A colleague of mine has just had an interesting communication from the SNP delivered to his family at home.

By Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh

It said they were asking “friends and family” to vote 1 and 2 for SNP candidates and “for no other party”. This perplexed my friend, largely because the SNP has only one single candidate standing in his four member ward in the North East of Scotland; a ward where not so long ago the party were totally dominant!

He was also somewhat puzzled to get the mail, because no-one at all in his household is still an SNP supporter. However, I was able to tell him that this is not necessarily unusual. There is even the pawky suggestion that the SNP is now the Hotel California of Scottish politics – long after you attempt to leave, the voting instructions and, more commonly, incessant financial appeals are direct-mailed in from Jackson’s Entry in Edinburgh! Indeed my colleagues “friends and family” voting instruction is accompanied by just such a letter from Nicola Sturgeon.

However, my friend’s real consternation was more to understand what possible political strategy would consider it sensible to attempt to instruct independence supporters, in an STV preference system, NOT to vote for other available independence supporting candidates. 

If everyone followed this madness, then the only possible consequence is to ensure unionists elected to a majority in every Council Chamber across the country. After all not one of Scotland’s 32 Councils have single party majority control at present, and there is virtually no chance of even one of them being in sole SNP control after this year’s election. It seems that unionists have a “sleeper” running the election strategy of the SNP.

Does this really matter to the future of Scotland? Well it just might. If (and it is a big IF) the Scottish Government is serious about holding a referendum, one tactic to avoid a Westminster veto over the right of people to choose, would be to hold, or threaten to hold, our own home grown plebiscite in the absence of Section 30 go-ahead from London. This would only be credible, or at least a credible threat, if local government are prepared to cooperate. The very last thing you would need in these circumstances is a range of Tory/Labour coalitions (like the present one in Aberdeen) attacking the Government from below while Westminster attacks from on-high. 

Now let’s ask ourselves. Who is more likely to democratically cooperate with such a Scottish plebiscite? Would it be Council Chambers all run by some sort of Better Together reunion, the “Three Amigos” 2014 boy band of Labour, Tory and Liberals reincarnated, or would it be independence supporting majorities of whatever party political hue?

This Indy poison pill prescribed by SNP HQ is hard to swallow. SNP voters giving preference support to ALBA, Greens or ISP, under Single Transferable Vote cannot possibly damage the prospects of SNP candidates. It would however increase the number of independence supporters elected.  However, the Edinburgh Edict of downing voting tools after the SNP, will instead boost the chances of unionists everywhere. 

That’s why ALBA have made it clear that, after voting 1 for their own local ALBA candidate, we hope that supporters will allocate their preferences to other Indy candidates on the ballot paper. Regardless of political rivalries we have to keep our eyes firmly on the prize of independence.

That is only common sense and will be backed by all genuine Yes adherents but it leads to the question of why all this hubris from the SNP – a dog in a manger attitude which even extends to their coalition partners in the Greens! It is quite something when you think about it. The SNP are prepared to go into coalition with a party (and thus take joint and several liability for Lorna Slater) but not even give them preferences down a ballot paper!

It certainly suggests that co-operation from local government is no part of the Indyref2 planning or that there is no real Indy planning at all. This suspicion would be re-enforced by the SNP election broadcast (and the Green Conference!) where the cause of independence was not even mentioned. 

It also fails to take account of the great divide in Scottish politics which is right down the independence fault line. The aim might be just to strangle ALBA (and the ISP) at birth, in which case it depends on the recipients of the voting instructions robotically toeing the official line, regardless of independence common sense.

As far as my friend in Aberdeenshire is concerned this is unlikely. Despite having voted SNP first choice in every election since 1974 he tells me he shall be voting ALBA 1. And despite his strong disproval of the SNP tactics their sole candidate will still get his second preference, as the only other Indy candidate on his ballot paper. 

The name of my friend – Alex Salmond.



Sadly some sites had given up on being pro Indy sites and have decided to become merely pro SNP sites where any criticism of the Party Leader or opposition to the latest policy extremes, results in censorship being applied. This, in the rather over optimistic belief that this will suppress public discussion on such topics. My regular readers have expertly worked out that by regularly sharing articles on this site defeats that censorship and makes it all rather pointless. I really do appreciate such support and free speech in Scotland is remaining unaffected by their juvenile censorship. Indeed it is has become a symptom of weakness and guilt. Quite encouraging really.


