This was left as a comment in response to the excellent article from Cath Ferguson which I published yesterday. I believe it is worthy of a full article in its own right. The evidence mounts and that should worry even the most stubborn SNP LOYALIST. Things have gone seriously wrong within the SNP. MIA is a regular Yours for Scotland columnist.

“So looking again at the Salmond case, it began in the Civil Service, who reported complaints directly to the Crown Office”

My suspicion is the “Salmond case” might have began much sooner than that, at least its plotting phase. In my personal opinion, it might have started already at the time the polls in Scotland in 2014 gave yes as the winner, even before the referendum took place. 

It seems to me that, at that point, removing Mr Salmond from the SNP had become a necessary step in the overall plan of stopping Scotland’s independence. This become more urgent when the polls started to announce a landslide for the SNP in the GE2015.

If you believe the official result in 2014 (which I do not), if the vow had not been peddled during purdah, Mr Salmond would have won that referendum. From that point onwards, it was paramount for the british state and I wonder if some USA elements too, to retain control of the oil fields, the Nato seat, Scotland’s assets and Scotland’s parking space for the nukes. At that time it was obvious unionism was dead, so what was the best way of ensuring success? By taking control of the SNP. How do you do that? by putting wind on the sails of the devolutionists in the party while removing the wind from the sails of the fundamentalists.

Interestingly, Sturgeon was the only one entering the SNP leadership context in 2014. Some gradualist figures are taking prominent positions during Sturgeon’s reign. One has to wonder how many of those who entered the SNP after the referendum in 2014 and since then took positions of power were labour recruits whose intention was never to push for independence but rather to take control of the SNP from within to keep the yes movement on a leash and stop independence.

The first step to take control of the SNP was to remove from the party the main promoter of independence, Mr Salmond. Otherwise pushing the party towards devolution and away from independence would not have been possible.

Given how they protected her during the fiasco of the complaints procedure and criminal case on trumped up charges that should have seen this political fraud, her crew and the entire senior tier of the civil service in Scotland packing, it is clear these forces knew she posed no harm to the union and her ego would be more than pleased with her rebranded version of Gordon Brown’s devo max. 

Since those polls putting yes ahead emerged and since the polls in 2015 predicted a landslide for the SNP , we have seen an awful lot of shite, ridiculous policies, truckloads of time wasting and materials to distracting us with the wrong things emanating from Sturgeon’s SNP non-stop.

Outrageously, we have seen Sturgeon claiming a vote for the SNp is not a vote for independence, despite the achievement of Scotland’s independence being the first article of the SNP constitution.

We have seen a deliberate and fabricated division among the yes movement, deliberate destruction of the democratic structures of the party, deliberately attacking and deselecting some of its own members.

We have seen how, ridiculously, always the same SNP elements take time and time again the faux moral ground of attacking those in the yes movement who actively criticise unionists but those same SNP elements never actually find the time nor the decency to actively condemn those SNP elements who savaged Ms Cherry in twitter.

We have seen Sturgeon and her crew having never ending amounts of time to attend to each and every futile timewasting nonsense effort but never time to progress Scotland’s independence. A nice example of this are the GRA and of course Sturgeon having all the time in the world to share a platform with labour types to frustrate England’s democratic will for brexit by promoting another EU referendum.

It seems Sturgeon can always find time and a reason to campaign for England’s referendums but never time for Scotland’s ones.

During the GE2015 there was already an operation under way to unseat Mr Salmond and removing him from Westminster, as you can see in this article of the Independent in April 2015:
“General Election 2015: How a tactical voting campaign could thwart Alex Salmond”

This of the guardian also in April 2015:
“Lib Dems will have to rely on tactical voting to hold off SNP, says Ashdown”

This from the Financial Times in May 2015:
“Unionists struggle to organise tactical voting against SNP
Signs are that pro-union move in Gordon to stem nationalist surge will have limited impact”

The group United Against Separation (UAS) argued in 2015 that ” “tactical voting is a must in Gordon”. One of its leaflets had a cartoon where Jardine sent Mr Salmond flying after drop-kicking him on the bottom.

It looks like they did not succeed in 2015, but they succeeded in 2017. What is most fascinating here is that this group appeared to have far more interest and urgency in unseating Mr Salmond than unseating the actual SNP leader, Sturgeon. Why would that be? Clearly because they never saw Sturgeon as a threat to the union.

