Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

I think the elephant in the room is the media. 

That’s the “x” factor in why spin wins out over substance and integrity.

We, the electorate, aren’t respected as people, (nevermind sovereign people), we are the “consumers” to be offered product we’ve been indoctrinated and hoodwinked into wanting. And yes, we get fleeced when we succumb and make the purchase.

You doubt that? Look at the media, subtly sowing the desire, indeed the imperative, for people to be “on the property” ladder. 

Count the number of property related programs on TV; whether it’s tarting a place up with the trash from the DIY superstores, looking for the “des-res” all over the country, abroad or in the sun, doing up the old castle, or green field new builds for their cringeworthy architectural “merit”. Property, property, property…

Even the programs like Bargain Hunt, or Cash in the Attic, or whathisface, Drew Pritchard; it all “feeds” on people downsizing, moving to new places, and the old “stuff” not suiting the new house. And of course, “everybody” has an attic to rummage through, or at least the “successful” people do.

So yeah, people are “groomed” to have a deeply embedded lust to own property; any property. It doesn’t matter if it’s built out of paper and matchsticks, or you can’t open the car doors inside the garage. It’s all about the gimmick; that instant impression. 

I’m not talking about subliminal images, but next time any of these property “shows” are on the TV, showing you around this lovely property, try count how many seconds the pretty image is actually on the screen. You don’t get time to “really” look, all that your brain has time to compile is a superficial first impression. The rest is left to your imagination.

It doesn’t need to be like that. The media companies could make any number of fascinating programs on property and decor, getting beneath the skin of a property and educating people about style, craftsmanship and good practice. The UK, including Scotland has some of the finest stone property on the planet, but “quality” is the heresy of Neoliberalism. The powers that be don’t want the people knowledgeable about property, they just need us drooling at the prospect of owning some. And if we’re too dumb to know the good from the bad, so much the better.

Creating that insatiable desire to be a property owner, is only part of the equation however; because the other factor is starving the market of available property to drive up prices to ludicrous excess. When we are conditioned by aspiration to want what we cannot get, we are literally primed and ready to be fleeced, harvested like sheep, bred and domesticated to be docile and drained of curiosity and ambition as all the money which should properly be lubricating local commerce in our communities is syphoned out our communities by mortgages, taxes, interest and commission. And we’re talking billions.

Thatcher’s “worst” was what she did to Scotland’s heavy industry and manufacturing, but a close contender for worst, was the right to buy, and turning social housing into a commodity people thought they had to “own”. The UK property market is now a Ponzi scheme with grossly, grossly inflated property values totally divorced from the property’s fabric and substance. 

People “darn sarf “ became millionaires because they bought property in the 50’s and 60’s and then did nothing with nor to the property, except live in them. And that rags to riches tale is the illusion people are sold; but the illusion that doesn’t mention how much money the mortgage company makes from your desire. 

Our Nation, indeed most of our planet is infected with a Neoliberal greed which mutates value into cost, dispenses with quality and workmanship as design criteria, and often manipulates supply and marketing to drive up demand artificially, and the Media is an essential component of the “heist”.

That reassuring “built to last” robustness and quality you learned to trust as a child? Clyde built? Sheffield Steel? Scotland’s stone tenements? That’s what Neoliberal values have taken from us, especially in our property and heavy industries. Now you’re given the “choice” of banal, homogenous crap with a ludicrous price tag yet no “intrinsic” value, and a dread in your soul if you’re doomed to being left behind and stigmatised if you don’t have a foot on the property ladder. 

I don’t know how to make it happen, but in my bones, I believe “perhaps” Scotland can resolve it’s rural housing problems, shore up what’s left of it’s rural communities, and opt out of the UK Property Ponzi scheme by standing up for “traditional” merits of durability, quality and craftsmanship in truly social housing for the people to live in, in comfort and security, without paying a kings ransom to some Corporate Mortgage broker. 

And if we can do it with our housing, we can do it with our industry. 

Neoliberalism would not have thrived in Scotland had it not been for the Union. Scotland had the “common good” philosophy as a defining feature of it’s Constitution, and I believe it was Scotland’s philosophy which saw the Scottish Enlightenment recognised. That is the Scotland we need to resurrect. 

