Power still resides in Westminster insofar as you propose a referendum through the devolved Scottish Parliament.

And whose fault is that Graeme? To even suggest England MPs, holding mandate on behalf of not a single Scottish constituent and who are not the custodians of Scotland’s old Parliament, somewhat “hold” Scotland’s powers, is completely absurd. 

Such a thing only fits with the fabricated “one nation Britain” trademark of the British Nationalism tories, libdems and labour have been frantically peddling since at least the oil was discovered and that is anathema to any serious Scottish Nationalist. 

The only reason why England MPs have been “allowed” to exercise those powers is because the majority of the MPs Scotland has been sending to represent it in Westminster for the last 300+ years, have been choosing to forget about Scotland’s interests and have decided to represent instead the interests of the crown, the interests of England and their own interests.

The only thing needed in your scenario for Holyrood to have enough power to call whichever referendum it pleases is for those so called “nationalist” MPs, elected while campaigning for a party with the independence of Scotland as the first article of its constitution, to lift their backsides from the comforts of the green seats, to dust those nice backbones they obediently put away in 2015, and to start acting as real Scotland’s nationalist MPs who seek the end of the union, instead of acting like toothless crown puppets making up obstacles to preserve the union instead.

Scotland’s MPs are the real custodians of Scotland’s old parliament, and therefore who hold Scotland’s powers in Westminster. This means the only thing they need to do to give Holyrood all the power it needs to hold that referendum is to vote to withdraw themselves from England’s parliament temporarily transferring with them all those powers to Holyrood and voila! job done. 

Who is going to credibly claim Scotland’s MPs cannot transfer Scotland’s powers on behalf of Scotland to Scotland’s own parliament? an unelected monarch who should know better and keep their nose well away from politics? The market crasher Liz Truss, an England MP parachuted to the position of PM by a political party holding the mandate of just England? The hundreds of unelected lords undemocratically parachuted to the HoL by the executive arm of the crown for the sole purpose of serving the interests of the crown? Gordon Brown, the Defoe of the 21st century? English judges ruling in the name of the crown within an English court whose legitimacy under the Treaty Union is dubious to say the least, and using an English convention of “parliamentary sovereignty” which does not apply to Scotland’s constitutional tradition?

None other than Scotland’s MPs can claim they hold the mandate to exercise Scotland’s powers in Westminster, therefore nobody else can claim ownership over those effing powers. It is embarrassing watching Sturgeon attempting to fool the voters with her Supreme Court time wasting exercise which appears to be nothing more than another of her opportunistic and undemocratic moves to transfer her own responsibility and democratic mandate as head of the elected executive in Scotland to decide what bills are brought to Scotland’s parliament, directly to unelected England judges.

If any of those people were ever to decide that Scotland’s MPs do not have the power to transfer Scotland’s powers to Holyrood then they would also be saying at the same time that Scotland’s MPs in 1706 did never have the power to transfer Scotland’s powers to Westminster in the first place You cannot have it both ways, either Scotland’s MPs can transfer Scotland’s powers from one parliament to another, or they never could therefore the union falls through.

But to do such thing you need Mps who REALLY seek Scotland’s independence and not just self-serving opportunists chasing a generous payslip, contacts and a long lasting career while fooling pro independence voters. For that you need guts, commitment to your country and the willpower to stand up to a political fraud who has wasted already 8 years of Scotland’s time, Scotland’s opportunities, Scotland’s powers, assets and revenues. For that you have to find the voice to demand from this loser to stand down before she inflicts even more damage and demand a REAL pro independence leader (and I don’t mean another establishment puppet like Robertson) to take over. 

For the allergic to independence within the SNP, the only strategy followed for the last 8 years has been to move the blame for their own inactions on to England MPs, and the blame for the consequences of those inactions on England’s government incompetence. The problem with this strategy is that when you realise they have had in their hands, since 2015, the power to change it all and to stop the damage on Scotland caused by the incompetence of successive England governments, then you start to see that opportunistic strategy for what it really is: their excuse to shift their accountability for doing nothing.