I am guessing that pushing Mr Salmond out of parliament was the first step in the plot of evicting him from the party.

Let’s not forget that in 2017 Mr Salmond was already announcing his intention to throw his hat for any future MSP opportunity. Comments of Woman H during the criminal trial as to why she decided in November 2017 to present the complaints to the SNP (AFTER, Mr Salmond lost the seat) were most interesting:

“I wanted it to be known in the party so it could become a vetting issue and they could deal with it at whatever stage they saw fit. For vetting, for future staff, for party conduct.”

In my opinion, woman H’s objective on this move (or that of those who were pulling her strings) seemed to be stopping Mr Salmond ever becoming an SNP MP or MSP candidate again. They were effectively trying to remove him from the SNP, the first step to destroy the SNP as a vehicle for independence.

I don’t think we can see as independent actions the civil service in Scotland in 2017, nor the timing of the accusers, nor the words of Woman H, nor the actions of UAS and the unionists with their tactical voting already in 2015, nor Sturgeon suddenly claiming in 2015 that a vote for the SNP was no longer a vote for independence when the polls were pointing towards an SNP landslide, nor even the rush to release the vow in September 2014.

I don’t think we can see as a coincidence either that in 2016, at a point when the SNP should have been most busy preparing Scotland’s independence, the chief of staff, and and SNP MP went to USa in 2016 to learn about USA’s culture and diplomatic interests (all the jolly boys and girls, WOS, November 2020).

I don’t think it can be much of a coincidence that the leader of Scottish labour, who was later involved in an attempt to destroy the most successful pro indy blog at the time, was also learning about USA’s culture and diplomatic interests at the same time. I don’t think it can be seen as a coincidence either that David Clegg, of the daily record was also present there, when it was his newspaper who would later release the leak from the SGov related Mr Salmond and also it was this newspaper who published the column written by Dugdale where she falsely accused Mr Campbell of homophobia and that it was also this newspaper who published the vow. I don’t think it was a coincidence either that Foote, linked to the vow and this newspaper, was recruited by Sturgeon’s SNP.

I don’t think we can see as a coincidence that since Sturgeon took over, the SNP has become fond of labour’s dirty tactics like using faux antisemitism to deselect perfectly good SNP candidates or calling pro indy supporters racists. I don’t think it can be seen as a coincidence that since Sturgeon took over, there has been a deliberate destruction of the democratic structures of the SNP removing control from its members.

I don’t think we can see as a coincidence that Nicola Sturgeon put in her cabinet the head of the COPFS totally compromising its impartiality and credibility, nor the sudden proliferation of malicious prosecution, nor the gagging of Mr Salmond during the Fabiani’s Farce of an inquiry, that incidentally protected her own reputation and indulged in consenting the annonymity of the alphabets to be used as the excuse to suppress vital information for the inquiry, nor the sudden change in foreign policy tendencies of the SNP, nor Sturgeon’s interest to attack those who criticise unionist women like Sarah Smith, but no interest whatsoever to criticise those who attack the women in her own party like Joanna Cherry and others. 

From where I am standing, all appears to hinge around the very same goal: to stop independence. In fact, everything were necessary parts in the process. For this plan to work, the first step was to remove the wheels of the SNP as a vehicle for independence and to achieve this it was necessary to remove power from the members and remove Mr Salmond from the SNP. This could not have been achieved without destroying the democratic structures of the party and falsely accusing Mr Salmond. This could only succeed if the accusers were kept anonymous. Smearing Mr Salmond could only happen if timely leaks happened and newspapers and some government quangos were onboard to smear Mr Salmond while yes supporters were gagged by malicious prosecutions or by being left without a voice by trying to take down the main pro indy blog at the time. 

To keep indy supporters on a leash while this political fraud handed control of all our assets and powers to foreign entities and dismantled the structures that would take us to independence, it was necessary to present the deconstructed SNP as the only option for yes supporters. This would not be possible if Mr Salmond, acquitted from all charges, took upon himself fronting a real pro indy party that would expose Sturgeon’s SNP for the unionist tool it had become. Hence the desperate smears against Mr Salmond and the pathetic whines from the alphabetes from the dark of anonymity and wrapped in Scottish government quangos and the blanket of unionist press.

