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—“The Catalunia and Quebec indyrefs both included all residents in the franchise”

Catalunya and Quebec are not in an international treaty with Spain and Canada respectively. Catalunya and Quebec did not enter to form part of Spain/Canada voluntarily as independent sovereign states. Scotland did.

Trying to reduce Scotland’s case to the same as Catalonia and Quebec’s has, for long now, been seen as a deliberate attempt to present Scotland as a region, rather than what it is: a sovereign country who entered voluntarily an international treaty, and therefore voluntarily can exit it at any time of its choosing.

The UK is a bipartite political union taking its legitimacy from an international treaty between 2 sovereign states. Pretend it to be the same as Spain or Canada is, again, another deliberate attempt to mislead and undermine Scotland’s real status in this political union and its rights. It is, in my view, an attempt to big up the perceived status of the UK gov and parliament in terms of their legitimacy to “rule” over Scotland, to veto its perfectly legitimate right to unilaterally terminate that treaty and more importantly, to violate the Scotland’s Claim of Right, which clearly states absolute rule is constitutionally unlawful in Scotland.

—“An indyref usually uses different franchises to internal referendums held by already independent countries”

Possibly because, quite deliberately, in occupied countries there is not a system of citizenship in place that allows for that. The Falklands and Gibraltar have that system though. If they can, which are substantially smaller than Scotland both in geographical size and population, and did not enter the UK after an international treaty like Scotland did, surely Scotland can have that system too. The only thing you need is the will to do it. Clearly Sturgeon never had that will.

—“I did hear somewhere that the UKG intends to insist on a majority of areas voting Yes, in addition to a simple majority”

Scotland is a sovereign country who entered voluntarily an international treaty. Scotland entered that treaty against the will of its people and simply because a majority of corrupt MPs were bribed and coerced by the crown to force Scotland into that treaty. There never was a referendum to enter the treaty, despite several anti-union MPs demanding one. 

Ironically, some of those corrupt MPs who forced the ratification of the treaty without paying any attention to the many protests and thousands of complaints of the Scottish people sent to parliament, suddenly, and conveniently for the union, turned democrats in 1714 when the union was in peril. At that point, those pro-union MPs were demanding a referendum of the people before Scotland’s MPs could contemplate agreeing to demand the termination of the union in 1714. Absolute rulers demanding democracy when convenient to their political views, huh? just as we have been experiencing for the last 8 years from the Scottish gov and parliament, and the UK gov and our representatives in the UK parliament.

Those same corrupt pro-union MPs deliberately denied the people of Scotland a general election in 1707 because they feared that election would become a plebiscitary one – one where enough anti-union MPs would be elected to terminate the experiment of the UK union before it even started. 

If you read history books, you will see that the “union” that today is claimed to be so “precious” by some quarters (particularly those with a vested interest in continue to control and profit from Scotland’s land and assets), in the 1700’s it was seen only as an experiment which many did not have hopes it would last. 

In fact, both in 1711 and 1714 the was at the verge of ending. It lasted because the crown wanted it to last, because our MPs and peers at the time were thinking mainly in themselves and the financial and prestige advantages for themselves that remaining in the union would bring, and because since then, real anti-union MPs and peers have been side-lined . This continues today and there is no better example than the way Mr Salmond or even Ms Cherry have been treated, or the way real pro-indy supporters were sidelined in the SNP lists for the last Holyrood election in favour of erosion of women’s rights and self-ID, or even the way Sturgeon did all what she could to block Alba from entering Holyrood in 2021 even when that involved asking pro-independence voters to waste their list votes to open Holyrood’s door to pro-union MSPs.

Since the moment it was publicly announced the SNP would win by a landslide GE2015 in late 2014, Sturgeon changed SNP policy to deny the people of Scotland the opportunity to vote to terminate this union. This has all the appearance of having been quite deliberate and she has done this in two ways:

a. By denying us the opportunity to use general elections as a plebiscite
b. By deliberately transferring hers and the SNP’s own responsibility to deliver the referendum to the representatives elected by England. In other words, Sturgeon has handed them a fabricated veto. When this failed to quiet the masses, this faux democrat proceded to hand the veto to the Kingdom of England’s judges. All her tenure has been a massive dereliction of duty. It is not the obligation of the Kingdom of England elected representatives, never mind judges, to uphold the democratic mandate given to Scotland’s representatives by the Scottish people. It is the obligation of Scotland’s representatives, and that includes the SNP and Sturgeon herself, to deliver those mandates.