I must confess, I’m not sure we are ready. Ready for Independence,? Yes, yes, dear God yes, I’d seize it in a heartbeat, but ready to refurbish our Nation into the Nation it might have become if never caged in Union? Not sure. A hae ma doots.

An that, leads me to my last wee point. I’m not condemning Richard Murphy or Tim Rideout’s strategy for a Scottish Currency, it certainly makes a lot more sense to me that the Growth Commission, but I have a gnawing doubt about Scotland “seceding” from the UK and a Union Scotland “leaves” rather than ends. 

I have a dread in me that warns me Scotland’s “secession” from the UK is not correct in terms of Constitutional procedure. The correct procedure will require the Union dissolved into the two, constitutional equals which created the Union. I’m not say Messers Murphy and Rideout are wrong, but I would like to see them address the issue of Scotland inheriting a per capita share of UK debt.

Yes, a debt free Scotland sounds great, but I worry that “secession” will not return to us the Auld Scotland that was built upon the solid foundations of popular sovereignty and common good, “fundamentals” that pre-date Neoliberal beliefs. That’s the Scotland I want, a resurrection, continuity, not an ersatz copy version which makes expedient accommodations with modernity. I’m not sure that Scottish philosophy of Common Good make it into the final draft of our Constitution if that’s the path we choose.

I want to see Scotland “different”, as it was different in the 14th Century, and having a second Scottish Enlightenment which is putting the skids under the cultural dead end of global Neoliberalism. I want Scotland to be the pioneer of something better, with a thousand years of resonance and a tradition of breaking the mould… 

Scotland’s “Golden Age” is not behind us, it has yet to come. The 1707 Union tragically altered Scotland’s trajectory, but that pre-Union trajectory was a good and wholesome thing… for the Common Good.


One of the things I like about Breeks writing is the realisation that he is not a disciple of conformity but is happy to take a subject from another angle and then back it up with some cogent argument. He does that here for all our benefit.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


Unfortunately some pro Indy websites are not pro Indy. They are pro SNP sites and ban any content on their sites which dares to question the SNP or the SNP leader. They seek to censor discussion and free expression. Fortunately many of my readers share the articles on Yours for Scotland frequently and because of this the attempted censorship is proving ineffective. This support is very important and I thank everyone who share and protect freedom of speech and choice.


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The progress of Salvo has been the most encouraging development of 2022. It is doing sterling work educating Scots about the Claim of Right and spelling out what it means that the Scottish people are sovereign, not any Parliament. All donations to this site for the remainder of 2022 will be forwarded to Salvo to support them in developing and expanding this valuable work.


Please register at and join the mass membership organisation that will be the signatories to our application to the UN, debate and organise a new Scottish Constitution. The membership of Liberation is also where the first members of Scotland’s National Congress will be balloted for selection.

29 thoughts on “BREEKS AND THE MEDIA

  1. Common Good should be the principle upon which our constitution is built.
    As for leaving the union after dissolution of the treaty, Scotland entered with no debt. Why should it leave with any when the value of its resources taken by the other party to the treaty greatly exceeds any possible allocation of debt?

    Liked by 11 people

    1. I think that he is showing compassion for others and the meaning of common good?Remember that there’s children and families that are not the government that via the same brainwashing we have had believed the lie. What I would do is give the money to communities rather than government who never helped the people with any of our assets stolen.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi
    I agree with some of your commentary. I believe everyone should have a right to own there own house . Rental payment is dead money . If the council build a house and the tenant is renting for 40 year, they should own the house , the government should be building more houses for ownership and have a not for profit bank owned by the government which the could use to fund the housing. What happened with the thatcher era was the money people used to purchase their house should have been ringfenced to build more houses, but that never happened.
    I have direct experience with the model of owning your own house where part of your rent is used to purchase the house and it worked.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s not so much the ownership of property but the idea that a nation’s wealth is built on ever inflating property prices where everybody except a lucky few go into debt and only the bankers get rich. It’s all fun and games until the music stops and it’s time to settle up. Scotland, rich in natural resources can generate real, not paper, wealth and open up opportunities for all it’s citizens.

      Liked by 7 people

  3. Property.

    A magic asset class. The abaccadabra of illusionary wealth. The bubble that just keeps growing, never ending, delivering for all.

