I wanted to bring some optimism to the Independence debate. A bit of hope, a bit of vision so I put together this programme which outlines how huge problems can be overcome with the powers of Independence. How a clever plan, a bit of ambition and the courage to implement the changes can move a country forward at breakneck speed.I hope you find this uplifting and enjoyable.

Enjoy my friends. Please share this optimism.

I am, as always



  1. Fantastic to hear, again, about the use of digital IDs. I’m baffled as to why we resist initiatives like this. Blockchain democracy is the future and we have the tech already in the form of the Scottish Digital Covenant. As usual nowadays, it’s effectively been shunned by the SNP because it’s a Yes Movement initiative. If we could just make them think that it was their idea, it might move forward.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Well Iain, This was indeed a wonderful programme. I loved the music; it was very uplifting. My first SNO conference was in Perth in 2014 and at the end we sang “Scots Wha Hae”, which my mother had taught me when I was wee. I was so disappointed that at the next conference it didn’t happen. It was almost as if this anthem was to be ashamed of as old fashioned!
    Your ideas for the growing of Scotland’s economy are terrific and I can but hope that Kate Forbes gets a look at the programme.
    Thank you again for all your hard work. It’s fantastic to know that we have people like you with forward thinking ideas for our new Scotland.
    Stay well, stay safe.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Janice, Kate Forbes is currently engaged in her own programme, that of following her inglorious leader.

      Her recent Holyrood Election address made NO reference to committing Scotland to INDEPENDENCE under any time frame, only that she aspired to the leader’s job.

      Unfortunately as things stand the Estonian project carries no currency within this present Sturgeon led government therefore we must look to ourselves to promote and prepare the road to INDEPENDENCE.

      Support for and the promotion of the ALBA manifesto will be key to fulfilling our objective.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Hi Iain

    I’ve just watched your chat with Phil Lawrence, enjoyed it immensely. Key to Estonian Independence was planning and informing people about those plans.

    It’s so frustrating that our “dear leader” doesn’t have the same drive and our politics goes down the road of comic book rather than encyclopedia.

    I’m hopeful that Alex and the Alba Party are working on such plans and will be in a position to share them soon.

    Keep up the good work Iain…you should get a job in politics….!! 😂

    Kindest regards

    Sent from my Galaxy

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s a hobby Yvonne. That is why I talk some good stuff I am not reliant on it to make any money and I am beholden to nobody. These are both very important truth enablers.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. How refreshing a wonderful positive blog ( virtually no negativity at all ) at last ! You did an a most entertaining ,interesting talk on Estonia to a group I am a member of many many months ago and it was lovely to enjoy it again .Thank you.
        I thoroughly agree that ‘running ‘ the country for 100 % of the people is a tad more restrictive and challenging than a hobby but perhaps the people in power listen more than they are ever given credit for.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Excellent Iain. We need more of this. Its depressing to realise how ill prepared SNP seem to be, but better to know and deal with it. I attended part of Alba Aberdeens meet with Tommy Sheridan last night…similar vein to this…co-ordinate across Yes movement…no fifedoms…tie up our ropes across Scotland. It was recorded and hopefully will be published soon

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Thanks for that. It’s what we need: self-confidence to defeat the Scottish Cringe once and for all. If only our political representatives showed some “get up and go” – in every sense of the phrase?

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Great interview and discussion with Phil Iain, very informative. Looking up the videos on the Estonian singing revolution you immediately see the critical importance of culture and language to a people’s independence, which are the only things that give us our national consciousness and that is the essential ingredients for the desire for nationhood and independence, as Frantz Fanon maintained. Which probably explains why culture and language formed the first two main chapters in my book on the Socio-Political Determinants of Scottish Independence:

    Liked by 6 people

  7. A real eye opener Iain. Thanks for that enlightening chat with Phil.
    Pre indy ref vote in 2014 an asda checkout worker said to me what about the currency we wont get to use the pound! I replied surely independence is the freedom to choose whatever currency we like and we wont get to buy things for free! The blank stare i got back from her said it all.

