? Please bear with me as I go through the dry procedural stuff! 

As a critical first point we must remember that the three Baltic states were component republics of the Soviet Union and,although they had all been preparing for an independence showdown for several years, the monolithic state controlled from Moscow collapsed virtually overnight in August 1991. Suddenly Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were independent states but reliant on a limited domestic supply of the non-convertible Soviet rouble – a far from ideal situation.

The early weeks and months were fraught as the fledgling democracies had almost nothing to trade with – the simplest things such as flour from which to bake bread were in critical short supply – but there had been some strict and detailed planning introduced in the years leading up to this point so they were not flying blind.

Let’s look at Estonia first of all. As early as 1987, prominent democracy-minded Estonians had devised a Self-Managing Estonia project for Soviet Estonia and this was accepted into law in 1989. The following year, on 1st January 1990, Eesti Pank (the Bank of Estonia) was re-established. The creationof a post-rouble economy was well underway. There was even a public competition announced in December 1989 for the design of new banknotes. But there was still the question of how a new currency would be underpinned.

When it became clear at the beginning of WW2 hostilities that the Soviet Union was going to roll over Estonia, the national government made sure that the country’s gold reserves were sent west out of Moscow’s reach. These reserves were split between London, Basel and Stockholm. In December 1991 the newly re-independent Estonia began negotiations for repatriation of these gold reserves and the UK rapidly agreed to return the amount held in London, in January 1992. Negotiations in Switzerland and Sweden were taking longer but currency reform was required as a matter of urgency so the powers-that-be proposed that the new currency be supplementarily underpinned by the resources of the land. More precisely there would be a “national forest fund” set up from so-called “reserve cutting areas.”

The Estonian kroon was to be introduced on 20th June 1992 and a great deal had to be done before that date. IMF membership was established and re-entry to the Bank for International Settlements was achieved. Sweden also resolved to return its Estonian gold by 1st July.

The currency could be underpinned without the sacrifice of any forest reserves and so the Estonian kroon (EEK) was rolled out on schedule. A proportion of personal rouble savings were converted to EEK at a rate of 10:1 whilst the new currency was pegged to the Deutschmark at a rate of 8 EEK to the DM. In one stroke Soviet roubles were withdrawn from the economy and replaced by an internationally convertible currency.

This DM peg was the basis of the need for the underpinning mechanism by which Eesti Pank and its Currency Board had to place enough foreign currency on deposit to cover the exposure of the entire money supply available. In the case of Estonia in 1992 that equalled a money supply of only approximately DM 375 million, or somewhere around £130 million at exchange rates of the time. To put that into perspective there was the currency equivalent of less than £90 per citizen of the country available in total money supply!Under these circumstances the Currency Board had to develop the currency, enhance money supply, advance the economy and, at the same time, do so in a manner which caused as few ripples as possible to the markets upon which Estonia had to rely upon for its progress as a raw democracy.

I’m not going to go into any more blow-by-blow history lesson here as the simple point that I would wish to amplify is that if there was ever a case of too wee and too poor…

As the years passed Eesti Pank adjusted the peg from the DM to the Euro when Germany joined that currency and then finally changed to the Euro itself in 2011. At each stage there was rumour of a devaluation of the EEK but that never happened as the state bankers held their nerve all the way, even during and after the 2007-2009 economic crisis.Definitely not too stupid…

Latvia and Lithuania went in slightly different directions from Estonia but arrived at the same place eventually with ultimate Euro adoption.

Latvia had a liquidity squeeze in early 1992 with outgoing payments almost dwarfing incoming payments and absolutely no access to additional money supply or credit. A temporary solution was sought and the Latvian rublis was launched in May at very short notice as a transition currency at parity with the Soviet rouble. This was a risk as it could have been seen as printing currency with no underpinning value but it held until the Bank of Latvia could introduce the pegged Latvian lats (LVL) in 1993. The LVL was a curious currency compared to its neighbours in that it was pegged to what is known as a “basket of currencies”. This means that there is more internal flexibility within the peg as exchange rate fluctuations among a group of currencies tend more towards convergence than divergence – what you may lose on the pound you can make up for on the dollar etc. In 2004 the LVL was switched to a hard peg against the euro and a final transition to the euro as the national currency in 2014.

