Mock up of a blank Daily Newspaper with empty space to add your own news or headline text and pictures.

This is a letter one of my readers sent to three Scottish newspapers. All of these papers published articles authored by Unionist Old MacDonald that were, to be polite, blatant Unionist propaganda, guff for short but block pro Indy voices being given a voice. Why does the SNP Government give them millions of pounds when they act against our interests?

Dear Editor,

Unionists Ian Murray MP and Alex Cole Hamilton MSP are frantically trying to talk down Scotland’s offshore wind potential to deter inward investment into Scotland.

They dispute the oft-repeated statistic that Scotland has 25% of Europe’s offshore wind potential.[1] So naturally they don’t want people to know that this is an underestimate. An EU Commission report reveals that based on current projected installation capacity, Scotland is on course to deliver nearly half of Europe’s offshore grid supply by 2035.[2]  This represents over 55% of the entire offshore grid potential in the Mediterranean Basin.[3]

Unionists are in a panic because they know if the truth were widely known, their hollow arguments that Scotland can’t prosper outside the UK would literally be blown away. With Scotland’s natural resources owned by the Scottish people, not Westminster, Scotland could lead the world in offshore wind energy production.

Downplaying Scotland’s renewables wealth mirrors the UK Government’s suppression of the 1970s McCrone Report, which revealed Scotland’s vast North Sea oil and gas potential. The UK plundered Scotland’s oil and gas, squandering it on tax cuts and the mass privatisation of energy, while nearby Norway used their energy bounty to create a Sovereign Wealth Fund for their people which is today worth over $1 trillion. 

It’s beyond absurd that Scots are fuel poor when surrounded by energy riches. The second great rip-off has started. Scotwind was vastly undersold and Scottish renewables are being cabled to England with no compensation for the Scottish people. To end this exploitation, we must end this union. 

Yours sincerely,

Leah Gunn Barrett


Unfortunately some pro Indy websites are not pro Indy. They are pro SNP sites and ban any content on their sites which dares to question the SNP or the SNP leader. They seek to censor discussion and free expression. Fortunately many of my readers share the articles on Yours for Scotland frequently and because of this the attempted censorship is proving ineffective. This support is very important and I thank everyone who share and protect freedom of speech and choice.


Are available on the Home and Blog pages of this site. This will ensure you will receive notification of all new posts by email and be the first to get key information when it is released.


The progress of Salvo has been the most encouraging development of 2022. It is doing sterling work educating Scots about the Claim of Right and spelling out what it means that the Scottish people are sovereign, not any Parliament. All donations to this site for the remainder of 2022 will be forwarded to Salvo to support them in developing and expanding this valuable work.


Please register at Liberation.scot and join the mass membership organisation that will be the signatories to our application to the UN, debate and organise a new Scottish Constitution. The membership of Liberation is also where the first members of Scotland’s National Congress will be balloted for selection.


  1. Unfortunately, the SNP did not help the wind generation argument due to the wording of their presentation. In fact, their mistake gave credence to the unionist argument. We can’t afford these mistakes from “professional” politicians.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. And that is precisely the problem (professional politicians who have no real world experience in anything), from school to university to politician with desperation to enrich themselves from the taxpayer teat

      And let us be honest THAT goes for every party , the current tory government in WM are INFESTED with morons whose SOLE aim is their own enrichment , even with their covid regulations it was NOT about protecting the electorate it was about GORGING on the profits from people’s misery

      The SG have literally FAILED at everything they have turned their hand to , covid care home deaths , millions of pounds in vengeful willful prosecutions of innocent people , ferries costing millions with painted on windows that will probably never see service , selling our seabed to multinationals for a mere pittance whilst FAILING to produce a PROMISED nationalised energy company , I could go on but you would need a roll of wallpaper to itemise everything
      BUT anything to do with SEX , whether it is indulging in illegal groping or manhandling , or grooming of young people , or forcing legislation through to accommodate perverts and deviants whilst ignoring and denying people’s grave concerns our SEX occupied government will pull out all the stops to succeed

      Liked by 4 people

      1. A roll of wallpaper. You are spot on. Several rolls. It’s disgusting pig shit. WTF is going on? Madness. Sturgeon is a C*NT of the highest order. WTFare we doing? Too much is too much. Scotland is full and I mean full of English for THEIR better life and benefit. Meanwhile my children go to find a better life elsewhere on the planet. Clearances continues

        Liked by 3 people

  2. All the newspapers publish their email addresses for letters to be sent in. I wonder what the effect would be if suddenly tens of thousands of pro-indy letters were delivered to their mailboxes. Not encouraging this of course. Just wondering what would happen and how they’d manage to wade through everything. 🙂

