from Sara Salyers

I was reminded that Alf Baird began explaining Scotland’s colonial status more than a decade ago. He was almost completely ignored and so, therefore, were the implications for Scotland’s struggle for self-determination – disastrously as we can now see: Independence is *either* a matter of negotiation between two parties *or* it is a struggle for decolonisation. It cannot be both. 

In the latter, the coloniser will offer the colonised no legitimate exit, indeed, will block every possible route by every means available to it. If, therefore, Scotland is a colony rather than a partner, then every effort expended by politicians to ‘force’ the colonising state to negotiate, to compromise, to recognise a democratic mandate, and every popular strategy – every demonstration, march or petition to that end, is futile. It becomes an exercise in exhausting the time, energy, resources, hope, motivation and very life of an independence movement. (And here we are today, our movement exhausted, divided and demoralised, testimony to the inevitable outcome of a nation trying to bargain, demand or petition its way out of a colonial prison.) 

When some of us took Alf’s analysis on board and responded by launching a Liberation Movement we were also, largely, ignored. The proposition underpinning Liberation Scotland, however, that Scotland is not a partner in a union but a colony, now met with derision, dismissal, even fury … from our *own* political establishment. (Colonised minds reject the evidence of their own subjugation, as we know.) These days, which is to say just a year later, recognition of Scotland’s colonial position is widespread and still spreading wider. And the lofty, sometimes savage rejection of our ‘wiser and betters’ in the political arena is noticeably muted. A case, I suspect, not of any true course correction but of the potential vote-loss factor in offending a significant number of voters by continuing to say publicly what is thought in private.

But why do they continue to hold to a view so easily confirmed or contradicted by scrutiny of the arguments and evidence? (Especially since the implications for any route to independence are so crucial.) Alf explains it best but my own summary is this: colonised establishments unconsciously and, intrinsically, measure their own validity and authority by the standards of the coloniser. There is, therefore, an unconscious awareness that if the political system is one of colonisation then they have been part of a colonial administration. And if our ‘democracy’ is fatally compromised by an ongoing colonisation, so are they. 

Finally, the colonised political mind imagines independence as a freer and more extensive version of the present, colonial system. In other words, the vision of independence means a continuation of the existing power structure but one no longer limited and controlled by the larger, British state. The power of the present political establishment is made synonymous Scotland’s power. Their freedom to do ‘what is best for Scotland’, as they see it, means the freedom of Scotland and the Scots to have what is best for them. It would never occur to colonised minds that their own power is *not* synonymous with Scotland’s, that their own independence from Westminster is not synonymous with the independence of the nation. 

It seems to me, therefore, that our own political establishment is not merely a challenge to independence because it will insist, is insisting, on trying to negotiate an escape from a kidnapper, (and to recruit the people of Scotland in that endeavour), but because it is waiting in the wings to colonise Scotland all over again. In a Scotland internally colonised by its own establishment, we will have an English style constitution, Special Economic Zones, the Hate Crime Act, a Gender Recognition Act, jury-less trials, government corruption, unaccountable ministers, quangos and committees, corporate decision making, all without any mechanism which will allow us to object, let alone mount a challenge. We will be offered, again, the pretence that the choice of a different flavour of autocrat every five years means that the people are sovereign, at least for 24 hours.

This is why the Liberation route matters so much. We already have a radical, if undeveloped, constitution that was supposed to be honoured after the Union. Of course, there was never any intention on the part of the English state to honour the treaty by anything but the merest occasional nod. But that constitution sets the people of Scotland above their government and their interests and welfare at the heart of public policy, which means above the profits of the corporations. It has to underpin the route to to Liberation for Scotland or there will be no liberation at all. 

I fear, however, that we had better be prepared for our own political establishment to fight us for internal, independence and power just as ferociously as the British English state will fight to keep its colony and cash cow of Scotland.


The level of interference Liberation faces has been present since it was created. We have been constantly battling to get round these problems. Recently we trialled accessing the Liberation site from several countries abroad. Access was achieved without any problems whether it was from the USA or India but the minute we tried to access the same site from Scotland difficulties arose. Many “mirror” sites have been created.