    Or at least that’s what a gormless population are led to believe. But is it so?

    Well of course not. An asset bubble is a fabulous way to create something out of thin air. But to thin air it can return.

    House prices are a measure of market sentiment. Keep the market sentiment up and you’ve created, as is the case in London, trillions of pounds.

    And to pay for these treble, quadrupled multi bubbled house prices along comes the banks to lend, or should I say, ensnare those taking out a mortgage.

    And all good, or at least all good until market sentiment, or a change in economic circumstances of a region or a country changes, and guess what, the properties are not worth what the owner owes in mortgage.

    Negative equity, a curse rather than a blessing. Oh how the aspiring little people, and not so little people’s, aspirations can be dashed.

    Illusory wealth, property, like shares can go down as well as up. Over bubbled share prices are no different from overbubbled property. They are all part of the game. And now with a recession. soaring inflation, that could all change.

    But hey, its all part of the system.

    Anyway, I’m all right Breeks. Off to turn up my heating now to keep warm and cosy. Everyone should do the same. And if they can’t then maybe they might like to ask themselves why not.

    We do after all live in the warmth of our post Brexit and glorious Better Together Bonanza.

    ( side note : when Donald John Trump was divorcing his first wife it transpired that all his property assets, be they hotels, casinos or what, were valued at nothing. Debt exceeded asset value. And the point, well that’s one for the millions of property entrepreneurs.)

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I think the philosophy of Common Good is the essence of what we need to recognise, foster and proclaim for our new Scotland. England lost it with Thatcher, who did such great damage as Breeks notes, but she spread her intent to damage to the next generation, broke up the apprenticeship schemes for trades, and broke up (literally) the trades workshops in schools, wonderful machinery like lathes being scrapped. At the same time she let even the fabric of the secondary schools who educated the working classes rot, literally, sending such a huge message to the kids that they really were not worth anything. Vile woman. But I also agree with Breeks about independence. Under Alex Salmond this philosophy of Common Good was still thriving. Under Nicola Sturgeon, who embraces neoliberalism and centralisation, the common good of adminstratitive government has been eroded so that all that is available in developmental mores is centred on the individual and personal. The common good is alive and well because the people live the philosophy, but neoliberalism as a political trend will rot it. I am English, watched in anguish as the common good policies of socialism were smashed along with common ownership as neoliberalism slunk into the boardrooms, the major institutions of the country like journalism, justice, policing et al. My joy at experiencing the policies of the SNP in 2014 was exhilarating, but short-lived as the actions of Nicola Sturgeon’s regime matched up to the neoliberal patterns seen in the 80s with Thatcher. But she smiles and cares and is smart and quick-witted, and clever to make herself into a popular cult personality. I want Scotland to be independent, but i DON

    Liked by 8 people

    1. I have to reply to myself because I pressed the wrong button and cant work out how to edit. Sorry. I do want Scotland to be independent, having watched the degeneration of England, but I don’t think Sturgeon will deliver an independence of the people, she will fracture society into class structures and heaven only knows what will come of it when she gets freedom to borrow money without the restrictions imposed by Westminster. Sorry to be gloomy as well as incompetent. Great article.

      Liked by 5 people

  5. Though it may be considered part of the grand plan, house purchase or private rental are almost always the only options for people who move to a different area for work. Speaking for myself, I’ve had jobs in London, Renfrew, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hamilton, Livingston, Edinburgh (again), London (again) and Yorkshire. Social renting, even if it existed, wouldn’t be available to someone just moving to a new area.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Oh and one last thought. repossession.

    Something that happens when poor entrepreneurs can no longer afford to pay the mortgage for their house.

    And what if there’s millions who can’t pay. Heating bills, 20% food inflation, rate rises doubling mortgage repayments, collapsing real value incomes are the factors now in play. 2008 all over agh-gain?

    Ah to live in the warmth of the Brittanic bosom.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. “And what if there’s millions who can’t pay. Heating bills, 20% food inflation, rate rises doubling mortgage repayments, collapsing real value incomes are the factors now in play. 2008 all over agh-gain?”