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36 thoughts on “THE GREAT DIVIDE

      1. Unless Bill offers some meaningful points he is best ignored. The only purpose seems to be to disrupt meaningful discussion.

        Liked by 6 people

  1. I posted this earlier on Grousebeater’s website:

    I read the article from T-A-S in The National and her approach makes sense. Well it does if you are a genuine supporter of restoring Scotland’s statehood. The SNP recommendation is tribalist and stupid. You can bet the Unionist parties will be advocating ‘rank anyone but the Indy parties’ in their election rhetoric rather than e.g. “Vote Labour/Liberal/Tory (delete as appropriate) only”.

    The comments below the line in the newspaper are quite illuminating in that they range from either a complete misunderstanding of the STV system to disingenuously stating something to the effect that ‘well, of course the SNP are going to recommend only voting for it, what would you expect?’ The latter view of course defeats the purpose of STV as it is designed to give representation of a range of views across the political spectrum via the ranking mechanism that employs to effect the vote transfers after candidates are elected and/or eliminated in the successive rounds of counting.

    Well, after much heartache I will be voting for all theoretically pro-Indy parties as this stops the MSM giving the false narrative that Scots don’t wish for statehood. To be clear I believe that the current SNP leadership are malign and sinister but they won’t be there forever. (Hopefully they will be accounting for there sins after being brought to book for betraying Scotland’s Cause). I think of voting SNP as a placeholder for when decent people regain control. (We have to hope that this will happen).

    For me I’d grade in the following order (bearing in mind that there can be multiple contestants from parties):

    1. All Alba Party candidates
    2. All ISP candidates
    3. All pro-Indy Independent candidates
    4. All SNP candidates
    5. All Green candidates

    But I recommend holding your nose and voting for all (theoretically) pro-Indy candidates for the aforementioned reason and ignoring Unionists unless you can differentiate between the latter British parties on issues you consider important. (I can’t by the way, so no transfers to them from me).

    Liked by 8 people

    1. With respect Duncanio I also posted this under yours on Grousebeaters post

      twathater says:
      April 14, 2022 at 4:04 am

      I am sorry Gareth I won’t be following your friend Alex’s advice , he was magnanimous enough last year to encourage people to forget the divide and vote snp , ALBA supporters did that (not myself I couldn’t stomach it) and what happened , snp loyalists , apologists and cult members refused to vote ALBA and publicly denigrated and celebrated ALBA’s low voting numbers , also the betrayer encouraged her sheep to deliberately give their votes to anyone other than ALBA and if you remember she REFUSED PUBLICLY that she would work with Alex if he were elected , and if rumours were true she was instrumental or at least collaborated in ensuring that Alex was excluded from any participation in discussions or programmes

      Post her victory with the assisted votes of ALBA voters and members she deliberately and publicly ASSERTED and LIED that voters had elected her to implement her GRA reforms , I am 71 years of age and my chances of seeing indy is diminishing rapidly , independence is a long term DREAM for me but I will NEVER desert or betray my wife , daughter or granddaughter or my mother who gave BIRTH to me or my grandmother who gave birth to my mother , to favour a shower of deviant perverts who are more interested in the paedophilia of our children than they are in independence or governing our country properly

      NS is in the enviable position that she has the ability to effectively BLACKMAIL independence supporters for however long it takes her to secure another better paid position , WE all know that she has deliberately led indy supporters by the nose promising indy and has deliberately avoided any opportunity to do so , she is still doing so re her lying for years about a referendum bill that never sees the light of day . YET people are still falling for the one more time mantra because unionists might get in the cooncils

      BREAKING NEWS PEOPLE the unionists are already in control of the cooncils , and the Scottish Government , and the FM position , and the Scottish Parliament , the ONLY difference these unionists call themselves THE SNP AND THE GREENS

      What is the saying , doing the same thing over and over again whilst expecting a different result is the sign of lunacy , but being kind it is NOT lunacy but desperation , I’m sorry people she is blackmailing you

      Liked by 9 people

      1. I agree with all that TH, even the blackmailing bit.

        The question for me is: do I wish to see my Independence dream killed off or do I want to keep the restoration of Scotland’s statehood a possibility?