This is why we have asked all existing members to access the site and use the new format to secure their password and obtain their own membership card and unique voting registration number.

We also recommend using a VPN and not using Safari.

Sara is right to warn about some politicians being nervous about Liberation. It has nothing to do with us potentially being electoral competitors, they know that neither Liberation or Salvo will ever contest elections, but it is worry over our arguing for direct democracy and Swiss style government which ensures the people remain sovereign all the time, not just for the few minutes it takes to complete a ballot paper once every few years.

Politicians want to be in control at all times, they just have a poor record in the last decade of doing anything with that control. To make progress on Independence control must stay in the hands of the sovereign people of Scotland, that is the best way forward.

I am, as always



Unfortunately there are some sites where extensive blocking takes place against bloggers who do not slavishly follow the dictates of one political party. This is a direct threat to freedom of speech and I unhesitatingly condemn such action. To overcome this problem I rely on my readers to share Yours for Scotland articles as widely as possible. My thanks to those who help overcome censorship.


The most reliable way to get articles from this site is by taking out a free subscription which are available on the Home and Blog pages of the Yours for Scotland website. Given that I often seem to face other problems with both Twitter and Facebook this guarantees that my content is freely available.


Salvo continues to do valuable work and an ever increasing number of people are involved. They are now running strong campaigns on several key issues and as the campaigning arm of Liberation.Scot they are the key to success. If you would like to make a donation to further Salvo and Liberation’s campaigning here are the details. All donations large or small greatly helps our work.



Ac number 00779437

Sort Code 83-22-26


If you have not already joined please visit the above website and join now. We are looking to achieve a membership larger than any other political organisation in Scotland to approach the UN to achieve the official status as Scotland’s Liberation Movement intent of removing the colonising forces from our nation. Be part of it by joining, visit the site and you can join and vote in the important election process that is now underway.


  1. Thank you Sara for this up to date summary of our struggle. Personally I try to spread the message as much as possible often getting ridiculed. Water of a ducks back. Many however ask questions even if still a little sceptical.
    On colonisation I think it is just lack of historical knowledge. It can actually be easily explained if someone gives you a couple of minutes.
    Watching the antics of our Scottish politicians I despair.

    Bravo Salvo, Bravo Liberation, Bravo Freedom.

    Liked by 13 people

  2. Excellent piece from Sara but that last paragraph is a humdinger.

    “I fear, however, that we had better be prepared for our own political establishment to fight us for internal, independence and power just as ferociously as the British English state will fight to keep its colony and cash cow of Scotland”

    I don’t want an independent Scotland to be a mirror image of the state we just left. I don’t want Scottish (sic) Green (sic) Freeports any more than I wanted UK ones. I don’t want a Scottish Hate Crime Act (in its present form) any more than I’d have liked a UK one. I don’t want Scottish neoliberalism and globalisation – it’s no more acceptable to me than it was before just because you put a Saltire on it.

    We need political parties, but we need them to work for us, not regard us as means to their enrichment and empowerment. I’m increasingly of the view that Scotland’s freedom will be delivered by the people not the parties and here’s hoping it’s before

    “To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make
    a desert, they call it peace.”

    Calgacus (a 1st century Caledonian)

    Liked by 11 people

  3. Rather than interference, I suspect you’ve something messed up on the AWS hosting.

    I was viewing the liberation site on one machine at home, and after a while it simply stopped responding. Investigating, I found that a different machine at home could still connect.

    Looking further, I can see that the AWS machine now sends and ICMP port unreachable for attempts to connect (TCP SYN) to the website TCP port 443. That is done only for the machine experiencing issues, not for the other.

    Sending such a packet for a TCP packet is unusual, generally the end host would reject a connection with a TCP RST.

    To me, given the round trip time for the error, and that it only happens when the TTL of the packet is a actually sufficient to get to the AWS box suggests some form of misconfigured “firewall” on the AWS box, possibly trying to prevent a DDOS but with a hair trigger.

    The reason one can avoid it by using a VPN is simply that the VPN gives use of a different IP address. I happen to have multiple IP addresses at home, and so can see the pattern without the use of a VPN. I guess one of my home IPs is now blocked, whereas the other is not.