I don’t know who they are, and I this point I don’t want to know who they are, but my guess is that the alphabetes’ identity had to be kept secret because should it be known, none of those smears, the Fabiani’s farce, the position of the COPFS and its suppressing information by force or the position of Sturgeon would be credible and quite possibly would make many yes supporters question who was really behind Sturgeon and the SNP. 

The smears against Mr Salmond after the criminal case seemed like firefighting rather part of the initial plan. My suspicion is that the idiots thought the man would give up politics when they presented him with a botched and rushed complaints procedure that was incompetently designed as a deterrent and never as a sound legitimate and fair tool that could ever withstand scrutiny in a court of law.

Or they were very incredibly naive, blinded by their own arrogance and incompetence, or they never actually bothered in taking the right measure of the man because they knew powerful forces behind them would finish the job they started. 

This episode has however revealed the civil service, the SNP, the Scottish cabinet, the police, Sturgeon, Holyrood and its farcical inquiries and trips to USA to train “leaders”, the propaganda outlets, the COPFS and even the courts as an embarrassment to Scotland that is doing a great disservice to the Scottish people for the sake of protecting the geopolitical and economic interests of a foreign establishment who does not give a shit about Scotland, about democracy, about justice, about honour, ethics or principles, or about the actual people.


When you read this article alongside the original Cath Ferguson one published yesterday it becomes much easier to see exactly what is happening, As one reader wrote ” it contains a lot of information previously known but when it set out together, tied to the timelines and significant opportunities, it becomes very clear that those who have been entrusted to take Independence forward are doing anything but”

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


Sadly some sites had given up on being pro Indy sites and have decided to become merely pro SNP sites where any criticism of the Party Leader or opposition to the latest policy extremes, results in censorship being applied. This, in the rather over optimistic belief that this will suppress public discussion on such topics. My regular readers have expertly worked out that by regularly sharing articles on this site defeats that censorship and makes it all rather pointless. I really do appreciate such support and free speech in Scotland is remaining unaffected by their juvenile censorship. Indeed it is has become a symptom of weakness and guilt. Quite encouraging really.


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  1. Great article.

    Exactly as I see it. I hope the alphabetties and the rest do jail time for what they have done to Scotland.

    Liked by 21 people

  2. I thought the idea that the SNP leadership could be leading us to settle for Devo Min as the best that they could do was utter nonsense. Except…

    If you have a leader with ulterior motives, i.e. one who covets a position at the UN among the most corrupt individuals our plant can produce and who needs a signature from Westminster to get it and you also have a set of lightweights or at least people who want to see a restoration of the old two party system then it’s not hard to get from there to where we are now.

    All you need are the occasional whisper now and again that Westminster holds all the cards; that independence will leave the poor more vulnerable, that there would be decades of turmoil on separation, that the instability will cause problems across Europe, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

    It doesn’t take much effort. For people who value careers above service to their country, Project Doubt has endless opportunities to throw sand in the gears.

    Slightly off topic: Withdrawal from Westminster probably would do much, but the one thing it does is signal singularity of purpose. A purpose which is sadly lack in exactly the places we need it most.

    Liked by 25 people

  3. I could weep for my country and how so many independence supporters still can’t see through the narcissistic behaviour, the lies and deception of Nicola Sturgeon and her unquestioning, unremarkable, sycophantic, carpetbagging, lobbydossers of MPs and MSPs.
    Your blog site and your fantastic guest articles like this one from Mia give me hope. I just hope we’re not too late to save Scotland.

    Liked by 26 people

  4. The UK Establishment must be seething. Despite huge efforts, especially since 2015 and with it becoming increasingly clear from 2015 to 2020 that Scotland had no real independence political party, and therefore with none of the things being done that a party that was truly for an independent Scotland would have been doing and which would be necessary for independence (eg a real plan for currency instead of just making deliberately misleading and/or empty promises), the core support for independence has remained firm at around 50%.

    Combine this lack of a political means to achieving independence from 2015 – 2020, with the fact that there has not been even one real main stream media that backed independence, (and therefore all were against independence),
    and you have a media that has been totally biased in favour of the UK position. Yet despite these two massive political and media deadweights aimed at holding back independence, support for it has remained firm.