    Sadly Scotland is nowhere near prepared for its independence with no signs of planning or anything at all in place let alone discussion What a waste the Sturgeon years since ’14 have been. And yet some i know think its just around the corner. Time for the Yes movemnet to take charge or we will still be sitting here in same position in five years time. Oh for a bit of pride here a la Estonia.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Cam you wrote ” IMHO, the transformative potential of Scotland’s self-government will only be realised, if we can rest control of the SNP back from the science denying authoritarians who’ve gutted the party of its democratic credentials.” my question is WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO , I find this a problem that people want to save something that is so twisted and unrecognisable and is literally so far removed from it’s reason d’etra , personally I would let it sink and rot as it has morphed into a cancerous scab on the independence community.

      By the same token I don’t hear people calling for the resurgence of liebour , quite the opposite liebour has become tory lite and people want them destroyed , so sorry I don’t want a fetid rancorous party occupied by self serving sniveling cowards in charge of an independent Scotland , could you picture Sturgeon and her morons negotiating the division of assets OMG

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Standing under Westminster has separated Scottish politics and legal practice, from a respect for the Natural law (universal practical reason). This privileges Westminster as the source of supreme legal authority. Which is a culture that Scotland will need to unlearn, and quickly.

        Social learning towards a sustainable world

        Liked by 3 people

  8. Great stuff, Iain. There is so much we could be doing: revitalizing defunct industries; building up our ports to ship directly to Europe; starting up manufacturing that is almost all in England. It is quite shocking just how much extra we we have to pay for having things hauled up here. The list of endless. As for currency, start as we mean to go on: have our own currency; and work to get international community recognition. The wasted opportunities here would gar ye greet.

    Liked by 6 people

  9. Brilliant and sobering insight into what can be achieved by a small country led by passionate and patriotic leaders.
    The info about a ‘basket of currencies’ was fascinating when compared to a conventional view as held by the SNP’s lamentable and unlamented ‘Growth Commission’. My only concerns on that issue is the actual governance or ownership of our underwritten wealth e.g. Oil and Whisky, both with H.Q.s outside of Scotland. But I’m sure there is a way to solve that one.

    The organisational and visionary skills of the Estonian inaugural government put our lot of sham politicos to shame. Posturing SNP leadership, prevaricating, clueless, stuck in the flatulent slipstream of Westminster’s ancient and corrupt practices. Consider Scotland’s proud pre- Union history of European trade and innovation with busy and productive ports. Also, our post Union history of emigration and the success of our diaspora achieved only by getting out from the maw of Mother England. These reflections on what could have been, but for…? make me hungry for the people with the talents and vision to come together in Scotland and forge the vision based on our cultural history and out record of intellectual greatness.

    When you look at the current imposters representing the ‘National’ party: Over 100 Msps and MPs , silent, supine and spineless. With a complete lack of ideas and action for the creation of a unique Scottish State; the total absence of encouragement of Scottish culture, indeed the obvious embarrassment by the SNP of usage and promotion of Scots language and God forbid Scottish history.They do not even like using the term ‘Scottish people’, preferring the woke ‘ people living in Scotland’ phrase, thus demonstrating their unfitness for any movement seeking true liberation.

    The conclusion is that we need a ‘Road show’ of multi talented experts, who are experienced in the real world, preferably successful exiles, to go round Scotland and bring the truth to the unknowing Scottish public. The BBC and the MSM have and will continue to lie and obfuscate the truth of our country’s potential. The SNP are a devolved and compromised busted flush, and are not fit for purpose. Let them fart at thunder until they are revealed to the greater Scottish public for the frauds that they are. So the grassroots must seed themselves. False consciousness holds back our people. Knowledge is power and power will free us.

    Liked by 6 people

  10. If we think an Eco-friendly approach to legal practice sounds like a good idea, then we really shouldn’t allow Scots law to be disabled in its capacity to authentically reflect the biological world. Nor its compatibility with international law. So that’s us onto plumbs until we can re-connect Scot law with universal practical reason, a.k.a. Natural law.

    Towards a Cognitive Science of the Human: Cross-Cultural Approaches and Their Urgency

    Liked by 2 people

  11. One of the most terrifying things of the Union is Sturgeon allowing the Tories to negotiate away our sovereignty.

    England based football clubs are currently busy trying to buy an English player based trained and honed in Germany for tens of millions.

    This typifies the idiocy of allowing England to run Britain.

    What can be done.


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