What we have seen since 2014 is nothing but the modern version of what the people of Scotland experienced in 1707: being denied the opportunity to use democracy to exit this union.

You should be able to exit a treaty in the same way you entered it. International law recognises the three: changes of circumstances, violation of fundamental conditions of the treaty and lack of good faith from a partner in the treaty as perfectly valid reasons to unilaterally terminate the treaty. We have experienced the three. Scotland does not need a referendum to exit this treaty in the same way it did not need one to enter it. The only thing we need is a majority of anti-union MPs WILLING to use their mandate to terminate the union. Clearly the overwhelming majority of those we elect in 2019 are not willing.

If we had a proper pro-independence FM rather than a Westminster tool, Scotland’s legitimate right to unilaterally terminate this treaty would have been already asserted. For the last 7 years the people of Scotland have been sending a majority of anti-union MPs to Westminster, therefore there is no credible excuse for this not to have happened already. 

Nicola Sturgeon and the hopeless SNP MPs have refused to act upon this. This does not mean they cannot or that they should not. 1707 showed us that a majority of MPs is enough to determine if Scotland should be or should not be in the union. If they are as democratic as they claim to be, the treaty of union should have been repealed in 2015 already. 

What this means is the minute Scotland’s MPs find a backbone and assert Scotland’s right to unilaterally terminate that treaty, UKG becomes meaningless, just the same as the UK parliament. Why? Because both the UK gov and UK parliament are by-products of the treaty. They get their authority and reason of being from the treaty and the treaty itself gets its authority as a constitutional tool from the parents of the treaty, which are the former Scotland and England parliaments. It is them who have the final authority, not the UKGov. In 1707 we clearly saw that it was needed the consent from BOTH parliaments to enter the union. What this means is that if today Scotland’s old parliament removes its consent, the union ends.

We are been told repeatedly by unionist apparatchiks that the Parliament of Scotland closed down itself forever and somewhat the England parliament morphed into the UK of Great Britain’s parliament. I think this to be the most ridiculous assertion ever made. I do not know how such thing could have even been possible or who was perceived to have the authority to close Scotland’s parliament. I have not yet found the document that states in black and white and beyond any reasonable doubt that THE old Scottish parliament rather than THAT particular parliament those MPs were part of, closed forever.

I don’t even know if the crown in 1707 had the authority to deny Scotland a parliament. Considering the Claim of Right, I think it unlikely. If the crown had such authority, it would have organised the union itself without the charade of nominating commissioners, bribes etc and then having the MPs to ratify the treaty. In any case, this is not the 1700s, so the idea that in the third decade of the 21st century the crown can even contemplate openly breaching the Claim of Right to exercise absolute rule denying Scotland’s MPs or the people of Scotland the opportunity to reconvene Scotland’s old parliament, and expect to get away with it for long, is not credible. 

If the Mps of a parliament had the authority to close forever a parliament, then the UK parliament would be closing itself down forever every time a new GE is called.

It is my personal view the old parliament of Scotland can be recalled at any time by either, current Scotland MPs reconvening it, or the people of Scotland forcing it by electing new MPs to sit in it. In the past, the convention of states was called by the people. That convention of states would then go on to become the actual parliament of Scotland. There is nothing stopping us doing the same again.

There is a fundamental reason why Scotland needs to be seen as a region of Greater England, why the UK of Great Britain has to be seen as a unitary nation state like Spain/Canada and why they have to get us to believe the old Scottish parliament closed its doors forever:

1. Because if Scotland were to unilaterally repeal the treaty of union, it would end the UK as a state. The problem is that ending the UK as a state would mean to lose every international treaty, every trade agreement, every seat in international organisations/committees. 

2. Because if other countries (and the markets) perceive Scotland to have the power to terminate the union at any point of its choosing, giving that close to 50% of the Scottish population want to exit the union, the prospects of the UK being seen as a stable state and reliable from the point of view of investment and trade agreements diminishes greatly.

