An open letter to Winnie’s son Fergus

Dear Fergus Ewing MSP.

The Ewing Legacy

As you well know that doughty fechter, Winnie Ewing entered Westminster on November 1967 and famously declared “stop the world, Scotland wants to get on”.

During her time in that place she had first hand experience of the SNP’s 1970s campaign It’s Scotland’s Oil, a campaign that rallied me to the cause and alerted my younger self to the perils of perfidious Albion.

So this week’s news that Crown Estate Scotland has effectively sold Scotland’s renewable wind capacity for a relative pittance is a travesty of inordinate proportions. Remember the McCrone report? The expression fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me was never more appropriate.

In stating the blindingly obvious Winnie Ewing was, for twenty years, a champion of Scotland and her interests and was distinguished with the accolade of Madame Ecosse courtesy of Le Monde in acknowledging the pinnacle of her achievements.
She had become Britain’s longest serving MEP in 1995 and in her day, a former Vice President of the European Radical Alliance. Now that sounds like a doughty fechter’s club if ever there was one. And as the senior MSP, with great dignity opened the Holyrood Parliament in May 1999, with the memorable words “The Scottish Parliament, adjourned on the 25th day of March in the year 1707, is hereby reconvened”
Without doubt a woman with a place in history and in her 94th year a veteran pensioner.

At 74 years I am a mere stripling pensioner but now increasingly despondent about the Scotland of my remaining years.
Given the accelerating cost of living, the highest rate of inflation in 30 years, even in advance of the massive increase in fuel costs coming down the line once the energy price cap is removed, we also need to factor in the real prospect of increased Council Tax bills. Such a veritable tsunami of financial grief will be particularly hard on pensioners on a fixed income in your Inverness & Nairn constituency and indeed elsewhere.
Fifty five years later from that important day in Westminster, we are afflicted with the party of Independence and it’s willshe-wontshe First Minister.

At the SNP conference in Aberdeen in 2017 she promised me and fellow party members that a “publicly owned, not-for-profit energy company” with charges “as close to cost price as possible” would be set up by 2021. That was a party worth voting for. Then it wasn’t because she reneged on her promise. Then it was, when apparently, at last year’s on-line conference, the rank and file insisted on it as Party policy. Then it wasn’t because public owned shareholding didn’t feature in the great licensing giveaway this week. A mere 5% stake in the energy generation would be a very valuable contribution (some estimate £275m annually) to Scottish government revenues. As Iain Lawson writes, “clearly your First Minister prefers “big profits for private companies, especially if they are owned and controlled outside Scotland.”

As a pensioner yourself, it might be argued you could be the Pensioners’ champion, albeit not dependent like lots of us on the poorest state pension in Europe, nevertheless I’d appreciate your view on how much more you could be doing if you had access to enhanced funding.

I would very much appreciate as a constituent, that you honour that great Winnie Ewing legacy by standing up for your pensioner constituents. That you challenge the torpor currently afflicting the alleged party of Independence which is literally spectating as increasing perils to our economy, our standard of living, decency and social democratic outlook are about to overwhelm us, and that’s without factoring in the current Whitehall chaos

What does Madam Ecosse think I wonder, fifty five years later in 2022, that Scotland has yet to get onboard a world that’s declined to hang about for us?
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
Iain Bruce



Sadly some sites had given up on being pro Indy sites and have decided to become merely pro SNP sites where any criticism of the Party Leader or opposition to the latest policy extremes, results in censorship being applied. This, in the rather over optimistic belief that this will suppress public discussion on such topics. My regular readers have expertly worked out that by regularly sharing articles on this site defeats that censorship and makes it all rather pointless. I really do appreciate such support and free speech in Scotland is remaining unaffected by their juvenile censorship. Indeed it is has become a symptom of weakness and guilt. Quite encouraging really.


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30 thoughts on “LETTER OF THE WEEK

  1. Absolutely spot on. Unless we set up our Energy company, we will continue to lose out. It appears we learnt nothing from the mistakes of our oil industry.
    Pensioner or not, this is our future renewable energy and we can imitate Norway with the income generated by our renewables to build a wealth fund. Meanwhile, like our oil, it is being transported south.
    As a sop, we might get an unwanted new nuclear station(as it will be far enough away from London)

    Liked by 18 people

    1. Absolutely right Andy. Nuclear energy is also the most expensive to produce and its proponents never talk about the high level waste produced which is dangerous for thousands of years and is currently stored in water tanks at Sellafield because they still don”t know how to deal with it.

      Liked by 11 people

      1. The three on the right are George Leslie, Jenny Heriot and I think Ian Goldie. The others are on the tip of my tongue but hopefully other readers can help.


