I think we can be certain of one thing. Nicola will be good. She has always been a skilled communicator so facing the Inquiry should present few problems. I have seen nothing in the quality of those firing the questions to give her any great level of concern. There is no sign of any budding Perry Mason’s or Rumpole’s of the Bailey at Holyrood, more the pity. The best we have is Jackie Baillie, how it pains me to write that!  Nicola has her SNP stooges to throw up the open goals as required, straight from the script she wrote for them. Harsh? I don’t think so, they were all reading from a script while questioning Alex Salmond last week, I expect the same today, with gentler, friendly questions proffered. Anyway, having spent a huge amount of money on having the other witnesses coached on their responses it would be silly to not assume the remainder of the budget has been spent on bringing Nicola up to speed. She is both a qualified lawyer and a very experienced politician so I will be stunned if we witness any serious gaffe.

No, I think the real interest will be in the credibility of the story she seeks to tell. It is here I expect the mistakes and problems to occur. Nicola is very stubborn, it is both a strength and a weakness, she resists changing her narrative, she determines a line then sticks to it come hell or high water. She surrounds herself with folk who are easily dominated by this determination and who are intimidated and scared to tell her things are not as they were , that events have moved on. Other opinions have formed in light of a wealth of evidence that was not apparent at the start. Does Nicola realise? Has anyone dared tell her?

Looking back over even a few months her supporters were still in denial that there was any plot against Alex Salmond. As the evidence that there was a plot piled up, more and more moved to a new position of acceptance of the plot, but the defence became “now is not the time” we must not risk a majority in May. Just keep quiet, we can deal with the corruption and dishonesty after the election. Even that position continued to weaken as folk realised sweeping it under the carpet would never work as the MSM suddenly started showing the interest that had always been there,  but which they had to start commenting about earlier than they had planned, as public interest increased. 

They would have preferred to leave it to the start of April but events forced them to move earlier than they had wanted. All the time the same people who were calling to leave it to after the election were the same people who resisted dealing with all this after the end of the criminal trial, well away from the 2021 election. They had been scathing against those of us who pointed out two things, firstly this would never go away until it was dealt with properly, and secondly the longer it was delayed the effect was to hand the timing of the revelations to the opposition. Exactly as has happened. This whole thing could and should have been completed in 2020. 

Now, if I was asking the questions, I would start with Leslie Evans role in all this. Either she was acting against the FM’s best interests and keeping her in the dark about the plot to get Salmond, in itself that should be a sacking offence, given its botched handling and the enormous cost to the taxpayer,  or she was working in tandem with a FM intent is disguising her involvement. Giving her a two year extension to her contract suggests the latter rather than the former.

I would ask about the role of Geoff Aberdein in all this and was she disappointed that the evidence we all read in the Sunday Times at the weekend had been banned from being produced at the Inquiry. Did she think the 60 times evidence had either been redacted in documents or banned completely by her Government and the Crown Office from being in evidence, help or hinder the Inquiry in its search for the truth?

What was in the Legal Advice that was supposed to have been released but which subsequently became only a partial release? Is it sufficiently important to risk losing her Deputy First Minister in a vote of no confidence just to keep it secret? Has she set a ceiling on how many others must be sacrificed to save her skin? Was she embarrassed to be hiding behind the identities of the two complainants when if it hadn’t been for Alex Salmond’s lawyers acting to protect their identities, after her own legal team had failed to attend the court when they should have, their names would have already become public. Was it not ridiculous to now use them as the excuse for even further redactions, the more so, when what redactions being made did not mention them in any of the passages?

Now I think Nicola does have a huge problem. Sticking to the line that still seemed to be dominating the week before Alex gave his evidence that there was no plot, no conspiracy, and this is all because of Alex Salmond’s ego is not going to wash. It would be a big mistake. The public, or at least a big proportion of them, now believe there was a plot, a conspiracy. What they will be watching is to find out whether it was Nicola’s plot or was it others around her who devised this without her knowledge and support? It is a huge problem. To protect herself she will need to sacrifice others, not least her Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans, who is at the very centre of events, deeply embroiled in everything that went wrong, the main reasons the Government had to collapse the Judicial Review to avoid risk of further exposure and which attracted such condemnation from the judge. The judge was also very critical of the Government’s actions and awarded a very high level of costs to Alex Salmond, a much higher percentage of costs than would normally have been expected.

Her husband, whose evidence directly contradicted her own and which contains more holes than a colander, especially his story that Alex was just dropping in for a cuppa, when he lives over two hundred miles away. That’s one for the magpie’s Peter! Garden leave beckons surely?