Hence the need of the powers that be for everybody to see the indyref as a mandatory exercise to be able to even contemplate independence. As usual, it is never about honesty or the needs of Scotland. It is always about the needs and wants of the establishment, the 1% and the crown.

Personally, I think it is an absolute disgrace that our own elected representatives in Westminster and Holyrood are playing along with this deception of the Scottish people and lying to us on our face. 

—“As an aside, it is always assumed that the map of Scotland will be the same after Indy as it is now”

Because it will be. If Scotland unilaterally repeals the treaty of union, which is all what it needs to do to finish the UK of Great Britain as a state and revert to its status of sovereign country, Scotland’s boundaries will remain exactly as they were in 1707 when that treaty was ratified. 

I guess what you have in mind is the plantations strategy the UK establishment used in the past to divide up countries and steal from them some of the richest parts. They did this to Ireland and we have seen plenty of attempts of unionist apparatchiks attempting to put a claim on the borders and particularly Orkney and Shetland (because of the oil, of course), and even Falsane, to do the same to Scotland.

I understand that to be a direct violation of International law under the current Vienna convention of the law of treaties of which the UK is a signatory.

“It’s hard to argue that the population in the borders doesn’t have the right to self determination”

No, it isn’t hard. It is very easy, actually. Scotland is a sovereign country who entered voluntarily a Treaty of union and therefore voluntarily can exit it in full without losing any of its bits. The borders the same as Shetland and Falsane are part of Scotland, not plantations owned by the Kingdom of England. So no, the same argument does not apply


Any debate about the flawed franchise in Scotland has one blatantly missing component, not a single word from any elected Independence supporter, neither in agreement it needs changed or in defence of the current franchise. It’s as if some Dark Lord has cast a spell to strike them all silent on this matter.
I think the Thought Police are working overtime on this, they know the growing impact it will have in any future contest but their “wokey” credentials restrict them in acting. Better to sacrifice an independence victory than engage in conflict with the Dark Lord. As Mia states they are scared to challenge Westminster on anything. We have elected nodding dogs. It’s pathetic!

We are indeed dealing with an evil empire.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


Unfortunately some pro Indy websites are not pro Indy. They are pro SNP sites and ban any content on their sites which dares to question the SNP or the SNP leader. They seek to censor discussion and free expression. Fortunately many of my readers share the articles on Yours for Scotland frequently and because of this the attempted censorship is proving ineffective. This support is very important and I thank everyone who share and protect freedom of speech and choice.


Are available on the Home and Blog pages of this site. This will ensure you will receive notification of all new posts by email and be the first to get key information when it is released.


The progress of Salvo has been the most encouraging development of 2022. It is doing sterling work educating Scots about the Claim of Right and spelling out what it means that the Scottish people are sovereign, not any Parliament. All donations to this site for the remainder of 2022 will be forwarded to Salvo to support them in developing and expanding this valuable work.


Please register at Liberation.scot and join the mass membership organisation that will be the signatories to our application to the UN, debate and organise a new Scottish Constitution. The membership of Liberation is also where the first members of Scotland’s National Congress will be balloted for selection.


  1. A wee video for Iain as his comments reminded me of this. It’s all that Ewan McGregor’s fault. Sent to be in charge of the franchise and he is taking too long. 😂 Mia you cheer me up and I would have loved for you to be in charge of ripping up the treaty and getting them telt. Sometimes people need told by stating the facts. So thanks because you make me believe.

    Liked by 9 people

  2. I agree with Mia’s arguments, including that Catalonia has a different status to that of Scotland. Even so, I seem to recall Roddy Macleod saying that although he lives in Catalonia he didn’t have a vote in their referendum.

    I also believe that Craig Murray’s view from an international perspective is that Scotland’s franchise is absurdly wide and that the United Nations’ de-colonising committee (because although Scotland is correctly defined by the UN as a country, it is de facto a colony by virtue of its disempowerment by its partner neighbours), a range of franchise options are available in relation to independence. All of which take cognisance of the deliberate in-migration policies of the coloniser.