    Liked by 9 people

  3. This is a political scandal of momentous proportions and confirms my previous statements that it is a complicit SNP act of ‘Political Betrayal’, nothing less. It’s pointless asking questions but time to openly protest as a ‘Peoples’ united demonstration against the SNP and Westminster in order to open the minds of the electorate.
    It is not only the theft of our Scottish Energy but also the enormous loss of the Scottish fabrication industry that I was once part of.
    Regards Neil🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Liked by 10 people

      1. Wonder who’s going to Be There with Peter.
        Standing on his spot in front of the Scottish parliament on Monday 17th April 2023, demanding that the Scottish Govt act to restore Scotland’s Independence.
        Wonder if he’s going to stay there until they do?
        Save The Date in your shiny new 2023 Diaries!

        Liked by 3 people

    (Hope this isn’t too subtle…)

    Lyrics by Teresa Brewer (1950)—

    Put another nickel in
    In the nickelodeon
    All I want is having you
    And music, music, music

    I’d do anything for you
    Anything you’d want me to
    All I want is kissing you
    And music, music, music

    My dear, come closer
    The nicest part of any melody
    Is when you’re dancing close to me

    So, put another nickel in
    In the nickelodeon
    All I want is loving you
    And music, music, music

    C’mon everybody
    Put some nickels in
    And keep that old nickelodeon playing
    Music, music, music

    Lum, dee, dum, dee, da dee dum
    Dum, dee, dum, dee, da dee dum
    Dum, dee, dum, dee, da dee dum
    And music, music, music

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Scotland the country that found oil and got poorer. And were we not told our oil was no good, a liability in fact.

    And we bought it. Line hook and sinker whilst other oil states prospered.

    Poor wee Jock. Full of who’s like us but in truth the absolute opposite. Like taking sweets of a kiddie, the oil money headed south.

    And here again today history repeats with renewable power. Endowed with huge natural resource the power goes south whilst poor jock goes cold.

    Oh how they must laugh.

    And Jock has got mountains and lochs too that can store energy, and hydro to make energy.

    Scotland, literally, absolutely literally, England’s very own battery case – with of course the countryside owned by the the rich and well to do.

    And unlike oil, where Scottish yards built the rigs, all the wind jackets that could and should be built in Scotland get built everywhere else whilst Scottish yards lie empty. But its the other kit too, the huge blades, the generators – and even deconstruction of the decommissioned rigs, built in Scotland, deconstructed in Norway.

    It’s like Ireland’s Famine, or is it the Highland Clearances playing out again.

    But maybe that is all we deserve. Maybe in truth for the most part a broken raggedy people.

    Ah well folks, turn up the heating, eat well, live life to the full, and dance to ee aye, ee aye, oh.

    You know it makes sense.!

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Some of the most beautiful souls have been broken so that they understand what it’s like to walk in the shoes of others. It could be worse and we could be they who are the true tortured souls that know no boundaries and what it feels like to care about the world around them. We don’t deserve this at all, we just got played by players that we thought we could trust. Now we know what we have been dealt with there are nae mair doubts left about which way to go and this is we the people and Salvo.

      Liked by 6 people

  6. It’s the downplaying all over again of the worth of Scotland’s assets, look Scots you have a wee bit of gas/oil etc but not enough to become an independent nation, and this is from our own Holyrood MSPs and MPs.

    It was revealed the other day that on Twitter that currently the UK Treasury receives £15 billion in revenue from North Sea oil and gas every year and that doesn’t include the licence fees, and only today the English Chancellor Jermey Hunt said that he was upping the tax from it by 10%. I can only image how much Westminster has stolen from Scotland in North Sea revenues since oil and gas were discovered and pumped ashore.

    I can also only imagine how much better the lives of Scots could’ve been had we not been robbed of these assets, new infrastructure alone (Dualling of the A9) would saved lives that have since been lost. There are no good reasons to remain in this union, that’s why the downplaying of our assets are being broadcast far and wide by the Britnat media and our own turncoat politicians.

    Now it’s our endless wind and water energy technologies that are being played down by our “own” people and I use the word own lightly.

    Could anyone imagine what the outcome would be of, say Turkish politicians or Greek or just about any other sovereign country in the world if they constantly played down their own country and its assets.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Lol I have saw old actual fisty cuffs happening in Turkish parliament in the past. Chancellor Sutler aka Jezza the Tunt is playing his wee role before it’s time for our departure.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I don’t need to imagine how much better Scottish lives would have been had the oil revenue been invested for the good of the Scottish people. I visit family in Norway regularly and a look at the infrastructure, the schools and the services the people have on tap makes me weep for Scotland. The Petroleum museum in Stavanger gives a good idea of how Norwegian politicians stood up for Norway against the oil companies.
      The Scottish Government need to do much better than they have done in order to protect our renewable energy resources. It would be a major disaster if this goes the same way as the Oil wealth (i.e. to Westminster).