        I live in the southern side of the city of Edinburgh. Ian Murray is my MP. Daniel Johnson is my MSP. The Alba Party and the ISP are not standing any Councillor candidates in my ward.

        Have some sympathy for pity’s sake!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I have the SNP last. No more debate on the topic from me.
    I listened to Alba last time and saw a million wasted SNP votes. I will never vote for them again except to rank them last at council elections.

    Sorry Iain but this will be the first time I have not posted a link elsewhere to your latest article.

    The SNP only need 2nd and 3rd. Preference votes on top of the Nicophant vote to romp home.

    Liked by 19 people

    1. “ I have the SNP last”
      They won’t even do that well out of me.

      I shall number every candidate but leave blank spaces against the names of SNP and Green candidates.

      If enough voters do that then the cumulative visual impact will send a clear message to the corrupt parcel o’ rogues running the country.

      Remember these are council elections and do not impinge on the independence debate. So,

      BLANK Greens

      Hold your nose and give a ranking (a low one) even to YOON candidates above them.

      Liked by 14 people

    2. I had planned not to rank the SNP but I’m told that my candidate is one of the good ones so I’m in a quandary. Probably decide on the day.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I would contest that there are no good ones,save Ms.Cherry………Of course should one , get off their backside and say “Enough of this” loudly. Then nothing changes IMO. . . . . .More than one? I doubt it

        I am also incline to question the source of the information

        Liked by 1 person

  3. The nuSNP and Greens are using independence as a vote winner but don’t actually show any appetite for independence.

    NuSNP have been in government for nearly a year now and there is no sign of them bringing forward the s30 bill to Parliament..why ? Plenty time for everything else though supported with the Greens.

    Vote for anyone but either of them, and wave goodbye 👋 to Independence for the foreseeable future.

    Liked by 7 people

  4. J.P.Sartre might in this case have opined «hell is other Scots».
    The ability to shoot in the foot, head or wherever is mandatory.
    This guy currently attracts much media attention among the anglophone «liberals».
    Make of his history what you will but note absence of political solutions.
    Quote. «This was the time when Thatcher-era economic policies had “decimated the working man,” moving industry away from the west coast of Scotland, leaving behind mass unemployment, alcoholism, and drug abuse.»
    So what’s the answer?

    Liked by 8 people

  5. The one thing I fear more now than SNP inaction is a new Edinburgh agreement between the current Holyrood and London administrations

    Liked by 15 people

  6. Whatever happens in local council elections it will not deliver national independence. If independence is the most urgent priority of the people, as many believe it is, and postcolonial theory/history tells us it is, this means we must focus only on that goal. Our challenge does not therefore require a political party in the conventional sense, far less one built around the UK model of what a political party should be, or must act like. At this time the people only require an organisation that is representative of the national independence movement, and with one aim – to deliver independence. We can return to regular party politics after independence, should we wish to do so…… though there is arguably also a better solution given to us courtesy of the Claim of Right as to how Scotland could function rather more effectively and democratically once independent again.

    Liked by 21 people

    1. Alf, is that why the SNP took ownership of the “YES Scotland” organisation and brand and shut it down so that it couldn’t be used as the vehicle for the people to further the cause of independence as that would outflank the SNP and their dominance? That suggests that NS’s strategy was always to stymie all avenues to independence.

      Liked by 11 people

  7. Tasmina suggests that there might be ‘a sleeper’ in charge of SNP election strategy. I think that there would appear to be many sleepers in the current SNP, using both meanings of the word.

    Liked by 14 people

  8. I enjoy a conspiracy theory as much as the next tinfoil hat wearer, but f*#^ing up your chances of running a cooncil with a “nae votes tae ony one other than SNP” policy, to ultimately scupper a “wildcat”, “illegal”, plebiscite election (you’ve specifically ruled out) is a bit extreme for even my tastes.
    A much more plausible explanation for “all votes SNP”; blind hatred and mindless tribalism.
    The party long since ceased to function as a rational vehicle for exercising power.
    Just an amalgamation of never had a proper job in their lives, professional parasites, desperate to protect their cozy sinecures ‘cause the prospect of surviving in the real world fills them with terror.
    Beware, slimy Gove has already said that capital funding from Whitehall will bypass Holyrood and go straight to the cooncils.