Lithuania suffered a similar liquidity squeeze to Latvia but even earlier. In early August 1990, even before the fall of the Soviet Union, the Bank of Lithuania introduced the talonas as a currency for non-food goods operating alongside the Soviet rouble. It was highly unpopular as it did not do much other than curb demand in the economy in general as it was implemented much like a ration coupon. Talonas notes were very small in comparison to conventional banknotes and featured local animals such as elk, bear and bison in the artwork – they were disparagingly referred to locally as “zoo tickets”!

The Lithuanian litas (LTL) was introduced in 1993 as a currency pegged to the US dollar and that peg was replaced by a relationship with the euro in 2002. The LTL was succeeded by the euro in 2015 as Lithuania joined the dots on Baltic membership of the EU currency.

So that’s the potted history of Baltic currencies. But how does that relate to the Scottish independence debate? 

From my perspective the currency question is quite surmountable if smart heads can prevail and an information campaign can explain how all of Eastern Europe survived without slipping into a sea of unmanageable debt and deficit when using EEK, LVL, LTL or whatever so-called minor currency. This is not a binary argument – sterling or euro – but the MSM are only too happy to see everything pop down that rabbit-hole because that is a convenient untruth to tie up many, many column inches which will influence a sizeable chunk of our population that the argument is, in fact, binary. 

A currency is defined by the economy that underpins it and the governance of that economy as a measure of stability. If we peg to sterling then we are underpinned by choices in London, that is clear. But we could, for instance, peg to any basket of currencies that we choose so that structural weaknesses in one basket currency leading to loss of value tend to be reflected in an upward swing in one or some of the other currencies included in the peg, leading to ultimate stability. Critics might argue that there could be a scenario where all the basket currencies are affected downwards, but that point of view simply demonstrates a lack of understanding or lack of willingness to engage as such a Black Swan Event on currency markets would be ripping the floor out from under Sterling simultaneously with other currencies. So, a strategic information campaign needs to start now. Absolutely right now.

It is my firm opinion that there needs to be a project put in place rapidly to develop the underpinning of a putative Scottish currency. There is absolutely no point in waiting until a referendum is called and then being caught cold. More to the point, we need as much useful information on currency available before any referendum White Paper is published. There needs to be the immediate formation of a Future Currency Commission (FCC) which can perform an audit of Scotland’s potential monetary and fiscal levers but completely unrelated to GERS. The FCC can calculate genuine balance of payment figures – it’s not impossible to do this as all the numbers are hiding there in plain sight but it just requires some effort to compile and compute. All those Scottish goods shipped out of English ports which are totted up as English exports and thereby added to the presumed English balance of payments. The FCC can model the Scottish economy on the basis of genuine numbers offering genuine valuations. Only then can we accurately estimate the true cash and credit requirements of our central bank activities – monetary policy. Only then can we accurately estimate the true potential for taxation and government spending – fiscal policy. Accuracy is the ultimate enemy of Unionism in terms of the economy. The FCC can be our greatest weapon.

I would make one final point. A change in currency is nothing more than a minor inconvenience as long as the preparation is undertaken diligently. It need be no more traumatic than getting a new car for the average citizen – maybe you are not used to every aspect for a wee while but you do actually get there – nevertheless a full understanding of the macroeconomic controls from the point of view of fiscal and monetary levers is crucial, hence the FCC. That takes planning I have seen many changes in currencies in the Baltics and I’m not quaking in fear! No, let’s really value our economy and move up a gear.

There are other aspects that we may wish to consider such as the prospective composition of a proposed currency basket, banking in post-UK Scotland, credit terms in a time of currency change, the potential for alternative currency solutions etc. and these are all subjects which can be visited in further articles.

There are other aspects that we may wish to consider such as the prospective composition of a proposed currency basket, banking in post-UK Scotland, credit terms in a time of currency change, the potential for alternative currency solutions etc. and these are all subjects which can be visited in further articles.

As a wee aside, how can the SNP turn round and claim to have all the answers regarding the mathematics of independence when they deliberately enable Unionist parties by convincing YES voters to waste almost one million votes?