    This strikes me as more likely to be a cockup than a conspiracy.


    1. Hi “JB”. Let’s start with your experience. Who are you? I worked FOR AWS for over 3 years and I have worked across the globe for banks to governments on data-center, Internet and Cloud projects for 40 years. What tool do you claim to use that connects to port “443” (SSL/TLS) ? Are you connecting to the site by name or by IP address? Who’s DNS A record servers are you leveraging whilst you “test”. Can you provide traceroute showing the hops your “test packets” take? (ICMP-PING is blocked at liberation, as it should be). Most home internet providers give you DHCP or /32 (1 address) to use, which provider gave you “more than one” Firewalls? If you were familiar with AWS Security-Groups and Network-ACLS as well AWS provisioned WAFs you’d know AWS takes great care to protect its assets. It’s why we use them, it’s WHY its NOT on AWS “UK”.

      I’m not going to indulge your insult by revealing how the site is protected or what logging happens but I will tell you and everyone on this blog the “brit state” uses its “law” to interfere in the any process (democratic free speech included) it feels impacts it’s survival and it’s ongoing theft of Scottish assets just like a cold war despot. https://www.mi5.gov.uk/how-we-work/gathering-intelligence (look for “economic well-being”)

      Libeartion/Salvo are going to STOP the theft of Scotland’s oil, gas, electricity etc .as the “UK” was meant to be a political and economic union ONLY. NEVER territorial.

      Simply put, what’s on or under Scotland’s landmass or in her internationally recognized waters belongs to Sovereign Scots ALONE. We’re sick of brit-state economic harm on OUR people.

      Feel free to engage here and put some evidence up.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Well if you want details. I’m a s/w engineer who’s day job is implementing IP protocol routers, with specific focus on forwarding, NAT, and firewalls / security. I’ve been in the router implementation role with various companies since 2000. I have interacted with all the same class of customers as you mention, including the various tier 1 SPs. Believe that or not as you will.

        No insult was intended, you should not infer one. Misconfigurations happen all the time in various ISPs, SPs.

        Other than the description, my diagnosis approach here was to first use dig on my local machine (UK) and also perform it from the USA, at a data centre in California. I achieved consistent results, the answer for the A record being The latter having AS16509, and a reverse DNS name of ec2-3-67-17-69.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com.

        At home I happen to have use of a /27, the two machines I used for testing being in the same /28 subnet. I use A&A as my ISP. My home DNS lookup made use of their resolver, the USA based one a completely different one.

        I’m not familiar with the AWS setup, so that represents a guess on my part.

        I’ve then connected using telnet, and ‘openssl s_client -connect’. The former (obviously) via IP address, the latter via address and via name

        My traceroute from home, using forced ICMP queries generated no responses after one hop beyond my ISP. TCP traceroutes yielded better results. That shows me to be 11 hops away from the server, with a RTT between 39 and 45 ms.

        The tcp traceroute is below:

        2 q.gormless.tch.aa.net.uk ( 27.074 ms 28.355 ms 29.698 ms
        3 r-aimless.thn.aa.net.uk ( 31.076 ms 32.383 ms 38.969 ms
        4 ( 48.040 ms 47.746 ms 46.514 ms
        5 * * *
        6 * * *
        7 * * *
        8 * * *
        9 * * *
        10 * * *
        11 ec2-3-67-17-69.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com ( 45.805 ms 43.314 ms 39.098 ms

        After that I performed a hop constrained tcp traceroute (10 through 12), and I also performed a tcpdump. See below an interesting portion below (with my IP address masked). The other bits of the capture are uninteresting, being the non responded to SYNs with TTLs of 10 and 11, the repeated TTL 12 SYNs, and the ICMP errors they triggered (all equivalent to the one shown here)

        16:47:09.410248 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 12, id 50665, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 60)
         217.169.XX.YY.59569 > Flags [S], cksum 0x709b (correct), seq 1782791118, win 5840, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2950857712 ecr 0,nop,wscale 2], length 0
        16:47:09.451281 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 53, id 18236, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 88) > 217.169.XX.YY: ICMP tcp port 443 unreachable, length 68
        IP (tos 0x0, ttl 2, id 50665, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 60)
        217.169.XX.YY.59569 > Flags [S], cksum 0x709b (correct), seq 1782791118, win 5840, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2950857712 ecr 0,nop,wscale 2], length 0