The only two reasons why those powers are not in HOlyrood already, despite 8 years of SNP MP majorities, and why Scotland has not been independent since 2015 is because

1. the SNP appears to have being led by what looks like a puppet of the crown whose mission appears to have been to destroy the reputation of Mr Salmond and dismantle the SNP as a vehicle for independence, and
2. because those who call themselves “SNP” MPs/MSPs have indulged her on such level of destruction by acting like perfect labourites in all but the rosette, and showing even less appetite for independence than Gordon Brown himself.


I live in the hope that one of the “high heid yins” in the SNP will challenge Mia’s narrative but despite numerous opportunities and invitations they remain in hiding. You would think given the level and consistency of Mia’s attacks one of them would respond but I guess their view is it’s better to leave it unchallenged before a smaller audience than respond and perhaps risk that audience widening. Oh it’s possibly clever politics but after all those years it betrays a stunning weakness and a realisation that the inactivity of the last eight years is a very hard thing to justify when it is effectively challenged. This seems to be philosophy of the SNP, BETTER never to take risks or challenge anything that might upset their continued comfortable and rewarding long term programme that has been so effective in keeping those careers going, albeit it proving less than beneficial towards Scotland’s journey to Independence. It may be quite clever politics but it looks exceedingly cowardly to me. They may not have noticed but their own audience seems to be reducing quite rapidly these days. The numbers at Conference this week will tell that story for all to see. The very early appeals for members to turn up for free to fill the seats for the leader’s speech suggest they are aware of this as well. Wonder how the delegates who coughed up plenty to be there feel about all the freebies?

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


Unfortunately some sites, which claim to be pro INDY are not as they appear but secretly filter out any comment that is not 100% supportive of the SNP and their leader. This has got worse in recent times and most bloggers are completely banned from these pages. We rely on our readers to combat this blatant censorship and I am extremely grateful when readers share our articles and ensure others have the opportunity to discuss all topics freely and without censorship.


Another way to avoid censorship is to take out a free subscription to this site which are available on the Home and Blog pages of this website. This ensures you are the first to get new articles sent to you directly by email each day. 


One of the most exciting steps forward during 2022 has been the work of Salvo which is very much driving our cause when most of the politicians have been disappointing. They require funding. I don’t. So the donate button on this site which allows small donations of only £3 will now send all funds raised on to Salvo to help them continue and expand the great work they are doing.


If you have not already done so please sign up to Liberation.Scot. It will be from that body that people will be able to apply to become members of the first Scottish National Congress which is currently being organised and which will be launched early in 2023. The SNC will debate and organise Scotland’s case to DECOLONISE our country.


  1. Scotland’s MPs should have been pushing this line from September 19th 2014 and should have acted on it immediately after the 2015 election. Stand up for a round of applause, everyone’s favourite firebrand Mhairi Black! Mind you, the queering of society needed more urgent attention didn’t it?

    Liked by 21 people

  2. When you keep going into their playpen you are already defeated. The lessons are so well recorded in the History of Indian and Ireland alone. You stop dancing to their rules. You stop accepting their statements on the interpretation of the rules. You don’t accept the “Salt Tax” you don’t send elected MPs to sit in the Gentlemen’s Private Club. You do not recognise unelected Lords and Royals.

    Westminster was designed to be an English dominated Parliament. It was designed to insert any rule via that inbuilt majority they wished for. The Privileged lifestyle was a deliberate construct to seduce the weak.
    The facade of polite language and rules designed to establish a hierarchy of structure. The oath to the Monarch. The First Past the Post voting system to ensure the main parties took their turn at tweaking the elite establishments objectives. The short money a clever ploy to addict emerging Parties to the Masters teat. Remember the “upset” win the LibDems lost their cherished 3rd Party offices in Westminster. It is no accident that they spend their time in London away from the voices of home. The people and their cause become a fading memory.

    The Labour Party statements in the last few weeks have made it crystal clear that the English MPs speak with one voice on Scotland and that is to affirm WE have no say in our future.

    We have no Ghandi or Arthur Griffith to lead us or set an example. Other Nations behaved as Nations before they won the battle. We continue to behave as a polite, well mannered colony respecting our betters.

    The SNP are now the biggest obstacle to Independence.