    No country has ever easily gained independence from the UK and Scotland may only be different in that respect because since the consequences for the ‘UK’ will be economic and for the elite, also a matter of profound loss of prestige, the preventive tactics used against Scotland will be much more so than with any other country that has become independent. Yet in those countries that have gained independence and where support for independence was widespread and firm, and despite massive barriers, their democratic majority desire for independence eventually won out. It’s hard to see how that it could have ended in any other way when such strong support remained consistent over time. Independence may be a much longer process than most would prefer, but that’s how it usually has been.

    So despite all the UK Establishment’s manipulation and underhandedness in Scotland, it hasn’t diminished the core 50% support for independence. With such a solid and consistent support for independence during the confusing years since 2015, and with a UK government increasingly determined to highlight it’s incompetence and fraudulent core beliefs, it’s time that Scotland led it’s politicians instead of waiting for them to lead. Voting is a far from perfect system way in which to choose political representatives, but in the end it does offer options. Maybe that’s the key to what happens next in Scotland. Will the benefit of the doubt that the SNP have relied on so much since at least 2017 be about to run out sooner or will it be later? Will Alba become the means to the end that the SNP have so callously used but ignored? History suggests that with such strong core support, it’s only a matter of time before independence wins out. Sooner or later.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. could it be sooner rather than later please? At 75 I don’t know how much time is ahead of me and for the sake of the children and grandchildren of Scotland I would like to see my country well established as independent , enjoying a happier position in the world.
      Sturgeon may have ‘time’ – I do not.

      Liked by 19 people

      1. diabloandco, hear hear. I’m the same as you in my seventies and none of us know how much time we have left. I always hoped to leave a better country for my children and grandchildren, but we seem to be becalmed now for a few years. Disnae look as if it’ll happen anytime soon. We need rid of the cabal at the top, and a good clear out especially a’ these total wastes of space just sitting on there hands and mooths zipped tight shut. It would make you weep.

        Liked by 14 people

    2. I would love to believe that that history suggests we are on the eve of independence Iain but when you hold all the cards, the purse strings, the media BBC Sky News, newspapers (including The Independent) and anyone daring to speak out on social media against the SNP hounded it will be an uphill struggle to get the truth in front of the voters, 2013 – 2014 was different we had Alex Salmond in the driving seat, we had the Yes movement on the streets in every public hall putting over the merits of independence and it worked we won, and it was stolen from us – Westminster is never going to take that risk again by allowing such a referendum, America is never going to allow their nuclear submarine base to be treated by an independent Scotland, its oil, Gas, Windfarms handed over to the Scottish people. Cameron made the mistake of thinking ‘give them their day in the sun, no one is seriously going to vote for independence’, they learned an expensive lesson they are not about to repeat, they will do everything in their power to stop a second independence referendum and that (if necessary) will involve passing a law to stop it. time is not on Scotland side, the longer Westminster has control of the SNP the screws will be tightened until it strangles the movement altogether. I don’t know what tactics Alba has – will it be a big push for Local Election votes – or are they planning to keep their powder dry in readiness for the up and coming General Election (which considering what is happening with the economy, Brexit, NI, – god forbid another covid outbreak, maybe soon that we think).

      Liked by 11 people

      1. I hope that Alba campaign on the Thatcher-approved and internationally acceptable premise that a majority of Scottish pro-indy MPs can open negotiations for independence. Sturgeon has said often enough that as wee diddie in Holyrood she needs permission – but Scotland does not. Alba must make a strong showing in the council elections so they can get their name on everyones lips.

        Liked by 12 people

      2. That’s what worries me about ALBA. I don’t see any signs of them thinking out of the box. We will have to be smarter than our enemies, and they are our enemies, if we are going to beat them.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Thanks for a glimmer of hope. It is encouraging how the figures in favour of Independence have stayed around the 50% mark without any campaigning and in spite of the lies from Westminster. However, I fear people may be getting tired as they cannot see an end to this impasse.
      I hope Alba can pull out something in the Council Elections and our two Alba MPs are busy making the case for Indy which the SNP do not.

      Liked by 7 people

  5. Many a fledgling author would have bitten their right hand off to have come up with a such a tale of intrigue, conspiracy, treachery, and betrayal of a country by its leadership. When oh when will the sheep she the light. Saor Alba.