    Russia’s deliberate policy of colonising areas of Ukraine with Russian migrants, and the Soviet Union’s similar actions in Estonia, are all of a piece with the English Govt’s policies of promoting English in-migration to Scotland including appointments to control key institutions from the Civil Service, universities, Scottish Natural Heritage, Historic Scotland, and the National Trust for Scotland – sometimes with token anglophone Scots fronting them.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. There is not a country in Europe (maybe even the world) that allows anyone that has settled in their country to vote in BIG ticket elections such as G.E, or Referendums on that country, UNLESS they take out citizenship of course.

      But Roddy & others in every other country can vote in the LOCAL elections..

      The BREXIT Referendum banned all Europeans living & working here from voting.

      Scotland allowed them all a vote, a VOTE where they voted NO, as they most certainly did, by around 60+%

      Indigenous Scots did vote YES by 53%.

      The English voters living here was the highest NO vote.. Even higher than the Europeans living here.

      And as the same Franchise is to be used in any future referendum, there is no chance in hell of Scotland ever winning a YES vote..OR a Plebiscite election.

      I think the best Brian in Politics belongs to Alex Salmon, I admire the man, he did so much for the people of this country when leader, but I think he got it wrong with allowing EVERYONE a vote on Scotlands future when they were not even Scottish or had taken out citizenship.

      I never want another referendum, not even a plebiscite election now, as I KNOW it will just be used against us again..
      Claim of Right is our route to Indy, via the PEOPLE not STURGEON & her cabal..

      Liked by 14 people

      1. Alex Salmond/ Alba want a referendum with the same franchise as last time. He has stated that{he aye just him}, will have none of this nativist stuff, therefore every man and his dug who just happens to be in Scotland at the time of a ref will get the vote.
        A referendum with the same franchise as 2014 is a franchise that favours the incomer/ holiday home owners, settlers, short term contract workers etc etc
        The same voting method will as before disenfranchise the indigenous population. just like the last time.

        Liked by 13 people

      2. The people and our Claim of Right need to be front and center. I’m done with politicians and their entitled expansion of their mandates to include every personally held opinion.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. There is a tendency to go off on a rant about the Russia|Ukrain situation. Language is an important sign of «loyalty». In a country that came into existence after the Bolshevik revolution it is still an important regional ethnic marker of identity.
      In 2014 the Ukrainian parliament effectively enforced the monopoly use of the Ukrainian language even in regions and disciplines where it was never used. Russian and minority languages were deemed to violate the constitution.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Another «wrong» does not make a «right».
        Actually, old warty Soviet Moscow, was fairly tolerant, even promoting, towards regional languages compared to say Scotland, historically and contemporarily.


    1. Not so much the fact Sturgeon is restricting our progress towards Independence, more so the fact too many lack self belief or cannae be bothered.

      Liked by 4 people

  3. Just one comment. In this sentence “For the last 7 years the people of Scotland have been sending a majority of (*) anti-union MPs to Westminster’
    At this point (*) I’d like to suggest the word ‘supposedly’ be added, because there’s more than a few of them that seem to have put aside their anti-union sentiments in favour of their fat salaries, expense accounts and burgeoning pension pots.
    We all know which ones they are…

    Liked by 18 people

  4. Another belter Mia keep them coming, pity you’re not the FM, the real sore point for me is that for centuries our MPs have put their own welfare ahead of Scotland’s, and even today as you rightly say our MPs that we elected, to get us out of this fetid union are putting their own interests ahead of an entire nations.

    Again I agree 100% with that we entered this rancid union without an indyref and we can leave without one as well.

    Liked by 14 people

  5. I’d like to ask UK’s tool running Scotland, if she loses the Supreme court case and fails to make the next Westminster election a De facto referendum, will she be resigning? After all she’s been given since 2015 to secure Scotland’s departure from the UK with a solid promises made to the electorate, including in 2016, that Scotland wouldn’t be taken out of the EU against our will. If the FM expects whoever is PM to fall on their sword then why can’t the Indy movement expect the same from the FM, when she hasn’t achieved the commitments she promised to the electorate whilst she’s been FM and the polls haven’t increased much during all her tenure.