      Inevitable and unavoidable consequences of the failed unipolar, debt-based economy system as controlled by the City of London and Wall Street. Don’t worry though, because the central banks will scoop up the assets, maybe ably assisted by Billygoat Gates. Recent history has him down as the largest landowner in the US, along with numerous European land/property acquisitions.
      We need a production-based, economy system like BRICS. Already popular with half the world.
      I would urge everyone to pay attention to the LaRouche Organisation/ Schiller Institute, spreading the teachings of the brilliant economist, Lyndon LaRouche. The bonus with this organisation is, they are leading an international call for peace talks on the Russian/ Ukraine war, which will hopefully derail the obvious intensions of the US/UK/EU to escalate hostilities to a full nuclear war. Something we all need to avoid, if we want a future……


  7. If Scotland is to be asked to pay a portion of the money borrowed to fund the Thames barrier, HS2, Crossrail, re-furbishing Westminster et al, then surely Scotland is due a refund on the billions plundered from it over the centuries. Scotland has no central bank so can’t borrrow hence it can have no debt.

    Liked by 6 people

  8. As an aside the planning authorities have had a large hand in what is built in this country. For a while it was a house had to look like the ones already in the area now they seem to favour something that looks like a shed with larch cladding and a roof that is almost flat which is never a good thing out here in the West where it has been known to rain from time to time.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Anyone advocating taking a share of Englands debt when Scotland becomes independent should immediately be arrested and locked up for the rest of their natch.

    Liked by 5 people

  10. To be quite honest we should be concentrating on Holyrood, and Sturgeon in particular, and I’ll tell you why.

    The Rev has shown us a perfectly feasible way out of this prison of a union see the link below, the Rev even give us a step-by-step guide on how it could be done.

    In my opinion there’s no way out of this prison of a union via Westminster, but the plan to exit via Holyrood exists, this is where we need to concentrate our angst, energy, ire, motivation whatever you want to call it.

    We know that Sturgeon will never resign to save Scotland via a snap Holyrood election that can be used as a de facto indy vote, what we need to do is try and compel her and her MSPs to do it. Forget the happy clappy flag waving AUOB marches they were great in the run up to the 2014 indyref with thousands upon thousands attending them, today Sturgeon can quite easily ignore them or cause them grief by instructing any council held by the SNP to make life difficult for them we saw that in Glasgow (Manny Singh).

    No, what we need is protests and demos outside Holyrood, and Bute House and wherever Sturgeon attends an appointment as FM, we need to let her see that we see that she’s stopping Scotland from exiting this onesided prison of a union. I’m afraid there’s no other way we must get proactive in this fashion.

    Eventually people will wonder why the indy movement is demonstrating outside Bute House and Holyrood and we’ll tell them all why, we can be free in 2023 is perfectly possible the million dollar question is what is the indy movement prepared to do to attain this, basically do WE (the indy movement) want it badly enough to get out there and fight for it by demonstrating (placards and all) that Sturgeon can save us from this union next year but she doesn’t want to.

    Also don’t be fooled, and think oh no demos don’t work outside Holyrood, well 500 women held a demo outside Holyrood Sturgeon’s named was yelled out on multiple occasions for her GRR impinging on women’s rights, she heard it alright and must have felt very uncomfortable for a day or two later the SPCB asked Westminster for special protection rights (Similar to Downing Streets) against demonstrators. Against We the people it’s our parliament as well.

    What we need is, every time Sturgeon exits Bute House or Holyrood or a FM engagement there’s an indy crowd booing her and waving placards for not resigning and holding a snap Holyrood election next year, and if the Britnat media ask any of us why we’re demonstrating we tell them the reason.

    We can be out of this union next year, Sturgeon is stopping that we must let her know we know she’s stopping it.

    If we let this chance pass us by and wait for her GE promise, we’ll be bitterly disappointed, and two more years will have been wasted, and I can only imagine how much more damage Westminster will have done to Scotland, and how much tighter their grip will be on Scotland.

    Next year is in my opinion (with this in mind) a pivotal one.

    Liked by 9 people

  11. I’m back to the low point of 2014. I have seen opportunity after opportunity present itself to Sturgeon and she ignores it. Brexit, Boris, Tory Party going further and further Right Wing, and now SC ruling. I have lifted my head each time looking for the starting gun, and get GRA TransCult insanity instead.