    Liked by 17 people

  9. I was initially supporting the idea of only voting for Alba and not anybody else. However, I have been reading a bit more about the voting strategy (vote for all candidates giving the less desirable ones the highest number) and I now understand the reasoning behind it.

    I would like to tap on the more superior knowledge of colleagues reading this blog though. In my ward there is only one genuine pro independence candidate, the Alba one. There are three pretend ones, 2x SNP and one Green.

    Besides these, there are the usual suspects (tories, labour and libdems) and three independent ones that do not explicitly indicate if they are pro independence.

    My number one will go next to the Alba candidate, of course. But being honest, my blood boils at the prospect that if that candidate does not win, my vote may go to increase the chances of unionists in all but name campaigning as SNP or Green, particularly if I give them my number 2 and 3.

    My disgust for the SNP does not quite surpass yet my disgust for the tories or labour though, so the idea of voting these two before the SNP is out of the question.

    Would it be possible for me to skip numbers instead?

    For example, if in my ward there are 10 candidates could I do the following?

    Alba – 1
    SNP (first candidate) – 7
    SNP (second candidate) – 6
    Greens – 8
    First Independent – 9
    Second Independent – 10
    Third Independent – 11
    LibDems – 12
    Tories – 14

    Thank you.

    P.S. I totally understand what Tasmina says about needing the councils to be under the control of pro independence majorities if we conduct a plebiscite without the blessing of Westminster.

    My problem is that in my ward the only pro indy alternatives to Alba are pretend ones (SNP and Greens) who, under the present leadership, have been using our vote for the last 8 years to preserve the union and very likely would continue to do the same under the current leadership.

    So, in practice, what difference does it make to my ward having an SNP candidate under the present leadership sitting in the council or a libdem one, for example?

    Is Tasmina thinking there might be a possibility for the SNP to restore is pro indy credentials in the short term and start acting as a pro-indy party again beyond saying a few soundbites and carrot-dangling before each election? Only that would justify helping them to get back into our councils.

    As it is, the libdem in my ward has done far more in the last 5 years for the ward than the 2 SNP ones voted in in the last election. So, to be honest, if both SNP candidates are, in practice, as unionists as the LibDem one, what reason could I possibly have to put the SNP and Green candidates above the libdem in the list?

    Thank you.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Well if you’re not sure whether to give preference to LibDem, SNP or Green, consider the quality of the candidates – disregard national politics and base your decision on who you think will do best for your local area.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Unfortunately daveytee, since January 2020 and Sturgeon’s embarrassing capitulation speech, every single election has in my eyes one use and one use only: and opportunity to vote for independence until Scotland becomes independent.

        I will vote in the next election in the way that is more likely to bring Scotland its statehood back. What I wish to know is if while denying my vote to the overt unionists, I still can stop the SNP and Greens taking my pro indy vote for granted.

        Helping England MPs to force brexit on Scotland, losing 8 years, wasting 3 majorities, letting our mandates expire, handing our powers to England MPs, eroding females rights and putting children at risk by potentially removing the barriers that are protecting them from paedophiles, are bad things that do not deserve praise but the strongest condemnation. The SNP leadership may be toxic and destructive, but I have not seen any meaningful attempt by the cohort of SNP MPs and MSPs to send that leadership packing. On the contrary, they have indulged that leadership on its destruction of the party and trust from voters.

        I want to use my vote to both support independence and to send a strong message of my contempt for the SNP for their reckless attitude and for taking pro independence voters for granted.

        I am just trying to find out what is the best way to do that.

        Liked by 10 people

  10. I feel a bitr sad about the whole local government thing.

    Once upon a not very long ago the town council where I lived had 15 members. None of them stood for election on a party ticket. They didn’t even stand as so-called independents. They just stood as themselves, and it was as themselves that they were judged by the electorate. We weren’t interested in their political allegiances, even if we knew what these were, but voted for the people, almost all of who we knew, who we thought would do best for the town, in other words the best man or woman for the job. And that’s basically what happened – the councillors tended to do what their electors wanted them to do and what they thought was best for the town – they didn’t have to think first and foremost about what a political party wanted them to do. And you know, it worked – the town got on very well and the system seemed pretty efficient. We knew that the people we were electing had the best interests of the town at heart.