    Liked by 15 people

  6. The first action of the Independent Scottish government must be to dismiss the heads of the Civil service, Judiciary, and Police and anyone in these institutions who have not been politically neutral.

    Liked by 14 people

  7. Nail hit very much on the head.
    “All the jolly boys and girls” will be regarded as Stuart Campbell’s most important piece of investigative journalism by historians.
    But for a piece of indiscrete social media, we wouldn’t know that Patrick Grady and Angela Crawley were even in Washington in the summer of 2016. Just how normal is it for MPs to fail to declare paid for trips in their HoC declaration of interest?
    There’s nothing outlandish in any of this. The State Department “case officers” pulling the strings ain’t geniuses, they’re just following a well established playbook.
    The conference rooms of Foggy Bottom have been doing this for decades across the globe.

    Liked by 8 people

  8. What I fear, and at my age thankfully I’ll never see it, is that this will eventually generate into violence. It has happened around the world and Ireland is a recent example of how the English state will act. May God, whichever one you believe in, help us.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Willie John, my impression is that for some considerable period of time now state violence generated in the form of increasing homelessness, poverty and loss of self esteem amongst the most vulnerable within our society has yet to come to a tipping point. What will undoubtedly create a tipping point is when enough of the middle class become affected sufficiently to regret having turned a blind eye to the world we live in as opposed to the Ivory Towers in which they sought their own comfort.

      Scotland’s Independence will not be gained without a substantial fightback by all of us and Mia in her article highlights in BOLD the mercenary forces employed to undermine the fine veneer that exists as democracy currently.

      Sturgeon and her varied accomplices have sought to shut down the democratic processes within the SNP and Holyrood and it has become imperative that all seeking Independence now express our dissent and distrust in her abject failure as a leader in pursuing Scotland’s Independence.

      We have to bring our protest to the door of OUR PARLIAMENT at Holyrood the supposed seat of democracy in Scotland and we have little time to act lest the forces set against us resort to the violence you quite obviously fear.

      Liked by 11 people

    2. There have been just a handful of national liberation struggles that have not been free of violence and not one in the British experience.
      The British state will use both soft and hard power to retain mastery of the Scottish third.

      Liked by 5 people

  9. I think it goes absolutely without saying that dark forces made the decision to rot the SNP from within thereby destroying the momentum to independence.

    The SNP were a pressure relief mechanism. Allowed to play the independence game they were absolutely no threat whilst they were a minority party. But Alex Salmond changed that and in 2014 the SNP and the wider Yes movement ran the establishment close. In fact closer than we know because without establishment manipulation Yes won.

    It was therefore at that point I believe that dark forces with vested interests in gas, oil, renewables, military bases including nuclear, NATO et al decided that the SNP and yes must be stopped. And stop it they have.

    The destruction of Alex Salmond and others like him were all part of a tried and tested plan. Ditto the steering away of the SNP from independence policies. Read Brig Gen Sir Frank Kitson and you will understand the military – establishment strategies for resisting movements attempting to displace British colonial rule. Everything and I mean everything up to symmetrical warfare.

    And yes, jailing political leaders is only one ploy. Arming counter gangs to murder and maim is another strategy. Read up about the shadowy undercover military Force Research Unit led by a Brig Kerr during the 80s in Ireland and you’ll get a flavour of how ruthless the British state is. Or read about the recent award of tens of millions of pounds of compensation recently paid out by the British Government to the families of Kenyans slaughtered by Brig General Sir Frank Kitson’s forces who resisted the Kenyan independence movement.

    Fitting up Salmond was an easy shot. But it could have been worse as was the case with SNP lawyer Willie McRae who was shot through the head after announcing that he had evidence, now widely acknowledged to be evidence about the paedophilic ring at the heart of the Mrs Thatcher Government, and which evidence would have brought the government down.

    And that as Mia posits is where we are. There should be no surprise as to why the momentum towards independence is becalmed. It is a dirty war that the British fight. Hidden to a large extent too many folks do not see the moves. That is the nature of colonialism.