    I guess I will never see my Nation free now.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I know how you feel. I used to be confident that Scotland would achieve independence during my lifetime. However I’m getting on a bit now and I fear that that will not now be the case. As things currently stand it’s difficult to see just where we go from here – doors that I once thought were open now appear to be closed. Shan’t give up though!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Sorry Iain O/T again.

    A follow up to my 7.07pm comment.

    For FM engagements outwith Holyrood or Bute House such as visiting industrial estates or any other corporate premises as FM, we need a small dedicated group of folk and probably two to three vans to quickly deliver them to the situ to set up and demonstrate outside wherever Sturgeon is talking, once info is received as to where she’s speaking, we want her to hear our voices outside and see us across the street with our placards booing and whistling at her because she won’t do the right thing.

    This sort of protesting would need to be kept up over a period of time, until at least the majority of the indy movement knows why it’s being done, right now many, many folk who desperately want Scottish independence don’t even know the snap Holyrood election route exists.

    In my opinion Sturgeon is shallow, egotistical, and she craves positive attention/praise, this kind of relentless protesting would in my opinion have an impact on her. Small mobile demos could also be held outside Bute House when Sturgeon is in attendance, whoever she was hosting at the time would surely be wondering why the demos are taking place.

    As for Holyrood itself, larger demos on a people rotation system could work, but again it’s all down to what the indy movement is prepared to do, how much do we want it, must be the question.

    Marching from A to B waving flags, banging drums and painting Saltires on our faces whilst blowing whistles, with rousing speeches at the end and some music just won’t cut it, when our FM can just ignore all of it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think your idea would work Republicofscotland, it just needs organised and implemented. Something needs to be done sooner rather than later. The impotus is surely there after the SC decision but the impotus has a use by date.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Both Marx and Freud believed that we are the victims of a false consciousness. Marx was critical of the exploitative social system while Freud came at the problem via the subconscious mind. McLuhan had it that the ‘Medium’ was the ‘Message’ (later the ‘Massage’). Cambridge Analytica took the whole ball game to a bigger stadium.

    Press officers are a component of any Plc. They are mostly visible and operate in the public gaze. There is a level above basic hackery however, as evidenced by the collusion to convince Yes voters that the big retailers (Tesco excluded – there may have been others) would all raise their prices in an independent Scotland. As evidenced by the lack of an inquest into the death of Willie McRae (and others). As evidenced by the lack of coverage of Alex Salmond’s and subsequently Craig Murray’s defence hearings, and evidenced by the lack of prosecution of any employee of either the Daily Record or the Scottish Government for the ‘leak’. Surely this cannot be down to incompetence on the part of COPFS or Police Scotland?

    How to beat the ‘system’? The hippie movement thought that it had found a way but it was self-defeating and loathed by Margaret Thatcher in equal measure. Small pockets of resistance have emerged – try and buy a copy of The Sun in Liverpool or try and count the number of hijabs the next time you are in M&S (the Sieff family donates to the economy of Israel).

    Truth alone is rarely enough, let’s hope that Salvo and the Scottish Liberation Movement are the foundations of Caledonia rediscovered.

    Liked by 5 people

  14. I have no knowledge of the TV programmes Breeks mentions, so I must pass on that subject.

    Paddle your canoe is my philosophy, and so owning my home, and wanting an independent Scotland fits with me.

    Moving on to neoliberism I do have concerns over the quality of housing I see being built.I’m not a civil engineer but driving past new builds I see a timber frame, aluminium sheeting – I assume bearing insulation, and then an outer cladding of brick. Our house is coming on for 100 yrs old. The perimeter wall is fine, unfortunately my — struck the end of the wall whilst parking our car, say 20 years back. Rebuilt with new bricks, that are now crumbling. I read some time past an article that some new property will not last the length of the mortgage.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Regulated or unregulated, the media will always promote the dominant narrative as favoured by the powerful, who, in their various ways, have long realised that there is nothing outside of language.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. A bit late to this.

    Definitely this:

    “Scotland had the “common good” philosophy as a defining feature of it’s Constitution, and I believe it was Scotland’s philosophy which saw the Scottish Enlightenment recognised. That is the Scotland we need to resurrect.”

    Vis a vis UK debt, can’t help thinking we’ll be looking for reparations rather than inheriting a share of England’s accumulated debt.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Brilliant essay , Breeks ; eliciting fine comments in it’s wake .