My thanks to Phil. I have learned a great deal from my work experiences abroad over the years and feel everyone learning about other countries experiences when dealing with issues that will be important to an emerging Independent Scotland is very beneficial. Especially when dealing with the fears our opponents will certainly stoke up. I know nobody who found the currency creation that took place in the Baltic countries anything to worry about. Our opponents like to create fear and trepidation, articles like this provide the confidence and knowledge to make those efforts unproductive.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


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49 thoughts on “AN ISSUE TO BE TACKLED NOW!

  1. However we have the shambles of the Sustainable Growth Commission and, despite the superb work of Tim Rideout and his colleagues, despite a conference confirming adoption of a new currency ‘as soon as practicable’, we remain shackled to the corpses of Sterling. And still the SGC gets spouted at us. News just in. Brexit has happened.

    Liked by 8 people

  2. I have read lots of articles on currencies, on land tax, and all clever ways to get around the transition to stability, of the economy after independence – then nothing. Are the SNP going to do anything about planning this time around or just another carrot dangled in front of a cullable public? Alba seemed to have some bright ideas on the subject – they were talking about a plan – someone has to do something now – not after coronavirus, not see what Boris does, not when the economy picks up, not when……………………….. I don’t want to hear plans in the future – I want to hear what we are going to do today, – waiting for Nicol and her white paper is not a plan. Are Alba up for the challenge – or is there some other leader out there?

    Liked by 11 people

  3. But how to convince Mrs. Murrel that HER path leads nowhere except to Domination by the British State and its running dogs in Scotland?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. THIS! I’m not a businesswomen but I’ve thought for a long time we should have a Scottish pound, pegged to a basket of currencies. There should no currency union with the UK. Phil is absolutely right, the planning should be in place already, indeed should have happened at the latest after Brexit. This is lack of planning about, well anything indy related, that ended up convincing me that for the newSNP independence was like Labour’s abolish the House of Lords and Home Rule; just words.

    The Sustainable Growth Commission was a travesty. I much preferred Alba’s you keep the debt and the non territorial assets (such as they are) and we’ll not charge you reparations for the loss of an Oil fund and for Brexit. I just wish we had politicians with guts and leadership in the new SNP who could bring it about. Well we do but nowhere near the power…

    Liked by 13 people

    1. The lack of planning is appalling and I cannot understand why NS has not been held to account for her failure to make any progress in creating the infrastructure we need. There is no point in holding a referendum if we don’t have a solid foundation to build support for independence on. Many people still have exactly the same questions and concerns that stopped them voting Yes in 2014. All NS has done is to ignore or try to derail the valuable work being done by others in the wider Yes movement.

      Liked by 6 people

  5. I wonder if Phil would consider coming home. We need people with his experience to assist in our efforts to re-emerge as an independent nation. We need people with confidence and the ability to consider themselves equal to any – especially the controllers in London. We’ve had the boot in our face for over 300 years. Time to get up and retrieve our rights.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Phil loves Scotland and I am sure would return if Scotland ever got serious about Independence. He run Yes Tallinn during the 2014 which recruited many hundreds of supporters.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. At that time I was blogging regularly and one particularly cynical lady of a NO persuasion offered a comment along the lines of:

        “My husband visits Tallinn all the time and he had never met you or heard of you…”

        My response was as close to this as I can remember:

        “Tallinn is a city with a population the size of Edinburgh, Cardiff, Nottingham or Belfast. I live about 7 miles from the centre racing a young family. I didn’t realise that it was incumbent of me to meet every foreign visitor personally…”

        That was the end of that exchange! 😉

        Yes, a return has always been on the cards but not just yet. Iain is spot on.

        Liked by 4 people

  6. The education of the populace in terms of our true economic position should have started in earnest on 19th September 2014.

    It didn’t happen, the SNP commissioned the Growth Commission instead which TOLD us what we had to do in terms of macroeconomics policy, essentially that we’d be sticking with Sterling for the forseeable future and would pay reparations to the UK Treasury for a decade or more as some kind of ‘goodwill’ payment. Astonishing and absurd!

    The reason why the Unionists get away with the phoney claims about Scotland’s projected impoverished state as a separate trading nation is the total lack of understanding of macroeconomics amongst the population at large. That is not their fault, not everybody has time to understand the complexities of monetary and fiscal policy, what drives unemployment, inflation and balance of payments.

    I optionally studied this for a ‘crash course’ higher in my last year at school in 1978/79 and, having enjoyed it, went on to complete a BA undergraduate degree in the same subject when attending University. I complimented that by studying for a postgraduate MSC in statistics.