    But we can win. Country after country after country have left the British Empire. We can too and maybe the impending real reductions in living standards with many cold in their houses from lack of fuel to heat and light their homes will wake up to the 21st century poor that grows within our communities whilst the elites get obscenely ever wealthier

    Liked by 21 people

    1. Willie.

      Yes I think we’d be foolish not to think that the USA/Nato didn’t play a part in thwarting Scottish independence in 2014, Scotland lies at the base of the Atlantic arc, and Iceland at the top, the arc is seen as a line of defence against Russia, Scottish independence would/could undermine that US/Nato arc.

      Also lets not forget David Cameron just prior to the 2014 indyref pushing a note into US president Obama’s hand with the message to make a plea to Scots not to vote for independence. Lets bear in mind that several weeks earlier President Obama, had made a visit to the Republic of Ireland, and lauded the Irish for becoming a successful independent small country.

      When 2023 passes without an indyref, and it will, the 2024 GE MUST be used as a plebiscitary election in Scotland, somehow we must find a way to compel Sturgeon to partake in it.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. I think that will start by getting ALBA into as many Councils as possible! Enough at least to put the wind up the SNP so that they either makes mistakes so scales fall from Scottish eyes – or SNP see the way the ALBA wind is going & decide choosing to do Indy is the better part of valour (though I doubt they’ll choose that). But I think we have to make ALBA a real challenge to them.

        I do think getting ALBA into the Councils is a good starting point and I think we need to focus on doing that in the next while. We got things done for 2014, got people politically aware – we can do it again! I agree wholeheartedly with Mia & have said all the same things the last few years. But now it’s time to do.

        Liked by 4 people

  10. When we do achieve independence in spite of these People, any laws that were passed under Sturgeon will have to be reviewed, and probably removed.

    I am more determined than ever that we reach our goal. Even though we have in fact already done it.

    Hope I make some sense. I’m in hospital at the moment.

    Liked by 12 people

  11. Thanks folks. I’ve got pneumonia, but I’m on the mend.

    In spite of everything our SNHS is still fantastic.it’s short of staff, but the people who are there work non stop. Not for the money, but because they are entirely dedicated to helping people. That applies to each and every individual I have come across here.

    I have nothing but respect for them all.

    Liked by 10 people

  12. Spot on Mia, oh and lets not forget Sir Nicolas MacPherson, who was head of the Civil Service during the 2014 indyref who later admitted that although the Civil Service was meant to be impartial on the indy vote, he, later admitted that it was anything but, MacPherson said something along the lines of I couldn’t stand by and watch our country be broken up.

    MacPherson now works for Sturgeon.

    We must vote for the Alba party in May’s elections, I’m sorry to say the SNP are now not a party of Scottish independence, someone wrote on social media yesterday with Rape Crisis Scotland in mind, that it started out as a genuine movement, then it became a business, and finally a scam, I feel that’s what’s happened to the SNP under Sturgeon’s tenure.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. Don’t forget John Paul Marks – who, SURPRISE! was, until taking up his new post in Scotgov on 5th Jan 2022, Director General, Work and Health Services at the Department for Work and Pensions. All these unionists now suddenly feeling Independence for Scotland is the their ‘raison d’etre’?? You’re (generally, not you personally) naive in the extreme if you believe that.

      Liked by 6 people

  13. Great article Mia, worth pointing out a few other points also…

    Sturgeon was handed the reigns at the back end of 2014 and almost immediately installed the Lord Advocate into her cabinet… and yet there had been no demand for this to happen… and no apparent operational need for it to happen. How fortuitous that turned out to be.

    Prior to the GE in 2015 Westminster approved the creation of the Civil Service Hub (including new buildings) at a cost of 10’s of Millions £ in Edinburgh during peak austerity. I’m not aware of any debate about it in the House of Commons. That new building went up double quick time.

    Leslie Evans was a known quantity from her time within Edinburgh Council, prior to her secondment in Northern Ireland. Local SNP activists had witnessed her dirty tricks and were on hand to provide intelligence about her… and yet, in 2015 Nicla selected her to be her private secretary.

    Liked by 11 people

  14. Murrell Enterprises and Partners have too much at risk. The SNP are similar to Stonewall who did good work and delivered major change but became a business with employees and they therefore had to find a “New Cause”. Unfortunately these two events came together in a perfect storm…..Sturgeons Cult.

    The NUSNP, The Greens, Stonewall etc Everybody wins EXCEPT Women and Scotland.