    You correctly identify the malaise at the sick heart of our neoliberal dominated societies the manufacture of desire . Not the desire for peace , contentment , harmonious co-existence with our fellow humans and the creatures , the flora and fauna of our natural environment . Certainly not the desire for Quality *

    It’s instructive to remember one of the early , influential * pioneers * of Marketing/Advertising – Edward Bernays – was the nephew of Sigmund Freud ; who took some of the ideas of Freudian Psychology…the ” Id ” and it’s intimate relation to the ” Pleasure Principal ” , it’s almost insatiable hunger for sensation and endless frustration at it’s own inability to resolve the gnawing sense of dissatisfaction – and applied them to his field . Implanting desire for commodities , fetishising things like cars , TVs , household appliances and , yes , * Dream Houses * . That name proving more accurate than intended in many cases , as the acquisition of that object of desire failed to satisfy the ( existential ) hunger ; the debt , also acquired , requiring the * owner * to dedicate most of their lives to work in order to * service * it .

    The economics of the entire housing market is a total and utter racket . * Money * is magicked out of thin air by banks/ mortgage companies , ” given ” to the borrower , who then , typically , ends-up paying three times the nominal price of the property . As you say , the way something as fundamental as housing has become a get-rich-quick * business opportunity * is truly aberrant . Fed in large measure by the plethora of highly cynical , exploitative TV / MSM programmes . Every wannabe * entrepreneur * encouraged to ” get into Property ” .

    I see it happening all around the area where I live – by the shores of Loch Ness . The only monster in these parts being rampant * development * ; chucking-up endless ( identi ) kit houses in areas of – once – outstanding beauty – whether designated such * officially * or not , that’s what they are . Rather , were . No prizes for guessing where the majority of buyers of these characterless boxes are coming from . I have two Estate Agent friends who assure me of this . As I’ve said before …..we can’t blame people for making choices in what they deem their best interests . We can however 100% blame the economic system/s that enable this process . Young locals priced-out of their own communities . those communities becoming increasingly Retirement enclaves , Work From Home idylls and 2nd Home / Air B & B * investment opportunities * . But don’t complain , don’t even comment on this phenomenon . Doing so , you see , is * Racist * . What a ‘kin scam

    * anyone who has read R . Pirsig’s ” Zen and the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance ” will have noted one of the main themes of the work is Quality : what it IS , what it Means and how it’s presence – or absence – impacts on our lives .

    Liked by 1 person

  18. The 1603 personal union did Scotland no favours either. The loss of the court, in many countries the court was where the ambitious hang out, where things were made possible, where the action was, left Scotland rudderless. Tellingly, tens of thousands emigrated during that period.
    Effectively it conditioned the country to what happened a century later, the Auld Enemie morphing into best friend by slight of hands full of dosh.
    It is no surprise to encounter in «British history» the use of England and English when referring to such things as the military, ambassadors and consuls, foreign policy, the throne…..pax anglicana no less.
    However, that milk has been well spilt and now smells rank to many with sharp senses.
    Unfortunately, many have become accustomed to the stink.

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Well maybe sometimes a an article in the MSM is worth reading and keeping. I subscribe to the National and also the I paper.

    Saturday’s edition of the I paper had an article by Patrick Cockburn – “The shameful story of UK’s last colony may be ending” – and he goes on to describe in detail the callous, ruthless behaviour of successive UK governments towards the people of the Chagos Archipelago, and brutal pursuit of the UK’s interests.

    Forewarned is forearmed – will the UK Establishment behave in a benign, legal manner towards Scotland as we decide upon independence.? I very much doubt that will be the case.We will need big beasts at the negotiating table, and that surely is not FM Sturgeon’s credentials.

    Regards the National. I have never missed a copy.Now I skip the articles by three of the columnists, I don’t read the lengthy articles about Celtic and Rangers. I enjoy the puzzle teasers but the National now seems to be now publishing the same puzzle teasers twice in the week. On a “positive” note, the paper usually has 3 or 4 pictures of FM Sturgeon to ensure readers know her appearance.

    Always look for the silver lining – I spread copies of the National on my allotment vegetable ground to winter over ’till Spring planting. There must be a joke there?

    Liked by 2 people

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