A guest comment from regular columnist Mia.

Photo by Ann H on

That such huge “UK government” placard has even been installed in Edinburgh after SEVEN YEARS of SNP majorities in Westminster, pro independence majorities in Holyrood and SIX YEARS of referendum mandates is:

1. a testament to the catastrophic failure of the SNP to protect and progress Scotland’s autonomy under the erratic diktat of Sturgeon

2. an indictment to just how utterly useless Sturgeon’s management of our SNP majorities has been and what a monumental waste of Scotland’s time and energy her time as FM has turned out to be.

I am sorry but there is no way to soften this blow. The SNP was given every majority, every mandate and every opportunity they could have ever needed to serve the UK gov notice of the end of this union, due to the continuous assaults on Scotland’s rights under the treaty of union and the continuous violations of our Claim of Right.

Brexit should have been the last assault that broke the union’s back. Sturgeon and her SNP have instead chosen to treat brexit like business as usual and an opportunity to give away Scotland’s assets and to allow even bigger encroachment of England’s government in Scotland. It is unforgivable and unacceptable.

Mr Hanvey has been an Alba MP for around 17 months and has already stood up to defend under the Claim of Right, our legitimate right to hold a referendum. He did this in the face of a disgustingly hostile and contemptuous HoC. He endured the display of the uttermost contempt from a colonial minded England MP acting as speaker who embarrassed himself and the entire house by displaying unprecedented aggressiveness against Scotland, after self-awarding himself the right to silence two of Scotland’s democratically elected representatives. No England MP has any right to chuck Scotland’s MPs from the union parliament, only Scotland does. Our MPs are not the property of England. 

Yesterday, Mr Hanvey served this notice and delivered the magnificent speech published by Iain in this blog. That marked a turning point. The depth of his speech will now be the standard that every speech delivered by a pro independence MP will be measured against and the kind of meaningful speech that will be expected.

Sturgeon has been in control of the SNP since 14 November 2014 and in all this time she has not done or said anything of substance worth mentioning. Frankly, the only thing you can take home from her 7 years of speeches is just a handful of pale looking carrots and an ever increasing amount of misplaced virtue signalling.

Salvo has been in existence for less than 6 months and in such little time it has been capable to build and deliver all this. So what is Sturgeon’s and he SNP MPs and MSP’s excuse for having wasted our votes for the last 7 years? What have they done with the 600,000 pounds we invested in for the referendum? Where is our return from that investment?

Where would Scotland be today if instead of giving Sturgeon’s SNP those 600,000 pounds and 7 years of majorities, we had given that money and time to Salvo?


It’s an excellent question and it can be answered with confidence. A damn sight nearer to Independence than we are now!

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


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29 thoughts on “AN EXCELLENT QUESTION.

  1. Another wonderful piece by Mia. A silent vigil in memory of Scotland’s dead, as a result of British oppression was organised by Salvo, and delivered in Edinburgh this week. The gutless press’ refusal to cover this event speaks volumes.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. The Scottish Daily Express is covering it but twisting it by using words like sinister and they even tried to link the white roses to mean being pro nazi. The National newspaper has not printed anything about any of the happenings that I have seen. Obviously it’s not allowed to be broadcast on to the folks TV. It’s literally smoke signals, drums, town halls and communities. Does anyone know if anyone in South Lanarkshire is getting the word oot? I didn’t see any planned events.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. When do we declare MSM promoting HATE in Scotland? We shut them down. Broadcasting is (bs) reserved, but controlling TRUE hatred isnt.

        That fn sign, like all symbols of colonialism, needs ripped down and burned.

        Liked by 4 people

  2. Where … are the SNP and Scottish Government and SNP after Nicola Sturgeon’s 3 point ‘plan’ for a referendum on Scotland’s constitutional arrangements announced on 28th June?

    Some excuse them: ‘they’re on their holidays’.

    Others tell the truth: they’re absent without leave.

    Liked by 13 people

  3. Those two “elected” MPs were voted in when members of the SNP, now their slating the party they were elected on the back of.
    Cheerio,Alba will never get my vote.


