Our Rightful Place Among the Nations of the World

A superb article from Peter Young of IndyScot News who is in the enviable position of being the only person to have heard the election messages of all the candidates seeking election to the Scottish Liberation Committee. As you read you will learn he was much moved by these messages and the honesty and determination from these ordinary Scots to win through for our people. Motivated not by money or career but by a drive to deliver justice and freedom to our country. At the moment only Peter has seen and heard those messages but very soon they will be widely available all over social media. We are just testing the voting system to make sure all is well and once that is completed an even more important election for Scotland than the Westminster election will get fully underway. Everyone will have candidates worth supporting.

Our Rightful Place Among the Nations of the World

You’re probably familiar with the story. A young man is forced into exile and slavery by his own siblings.
Many years later, those same siblings turn up looking for supplies of food due to famine back home. They no longer recognise the brother they sold into slavery, he is in every aspect a citizen of this foreign land. But he’s not just any citizen – he ranks second only to the national leader himself.
As a Scottish exile, this biblical tale speaks to my celtic heart. It’s not a religious message as such, it’s about belonging, identity and who we are.
You see, in the story, our exile uses an interpreter to hide his true identity but he has not forgotten his mither tongue. Hearing his own language spoken by his ain folk, he is moved to tears.
There’s something about our own language and hearing that familiar voice in a foreign land. It is the first voice we hear in the womb. It is fundamental to who we are.

Recently, I’ve been recording the 3-minute presentations by the candidates for the Liberation Committee. As I recorded, I found myself listening to mostly native Scots. These candidates are not politicians preaching a party message; not people looking for a career, or financial reward – but activists inspired to step up to a national challenge in the way Scots have done since the days of Wallace and Bruce. We Scots are, whether we recognise it or not, in an existential struggle for the survival of our nation.

Living abroad, I don’t hear my native language very often. My days are spent in a multi-lingual stooshie. So there was something poignant about these presentations. For two days I recorded authentic Scottish voices. Every one had a story to tell, far longer than the edited 3-minute final version.
To be fair, not all of the candidates in the Liberation election felt comfortable doing the presentation, some opted out entirely.
The experience took me by surprise, though. Listening tae ma ain folk, each one speaking in their regional form of Scots, was really quite moving for this exile. Apart from them speaking in an unmistakable Scottish idiom, their earnestness and commitment to our historic cause shone through.

The task of educating our population about our historic annexation by England and the realities of Scottish sovereignty has been shamefully neglected by three majorities of nationalist MPs, not to mention MSPs. Does anyone know what Sturgeon does every day to merit her massive salary? Imagine having a fabulously paid job where turning up seems to be optional?

Compounding the boorach, the current SNP Westminster leader holds the deeply erroneous view that Scotland is bound by English parliamentary sovereignty. Honestly, if a dog needs a licence, shouldn’t Scottish politicians at least be required to know the basics about the Claim of Right, the sovereignty of the people, and our territorial integrity?
But the dire state of Scottish national politics notwithstanding, I believe independence will happen in spite of the politicians.
That said, SNP metamorphosing into a cross-breed, of Irish Parliamentary Party Redmondite and Labour devo-unionist, may be a blessing in disguise.
First of all, we can all stop pretending that the SNP is the vehicle to independence. Their claims that self-determination cannot be achieved without them is now clearly self-serving claptrap.
Secondly, they’ve shown us once and for all the futility of the ‘Westminster route’. The Irish figured this out 100 years ago. Why it’s taking us so long is a mystery. Any nationalist seeking elected office merely to march off to London, swear fealty to the English monarch and his neo-feudal parliament, is not worth voting for.
Withdrawal of representation from the colonial parliament is long overdue, 10 decades overdue.

When we do finally realise our liberation, it is essential that the accursed Westminster-style political system is abandoned from day one. A return to the principles of our historic constitution will help us re-acquaint ourselves with who we really are as Scots. Translating the sovereignty of the people into a modern form of direct democracy could turn Scotland into an example for the post- colonial world.

Still, we should perhaps be grateful to the SNP – they’ve shown us that the political route is dead.