The original plotters must be paranoid, it must have been great fun for them when Alex Salmond was the sole victim, not so funny now as it rebounds on Nicola and it threatens the SNP fortunes in a crucial election, all because of their wreckless and evil actions. I hope they are forced to watch the day’s events and recognise and be ashamed of their part in it.

I suspect a lot of people would have a lot to say if they ever found out who they are? I will be back tomorrow with my take on how it all went.

This has been the most difficult article to write, every minute it seems more and more documents are being released, more statements issued. Unfortunately for Nicola all confirming Alex’s evidence, the legal advice clearly warning that the case was unlikely to be successful, a devastating memo from their external legal advisors accusing the .SG of concealment, of deceiving both Alex Salmond’s lawyers and her own external legal team. Statements from Kevin Pringle and Duncan Hamilton confirming Geoff Aberdein’s evidence that the name of one of the complainants was advised to him and that Nicola knew all about the charges before the 2nd April. It is difficult to imagine it could get worse, but it will if the content of the WhatsApp messages are made public. At the start of this article I thought it might be bad for Nicola, as I consider what has been delivered late on I think she is going to have to pull off a miracle to survive. We will see! How she must wish this unnecessary unpardonable folly had never been started.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland.

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39 thoughts on “WHAT TACTICS WILL WE SEE?

  1. Leslie Evans was not only involved in everything that went wrong, she instigated the whole thing. Instead of advising the anonymous complainers to inform the police, the same ‘policy’ which applies to everyone, she set about devising a specific policy aimed at getting one person. She totally ignored the specific wishes of the 2 main complainers. She totally ignored the instructions from higher up. She totally ignored the legal advice.
    How others were sucked into this, is hard to fathom out!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This, for sure, but why was she retained and given a pay rise after it became apparent how things were lkely to unfold?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Nicola claims she stayed out of the Salmond saga as he was a friend, an ex colleague and boss, she felt she would have been damned if she intervened. She knew nothing , wanted to know nothing and still knows little about the process of an investigation, led by others, which landed him in court.

      She obviously believed the two women’s complaints and by her remarks, still does, despite the fact the court case proved nothing against Salmond.

      Salmond, her ex close friend,is defending his reputation she seems hell bent on the opposite. That I don’t get.


  2. Quick question. I’m hoping to watch NS at the Committee today. I’m outside the UK and need a VPN, and it appears that the Scottish Parliament Channel won’t grant direct access. I did access the feed through a third party provider and was able to watch AS evidence, but I can’t remember the name of the site. Can anybody help?


    1. I think it may also be on youtube as was the case when Alex Salmond was giving evidence.


  3. I read this yesterday and can but hope.


    I don’t hold no hope in her breaking down and confessing,
    I do expect a stage managed performance of the usual guff ,the “working hard” and on and on.
    The soft peddling of the SNP and “Linda Fabidosser”

    It’s a sad state on affairs, when I’m cheering on Ms.J.Baillie and Mr M.Fraser
    Sturgeon deserves the phrase No Quarter
    No matter what she says the wokie freaks will be out later in force

    At this moment I think I’ll give it a miss as she puts another nail in the heart of the country

    Little Miss Can’t Do Wrong ???

    Liked by 7 people

  4. I wondered when I heard Alex Salmond’s statement that his lawyers ensured that the identity of the two complainants was protected because the government lawyers had not turned up to court. I wondered whether Nicola had intended their identities to be revealed. The revelation of the identities may have thrown a different perspective on the whole proceedings, and perspectives or motives previously unrecognised might have become apparent. It would seem extraordinary that the protection of identity would not be uppermost in the government’s intention given reasons for the legislation they had produced, and that measures were taken to ensure it, were it not for the blighting evidence of the incompetence of those who purport to govern our country. Their seeming inability to check, research or even read existing policy does not bode well for properly organised anything at all let alone either a conspiracy or any representation requiring precision or reference to actuality. That their non-arrival in court was an oversight then becomes credible. But possibly Nicola needed to have the whole case opened up?


  5. “What TACTICS will we see”

    The word tactics sums it up for me. It will not be what is best for the Scottish Independence cause or best for democracy or Party reputation.

    It will be a smokescreen designed to hold the last line of defence around the Berlin Bunker.

    It is not just the material released last night. It is the release on top of what we already knew.
    A dozen justifications for resignation already exist.

    Why is Evans and Peter Murrel still in their roles? I can add another half dozen names to that sacking list. A list that should have been executed weeks, if not months, ago.
    I would add that had decent people been in these roles they would have resigned long ago. However if they had been decent people the events would never have happened.