    Liked by 7 people

  15. The world of the Caledonia Institute for the Very, Very Woke.
    Sturgeon, really, really wishes Scotland could be more like Wolverhampton

    Jump Ship NOW!
    And the view from the «progressive» NEW SOCIAL ORDER promoting NATSIONAL.
    Why online polling should not be trusted.


  16. Craig Murray posted in a tweet an astounding revelation around his own persecution:

    This is true.
    I had paid a QC to prepare an application to lift the order in respect of two powerful individuals whose unfounded and failed allegations were at the lowest possible definition of “sexual assault”, involving touch over clothing on a non-erogenous area.
    Quote Tweet
    the gunner’s dream
    · 23h
    Replying to @WillietheFly @sov_scot and @WullieHalliday
    Craig Murray was literally at the point of challenging it in court when he was charged with the jigsaw farce…..he was charged the week before. Had he not been charged, Lady Dorrian would have been ruling on that

    Craig was trying to expose who was behind the Salmond plot through legal challenge to two particular individuals granted anonymity, when surprise, surprise he was charged and stopped in his tracks.

    His appeal on Wednesday against his sentence is detailed on his website today:

    and is another astonishing piece. It demonstrates how the prosecution ignored his reasonable, evidenced defence and then introduced allegations which were never part of the case, merely Dorrian’s personal hunches and speculation, with a completely baseless division of responsibility between traditional journalism and new media.

    Further to this sordid tale of Scottish ‘justice’, it also transpires that he is not allowed to have any public access to the appeal, and quite astonishingly, no transcripts are allowed, even for his appeal to Strasbourg.

    “Having been told no public will be admitted and no streaming or dial-in of my appeal on Wednesday, we are now told we are not permitted, at our own expense, to have a transcript made.
    Not even just for our use in preparing an appeal to Strasbourg.”

    What possible conclusion can you make other than the obvious one? What kind of justice in a supposedly ‘free, democratic’ society requires a secret court with no access, either at the time or subsequently, and that a higher body will be denied access to their ‘reasoning’? What exactly do they have to hide?

    Make up your own mind, but I have to take off my hat to Craig for fighting for justice and accountability against the closed ranks of an establishment which blocks open access to legal challenges and conspires to hide its reasons from the public. Unfortunately he needs financial help to keep up this challenge, but in my opinion is well worth supporting. Not a single media outlet will support him or take on this challenge to the executive and a prima facie case of truth versus power.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Indeed. And I would also remind readers that The Scottish government attempted to abolish juries in rape cases at the beginning of the pandemic last March and that the new Lord Advocate, Dorothy bain QC, has now added her weight to Lady Dorrian’s wish to make this happen, using the most ridiculous reason to back non-jury trials in rape cases ‘because they would help clear the criminal backlog.’ Truly astounding! Let’s make one person decide a man is guilty of rape because it would help to clear the ‘criminal back-log’ (Note: those men are already being considered criminals & they haven’t even been tried yet!).

      And I can’t help wonder – which man have they got lined up to use THIS new law on? Which Indy supporting man (or men) will be the ‘guinea pig(s)’ that runs the gamut of Scotgov’s judiciary?? Who are they planning to take out of the Indy scene now??

      This is where Scotland is now. Between non-jury trials for rape & schools trying to take over the parental role of deciding our 13 year old girls can legally have sex, Scotland I fear is in a very dark place!


      Liked by 7 people

  17. If you ever find yourself in court under trumped-up charges ( they way things are going that doesn’t seem too remote a possibility ) and in urgent need of a crack defence team you would def want one with Mia in it . Pity help you if she’s the Prosecutor Fiscal though : your alibis will become bye byes .

    Brilliant work . Well done

    Liked by 4 people

  18. many years ago I read a book called britains secret war. It highlights the state involvement and infiltration of the SNP by the brit and usa secret service. . Under sturgeons leadership the forces of the british state are hard at work against Scottish independence.. What better weapon for the brit establishment than to have the leader of the INdepencence party in Scotland in their back pocket. Sturgeon will be remembered as the traitor of Scotland.

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  19. We need to expose just how corrupt the sturgeon govenment actually is. This is happening, Not because of lib dem/labour or tory FMs, But an SNP FM!! Shame on all those cult members who refuse to see the truth!

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