  2. It’s still hard to believe that the party that yielded the Independence tigresses Winne Ewing, Margot MacDonald and Margaret Bain has pussycat Nicola Sturgeon heading it up.

    Liked by 20 people

    1. AYE it was hard to believe, but she has shown her true colours since 2015, when she had the biggest majority at WM a majority in HR & a membership the SNP could only dream of.. I call that COWARDICE. And for Winnie’s son to still be sat there in our Parliament keeping quiet as pussycat Sturgeon ruins this country. Says little for him as well.

      Liked by 16 people

      1. I think you are correct there, the only scandal I heard about her private life was the fight with her French girlfriend at the Balmoral hotel, MI5 must have a shitload of compromising stuff on her, and inturn she’ll never allow Scotland to leave this union if she can help it. Post her SNP career she’ll always be a Whitehall asset whether she takes a position at home or abroad to keep her private life out of the media.

        Liked by 3 people

  3. A very true and clear account of what has not happened with a first Minister who was handed the baton in a very strong team with plenty energy, determination , and a great place In the race for independence and a better future for all the citizens of Scotland.
    Once again we are sold down the river and our resources plundered to keep the Westminster mafia in power and on the gravy train………but I’m afraid there are many Holyrood MSP’s and MP’s boarded that train many stations back?

    Liked by 14 people

  4. Well his sister couldn’t even be bothered to reply emails, yet her flyers have started coming through the door with the looming council elections..

    On another note..

    September to November the UK exported 31975 Gwh of gas. (When the price rises we’re taking off)
    Same period, 2020 was 15830 GWh.

    Worth reading the thread, which of course refers to ‘British’ waters of course, but the thrust is, the production is privately owned and the best prices are on the continent. So we have all this available gas production in our territory which we can’t access.

    Revolution can’t be far away.

    Liked by 18 people

  5. If you’d told me even 5 years ago that there’d come a day that I’d look at the SNP with the same loathing and revulsion that I had for Thatcher’s Tories and Blair’s New Labour I would’ve said you were mad. That’s where I am now though.

    They’ve become the establishment, populated with careerists and opportunists who are happy to buy into the personality cult as long as it keeps their snouts in the trough. Party before country and power for power’s sake.

    Liked by 22 people

    1. Likewise Dave .

      The only difference between New Labour and New SNP is the rapidity with which the latter has sold it’s soul .

      It took Labour maybe 70/80 years ( the decline began under Kinnock IMO )

      The SNP have managed it in 7 .

      And at so cheap a price .

      Nods of approval from fellow * progressive * Globalists and * possibly * a handsomely remunerated gig in some international body for Sturgeon : a few years at the trough for the lumpen Yes Men/Women that make up the numbers on the Holyminster benches nodding in bovine docility at every hollow pledge and threat ( lol ) of Nikkiiii and Blackfraud

      Liked by 8 people

  6. I wonder what Winnie really thinks of the mess her son and his pathetic cronies, not to mention the evil wee narcissist, have made of a once great party.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. I agree, everyone knows when the Buffoon lies he can’t hide it, & he can fool no-one who doesn’t want to be fooled..STURGEON on the other hand is up there with the best of Liars, & she can still fool people you would have thought had more common sense. It is just as well she doesn’t have control of ALL powers or she would be worse ai am sure than even THATCHER. And that is saying something..Every selfie is either with UNIONISTS like Alistair Campbell, or war monger like Hilary Clinton, And for the leader of the supposed Independence Party to say SHE would work with LABOUR but NOT other Indy parties should have been when those fools saw through her..m

      Liked by 12 people

  7. He speaks for many who joined the SNP not only pensioners. My only comment would be that I am not a great fan of publicly owned companies per sa, for they always end up underfunded and getting a decision on anything take an eternity. However, I do believe that the government should hold control of an industry that is essential to the lives of its people such as energy, transport, not hand it over lock stock and barrel to private enterprise and then wash their hands of any responsibility “we can not interfere in the working of a private company” At present the pendulum has swung too far in the direction of the private sector.

    Liked by 14 people

  8. Thanks for publishing this great letter, Iain. You, Barrhead Boy and griuse beater are reallly fired up now and I hope this is having an effect on the general feeling about what’happening in politics in Scotlansd now. I hope more and more people are beginning to see the light and change will come soon.
    I am appalled that we may have to rely on people in London to preserve the dearly won protection for women and children that will be destroyed by the SNPs crazy policies on the GRA.
    There is so much more sensible things that could be done to further independence and provide help for the people of Scotland, especially those struggling with poverty now with inceased prices for food and heat and the hike in NI.
    We need to show Westminster we are serious about a not for profit energy cpmpany along with reform of land tenure (including an annual land rent which would transorm local government finance, an investment bank and planning for Scottish rax and welfare offices, currency, and our own DVLA, postal serfvices etc.
    Sorry this has got much longer than i intended at first but at 85, I’m getting increasingly impatient – and angry at the inaction of our elected representaives in Holyrood.