    TACTICS are the sign of a professional, slick, crafty political spin expert.
    I want a passionate Leader of the Independence movement.

    The destruction of the Party democracy over the last few years is evidence enough for me that manipulation and control are her primary drivers.

    The foundation on which we build our Nation must be based on more than slick presentation.

    Liked by 13 people

  6. What she maybe hasn’t taken into account is the others that may need to be sacrificed might not be all that keen on being trussed up and led to the altar. After all, that’d be them finished, unemployable.

    She’s no need to worry though as her 3 stooges will try and run the clock down for her. Don’t expect anything more forensic from them than, “What did you have for your tea last night, First Minister?”

    Liked by 4 people

  7. If NS survives it will because others heads will roll – Sleekit Spinner Swinney (delay of legal advice, lying about timelines of concession of JR, restriction of the Committee remit), Errant Evans (too many to mention), Magpie Murrell, Razer Ruddock and Muddling Mackinnon for starters.

    There are umpteen examples of the FM breaching the Ministerial Code. The evidence revealed in Alex Salmond’s written submission and his interview and Committee is overwhelming. Add to that the corroboration by esteemed advocate Duncan Hamilton and respected communications/media operator Kevin Pringle.

    If Nicola Sturgeon does not resign she will simply be a lame duck. But she may well try limping on till the parliament rises on 25th March, only 3 weeks from now. The Committee report, as well as the Hamilton version, might not be released until the end of the session, so a resignation at the death would mean little as she is effectively signing off anyway. (Maybe the Tories suspect this and that is why they have called for her resignation now).

    Maybe she thinks she could lead the SNP into the election on the back of her COVID popularity.Maybe in her thinking it will be a new Parliament and, the SNP forms the government, she could (in her head only perhaps) be FM as she didn’t lie to or mislead the NEW parliament.

    But it will look, sound and smell horrible.

    She needs to go – for the sake of Scotland and The Cause.

    Liked by 7 people

  8. Without doubt she will give the performance of her life, will it be enough though to save her? we’ll soon find out. I agree with you though Ian, I’m sure she’s wishing they hadn’t started this whole sorry affair in the first place.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Wednesday 11.20 and so far

    ‘Let me be clear’
    It wisnae me….it wisnae me…..it wisnae me.
    And I really, really care…..care….you don’t know how much I really care

    Liked by 3 people

  10. I am no fan of Murdo Fraser, but the question he asked of the FM at a few minutes before 13:00 caused her visibly to wince and recoil to the back of her chair with tightly folded arms and eyes all over the place. Loathsome though he is, I am sure it was more than Fraser’s countenance that caused her so to react.

    There are far too many questions that were not answered. Almost as if the people taking the questions have actually no idea of what is going on here.

    In principle it would be possible for a couple of well placed operatives to kick off a number of train crashes of events and thereafter simply control the release of information in relation to these events, without any of the actors in those events having the slightest idea what is going on. In a Hollywood movie now would be the time when the clever investigative journalist or disaffected ex government employee working together with a token woman manages to piece it all together and take it to the last remaining bastion of honest journalism.

    Back in the real world, having watched the FM closely, I foresee a new role for her, before the committee publishes its findings.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. We now enter the final stage of Nicol’s evidence presentation to the committee.

    I believe all of the key issue have been successfully clouded sufficiently to enable her to cling on until the elections.
    Her entourage of conspirators will escape any further scrutiny.

    A Senior Civil Servant who blocked a Police Search Warrant will drift to a new post after a suitable period. Reputation untainted.
    A complainer who lied about an incident at Bute House on a date she was not there will go without punishment.
    Peter Murrel will smirk as he continues to enjoy a significant six figure salary.
    The Vietnam Group will have a celebration dinner.
    The Lord Advocate will continue to tell us how wonderful his team in and that they are Gods who choose to walk among us.
    The Wokerati will remain in charge of the SNP and GRA celebrations will already be planned

    The only victims are Scotland and the Truth.

    The people of Scotland must find a way to send a message without damaging the Independence cause. One certain example is DO NOT vote for the SNP on the list.

    In my own small protest I will send another donation to the ISP.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Depressing though it may be Julia, your summation comes very close to what reality might yet present us with.

      Contempt for the truth in conjunction with the verminous lickspittle brigade among the SNP elected politicians at Holyrood and Westminster and their apologists are sullying the reputation of Scotland and her political and judicial institutions for all the watching world to see.

      My vote will not endorse candidates actively engaged in this charade, ISP as a consequence will benefit electorally and financially and would urge other likeminded to consider similar support.