    Liked by 29 people

    1. Clootie, your last sentence sums it up totally for me. We have two enemies, one worse than the other. I will leave it up to readers to decide which one that is.

      Liked by 18 people

  3. Absolutely Mia. I wanted to scream on Saturday listening to Chris Law tells us we need to be out there persuading folk to vote YES and that the only way to leave the union was with WM agreement. Fortunately Neil Hanvey was hand to say exactly what you allude to (chris was long gone by then). It is THEY the politicians who hold all the power. The grassroots worked incredibly hard to put them in that place of privilege, yet it is squandered on a daily basis.

    Whilst the Westminster MPs hold the power to move us away, those in holyrood have the power to set us apart – to provide a glimpse of how we could do things differently. Both have failed, yet we are supposed to ‘persuade people’.

    Lastly, has anyone actually asked the question – what if we just go ahead anyway and have our vote. What are The UK govt going to do about it? Tanks on the lawn? Has Ian Blackford been told on no uncertain times that things might turn ‘nasty’ if we exert our sovereign right? Or is it the case that he really believes that the rest of the world will fail to recognise Scotland just because WM fails to do so? I’d really like to hear a detailed answer.

    Liked by 24 people

  4. A piece which hits multi nails on the head. Bravo, Mia. Sturgeon is clearly an imposter, a servant if the British state indeed. She can no longer hide behind fake timidity. She’s a cold, calculating operative. It’s only due to the sheep-like loyalty of SNP faithful that’s she gotten away with it for so long. She is Alex Salmond’s biggest political mistake.

    The only way forward is to dump SNP at GE2024 – lock, stock and barrel. No exceptions. Any truly indy-committed MPs would have walked long ago. Only two did. Ergo, there are none left. Angus, Joanna and a few others need to jump ship NOW, and/or speak out against Sturgeonism. If they can’t or won’t let them be swept aside. Good people as they are, they’re not up to achieving independence.

    Liked by 25 people

    1. The average person listening to Chris on Saturday that genuinely has invested in our country being independent and still is knew as he stood there speaking that what he said didn’t feel truthful. The reason being is the evidence that is before our eyes over the past eight years. That’s not exclusive to Chris as we know however he was the politician who went along to the rally to speak as invited under the one banner where all have a voice. I personally didn’t believe in what he was saying however I still think that he had a right to say it otherwise we can not say that we support freedom of speech. People who were listening are not daft and the folk who believe in what he says well perhaps they don’t want to feel the pain that people feel when they discover that the people who they have invested in are the folk who actually invested in themselves at their expense. So like the good folk that we are meant to be would be waiting with open arms and hearts when they realise and get them sign up for their liberation Scot. Some people might be comfortable to be where they are and are happy to overlook the obvious and that’s their choice.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. I fear you are wrong including Angus Robertson as a good indy-committed man. He is as big an obstacle as Sturgeon.


      1. Iain, I was responding to a comment by another person, and not to Mia. They suggested good people in the SNP should step up. Included was Joann Cherry and Angus Robertson.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you, Mia. I entirely agree with all you say above – especially your comment concerning the transfer of power between the two Parliaments. Surely, that’s the way out!

    Liked by 13 people

  6. Well said Mia, and Cloutie… I would just like to highlight a small point which the Yes movement might be able to utilise.

    The very, very first official thing KCIII had to do…. had to!!!! was swear to uphold the Sovereignty of the People of Scotland as specified within the Claim of Right and the Treaty of Union. (I appreciate the wording was mealie moothed).

    For all our politicians out there, if it was so important that he do it, then you should be alluding to his example and swearing to do the same. In this way the King and Scottish MP’s align themselves to the cause of Scotland, within the terms of the ToU and Westminster. No separate oath to the Crown would be required.

    After all, it would be an entirely legal thing to do, particularly if we need to send a batch of MP’s to Westminster one more time.

    It’s the crown’s parliament in Westminster, but it is as King of Scots that Charlie serves Scotland, and as MP’s of Scotland within the terms of the Treaty of Union that our MP’s attend that house of ill repute.

    Sorry for going a bit off track from the main theme.