    I believe it’s time to start a petition to have Nicola Sturgeon resign as a complete failure with regards to not securing Scotland’s future and the list of failings both she and her government have made since she became FM. Scotland can’t afford to have a leader who’s only interest is power and their own wealth, that’s not why she’s been elected. Nicola Sturgeon went to the electorate and made solid commitments, mainly that she was going to secure Scotland future as an Independent country, its evident from her reign as FM she hasn’t made any effort to Secure Scotland’s Independence but has secured her own greedy goals instead.

    For me going back to Cameron there hasn’t been any leader in the UK who’s abused their power and privilege as much as Mrs Murrell has failed on every commitment made to the electorate. As a Scot, this woman isn’t even on parallel with these former PMs, she worse, she’s a liar and a can con artist, at best. Nobody has taken the electorate for granted and used them to their own ends as much as Sturgeon has, in the entire history of the UK.

    All the electorate has done has made NS a millionaire and us peasants even poorer, when there was an alternative Independence and back in the EU. It doesn’t suite NS lifestyle for Scotland to be Independent or back in the EU, she hasn’t even got the decency to be honest, how can she be when she a betrayer. she betrayed every single one of us before she became FM.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. 100%yes says..I believe it’s time to start a petition to have Nicola Sturgeon resign as a complete failure with regards to not securing Scotland’s future and the list of failings both she and her government have made since she became FM.”

      Well if we ARE Sovereign as is stated by those more educated on the subject than me, it seems we as the Sovereign people of Scotland have every right to REMOVE Sturgeon & her cabal and any government we feel is NOT working on our behalf. And we can also get rid of the MONARCH. I believe Sara that it is the PEOPLE who hold our futures in our hands and that all government and Kings are there to work FOR us. or we FIRE them..
      I will happily sign any petition that is out there to get RID of todays Parcel of Rogues..

      Liked by 11 people

      1. There is no doubt that the Scottish people are sovereign, for me that’s a given, and was no problem in the SNP until Mrs Murrell took, but now everything has change in NUSNP. I was an SNP member and supporter all my life, almost 33yrs now 52. After 2014 I welcomed Labour and other party members into my party with open arms, but I would never have believed for a minute that welcoming these people meant I would find myself without a party to vote for. My goal has always been Independence 1st, 2nd and 3rd. I didn’t think for a single minute that I was going to be classed as a keyboard warrior and Cybernat from the very woman who I thought stood on the same ideology as me, Indy 1st, 2nd and 3rd and she was the leader of the only real Independence party in Scotland at the time.

        She really does believe she is untouchable and if the public are sovereign then let’s put in a petition using the claim of right and get rid of her for good.

        The FM openly scones anyone who opposes her or her course of direction. I’d rather spend a day with pinhead out of hellraiser than a second in Mrs Murrells company.

        Maybe I’m asleep and Freddy Krueger chasing me about Scotland all I need do is waken up for the nightmare to be over.

        The point I’m trying to make is there is nothing on this earth that is going to make Nicola Sturgeon resign she has the backing of the public, her supporters and the leadership, she paid of the MSM and has a good relationship with the British state.

        Liked by 12 people

    2. Well we need to also change this. Someone already suggested about payment but I would expand on this. Travel would be economy, nae free lunches or subsidised ones, bank accounts and all assets declared upon post being approved and monitored to make sure as well as their families just incase. There’s lots of changes that could be made to ensure or reduce any temptation to get rich fae public funding whilst not daeing what you were voted to dae. I mean this is something that we could look at together and decide.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Also something to say that if you are found to have done anything untoward or abused position and sat on yer arse at the cost of the folk well you will have to step down and be prosecuted in accordance with Scots law.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. It’s surely time to consider whether or not our elected members in both Holyrood and Westminster are remotely up-to-speed with the actualities of Scotland’s true legal status and position within the union, or the massive ramifications thereof if that position were ever to be asserted. Might it not be the case that in common with the Scottish legal profession and a huge swathe of our citizenry, our elected parliamentarians are unthinkingly subject to the positivist argument that: all substantive power resides in and is exercised exclusively by Westminster? To put the question another way: Might it possibly be that many of our allegedly independence-seeking MPs and MSPs don’t have any real notion regarding what Scotland’s fundamental, sovereign position amounts to within the union; that union they say they want to quit? Knowledge is power, and nowhere more so than in a country where the coloniser has historically been given carte blanche to impose his self-interested narrative throughout the education system, the national bourgeoisie and political-classes. Had SALVO existed 25 years ago, it is unlikely that we’d be in the moribund position we’re in today. We’ve got a long way to go and at a furious gallop if we’re seriously intent on re-educating the thinking of those iron-arsed, traditionalist minded politicians, sitting in both parliaments. With all of this in mind, I’m seriously suggesting that we quickly organise a rolling crowd-funder into the future on behalf of SALVO and its invaluable work.