      Liked by 3 people

  12. O/T but a recent commenter BTL at Wings wrote that he just received a letter from Peter Murrell asking him to renew his membership THREE months early. So it seems the Party’s finances are deteriorating further, which was predictable. The new Treasurer has been in office for 3 months, he should have a grasp of the financial situation by now. So why hasn’t he come clean to the members about the SNP’s dire financial situation?

    Iain, you’ve been an SNP insider and NEC member: who oversees the Party’s finances, exerts budgetary control and makes the major spending decisions such as election spending? Or do Murrell and Sturgeon just spend what they like and leave the Party to pick up the tab? From what I can see Murrell at the very least should be fired for his mismanagement of the Party’s finances, let alone his part in the Salmond stitch-up.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It should have been the Treasurer’s job ,But Murrell through position has, I believe, circumvented the protocol that should be in place.
      Again it’s their arrogance, the “we’ve got plenty of money and we can get more from the mugs”….Now the till is empty………..Again I cite Prescot and the Labour Overdraft…..The labour party did indeed get a grip
      And the SNP members lie back and get their tummy tickled , All afraid of upsetting the Beloved One

      If I was SNP member that paid into the Yes.Scot (ring fenced money) via credit card , Go to your CC(lender) and claim your money back as it was fraudulently promoted.It wasn’t for night out in some Edinburgh Bistro or Smith’s legal cost

      As for Sturgeon ? Could I suggest the ancient punishment of the “Ear Nailed to the Post” it was usually for lying
      and I’m quite sure Dreghorn has a bit of space at the Cross


  13. I think Yessers should just ignore NS from now on and leave it for the britnats to bring her down. Indeed britnats will be doing us a favour if they do, and they’ll get the blame for doing it as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Were the contributors to the ring fenced fund to invoke criminal complaints of theft by embezzlement against them, there is a chance that those accused, could be held financially accountable for recompense. Certainly their accounts could be ‘frozen’ while the investigation was ongoing.

    Major difference between AS and NS testimony. I could not tear myself away from Alex’s testimony. I can’t stand more than a minute or 2 of Niclas before I have to turn it off.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. My belief is that the Office Bearers and NEC are liable due to the “construction” of the SNP

      The fund raising I believe was in breach of the 1968(or there abouts) MisRepresentation Act
      and once the money was in the account the Theft Act

      What I have been looking at Ponzi Schemes, and relationship to the SNP, but I left that about 10 days ago

      Liked by 2 people

  15. Watching Sturgeon giving evidence I don’t think anyone could have any doubt that about her coming across as the most untrustworthy witness one could possibly imagine.

    Nothing could she answer straight. Nothing could you say was answered honestly. Her performance was that of an absolute wretch with absolutely no amount of soft pedalling by the SNP committee members being able to ameliorate the whole sorry show.

    Quite how anybody could stand by Nicola, know where their loyalties lie, is an absolute mystery to me. Sturgeon needs drummed out of parliament with an investigation by Police into her behaviours. But of course, and as we now know, there can be no trust in the integrity of Police Scotland, for they too, along with the COPFS have played their part n this whole rotten affair.

    Fair play though to Jackie Baillie and Margaret Mitchell for their performance at the enquiry. Both of these ladies, who many of us will be at odds politically with, came across very well.

    We have nine weeks to the election and five weeks to get new candidates to replace the rotten and corrupt members who have played their part in bringing our country to the mess that it is in. That is time enough I believe to make the May election our independence reference.

    Independence is within our grasp and a reformed SNP, with replacement candidates and a strong second independence party will take us to where we want to be. We do not need people like Sturgeon and her rotten coterie of control. And this performance today tells us why.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Iain,

    Nicola nailed it today. There was NO conspiracy. Now stop with this sort of stuff. You’re worse than the enemies of Independence with this nonsense.



    1. Depends whether you believe she knew nothing or chose to know nothing about the investigation.

      ‘Alex was some times difficult to work with’ she said, though she never experienced that. That’s different to the accusations against him which are the most wounding.
      ‘dark forces’ Involved? Who would be surprised?


  17. I would have thought bullying and inappropriate behaviour would also cover releasing details of Complaints to the Police against devised policy and the wishes of the individuals involved. It’s simple there has either been a breach if the ministerial code or the civil service code.