Of course, there will always be ‘Vichy Scots’ willing to deny their birthright for a five-year stint in London. Just look at the state of the current Labour candidates! They parrot ‘change’ at least once a minute. It’s a 2014 deja vu. Back then, huge constitutional change was promised in return for a No vote. We really thought their would be an upheaval in our nation’s status within the UK. Then as now, the English Labour Party is playing a deceitful game. Its Vichy Scots are a public embarrassment.
Ian Murray tried to big-up his political sincerity by ‘delivering leaflets’ as other nationalist politicians went to Germany. The responses on social media put him in his place. Anyway, Murray doesn’t believe Scotland is a real nation so it’s no surprise he stayed home.
Starmer’s little Scottish helpers will support any policy, foreign or domestic, that he orders them to, no matter how egregious. The goldfish-memory voters among us are about to find out, once again, that Scottish Labour does not exist. It is a figment of the imagination, useful only in securing a ticket on the Westminster gravy train, ‘Quisling Class’.

I hope you’ll all watch and/or read the presentations by the Liberation Committee candidates. We now have the chance to take back control of our historic cause from careerists, deviants, and con-artists.
The route to independence does not go through Westminster, it lives in the heart of every true Scot. The time has come for we, as a people, to take a leaf out of the book of the magnificent Tartan Army, by taking our cause into the international arena. It is time to restore Scotland to its rightful place among the nations of the world
No Union. Prosperity to Scotland.


Just think, these Liberation elections are going to be elections where Scotland cannot lose. Where we elect Scottish patriots willing to work without any pay, not seeking a career but fuelled to the hilt with a determination to drive Scotland forward. Ignoring Westminster and the Supreme Court dead ends but putting Scotland’s case front and centre on the International stage. As the Tartan Army have demonstrated Scotland has many friends abroad. We need to translate that sporting popularity into international political support to end our colonial status once and for all. As the Tartan Army sung last week “It is time to rise and be a nation again” playing by the International rules, not the fiddled concoctions of our colonial plunderers.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


Sadly there are still some sites, fewer in number these days, who are intent in censoring posts from bloggers who do not slavishly follow the policies of one political party. They are opponents of the basic human right of Free Speech. Fortunately my readers can confound the censors by liking and sharing my articles as widely as they can. My sincere thanks to all that do.


The most reliable way to receive future articles from this site is to take out a free subscription and join the thousands who have already done so. They are available on both the Home and Blog pages of this site. You will be very welcome.


Both these organisations are doing very valuable work and are carrying out very worthwhile research and building the International case to win our freedom. They are also leading the fight to expose the Freeport’s ruse as the latest method to plunder our country’s resources. Please join at Salvo.Scot and Liberation.Scot and if you can afford a donation that would be very gratefully received.Details are as follows

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Ac number 00779437

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37 thoughts on “Our Rightful Place Among the Nations of the World

  1. I am just back from Munich where the Scots party atmosphere was fantastic.
    Ahighlight for me was in a bar with German fans and everone singing 🎼
    # We hate England more than You#🎼
    Terrific atmosphere!
    The beer was very good too.

    Liked by 10 people

  2. I am looking forward to the elections for the Scottish Liberation Committee.

    We will have candidates that are principled patriots and not pusillanimous parrots squawking meaningless party mantras, slogans and clichés.

    And I won’t have to instruct candidates to #EndTheUnion! (as I will do on my ballot paper at the upcoming British general election).

    That’s pre-written into their DNA.

    Liked by 14 people

  3. A heart warming message, thank you Peter. I look forward to the election with enthusiasm. I thank all those that have put themselves forward to this vote. Heroes all.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Watched the video. Interesting. Local media they had which regrettably we do not and they had a war. Lots of similarities though. We need a party with guts and an understanding of Scotland. Let’s get behind the ISP.

      Liked by 10 people

      1. “Local media they had” – yes, usually clandestine printing presses and “underground” papers that were sold door to door or pub to pub!Always at risk of being smashed up by the police (Royal Irish Constabulary) with “journalists, contributors and editors” being arrested and jailed for sedition

        That was then! Now Salvo could produce a weekly 1 page news sheet to email to supporters with instructions to spread the news/views by forwarding it to every contact on their phones

        Liked by 7 people

  4. Well unlike the forthcoming Westminster elections, it sounds like I’ll have a surfeit of good candidates to select from date for the Liberation elections. Whereas I’ll have only one good candidate to vote for on 4th July – Colette Walker, ISP.

    The decoupling of the independence vote from the SNP vote is going to bring some painful results for the next few years, but I can’t vote for the Scottish version of the IPP and the Gravy bus for a bunch of devolutionists.

    Liked by 17 people

  5. We should be calling people out who support the Idea of Britain be able to exist and not Scotland. It annoys me when the like’s of Anas Sarwar, Ian Murray who claim Scotland should remain part of the UK, what they are really saying Scotland isn’t a country any more and it doesn’t exist but yet they seem to be very afraid to calling themselves British.