    I think I’m trying to keep my spirits up a bit, given the sheeple like attitude of our SNP Indy Loyalists.

    We have never been so close to Indy, never needed it so urgently, and never been so willing lead by such inept, corrupt trochers. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory one more time and trampling the shoulders of giants into the mud while we are at it.

    Happy to admit to being the heckler at Chris Laws pathetic speach in Edinburgh. Well done Chris, you did Nikla proud, a foustie, lacklustre, mealie moothed effort it was, only let down by you heading up the march and holding the large banner with both hands- sadly showing everyone present, ‘oh look, you can pull your finger oot yer erse when you want tae’. Twa yairds of lankie, useless, pish.

    Sadly I was the only one. But for auld time’s sake, one more time, all toghether now, ‘how many madates do you need, enough is enough, get on with it’.

    Liked by 25 people

    1. Well done Daisy for heckling, I kept my mouth shut only because I was pleased to see Chris Law at the event, and because I hoped to hear a few “mea culpas” on behalf of the SNP – sadly none came. Thankfully Derek Durkin did the business later in a great speech with no holds barred when it came to being critical of the SNP’s total inertia since 2014.

      Liked by 7 people

  7. Excellent article Mia.

    As many of us already know what you’ve written below is the crux of the matter, and Sturgeon has done her best to divide the indy movement and fool us with her dangling carrots, I just worry that she’ll do irreversible damage to Scotland, and the cause, before she leaves Bute House in 2026.

    “The only reason why England MPs have been “allowed” to exercise those powers is because the majority of the MPs Scotland has been sending to represent it in Westminster for the last 300+ years, have been choosing to forget about Scotland’s interests and have decided to represent instead the interests of the crown, the interests of England and their own interests.”

    Liked by 15 people

  8. “The numbers at Conference this week will tell that story for all to see.”

    Aye, an thon ‘audience’ will be maistly doon tae juist the rump o aw thaim fowk noo on the British Croon colonial payroll, Iain, plus a few hopefu ‘candidates’, weel-vettit fer shuir. Tho hits ower a thoosand naitional pairty fowk whan ye coont MPs, MSPs an aw thair ‘staff’, cooncillors, an aw thay ither fowk noo on the SG payroll indirect ane wey nor anither, the msm an aw.

    Efter echt year o daein naethin thair hypocrisy noo haes naewhair tae hyde, apairt fae ahint a bocht haverin Brutish msm an maistly peyed ‘believers’ in a ha. Thons the post-Covid New SNP Conference fer ye – aw bocht an selt hypocrits in ane manky sleekit gaetherin. A widnae pit hit past thaim tae sing GSTK!

    Liked by 20 people

    1. They won’t sing GSTK… they will just play the tune and ask for folk to stand up and provide poor departed Betty with a minute of silence. Awww.

      And the loyal sheeple will be satisfied with that, and think it tasteful and appropriate.

      On a positive note… Scotland won’t burn, that way we would get a heat and not have to worry about our fuel bills. Chill winds for auld Scotia.

      Liked by 7 people

    2. The numbers thing is probably right. With the Murrells’ running such a tight ship everybody just sits on their hands out of fear of being cast into the wilderness. The consequence is that the SNP is simply evaporating away and will cease to be effective and then cease to exist. Death through apathy.

      Liked by 9 people

  9. “but I guess their view is it’s better to leave it unchallenged before a smaller audience than respond and perhaps risk that audience widening”

    I thinks it’s more a case of “better to keep your mouth shut and let the people think you’re a coward & a traitor rather than open it and leave them in no doubt”

    Liked by 11 people

  10. The only reason the Torys treat Scotland with contempt is they have the leadership of the SNP is in their pocket. They know there will be no reaction or consequences for them or their coercive Union. UK,Ok under Sturgeon. She will probably become a Dame or get the order of the British Empire.
    Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 11 people

  11. The blind faith of the SNP faithful, displays the absolute naivety demonstrated by all the Tory voters. The moment Blackford and Co stopped coming to meetings and began refusing to even hear questions from the constituency it was obvious that the SNP does not represent the people but has greater concern for its own agenda than for independence.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Ian went to one meeting in the rain which I watched and the folk told him no to waiting until 2023. The thing is all of our independence supporting politicians should be ideally walking beside the people at the marches because they are just in a role that we put them in. The phrase about us all being Jock Tamson’s bairns should apply for all meaning that even if you have a new arse you don’t forget your old one. We should put naebody above us but of course we can appreciate people for their contribution and skills and talents however when it comes to blame we have to accept that quite possibly at one point we were maybe worshipping almost other human beings as if they are god like.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. It would be interesting to poll SNP members and ask:
        Given that only one can be saved, would you save Nicola Sturgeon or would you save Scotland?