    1. Party before Nation eh! You remind me of the Labour activists before the SNP got their votes. A pity NS is repeating the entitlement stance of Labour though.

      Liked by 11 people

    2. Eldee1 from your comment it is CLEAR you are NOT an independence for Scotland supporter but a Nikla apologist and sycophant

      ME personally I don’t give a toss who gets us independence or the methodology used to get us there but this childish it’s ma ba and am takin it hame noo is PATHETIC

      STURGEON has had 8 years of mandates and FANTASTIC SUPPORT from independence supporters and has done LESS than fcukall with that support , NOW we are going backwards

      If you believe in independence for Scotland eldee1 PLEASE wake the fcuk up and FACE THE TRUTH

      Liked by 14 people

    1. We could turn it into a BritNat Colonial Museum, documenting all the horrors and wrongdoings of this corrupt imperial power, using every room to represent a subjugated country which has since broken free. After that there might not be room for a toilet. But then again urinals with depictions of all our favourite Tories could be quite popular.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Yes

        Like balmoral

        The museum in Santiago in Chile highlights the colonial USA interference and murder under Pinochet.

        More Scots died under Colonial rule, including WM austerity by % than deaths in Chile.

        Time to force WM hand

        Oh wait WE ARE

        Liked by 10 people

  4. Did anyone have the common sense to invite Selfie British Sturgeon to the event, I feel sure she would have made an appearance even if it was just to have selfie taken in front of the UK government building just to show Ms Truss her loyalty to the Union. Just watch how fast she runs to London to report how she screwing all Indy supporters over and that the Scotlandshire is safe in Sturgeon hands.
    Isn’t it funny how the Tories like to say the police in Scotland are under staffed but a hundred people protesting outside peacefully “House that Jack Built” they can find vans full of cops?

    If it takes but a hundred years I’ll never give up on Scotland or its people, lets keep sending that message and we don’t need to SNP to do it.

    I thank lorncal for “House that Jack Built”.

    Liked by 10 people

  5. “More is lost in indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind.” -Marcus Tullius Cicero.

    Sturgeon waits, and waits, and waits. Everything must align perfectly. Everyone must love her. All must recognise her careful progress.
    She has never experienced life in the outside World…..and it shows.

    She likes to read. Why does she not read the history of the Indian or Irish negotiations with the BritNats.
    They lie politely. They talk to you as they poison the well. They threaten, they bribe, they divide. This London Empire entrenched mindset sees weakness and they will exploit it. This path has been walked many, many times and the lessons are extremely well documented.

    The slow approach only hastens the speed at which they strip your assets and weaken your potential. It gives them time to further infiltrate your key positions. (The shiny new office installed to spend our money on UJ plastered projects rather than increase the Holyrood budget)

    The biggest fear London has is a successful Scotland revealing to the English voters that they have been misled.

    Unlike the Nicophants I do not care which Party drives Independence. I care about the future of the People of Scotland and not the petty party politics currently hampering my Nations progress.

    A sign of stress in a leader is when they focus on something they can complete instead of dealing with the Major issue. GRA is Sturgeons focus because it is a simpler task than Independence and she can push it through.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Ladies and gentlemen I just want to say thank you and I love you all for everything that you are doing for the people of Scotland. I am not joining any party because I have been doing that route and the expectations broke my heart. This time around I am for the people and am appreciative of anyone who is serving the folk and making radical statements. I must be a rebel at heart but for the goodness of our people and country. And for the people who made us greet and broke oor hearts and tried to demoralise women, children and men a big FU.

      Liked by 9 people

  6. Huge thanks to yourself, Iain, and your guest columnists who have reported these recent happenings which certainly give me more hope for the future of scotland than for a long time. At last something concrete is being done to free us from the shackles of a malign Govenment in London , which is aided by a spineless one in Edinburgh. It was very emotional to be part of the event on Thursday as it was such a great idea to mourn the deaths of so many victims of the Union, but also to listen to Neale Habvey’s inspiring speech. If only folk in the SNP would embrace the question of Scottish Independence with such passion! Thank you, Iain, Mia, Neale and Sarah for your efforts and commitment.