    For me the UK isn’t a Country its a union and within this union my identity is being suppressed against my will.

    Are we losing the war on Scotland identity by not saying HOY wait a minute your calling the Britain the country when your constantly calling yourselves Scottish.

    Their seem to be a Identity crisis here and that being the Unionist calling Britain the country and not one of them willing during this election to call themselves British.

    Now for me I don’t have a problem saying Anas Sarwar, Ian Murray was born in Britain because this is how after any election they identify themselves and yet the double standard goes unnoticed without anyone willing to address the subject on the fear of looking like their being racist.

    I bet deep down not one of these so called Scotland deniers distinguished between Scottish or British.

    Now you have on the other spectrum Sturgeon, Swinney Born Scottish and now have fully embraced heart and sole being British.

    Does anyone hear these people ever call themselves British, they just never do. It and we all no why they loath Britain as much as we do.

    Liked by 8 people

  6. “We Scots are, whether we recognise it or not, in an existential struggle for the survival of our nation.”

    It seems so apparent to me!

    Salvo makes it abundantly clear.

    How do we get through to people?

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Talk is the only way unless we can find some money to educate online, billboards etc. I think it’s happening now already. If you look at the Indy blogs the conversation is turning not including WGD.

      Liked by 7 people

    2. By all of us carrying a Liberation QR code and a leaflet and Edinburgh Proclamation with us at all times and talking to whoever we meet. I don’t get out much but on the last two occasions [admittedly campaign events] I got a few people signed up.

      One point that I have emailed Salvo about, is that the Liberation site needs to have as the first item the signing up page. At the moment it isn’t user friendly because you have to scroll down to a section – I had to go through it with some folk. Iain, could you draw this to the attention of the relevant people, please?

      Liked by 8 people

      1. Message to Iain – how or where can we hear or read the presentations by the candidates for the Liberation committee, or is that not yet availasble?

        I have looked on the liberation website but can find nothing so far.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. They will shortly be available on a lot of different social media sites including this one as well both the Liberation and Salvo sites. The Liberation site will also open for voting for Liberation members. Extensive testing of the voting system is being carried out and once we are satisfied it is working properly and is capable of blocking interference by outside forces the go ahead will be given and everyone will be able to watch and judge. Of course if you are a Liberation member you will also be able to vote.

        Liked by 8 people

      3. I agree that the (as currently named) Liberation Scotland site is on the basic side and needs some work on it to make more user friendly. As part of doing that people should settle on and agreed name for ‘Liberation Scotland’ and stick to that one name. Between the Liberation Scotland website, the Salvo website and this blog I have seen the following names used, all applying to the same entity:

        Liberation Scotland

        Liked by 2 people

      4. I agree that the (as currently named) Liberation Scotland site is on the basic side and needs some work on it to make more user friendly. As part of doing that people should settle on and agreed name for ‘Liberation Scotland’ and stick to that one name. Between the Liberation Scotland website, the Salvo website and this blog I have seen the following names used, all applying to the same entity:

        Liberation Scotland


        Scottish Liberation Movement

        Doing this is not good messaging. ‘Beginners’ might get confused with different titles being used. Far better to adopt one name and stick with it. My own preferences would be ‘Scottish Liberation Movement’ (SLM) or ‘Liberation Scotland Movement’ (LSM).

        I think the inclusion of ‘Movement’ in the title is important as it helps people to identify that this is an active ‘mass campaign’ that they can get involved with and promote along with other like-minded folks.

        The other reason for using one name and sticking with it is that helps folks who are doing internet searches. They only need one ‘target’ search phrase and that eases finding things.

        Going forward having one name might aid in being able to market the movement.

        Just my take on things, don’t know if others will agree.

        Liked by 3 people

  7. When are we going to learn its politicians who always let the people down. The era of the politician is over, no matter what political party they belong to they have proved themselves to be utter charlatans fraud fake imposters pretender hoodwinker hoaxer cheat deceiver.

    We do not need them. They have destroyed our industries, introduced food banks. have caused nearly 30% of our children to live in or below the poverty line. But happy to take the same old bribe from their masters plate, just like the rogues in 1707. Agents of a foreign power zero respect for Scotland

    Hurry up salvo liberation

    Liked by 8 people

    1. We are going as fast as is sensible Willie, this will not be an easy route either. We must take our time to carry out the most thorough research, build the most solid infrastructure, raise the very substantial finance to build the legal case, find and develop our international helpers and supporters. Not easy….but at long last that progression is now solidly underway. It’s not Salvo Liberation that needs to hurry up it is the people of Scotland joining up and getting firmly behind us.