        This is now the St Nicola Party and should be branded as such.

        Liked by 9 people

  12. Great article from Mia. I sense her increasing frustration with the current situation, which many of us here share.
    I hope many more people will become aware of the sham ‘Nationalists’ when the reports of the Conference emerge. There is only so much you can do with clever camera angles.
    Also, I hope they realise that no mention of independence, or only with caveats, shows their true colours, traitors to Scotland’s cause.

    Liked by 10 people

  13. It’s just a pity that we don’t have folk who are in our parliament like Mia and the other people who I have saw actually willing and going around the country in order to gather the folk as a collective so that each and every one of us can stand together for the love of our country and people. In my mind I have picked out a few who I would be more than happy to support because they support the folk via their actions as well as words. So thank you to the people who are collectively working for the greater good. That’s all the bloggers, good politicians, livestream, and the people who have presented great ideas and got ignored simply because it was in the best interests of the people and country. For the folk who got sent to prison or smeared for trying to take us forward, well people can see the dedication to our country by the fact that no matter what they kept going and doing the right thing despite everything.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. The Scottish Daily Express likes to say that we are losers but you know what who are the real losers? People who have to resort to deception in order to trap other people in something that doesn’t serve ordinary people? I think that the real winners are all the people who never gave up, never lost heart despite being hurt but got back up aff their knees and helping others get aff theirs tae.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. “all the people who never gave up, never lost heart despite being hurt but got back up aff their knees and helping others get aff theirs tae”.
        Agree these people are the real heroes of social history and progress

        For the day’s that’s in it (5 oct) let’s remember
        1) the Jarrow marchers (5-31 october 1936) ,an organised protest march from Jarrow to London against the unemployment and poverty suffered in the English town of Jarrow during the 1930s. It turned out to be a crucial turning point in the social attitudes of Britain and
        2)the Civil Rights march in Derry NI (5 oct 1968) – the day the world saw what the NI orange State really was in all its sectarian, anti-Irish violence

        Liked by 5 people

  14. With «political will» anything may be attempted but first a breadth of imagination as to possibilities is required. The bad habits ingrained by Scotland’s largely vicarious existence in the anglocentric British kingdom has dulled the imaginative faculty of many of those who rise to rule the realm.
    A recent survey of American teens provided the shock data that a good proportion get by with an active vocabulary of 800 basic English words. Social media seemingly do not require more.
    So the difficult is cast aside for the simple, the challenging for the «lite» form. the long read for the summary. There are important things in life not susceptible to watering down.
    The faculty through imagination to transcend the proffered banalities is one of them.
    Slaves, as every «master» knowns have little need to think beyond the bounds.

    Liked by 7 people

  15. There is no government of GB in the 1707 treaty. Nor is there a PM. The first PM wasn’t created until the 1800s to replace the English post of Chief administrator and Walpole was retrospectively deemed the first PM of England in 1721, 14 years after the ratification of the treaty. When folk say power rests in Westminster it behoves them to state where exactly. Scotland is first and foremost a sovereign nation state and secondly a signatory party to an international treaty. Authority rests, therefore, as it always has, with the Scots and its representatives. Scotland’s government (MPs) sit in the parliament of Great Britain while ITS devolved admin (MSPs) sit in Holyrood. Permission is therefore required from its government if the admin wish to act outwith its remit. It is not the English government in which authority lies but the Scots. The problem is twofold. Firstly, the Scottish government defers governance rather than stepping up and taking responsibility and secondly, because they merely changed the name from Scottish Executive to Scottish government it has fooled many into thinking that the admin is superior to the actual government from which it is devolved.