    So what? Well, nobody can pull the wool over my eyes, that’s what. More importantly I find it incredible that, some 40 years later, both these subjects are not still not taught as mandatory parts of the school curriculum.

    Why not? After all, supposed economic facts and figures are used all the time by both politicians and media reporters. Would it not be better that people understand what it is they are being informed about?

    Well, of course not. In Scotland these are more often than not used to denigrate our ability to cope as a fully independent nation.

    Keeping ordinary folk ignorant suits this skewed agenda just fine.

    Time we did something about it.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. You are certainly not wrong Duncanio! As I see it, step one: value the economy outwith the distorting prism of GERS. That’s what I regard as the critical and unavoidable step at the outset. Once that is achieved we have a solid foundation for rigid and serious economic modelling.

      Liked by 9 people

    2. Duncanio I too have studied how money works and have put together a presentation for my SNP branch having discovered the truly shocking ignorance of the subject. No one is aware there is no debt/deficit problem.
      Have you read the “deficit myth”? you can also find Professor Kelton the Author on Youtube if you google MMT.
      I am intending to deliver this to any groups willing to listen.
      Hopefully this will kick start the education process.

      Liked by 7 people

  7. Most interesting and informative. In particular it is written in the middle ground which is what is needed. In general, I think there should be three version of any future analysis, one for economists, one for the middle and a simpler one for those who do not understand money at all.

    The problem is how is such information to reach the public beyond this blog?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That’s it Alin. There was no intention to present a thesis in macroeconomic theory but instead a broad outline which might put a few fears to bed.

      My biggest dissatisfaction is how Whitehall has rigidly framed currency as a binary issue between GBP and EUR – you can’t have GBP and EUR does not want you – but ScotGov has been singularly unsuccessful in tossing that argument out. Going even further, I would suggest that there is neither the will nor the economic flexibility (or, dare I say it, acuity) to model workable and logical alternatives within the SNP’s upper echelons.

      There are a multitude of solutions out there and some of them might be almost under the ends of our noses. I have tried to workshop a few of these recently and am working on what is, at least for me, a blatantly simple model.

      Moving on from currency, there is the gnashing of teeth about RBS leaving Scotland. Good. I could suggest a whole list of opportunities that will arise in the wake of that implied “tragedy” which has been concocted for domestic consumption by our glorious MSM.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. We need to re-frame the argument. We need to pivot away from “what will we do when we have no currency” and to explain that if we choose widgets as our medium with which to conduct commerce and trade it wouldn’t matter.

        What matters is that country’s currency is underpinned by its natural resources and human skills. That is the wealth of the nation.

        There is an upside to living in a cold and slightly miserable climate cut off from mainland Europe and sharing an island with peoples of other countries. We own 95% of oil and 65% of gas in the North Sea, produce enough renewable energy from wind, wave and tidal sources to supply 25% of all Europe’s needs whilst whisky has been the 3rd greatest export earner for the UK Treasury for the last 30 years or more.

        “RBS” can leave if they want. The people who work in the financial industry will, however, remain and can be re-deployed in new companies that will inevitably fill that void.

        So there’s nothing to fear – let’s not be shy in telling people that.

        Liked by 8 people

  8. Right Alin, I recall the story of Napoleon when agter he had finalized his battle planhe called in his corporal to review it. If the corporal failed to understand (being at the sharp end of any battle) Napoleon took the plan back to the drawing board to creat one for all to understand.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Shared on facebook. The only reason I stay on facebook is to present these types of well considered articles.

    Many thanks Iain and Phil.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Iain, can I make a small request, could you please put a date at the start of your articles? I am never sure if the article is current or from the archives. I know, I’m as sharp as a tennis ba’.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. The border issue is one for another day but I would like to take a bit of a dive into currency issues in an attempt to reassure my fellow too wee, too poor, too stupid countrymen that this is an area of the economy which holds no terrors.

    I just love that bit!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Anyone interested in currency should join Scottish Currency fb group.
    It is a private group but will accept requests for membership , if the membership questions are answered.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. On a slightly related note, with whom did the Baltic countries trade before they regained their independence? If the answer to that is “Predominantly USSR” that’s another myth that can be demolished.