      Liked by 4 people

    3. Missing out suicide of the Scottish man and reckless accidents of young Scottish men. Factual. Always sidewinded. Kills more than cancer and what goes before this? Complete loss of hope for their future.

      Liked by 4 people

    4. We have a wee bit of gas and a wee bit of oil and a wee bit of wind ( most of the world wind it seems this morning, in fact I rarely have a wind free day here in Buchan), so what exactly is it that England provides us with that we will not survive without, or cannot build and develop for ourselves once we are free to do so?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The National isn’t a newspaper.

      It is merely a Nicophant fansheet.


      If you want REAL indy info, use the blogs. This one, Wings over Scotland etc

      Liked by 3 people

  7. We should stop blaming that other place for the state of our country. In Scotland the history of internal treachery is a filthy thread running throughout the country. poor auld Wallace handed over to be murdered,.1707 the entire country thrown to the dogs by the church the legal system and the politicians of the day. And todays Scottish politicians carrying on that old system of betrayal.
    I see that there are lots of walks planned for next week after the result from the illegal UKSC yep that will frighten the horses in that other place, I do hope that the walkers will not be shouting and bawling for a referendum.Not a hope in hell from the SNP unless they can guarantee failure.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Iain, If I didn’t buy the National I would lose my daily reminder of FM Sturgeon’s facial appearance? – usually runs to about three photos. And how else would I know what the Glasgow Celtic manager Ange Postecoglou is thinking? – usually averages 1 1/2 pages. I have pondered whether the Celtic correspondents’ to the National actually pay the National to have their 11/2 pages printed.

    And then there are the political correspondents that I never read -Alyn Smith,Steph Paton.
    Value for money? Well, there are a few correspondents I rate, the rugby cover is good, and I like the puzzles And the National’s devotion to Sturgeon and Postecoglou is also a puzzle.

    And to the subject matter – We must recognise the extreme lengths that the Establishment will resort to to “hold Scotland tight”.

    Way back in time at the start of North Sea oil development we were told that it would last , say 10 years. As a young and keen Chartered Engineer I would read up on the techy publications and wonder why if so short a production period in prospect, why so much investment. Also back then there was a Dutch oil expert who was adamant that a 100 years was a more realistic production period. “Sir” Ian Wood recently stared that little oil and gas remained in the North Sea, and yet some 100 drilling licenses are being readied. And isn’t there a massive oil field west of Shetland that former PM Cameron wasn’t keen to publicise. The same Cameron in an off-guard moment said… yes North Sea income would be a substantial contribution to Scotland’s wealth, but not so much when it’s shared with the UK.

    Liked by 6 people

  9. I know EFTA rather than the EU is the favoured imaginary option for our fast-receding-white-dot future, but for me it is good to see the evidence of the EU’s official recognition of Irish — according it way more respect than the tawdry Establishment back in Ireland are wont to show it. I would also just remark that for those feeling trapped in Hotel Anglophonia, delving into a Scottish language (others are available) can be amazingly therapeutic — a way of checking out of Hotel Claustrophobia at least in the mind, and at least for a while.

    The following short video elegantly covers the history of the EU. There are no spoken words, just background music over the images. But each official language in the EU has its own summary text-headings available. This link is to the Irish version (click on double arrows at base of video to enlarge the screen) —



    Liked by 1 person

  10. AWAKE AWAKE for HEAVENS sake. we are living in a dictators state.hypnotised nightly by a tv set pouring out visions of illness and debt,our children are treated like chimpanzees, they can change their sex whenever they please, and are encouraged to behave in a monstrous way, which is neither heterosexual, nor lesbian ,nor gay, the aim is to sweep normal living away. It upsets their nervous balance for life, giving endless mental trouble and strife. The danger of incest is cunningly forgotten, which makes the ruling set -up utterly rotten. Even the animal kingdom is better behaved, their sexual behaviour is not depraved. Both in the north and in the south we are being made scared to open our mouth, Will YOU LET THIS INCREASE FOR EVER AND EVER or will you shout ME A ROBOT ,NO NEVER,?It is up to You and You and You, to make them think they are not so clever that they can do what they wish with our proud nation for ever . RemembranceChiel.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Glad to see Wings Over Scotland back in the fight. The more blogs shining a light on the Unionists, and I include the SNP Cult, the better.

    Liked by 3 people

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