    But of course it doesn’t work like that now. Here we are, all deciding on a purely national party political basis how to rank the candidates in order, and that in an election that has nothing to do with national politics. We’ve stopped looking at the candidates, stopped even thinking about whether or not they’d do a good job in our area with the very minor powers they have. Now all we know is that they’ll vote as their political masters tell them to vote. The number one preference will go purely on a party political basis, even though the candidate may be a very nasty person who is only pursuing a politcal career.

    And I’ll be just as bad. I actually know and like one of the Tory candidates in our election and I know that however misguided he may be on national issues, he’ll do the best he can locally for the area he represents albeit within party constraints. On the other hand I really don’t think that one of the supposedly indy candidates is suitable. But because just like duncanio I fear that if the SNP gets a bloody nose in these elections the MSM will seize upon it to to claim that that Scots don’t wish for statehood, I’ll probably end up voting for party not person. But there again, maybe I won’t.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. There is a massive existential divide in Scottish «politics». On one side are those who think Scotland matters per se on the other those who think Scotland matters only as a item in some other people’s cultural narrative. Whether styled British or English is a matter of indifference to the «people» concerned. Either way «they» emerge victorious.
    The wasted years of SNP government have provided the victorious with free oxygen.

    Liked by 10 people

  12. I have to ask why would anyone put the greens above a stand alone Independent , and on the number 1 to 12 No ISP?

    I will drone on about .What Sturgeon is about she want the councils and the SNP, she tried that with her father twice first time six and a bit years ago and second time five years ago

    That would in turn allow her to ramp up the GRA nonsense
    It is worth noting I believe that the local rags have been “nobbled” and invites to local hustings seem to be as well
    It may also be that Sarwar is buzzing because the SNP and Labour locals may be “winching” Why because that’s what it looked like to me.
    as the Labour guy got bumped

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Vote until you boke. I boke at the British parties and that includes NS,SNP and the GREENs. I will never vote for them again. They make me sick to my stomach. Sorry Scotland.

    Liked by 6 people

  14. Weve just had an SNP communication too (addressed, I hasten to add, to my wife, not me). The front is taken up with a picture of the Dear Leader, looking particulalry smug, with the words: “My priority is to do everything possible to support people”. It’s really such a pity that she has forgotten what her real priority should be but of course there’s no mention anywhere on the leaflet of the “I” word. It’s so sad – I’d really like to like the SNP again, but it’s increasingly difficult to do that with the current leadership.

    Liked by 4 people

  15. When political Scotland effectively ceased to exist in 1707 a new purpose/function was found in a rhapsodic Britishness. The English mercantile empire became accessible and from that grew the British empire, the territorial conquests and the need for those with skills to operate it which Scotland was to provide in abundance.
    That was then. Now things have got considerably smaller but paradoxically, perversely England, and her ethno-social interests loom larger. On the basis that the «movers and shaker» generally respresent a minority in any given society and that the majority tend to be «go with flow» supporters, more or less, of the status quo, a fact well documented in the psychology/philosophy of politics, the comfort blanket offered by the Union ought, by now, post empire, to be demonstrably shown for the discomfiting and threadbare object it is.
    That demonstration, given the extensive data, should be straight forward and for those seeking independence a powerful weapon, should they choose to use it at full force. Where hundreds of millions have gone before…..

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Totally o/t. Sorry.

    My wife heard a conversation on the bus this morning between two men who were worried about rising fuel costs. They both agreed that the only solution was to go back to using an old fashioned open fire. Not to burn coal though.

    One of them said that there are plenty of trees near where he lives, he will use them for fuel Is this what we can expect next winter, that our trees will start disappearing?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Rather than cutting down trees that chap should just contact the Scottish Government and ask them for all the wood they plan to chop off the bottom of classroom doors. I am sure the Scottish media would be happy to run a story on it as well, providing it can be cleared by the FM’s special advisors first mind you. I can just imagine the headline in The Record:

      Another excellent Scottish Government strategy helps man keep his family warm this winter.

      Liked by 6 people

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