    Am I right in thinking that the Baltic countries combined have about the population of Scotland? Is comparison with the Baltic therefore as valid as that of Scandinavia?

    Just a few half-awake thoughts at 6am here.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Baltic states together are just a wee bit north of 6 million so Scotland +10% approximately. The consideration of the Baltics as a comparison for Scotland is not unique. There are pluses and minuses to every proposed comparison pair. The Baltics are not there yet with GDP per capita but give it 5-10 years and they will getting close to UK parity. Of course 5-10 years is a “risk” so that will never wash.

      BTW the only 3 countries in Western Europe (excepting Malta) with a lower GDP per capita than the UK are Spain, Portugal and Italy. all potentially basket cases in the view of UK media.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. So basically the UK is just above the relegation zone, rather than competing for the Champions League or the UEFA Conference League, come to that.

        Put another way, the UK must be incredibly unequal. I have not been there since 2007 but, even then, it was evident that wealth disparity had grown since I left in 2001.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Scotland, pre-1707, and the Baltic states were traditional trading partners. England immediately put an end to that partnership.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Yeh you are quite right. I studied Scottish historical geography under the late Alan Small at Dundee and he used to demonstrate the importance and proximity of the Baltic to Scotland by inverting the world map. Mind you the shift in trade presaged the emergence of Glasgow.

        Here’s a thing I just found out and isnt well known. The famous Finnish Field Marshal and subsequent President Von Mannstein’s family were the Von Wrights from Germany. The Von Wrights took their name from a Baltic trader called Wright. Wright came from my home town, Dundee.

        Liked by 2 people

    3. In the interwar years in Scotland the chances are that any imported butter or bacon your parents/grandparents, etc. were buying was shipped out of Pärnu, Estonia to Dundee. At one time a thriving trade link.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. There are dangers pegging your currency to another or basket of currencies. Your central bank policies like interest rates are completely tied up with the sole purpose of maintaining the value of your currency within the set bounds. Effectively losing control over the independence of your currency.

    As an example Iceland let it’s krona float after the banking crash in 2008. Initially this saw a sharp devaluation of the currency which was turned around as the fiscal policy implemented shorned the austerity approach taken elsewhere and Iceland saw record growth during the period of austerity in the EU.

    What an independent Scotland needs is a credible economic stimulus plan for growth which will attract foreign capital flows to make returns. Then the value of the currency takes care of itself.

    I agree with the point about getting proper figures to debunk GERS and have never understood why an SNP led Scottish government has not set up the apparatus to do this. One of the many mysteries.

    Good to see this type of discussion.


  15. The problem with pegging, to a single or basket of currencies, is that you set an uncontrollable target to no apparent reason or purpose.

    This is why the weaker nations of the EU, with quite divergent economic conditions, remain much as they were before, but unable to escape through external devaluation, and are forced into internal devaluation.

    The primary purpose of currency issue is to allow a government to pursue its ambitions.
    The primary purpose of currency usage is to avail the production of an economy to people, at home and abroad.

    When you use an arbitrary target such as a peg, you are distracting from these two purposes, and permitting productivity free arbitrage.

    If your government,as they all do, demands taxation in that currency, business and individuals will have to decide how to use and find that currency, thus both creating demand,a recognition of necessity and setting the price for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. YES YES YES YES BUT the issue that MUST BE TACKLED NOW is getting the ALBA on the ground troops gathered structured and organised region by region and constituency by constituency.

    Somehow we need to get as many of the YES people onboard ASAP and show an on the ground presence that cant be ignored by the MSN and the BBC CH4 and STV.

    The SNP are never going to come on board until and unless a vast majority of their MSP’s can actually read the writing on the wall (and OK even if it is sadly looking after number one) and cross the chamber and establish an ALBA presence in the Scottish Parliament.

    Interesting time ahead

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree Roibert. 100%. It is about putting essential issues front and centre. Talk of “legal” or “illegal” referendum projects is a smokescreen.

      We need to demonstrate an unequivocal and intelligent set of supremely logical building blocks which cannot be ignored, which cannot be cast aside as cloud cuckoo nonsense, which demonstrate maturity and critical thought.

      Liked by 5 people

    1. They won’t, Alin, as long as the party which purports to want independence continues to do everything it can to dampen down the people’s spirit.