    Liked by 10 people

  7. 100%yes the salvo liberation movement has the power to remove them all. Doesn’t matter what backing she has. You have the power, people have the power we just need to realise that. UK government is laughable they all claim that they are going to sort Scotland out, they can’t even provide justice for the English public never mind trying to bullshit anyone else. It’s a pure clown show and the audience that like clowns will be enamoured with it.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Sturgeon’s SNP has not capitalized on the UK’s steady decline. Why?
    Nationalist politics requires audacious nationalists at the helm whose political guidance system is not tuned and controlled from Washington, London or any other global neo-colonialist provider.
    Let the English notion of parliamentary sovereignty sink with the originators in their banana kingdom. There must be no Scottish attempt at a rescue mission in either thought, word or deed.
    The Brit establishment merits no sympathy.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. I don’t feel one bit of empathy towards the British establishment. In an ideal world where there’s justice for the people I really would be expecting to see people going to jail not just stepping down.

      Liked by 4 people

  9. No indyref, we should exit the union the way we entered it, it been good enough for Westminster and the international community, for over three-hundred years as to how we entered this union WITHOUT an indyref, it should be good enough for them that we exit it without one.

    Liked by 8 people

  10. O/T, but very revealing.

    “I have just heard that the SNP and Greens have agreed that no movement to independence can take place until labour are in Downing St and changed the equalities act to allow the GRA to go through, they know independence would stop the bill so want it passed before independence”

    Liked by 2 people

  11. You say that our MP’s can end the union on our behalf. You also frequently state that the people are sovereign. Which implies that the MP’s can’t really do anything without our consent and therefore need a referendum to proceed.


    1. They do not need a referendum to proceed, they got our consent when we elected a clear majority of them from a party whose clearly-stated primary purpose for many decades is achieving Scotland’s independence.
      It doesn’t matter that some voters ‘may’ have elected them for other reasons, because they did so while tacitly accepting the risk that they’d just voted for someone who would assert or achieve that independence if they could.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. “MP’s can’t really do anything without our consent” – Hardly!

      The whole point of such representation is that they do the donkey work of managing the larger aspects of communal life that need a higher and wider degree of coordination than a population can achieve by themselves. As such our representatives are a managerial class mandated with authority to make their own decisions ‘in the field’ without constant reporting back to the citizenry for specific decisions on every matter. They get broad directions of policy from the electorate during elections, nothing more, and may subsequently be held to account at the next set of elections. In many ways it is clumsy and unrefined, but it is hard to see how it can be made much better given the wide diversity of opinion, both informed and uniformed in such a complicated environment as we have nowadays, and representative democracy is the fairest way to do this. It is a real outrage that much of that democracy has and is being deliberately undermined by dark forces, and effective governance for the common good is no part of their agenda.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. I believe a petition of sovereign Scots is a great idea but it would have to have formal recognition and organisation , I don’t know what the numbers are like for Liberation.Scot , SALVO and the SSRG but surely the number of REAL independence supporters are capable enough to keep adding to their numbers , what is required is PUBLICITY to educate people to what THE PETITION DEMANDS and that publicity could come from emulating the LED BY DONKEYS strategy , projectors projecting on to civic buildings highlighting THE PETITION and it’s demands , publicity and educational materials showing the true wealth of Scotland as referenced and already available from Zarkwan and others