    The English establishment cannot supercede Scots sovereignty. Not even the crown has the authority to do so. To be sovereign is to have supreme authority and as above that rests in all time with the Scots. The only thing required to terminate the treaty is a denunciation (proclamation). Everything else is just window dressing. A feel good exercise. And what does international law say about states party to a treaty? That the authority to enter, suspend and leave a treaty rest with the state party to the treaty.

    English parliamentary sovereignty is applicable to an English parliament. Even when written into English law. There is no English parliament in Great Britain. Yes, the English government uses the parliament of GB as their own largely because the Scottish government permit them to do so instead of taking their rightful seats on the opposite side of the table from the English Government as their treaty partners preferring instead to sit at the back of the room and act as an afterthought, symbolic of how Scotland is treated within the treaty by its own and its treaty partner.

    Mia, could not agree more with your article. Well said.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. I definitely couldn’t be in the Westminster parliament and take what our politicians are accepting. I would be out mair than in. I would be daeing a Kenny and Neale each time and be having a go at the one’s who are meant to be representing us all for not uniting in confronting the bully and dissolving their imaginary superiority along with it.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Absolutely, by remaining silent and accepting it they are tacitly agreeing with their English treaty partners view of Scotland. There is no way I would be there more than long enough to stand at the table directly opposite the English gov, denounce the treaty and hand a letter stating same to the PM of England then walking out on the very first day.. I would also be turning to my Scot gov (MP) colleagues and making sure it is recorded who stands by the denunciation terminating the treaty and who doesn’t by having them walk out too. Those who remain would show themselves to the entire world as the charlatans they actually are.

        Liked by 9 people

  16. I know a lovely person and I love her for the things that we shared together as friends and her good heart. She was from London and made the word fuck seem as if she was saying something polite. I would sometimes relay it back to her and tell her that and we would laugh. Both her and her dear departed dad who I also grew fond of despite our differences were very English and quite right wing in their thinking. Now he worked in oil and traveled and visited Scotland and she was in the world of insurance and also traveled to Edinburgh. When the SNP went down and started to look like they were standing up for Scotland and our people she really didn’t like it. She viewed our politicians as people in their parliament ruining their traditions so the point here is she didn’t view us as being part of the parliament as equals. Her dad would tell me how we couldn’t survive without them and I pointed out that oil that he was earning from came from here and told him about the McCrone report. After many conversations, dinners and some dancing her dad said that I changed his mind in regards to what he thought prior. They were not the only people who feel or felt like we are beneath them until you don’t let them.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. “I changed his mind”

      The psychological condition we know as the ‘colonial mindset’ affects both the colonized and the colonizer in different ways, much as your example illustrates (Albert Memmi). The point here is that we are dealing with a psychological condition, for which there is only one cure – i.e. independence, which is decolonization.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. There is one gaping hole in Mia’s theory. If the SNP MPs just up and withdraw from Westminster what happens then?

    Do they announce the end of the Union and expect the majority of Scots just to accept it without knowing whether their pensions etc will be paid next week?

    Do they dissolve the Union without a response from Unionists through the courts?

    Their withdrawal would not prevent Westminster from still legislating for Scotland until a dissolution is agreed or the international community recognises an independent Scotland.

    While the purse strings are held by Westminster it will control the debate. It’s only if the SG used its existing powers to control the public purse then SNP MPs would have the practical option of doing what you suggest. Controlling the public purse is de facto independence. It is the means to the end. Please stop the bile and back those of us who are seeking to put the SG in control of all public finance .


    1. The banks control the public purse do they not? The politicians donors dictate the politicians and the media backs it up.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I have removed your extensive reply to Graeme from the comments because I plan to publish it tomorrow as the main article. It is a tour de force!


    3. Graeme, every other former colony seemed to manage somehow.

      Don’t the SNP have a strategy to actually implement independence? No, thought not.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. A bit of a broad brush response there. We are not a colony. Some had armed insurrections, others negotiated their status and the vast bulk were rubber stamped by an Act of the U.K. Parliament.

        There is a strategy. It might not be to your liking but that’s tough.