      Thankfully more and more people in Scotland are looking beyond the SNP’s resistance.

      The Cringe has a lot to answer for. Confidence is what is needed most of all.

      BTW excellent article from the loon fae Buckie. Loons fir Kroons!

      Liked by 4 people

  17. Westminster’s pre-election stated ‘view’ of Scotland’s finances – basket case, massive deficit, subsidised by rUK etc etc.

    International financial markets actual reaction to election result – Pound Surges 1% as Risk of Imminent Scotland Referendum Recedes

    Westminster exposed as liars by the real world.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. I lived and worked in Nyasaland, while it became Malawi [Africa] in 1960s. Most folk wanted independence but a lot of local Brits were against it, using arguments familiar to Scots [too wee, too poor etc]. But I do not remember any discussion about what currency an independent Malawi would use. In the event independent Malawi continued to use Central African [Rhodesian] pounds, shillings and pence for a few years then switched to the Kwacha. [That has fallen in value compared to the £ or $ but the country remains happy with independence with no grumbles that I know of about currency]

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Thank you Phil Lawrence, for a very interesting and informative article on currency, its a pity you’re not here to whisper it into the Scottish governments ear, for Andrew Wilson Growth Commission Report was very limited and unimaginative on what currency other than Sterling for Scotland.

    The Eastern European countries you mentioned highlight that Scotland can and will make a reasonably smooth transition from Sterling to what ever currency we choose after independence.

    As for your other topic borders, well the UK just created another 25 borders with the EU yet the UK still continues, but if Scotland became independent, a border with the rest of the UK would be the be all and end all of Scotland.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. You know it as well as I do. Our media love to present things through the prism of only binary choices. Imagination is scary and it threatens the busted status quo. Our job – all of us – is to re-frame all of the arguments in a non-binary way. I am fit to burst with potential solutions that can blow certain aspects of the binary arguments wide open and I am only too happy to share as we inexorably stride forward to embrace our bright new future. If only the Growth Commission had considered that that was its real mandate. Shameful.

    Liked by 3 people

  21. Sorry Iain this is O/T but yesterday there was absolute mayhem in Glasgow.

    Well I’m all for football fans celebrating their team winning a league title, however the scenes in Glasgow yesterday were more akin to drunken violent mobs roaming the city looking for trouble.

    Three police Scotland officers were hospitalised, and other were injured, and there were dozens of arrests. Firework were lets off right up until the wee small hour of the morning and emergency services were stretched and their sirens could also be heard throughout the night.

    On top of this we had plane loads of so called Rangers FC fans jetting in from Belfast to join what was classed as the festivities. to add insult to the injury of the decent people of Glasgow several Police Scotland officers were captured on phone footage dancing with Rangers FC scarves around their necks, reinforcing my opinion that Police Scotland is a colonial police force.

    The Glasgow Police commander in charge of the city yesterday has failed miserably in his job to control parts of the mob(not all the fans many are decent folk) what seems like a rioting mob that trashed the city centre and caused damaged to it. He should be named and shamed and in my opinion reprimanded.

    I await to see if Nicola Sturgeon takes any action tomorrow, or will it be another Leslie Evans case of doing nothing but protecting those who fail miserably at their jobs but still keep them.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. A great deal of the Policing of an event like yesterdays, takes place well before the game, and is inbuilt.

    Things like open source intel gathering about trouble makers flying in. They should have had their tickets cancelled, spotters should have been on the trains, planes and boats, ensuring that on arrival, even if they took their scarves off, they were coralled into a big room with a tv and could watch the game there. But not attend. Then back on the first bus home.

    Likewise Glasgow square should have been inaccessible for them. Ibrox should have been opened up for the ‘party’.

    But if you wanted to ensure a nationwide ‘lockdown’ continues, in order to prevent another Political party/idea from campaigning in its most effective way (since you’ve already got the tv and press sown up) then a third Covic lockdown would ensure all corners of the country are going to be exposed by returning revellers.

    And that means lockdown by August.

    So no Alba Conference, except by zoom.

    Please tell me Alba are fleet of foot enough and wise enough to see that and move the conference forward. Fast forward to the end of June.

    Hold it outdoors, make it a picnic.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. It’s ok. Waving the butcher’s apron around makes you immune to all disease – except the disease of British nationalism.

    Liked by 1 person

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