By Barrhead Boy

This is a rare event. I read this article yesterday. I agreed with every word and the constructive suggestion to solve the problem. Roddy is a fellow blogger, not a rival blogger. He has helped me a lot since I started blogging so I am happy he agreed to permit the Yours for Scotland blogspot to share what I thought was a great article.I hope you enjoy and appreciate it as much as I do.

Posted originally on 

One of the many advantages of living outwith the UK is the ability to look at things with a different perspective unsullied by the BBC or the corrupt UK media.

Throughout the world people are looking at the UK and just shaking their heads in bewilderment. They are asking themselves, how could this nation that once ruled half of the entire known world have fallen so far and so fast? The same people that wondered how the Americans could have ever elected a lying degenerate are equally bemused when looking at Boris Johnson and his London crime syndicate posing as a democratic government.

It is amazing to me how anyone living in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland can possibly look at London and think, this is as good as it gets. The incompetence, the corruption and the downright criminality are on show every single day. Government contracts worth £Billions are openly being tossed at Tory toadies and Party donors. Spouses of advisors and lobbyists are becoming millionaires overnight with the assistance of a corrupt British Government and your taxes!

Meanwhile ordinary British citizens are not only dying in their tens of thousands from Covid, many more are going hungry, are unemployed or facing eviction. The biggest tragedy in all this is nobody is doing a single thing to address the root cause of this situation.The British Union is not fit for purpose.

From top to bottom the entire structures, governance and even the legal establishment of the UK are as corrupt as a 1920s American mafia family. Anyone that thinks by replacing Boris Johnson with one of his fellow Tory MPs  will somehow begin to address the rot is to say the least misguided. Equally nonsensical is any notion that Sir Keir Stammer and the present Labour Party are an answer to our ills. This is as delusional as anybody that still believes a fat guy with a red suit and a sleigh pulled by reindeer is coming down their chimney on Friday.

Drastic measures are indeed required. Fortunately Scotland as a nation has the best of all remedies, Independence. The problem though is how do we actually attain that much needed escape from the clutches of the English imperialists and crooks?

The present leadership of the SNP thinks that in spite of having several existing independence mandates from the voters of Scotland one more is apparently needed to secure an Independence Referendum. The disciples of this one more mandate mantra assure us to make the English Nationalists agree to their Section 30 escape clause we need to get a huge SNP majority and more than 50% of the FPTP and List votes. Then we are assured that the Tory overlords will like decent chaps agree to anything asked of them.

Several flaws in this piece of thinking. First and foremost the right-wing thugs in charge of the British Union are crooks. They are openly stealing your tax money, breaking the law daily, tearing up international treaties and agreements and generally being an undemocratic bunch of gangsters.

Scotland is the only part of the union with an abundance of natural resources. It is the only part of the union that has a trading surplus with the rest of the world. We have food and fisheries aplenty and they are coming for it next. There is a profit to be turned in these and an English population that needs fed. Perhaps you think that our UK Government wouldn’t leave Scotland without its food and steal it for itself? Let me refer you to the Irish Famine, The two Bengali Famines as just two examples of this Westminster tactic.Believe me, they are never going to willingly agree to another referendum as long as they can continue to steal our wealth and resources.

In just a few days’ time, the Brexit transition period will end. At present with 8 days to go there is no sign of any sort of agreement with the EU. Whatever is cobbled together and sold to the people of the union, as a great deal will be a lie. The only people that will prosper out of Brexit are the same ones that always profit, the spivs, the speculators, and the establishment elite. These are the descendants of the same dubious characters that have profited out of every war, every country invaded, conquered and raped of its resources. These people make money in good times and bad. They make money during austerity and again as the good times return. These are the same ones that say we cannot afford a rise in the minimum wage or our state pensions because we have no money. While at the same time demanding and getting huge tax breaks for their corporations and the extremely wealthy.

These people are not going to let go of Scotland easily. It has too much wealth yet to give up. We need an escape route and a General election in May followed by a polite request for a Section 30 from our London overlords is not the answer.

Before Hogmanay the Scottish Government needs to TELL the UK Gov that in May next year Scotland will be holding a plebiscite General election. The SNP as a Party will have only one commitment in its manifesto. Should a majority of Scotland’s voters agree with the SNP it will result in negotiations for Scotland’s departure from the Union.

Scotland entered this Union as an Independent nation the original decision taken by a few Lords and Earls. When we leave, the sovereign Scottish people will make that decision in a fair and legal election. The choice is not down to the whim of an English Old Etonian. Only the sovereign people of Scotland have the right to decide the fate and governance of Scotland. Whether or not the English registered political parties choose to take part in this Scottish election is their choice. The Labour Party certainly have form in abstaining. I would ask all other Scottish registered Parties to make a similar commitment and to campaign accordingly.

No other democratic method lies open to us at present. When the IMB becomes active on January 1st, we do not know what ‘legal’ restrictions the imperialists from London might enact. That is why we must act without delay. Scotland cannot afford to wait a day longer. This English Government is corrupt and ruthless. We need to be equally ruthless and more determined than them. The future of our nation cannot be allowed to depend on the goodwill of the English Government. It needs to rely on the determination of our people and our government.

No more procrastination or Section 30 nonsense. Press ahead or we are for the foreseeable future destined to be under the jackboot of this sleazy incompetent Tory crime syndicate.

Saor Alba gu brath.