      Liked by 17 people

      1. Yes it is the people. It’s all about education. I consider it is remarkable where we are considering Salvo only started two years or so ago.

        In my own way I do my bit by trying to educate the people I speak to directly or by commenting on blogs, it takes time. The reaction to the idea often blows peoples minds and a fog seems to appear as their brains hear something unlike anything they have contemplated before. The more inquisitive ask questions to increase their understanding to what is being said while many are at the other extreme with closed minds. These are die hard SNP supporters, unionist or simply thick having not had an original thought for years.
        I have also had some success educating via YouTube videos.

        I feel we just keep plugging away we will get to a tipping point. Eventually the main stream media will start to comment for good or ill. Then some politicians will wake up, hopefully.

        Liked by 13 people

      2. Iain.

        Whatever Salvo and Liberation are doing (and yourself) keep the important parts close to your chests, we don’t want those that would keep Scotland under the thumb getting a heads up on what’s coming down the pipeline.

        Liked by 6 people

  8. Title of the post reminds me of Robert Emmet’s speech from the dock after his death sentence was passed.
    “when my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then, and not till then, let my epitaph be written”.
    Robert Emmet was an Irish nationalist and Republican, orator and rebel leader. He led an unsuccessful rebellion against British rule in 1803.

    Liked by 11 people

  9. I am always impressed by the standard of the articles that are published in Yours for Scotland but this one is possibly the most important of all recent articles. It is often said that it is easier to see what is wrong with something when looking from outside and Peter fulfils that role well.

    The candidates standing for election to the Liberation Scotland Committee (LSC) will oversee the way forward for the Scottish Liberation Movement, at least during its early stages and I am heartened to know from Peter that the candidates ‘are not politicians preaching a party message; not people looking for a career, or financial reward – but activists inspired to step up to a national challenge.’ That is exactly what I and many others hoped to see.

    Most reading Iain’s blog will already know what I think of politicians and how they have so badly let all of Scotland down, so when Peter states ‘Their claims that self-determination cannot be achieved without them is now clearly self-serving claptrap’, that really made me smile.

    Having returned from a long day at Bannockburn, it was heartening so see 4 Salvo stalls and listening to so many people there discussing Salvo and Liberation Scotland. Those that were not aware of what Salvo / Liberation stands for were asking that question and our Teams were providing them with the answers. No ‘beating about the bush’, or avoiding what they may have thought a difficult question.

    Having received my postal ballot with 7 unionist candidates and 1 from the SNP, I felt that I had no option to spoil my vote as no-one on that list is proposing a way forward that will finally achieve the restoration of our Rights to Self-determination and independence. I am looking forward to getting this election for a foreign parliament out of the way and continuing with the only real option left for us via Salvo and the Scottish Liberation Movement.

    Finally, I am sure that the successful candidates for the LSC will have an interesting and fruitful experience in helping drive forward the Scottish Liberation Movement.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Our lovely countries future history will record the names of the initiating Salvo Liberation movement members and the soon to be elected LSC members. From small acorns mighty trees grow. Like all plants our movement will spread its roots before it bursts through to the sunlight to be seen by many who will see hope, others fear. I hope I live long enough to see it succeed. Aye for Scotland.

      Liked by 10 people

    2. Spear, did you get any idea of how many new signatories were obtained at Bannockburn? And whether people found the same drawback to the Liberation site that I did i.e. that it needs to be immediately apparent when opening the site where to go to sign up?

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I don’t think they have got around to that yet Sarah, but they will.

        There is an unbelievable amount of work going on and has been going on for almost 2 years by our Teams that seem to grow in number as we move forward. It has to be remembered that we are all volunteers and it is amazing that we have come so far in such a short time.

        I think there were 4 Salvo stalls at Bannockburn and almost everywhere I went the discussion was about Salvo and Liberation Scotland. Of course, everyone involved wants to get the work done as quickly s possible but as Iain mentioned, ‘ We must take our time to carry out the most thorough research, build the most solid infrastructure, raise the very substantial finance to build the legal case, find and develop our international helpers and supporters’.

        All of that takes time and nothing happens without the sacrifices made by our members and those working on our 10 Teams. We all bring what we can to the effort and the smallest of contributions is as equally valid as those that are about to shock the world.

        I will try to check the numbers with the Admin Team Sarah.

        Liked by 3 people

  10. Really looking forward to seeing the 3 minute candidate videos, but what should impress us most is that there are more candidates than vacancies – and there will be a real election rather than an anointment or a succession procession.