    Liked by 17 people

  9. Yes Iain “the poorest state pension in Europe” is what we have.
    It is about to go even poorer as the English Tory Government have ditched the triple lock mechanism which would have seen the pension rise in line with inflation. They have stated they will return to the triple lock next year but who believes anything a Tory will say.

    Liked by 14 people

  10. Fergus Ewing is a disgrace and his constituents are entitled to ask what exactly he has done in their interests for the last however many years. Oh, that’s right, on every occasion he has stood up to defend the big landowners of the Highlands, their ‘sporting’ industry, gamekeepers and other vested interests in the region. He has refused to help those who are desperately trying to implement serious change which would benefit the people of the area in land reform, ecological restoration or wildlife preservation, particularly raptors which are poisoned and illegally killed by sporting estates on a regular basis. He is proud to have reinstated tail docking for hunting dogs amongst other pressing matters for his constituents. He is indistinguishable from a Tory, who at least we expect to side with big money and foreign landowners.

    His attitude is at one with the decision to hand over our resources and future natural energy capital to global corporate interests. Norway’s state energy fund, which is owned by the people of Norway, will benefit more from our windfarms than Scots people. Just have a look at Common Weal’s report and weep.

    He and his colleagues are frauds when it comes to protecting the interests of Scots and making Scotland a better place for us all. He is deeply in the pocket of big money and land interests in the Highlands, and is therefore a fraud.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. I think a major house builder in the Nairn/Inverness area has achieved his solid political support and loyalty. They must have presented quite an extractive argument..
      They must be quite a company given the career change to them from a retiring councillor.

      Liked by 5 people

  11. Don’t be surprised if this heartfelt plea falls on deaf ears, its a real tragedy that Scotland is swimming in energy sources yet a third of Scots cannot afford to heat their homes properly, this number will balloon come April when price rise on energy will go through the roof, add the rise in the cost of living and things for many are about to get very tough indeed. Independence would’ve mitigated some of the bumps in the road but Sturgeon chose not to help us achieve this.

    Why did Sturgeon decide to furnish big business with huge profits ( The great coastal giveaway) whilst leaving her fellow Scots to shiver in their cold homes, but then again Sturgeon pulled out all the stops to save England from Brexit, but not Scots from Westminster, she cannot be trusted to do the right thing for Scots and Scotland come May 5th elections we must vote for the Alba party before there’s nothing left in Scotland to give away.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. As for Brexit on the BBC news today we saw queues of lorries, miles and miles of them waiting for ferries to Europe not just a few hours but days. Many are looking for alternatives (such as going to Ireland and using the direct ferries from Dublin to Europe). But it looks as if Scotland will miss the boat again for even the Alba party are having to go cap in hand to Westminster to put forward the case for direct ferries from Scotland to Europe. What is wrong with the Scottish people have they been so taken in with the rhetoric of the SNP that they intend to hold another referendum on independence? I read on the newspaper stall today the headlines on The National that we will be getting a referendum on rejoining the EU after independence, My first thought was campaigning for the local elections is starting early. Are we really going to fall for all this crap once more? holding indiref2 and referendum on rejoining the EU and it isn’t even April first.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. threewheelsonmywaggon

        Yeah it looks like a fair chunk of the indy vote still believes Sturgeon, our gutless and spineless MSPs don’t help matters any staying quiet on her machinations, whilst keeping their snouts in the taxpayers trough.

        As for Brexit, I’ve read recently that EU lorries are bypassing the UK land bridge to the Republic of Ireland, preferring to stay at sea until they reach RoI.

        The Sturgeon carrots are out in force due to the upcoming council elections soon they’ll be right in our faces, promising independence and a return to the EU, no doubt Sturgeon and her fanzine the National newspaper will be offering world peace as well come voting day.

        Liked by 5 people

  12. I cannot believe that the SNP led by a little narcissist can hand over our natural resources for a pittance. SNP will no longer get a vote from this house, ALBA all the way.
    I look forward to through a Scottish Prism every week, Barrhead Boy and Iain Lawson hit the nail on the head every week.

    Liked by 12 people

  13. Having a go at the jobsworths that inhabit the SNP is the only way I can think of starting a fightback of the Yes movement and wondered if any readers in the Hamilton constituency(s) and those of Angus Robertson when he was heir in the Moray constituency, might want to enquiry what they have done with Winnie’s legacy as well

    Liked by 3 people

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