        There are two interesting portions there, the time delta, and the fact that it is a ICMP port unreachable response to a TCP syn. The latter is allowed, but I know of no TCP stack which does that absent a f/w rule. I know that router ACLs can be used to achieve that effect, I imagine a load balancer might also do it. The RTT for that response was 41.033 ms, and suggests the originator used a TTL of 64.

        traceroute to (, 12 hops max, 60 byte packets
         10 * * *
         11 [AS16509] ‘-12’ 47.744 ms 45.672 ms 45.453 ms

        Note that the lower TTL probes did not solicit an ICMP error, and that the TTL is reasonable, being closer to the end host.

        While using s_client, I connected via numeric address and port, while supplying the servername and alpn options (hence SNI and ALPN extensions), dumped the cert chain, and verified that it was the same as I saw presented in the working browser sessions. Both firefox (on Linux and macOS) and Safari (macOS) showed the same cert chains – 3 elements being a GlobalSign nv-sa, AlphaSSL CA, and apparently issued in Belgium (/C=BE)

        Comparing the browser timings (Firefox Web developer tools) but on a third (faster) machine, also on the same subset, the HTTPs connect is around 38ms, and the HTTP req/resp time around 47ms. Which all seems to match.

        So while it is theoretically possible that the dark state may be intervening, I’m seeing essentially arbitrary ‘filtering’ failures for one specific client IP after some random set of reads of pages on the site. Whereas other adjacent clients experience no such problems. I guess the now failing host has been place in a blacklist..

        Hence my (educated) guess, that the issue which I’m experiencing is at the server end, and possibly related to “security” features going wrong. If it was a state intervention I’d expect higher TTL probes to be affected, since I have complete control over those values, and can make myself appear to be closer/farther from the server for the initial SYN. Since I’m being affected in that fashion, it is reasonable to assume that others may well also be.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed that post by Sara it is so simplistic but STRIKES at the heart of what independence supporters crave , I have constantly commented on the immense heralding and positivity of Sara’s speech at the ALBA conference by the membership , a positive and gratifying response that was totally absent from the hierarchy of ALBA , THAT alone signifies their opposition to any kind of people’s democracy and that is mirrored by ALL the other parties especially the FAKE Scottish ones

    I have commented incessantly about the desperation for a PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY but our politicians if they even deign to consider a convention INSIST it must consist of the great and the good within oor Scoattish Society , oor lairds and landowners, oor judges and senior law makers , oor business oligarchs , oor high heidyin academics frae glesga and edinburg unis, ALL the middle class and upper class spivs and carpetbaggers currently RUINING Scotland , ALL these QUANGO members appointed by a clique of politicos intent on keeping Scotland DOWN and selling our resources to benefit THEM instead of the people, EXAMPLE Beautiful Loch Lomond to a theme park opposed by the highest recorded number of written complaints from the public (IGNORED) , business man making MILLIONS from our oil, DELIBERATELY LYING in 2014 that oil is running out and will only last 10 years , 2024 uk govt SELLING hundreds of NEW OIL LICENCES and KEEPING the revenue while Scots FREEZE  THESE are the people our politicians want in a CONVENTION of the estates , the very people who STEAL our resources

    My comments about a people’s assembly receive condemnation and ridicule from a number of commenters due to the fact that these commenters believe that the Scottish public are TOO STUPID to know what is best for Scotland and Scots , when you look at the governance and policies that we have had FORCED on us for DECADES and the NEGATIVE IMPACT those policies and governance have had on our people it is not hard to figure out who is more stupid


    Liked by 10 people

  5. I had to log in, reason for short comment..

    I seen your tweet on X today regarding Special Economic Zones, my comment “Horrific” doesn’t cover it. Carol Vodermans short video has to be shared far and wide as possible.

    I loved your line (Colonised minds reject the evidence of their own subjugation) so very true.

    Keep up the good work of Salvo and Liberation.

    Liked by 1 person

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