    Independence supporters on twitter , facebook , tik tok and ALL social media sites will post the link to THE PETITION on these sites and spread the word that as SOVEREIGN SCOTS we DEMAND that Sturgeon IMMEDIATELY notifies WM that Scots are having a referendum and TELLS them the date it will happen , she also TELLS them we are bringing in UN observers and there will be NO interference from WM , the referendum will be Scotland run with NO , ZERO,NADA input from WM , any interference will result in a straight declaration of independence and they are welcome to take Scots to the ICJ , There will be NO DARK MONEY allowed donations will be strictly controlled

    THIS could be done BUT it has to be done properly and to do it properly it NEEDS Liberation.Scot to do it , IT has to have the GRAVITAS that it is coming from SOVEREIGN SCOTS demanding OUR form of government , it has to be funded properly and that would require a crowdfunder to enable purchasing projectors capable of projecting on to buildings
    People talk about the convention of the estates and the usual diversion of who is going to choose the chosen ones is the normal distraction of the unionists , politicians and the snp , politicians want to take control of everything BUT then do nothing THIS is an opportunity for ORDINARY SOVEREIGN SCOTS to DEMAND our politicians do what we pay them for and get us the hell out of this lunatic asylum
    We have waited on Sturgeon convening PROMISED assemblies to no avail , we are still waiting , the assemblies have went the same way as the nationalised energy company

    What would also be ideal is for Alex Salmond , ALBA , ISP and any REAL independence supporting party to adopt and include their support behind ANY petition

    Would Sara and Liberation.Scot be willing to organise this , is this a substitute convention of the estates, or is this THE REAL convention of Sovereign Scots

    Liked by 7 people

    1. A referndum the suicide option. We have no need of any such thing read the constitution on Salvo. I will say it again both the Snp and Alba want a referendum with the same franchise as 2014.That franchise will favour everybody except the indigenous people.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Wullie I wholeheartedly agree that Scots DON’T need a referendum to assert their sovereignty or to dissolve the union BUT unfortunately as you have already written both ALBA and the fake indy party the snp both refuse to realise that allowing anybody here for 2 minutes to vote for indy might have the same result as last time
        I fully endorse restricting the franchise to indigenous Scots as I have opined on numerous occasions and been pilloried for , I believe we hold and value our citizenship and sovereignty too cheaply and the politicians who are so eager to give it away to any tom dick or harry are more interested in looking good to others than looking after their own people

        If you look at the current makeup of the snp and SG there are more fringe groups with more power and consideration than ethnic indigenous Scots groups , as indigenous Scots we are rapidly becoming like the Aborigines , Maoris , First Nation North Americans or First Nation Canadians , the only thing we don’t have is reservations unless you consider Easterhouse , Castlemilk or Drumchapel

        To voice any such opinions marks you out immediately as being racist or a dreaded nativist and any requested discussion on immigration is derided and denigrated as just another racist rant

        TBQH I don’t know if it is too late to stop our country and citizenship from becoming non existent as too many of our people have swallowed the inferiority of Scots

        Liked by 2 people

  13. Just listening to Lord Mervyn King this morning who had the following key points –

    1) The country, the nation, has failed to save, failed to invest.
    2) Inflation is wrecking the economy as debt soars
    3) The government need to increase taxes – with the burden on average people
    4) The government need to admit that living standards need to increase.

    King also said that the government need to level with the people and tell them about the huge costs and economic impact of supporting and funding the war against Russia.

    Taken together with the impacts of Brexit, the failure to invest, the failure to serve, the de-industrialisation, the debts and a foreign war that is bleeding our economy, what we have is the utter mismanagement of the UK.

    A busted flush, the HMS Brittania is going down and Lance Corporal Jock, like the good cannon fodder he has always been, is going down with the ship.

    Liked by 5 people

  14. Mia, thank you for this truly excellent blog’

    I’ve attempted to create a listenable audio version and have posted it on SoundCloud with a link on Twitter. Without the use of bold lettering in audio I’ve taken the liberty of adding a few extra words to differentiate between propositions and answers 😉

    Link: https://soundcloud.com/indyscotnews/mia-answers-some-challenges?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=1&si=BB469C8D0D0548DE9B946E1F6627FC98&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

    Liked by 4 people

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