    Liked by 17 people

  7. @eldee 1 If you were to join a voluntary organisation, only to find after many years of commitment, that what you originally believed the organisation’s raison d’etre to be had been captured and subverted by a small, unrepresentative faction of your fellow-members, so as to make the organisation no longer recognisable to you, would you remain as a voluntary member of that organisation, or would you move on to an organization that corresponded with your initial beliefs, ideals and desires?

    Liked by 12 people

  8. It’s going to hard ignoring Nicola Sturgeon if Sturgeon going to need to report to Number 10, this might be a bit awkward.
    I wonder who’ll give the best impression at mimicking Margret Thatcher, Sturgeon or Truss.
    If I was John Sweeny, I’d be saying to NS you’ve just made me look like a complete tit. When NS could have allowed Sweeny to put forward the deal Sturgeon put on the table yesterday. He could have offered it weeks ago and saved all the trouble cause to the general public and the tourists particularly at the Edinburgh festival. But no, she had to be the saviour.

    If Mr Sweeny is reading this, does he know or can he find out what she is planning on selling to pay for this deal, as she can’t sell the sea beds she’s already sold them for a song.
    While I’m not against the bin men getting this increase, what professionally body or Union aren’t going to now go out on strike knowing that Sturgeon will cave into their demands, if they can do it for the bin men then everyone needs a pay rise including shopworkers and a new minimum wage to £15hr.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I don’t think that you need to vote for Alba to sign the declaration. Don’t be hurt for people calling out politicians because at the end of the day they come and go but their choices made on our behalf are that wee bit harder to undo. I think that all politicians should be up for being answerable and called out as they serve us the people. Anyone should be allowed to without the members of the party getting defensive. That’s how cults begin. The members can’t see no wrong and attack the other members for questioning them. I think that at one stage quite a few of us were in the same frame of mind and it’s when you take a step back and look at the actions and inactions that you see it. This is why I think that the liberation Scot and Salvo are perfect for the people who are for everyone and their sovereignty. I personally think that Alba are showing up the SNP although I do think that Joanna Cherry is daeing braw for the ladies and children in regards to the gender nonsense despite being bullied.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I’m sorry Fae I cannot agree with you regarding Cherry , she has done nothing to protect the women and children, she has sat back alongside her fellow craven cowards in her party and said and done NOTHING to expose or curtail the head lunatic , obviously the padded arses of their salaries and pensions mean more to them than the suffering of Scottish children and their families as they have mental breakdowns in worrying how they are going to pay their bills

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Fae, I too have the highest regard for Joanna Cherry and she does speak out at Westminster however it remains to be seen whether or not she turns up at Holyrood on the 15th for the next ‘Women’s Rally’ never mind even speak.
      Unlike Neale (last year) I can sadly, pretty much guarantee she won’t be there.
      All are welcome, please come along if you can.

      Liked by 3 people

  10. eldee1 get your facts right Neale Haney was voted in as an Independent after the SNP (Woke wing) stabbed him in back with Nicolas blessing no doubt

    Liked by 10 people

  11. I once read in a book about John Balliol someone describing the Scots as a nation of wolves led by donkeys, I can’t remember the book or who made that statement but I do remember reading it.

    It’s certainly true that as a nation we’ve suffered badly at the hands of poor leadership and not a little treachery throughout our history, it could also be fairly argued that organising the Scots is a bit like herding cats but nonetheless we’ve always been up for the fight even when the odds were stacked heavily against us.

    But history has also shown us that on the rare occasions we’ve come together behind solid leadership we can achieve anything no one can stop us certainly not the English or our enemies within.

    Historically in our greatest hours of need great leaders have come forward to expel the donkeys and restore our sovereignty & nationhood great leaders like William Wallace, Andrew De Moray, Robert Bruce, The Good Sir James & others.

    I have a feeling that now after all the years of treachery & betrayal particularly in the last 8 years that leadership is beginning to emerge again, The path to freedom is laid out for us and if we all get behind the Liberation movement I believe we will win back the freedom that is rightfully ours

    Liked by 6 people

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