        All strategies require flexibility to meet circumstances, opportunities and hurdles but most of all they need to take the majority of the population with them to be effective.


      2. Can u name one leader of an Independence movement who has been successful by sharing her/his strategy in public?


      3. I think you’ll find that Nehru had a greater claim to be the leader of Indian Independence and his strategy floated between revolution and reform.


      4. “We are not a colony.”

        External political control, economic exploitation and plunder, cultural assimilation, and uncontrolled demographic change seems pretty colonial to me, as does a co-operative colonial administration in Holyrood taking the people up another blind alley. Even the UN defines self-determination independence as Decolonization. What did you think independence was about?

        Liked by 3 people

  18. If you go to Wikipedia and put in how many countries have rejected Westminster rule there is I believe 65 . It is our democratic right to withdraw from the Union if we want. The problem is we need a campaign to start from the SNP and a leader to show some enthusiasm and belief. With the current incumbent we get neither. I wouldn’t worry about perfidious Albion not paying our pensions to much the threat of cutting of their free oil gas and electricity would lead them to a reality check rather quickly.

    Liked by 6 people

  19. “I live in the hope that one of the “high heid yins” in the SNP will challenge Mia’s narrative but despite numerous opportunities and invitations they remain in hiding.”

    It is very difficult to refute Mia because she knows whereof she speaks and she speaks the truth. They would only reveal their turpitude and impoverished thought processes!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Do you never wonder who this learned , faceless Mia is ? She/ he seems continues to hide behind absolute anonymity rewriting what is essentially the same blog I do wonder why she/he isnt courageous enough to ‘own’ these writings especially with such a loyal fan base.
      I am making no comment on the articles themselves


      1. I have told you before that Mia’s identity is known to me and me only. All I will say more is that there are many people, often in sensitive jobs who are unable to voice their views publicly. I am not saying that category applies to Mia but it might.

        Liked by 6 people

      2. Thank you for your reply Ian re your acceptance of anonymous blogging.I am not reassured. Mia IS anonymous. Recalling the furore around the anonymity of AS ‘s ‘women’ makes your defence unconvincing almost hypocritical But accept of course your blog is your call and you do invite comments
        The truth is Mia can write anything, much of which is spin, conjecture and damaging innuendo influencing weary, perhaps less well informed, Independence supporters negatively and simply walk away It almost feels like a game of point scoring which Mia plays aggressively , relentlessly,repetitively TO WIN and always without personal accountability. Sorry it does not signify integrity to me or the back bone that Mia complains so many politicians she/he loathes lack. It disturbs me
        End off .This will be my last ever comment which I’have little doubt will pls you

        ( Graeme’s right, there is bile )


      3. You seem strangely hostile when all that you have received on this site is respect from me. Why is that? What is it that bothers you? MIA articles are fact based. Other readers recognise the truth in them, you on the other hand find it intolerable that anyone would criticise Nicola. I publish your comments freely in the spirit of free speech while it appears you want to censor Mia


      4. There is nothing the British State won’t stoop to to silence its critics. Someone as articulate, forthright and damning as Mia has every right to protect her identity. Besides which, you are free to dispute the points she raises without knowing her identity. It seems to me, however, that those who are unable to counter her arguments instead choose to attack her anonymity.

        Liked by 2 people

  20. The narcissist at the top will not challenge Mia the Truthteller, she knows what she is . The faithful in the SNP, Narc cult will come to reality when queen covid finally concedes that her game is up and disappears into the sunset .Undoubtedly with a job recommend by her colonial masters as reward for stiching us up for 8 years and getting Brexit done.
    There will be a time for reflection and self flagellation of the faithful in the SNP, how they could have been so stupid to trust this fraud this self serving person who they worshipped giving everything to but who gave nothing in return except lies and false promises, just one more mandate.
    Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 3 people

  21. I am informed that it was believed a Conservative Westminster and a Nationalist Holyrood would be the perfect explosive mix to blow the Union apart. Along with a Nationalist majority in Westminster, Brexit and that ongoing referendum threat Unionism seems to be bearing up rather well.
    We now have Unionist government with negligible Scottish participation.
    That might do the trick…maybe?

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