The article by Neil Tye which appeared in Yours for Scotland earlier this month ( link below) inspired Rob Willox to produce the video which you can view below. Rob has also very kindly offered his services to produce videos for Liberation.Scot which I will report to the committee later this week. I am confident we will be happy to take up his kind offer and he can join our video team as I think it will be busy in the future.UPDATE an invitation to Rob to join the media team was agreed.

We need all the talents and help to build Liberation.Scot into an unstoppable movement. Nominations have now closed for the election to create the first democratically elected committee of the organisation.

Information will follow shortly on how all members of Liberation.Scot can cast their votes to select the final committee and this will go a long way to demonstrate we have the large and growing membership and the democratic infrastructure to convince the UN that we should be recognised as Scotland’s Official Liberation Movement.

The speed of further developments will be directly tied to how quickly the people of Scotland get behind their Liberation Movement. We already have many thousands of members but I would like to see hundreds of thousands of Scots becoming active in our National struggle.

That is my dream but it can become a reality. For instance, what can you do to help? Have you signed up your family and friends? Have you made a donation to help our work?

All Scotland will be grateful for any help you can offer. Be like Rob who made his video and has now joined our organisation. Help us move forward. We can all do this.

Yours for Scotland

Iain Lawson.


  1. It would be nice if somebody could hack into BBC Scotland and have the video played before Eastenders or a big footy match, like what happens in movies.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Great news that Rob agreed to join and help with the media team.

    We need people from different backgrounds and with different experiences to help as Salvo and Liberation Scotland moves into the future.

    It’s going to be an exciting few months ahead of us as the hard work of these past couple of years is about to show.

    Liked by 5 people

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