    It’s also worth remembering that despite all of the presumed faults of AS NS was clearly happy for him to anoint her his successor.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I have just gone back and scanned this article called;


    Here are three quotes from the piece that to me sound as if the author is biased and is therefore not to be a trusted as an impartial voice
    “Now, if I was asking the questions”,

    “Now I think Nicola does have a huge problem…………….” (She has not given her evidence yet).
    “The public, or at least a big proportion of them, now believe there was a plot, a conspiracy”. (Crap)

    Rather than wait just a few hours before consideration of her evidence and before making comment, the author of this piece has to make up a story before it happened.

    This article puts me in remind of Professor Pavlov’s dugs.


  19. Nicola claims she stayed out of the Salmond saga as he was a friend, an ex colleague and boss, she felt she would have been damned if she intervened. She knew nothing , wanted to know nothing and still knows little about the process of an investigation, led by others, which landed him in court.

    She obviously believed the two women’s complaints and by her remarks, still does, despite the fact the court case proved nothing against Salmond.

    Salmond, her ex close friend,is defending his reputation she seems hell bent on the opposite. That I don’t get.


      1. Friendships in politics are not what you and I normally have with our friends. Political friendships are often based on what you can do for the other person and when you are no longer in a position to be of use or it’s otherwise convenient they’ll drop you like a hot potato. Or in Sturgeon’s case turn on you like a rabid dog.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. So Nicola hasn’t bothered to acquaint herself with the details of a botched investigation which was “illegal, unfair and biased” and has cost the taxpayer at least 700,000 in cash on top of probably another 2-300K in in-house COPFS salaries. At the very least she should have ordered an internal investigation into why it was such a bourach. It’s a sad day when the First Minister’s defence is one of incompetence and neglect of duty.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if Sturgeon solicited those initial two complaints in the first place. The timing of the lodging of the complaints is only too convenient at a time when Salmond was openly critical of NS’s inaction on independence and it seemed possible he might stand at a by-election. Then she double-crossed the complainants by having LE report their allegations to police, thus exposing them to charges of perjury. Of course she doesn’t actually believe the complainants since she was party to concocting the fake allegations in the first place.


  20. Iain,

    It’s 11.50 in the evening and on checking Wings and then trying to put on a comment my computer is responding that Wings is taking too long to respond.

    Every other site that I’ve been accessing this evening is working and given where we are, and the government resentment to Wings, could there be some issue, could the site be under attack.

    Don’t know but Craig Murray I do know has had service issues.

    So what’s maybe happening. Info wars. Cyber interruption. Or is the Wings site just busy.

    Don’t know?

    Liked by 2 people

  21. I couldn’t connect for about 5 minutes after I refreshed the page, however it’s back up now. I suspect Stu’s server couldn’t cope with the volume of traffic.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Willie
    I’m in NZ & have been able to get into WOS without any problems. I did have problems with the Government channel when I tried to get in last night. Keeping in mind I’m 13hrs ahead of Scotland time wise.
    I managed to get in through broadcasting Scotland. Was the Scot gov trying to limit who saw the broadcast last night?
    What a disgusting display Nicola put on. I didn’t believe a word of what she said, given what I know some of the absolute truth of the matter.

    Alex on the other hand came across last week in a statesman like fashion & I believed every word. I’m so glad that Alex instructed his lawyers to keep the two original complainers names anonymous at the Judiciary trial.
    Nicola & her cohorts were prepared to throw these women under a bus, to her they had served their purpose.
    The Scots Government didn’t even send their lawyers to that trial.

    My question to those who think Nicola has nothing to do with this stitch up of Alex. Consider this!
    Why would a man who was being accused of sexually assaulting two woman, ask the court to keep their names anonymous?
    Keep in mind Alex’s name was splattered all over the newspapers for weeks beforehand. The initial two women’s names deserve to be protected, the others don’t, they were part of the stitch up.
    I believe I even know who leaked the story to the paper.

    If I’m a Scot living in NZ for 50 years & have never returned home. I’m only interested in Scotland being Independent.
    Why is it I can see the big picture of what has transpired from information on the net, that Nicolas fan base doesn’t?
    I know Nicola isn’t interested in Independence, She is only interested in keeping the SNP in power.
    She knows once Independence is achieved, she will lose many of the voters that only vote SNP to gain Indy Ref2.
    The party will split into different political party’s & the SNP will once again have to fight at each election to hold power, not weigh their votes as they do now.
    Nicola doesn’t like losing, hence trying to take down Alex Salmond for the simple reason he told her she wasn’t doing enough to achieve independence & was perceived by her to be standing at a by election.

    Final question to Nicolas Fans. Why has she eliminated all of Alex’s 40 years achievements in the SNP, even anything to do with Indy Ref in 2014 from the annals of the SNP history?

    Liked by 4 people

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