    Liked by 6 people

  11. There are few amongst who ever thought that the message of Salvo/Liberation would be disseminated throughout the land overnight. Without a media worthy of the name, capable and willing to engender public debate on the subject of historical-colonisation amongst the public, that task is solely in our hands. To be in possession of the most exciting and far-reaching message on offer today or, indeed, any other day, in all of Scottish politics and public affairs is a most enviable position to be in for us activists, particularly so in the present environment where so many people have given-up on old-style, business-as-usual politics and politicians. For many Scots, our message is capable of bringing a completely fresh perspective in their understanding of who and what we are—a sovereign people!—with all that entails in terms of our collective power to decide our own future. Huge thanks to Peter and all the candidates who have put their names forward for election.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. Whose Football Team was beaten by Hungary last night?? was it Notthern Britain? was it Northern UK? Was it SCOTLAND’s Team? or was it the ENGLISH COLONY Team.
      Time to wake the Tartan Army up and recruit them to our struggle for proper nationhood.
      The BBC programme was a disgrace a token Scotsman (D Moyes)
      Ex ENGLISH player (Shearer) Scots Woman ex player and Hosted by a WELSH woman. COLONIALISM at work!!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Alpha and Omega – The beginning and the end. The FINAL ACT in regaining Scotland’s independence will take place in New York, it will happen at the United Nations, it will be the end of a long journey – when the countries of the world welcome Scotland as an independent sovereign state into membership of the United Nations. Part of the beginning to achieve that end took place last Saturday …

    Bannockburn: 22nd June 2024: With one signature, with one ACT of self-determination, Scots at Bannockburn DECLARED the end of the union. I will repeat that – it wasn’t words, it wasn’t speeches, it wasn’t an anonymous X – each and every signature on a Declaration of a Sovereign Scot is an ACT of self-determination! An ACT of self-determination to end the union and regain Scotland’s independence.

    Every one of those signed Declarations is not only an ACT of self-determination – it is the hard documentary evidence we need – to inform every country in the world of Scotland’s intention to regain our independence. If Scots don’t tell them, who will?

    The Declaration initiative is designed to provide factual evidence to the countries of the world – evidence given to those who will eventually welcome an independent Scotland into their midst. Each signed Declaration has already been, and will continue to be lodged for safe-keeping with the HQ of the United Nations and is there for the scrutiny of every UN Member State, with a copy of each Declaration and signature retained for all future generations to witness who signed. To witness who ACTED!

    I offer my sincere thanks to all those who signed their Declaration last Saturday, and to all those who have signed at every rally I have attended. A post about the next Stage in the Declaration initiative will follow.

    (PS: As had been agreed Sara and I did meet at Bannockburn and as before agreed on the tasks ahead).

    Liked by 8 people

  13. Is it possible to sign the Declaration remotely? I currently live in Oxford, for family reasons, and was last in Scotlsnd in September last year for a March in Glasgow and went Holyrood for the ‘handing over’ of the Stirling Directive to the parliament, which refused to accept it!
    I now find travel more difficult and stressful at 87 so cannot be sure I will be able to return.
    As my memory is not great and I have signed various forms and petitions saying that as a Scot I support Independence but am not sure if I have digned yours, though I expect you have mechanisms to weed out multiple entries from one person.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. @ jistjr but firstly @ arayner1936 …The Declaration has a body of text, deliberately restricted to one page. Below the signature space and specifically outwith the main text therefore is this paragraph:

    ‘To establish and confirm that I am resident in Scotland and of an age which entitles me to vote, I will provide all and any necessary documents that may be requested of me’.

    So, Oxford residence precludes your involvement. However that said – and I cannot stress this enough – the Declaration initiative is being established in STAGES, and if you want to understand the importance of that comment, both as it applies now, and as it will alter in later Stages – all I can ask is be patient. (That was central, for instance, to my discussion with Sara, we have a good understanding of the differing parts to be played by Savo/Liberation and the Declaration initiative)

    @ jistjr …

    Setting aside your own memory, if you have not met me in person, face to face, I think it highly unlikely you have signed. To explain that reply, and to answer your question about distribution, I need to give you some background.

    (@Iain) I’ll keep this as short as I can). In April 2021, the initiative was started. Almost immediately it gained front page coverage in The National. They asked if I would agree to putting it on line to be downloaded. Reluctantly I agreed, and was proven correct. Within weeks it had been abused and eventually hacked – who by? A 15 year old with nothing beter to do, or something more malevolent – we will never know.

    So I took a deep breath and made the committment to attend every rally, head to Yes Stalls (if invited), and attend many other events with no geographical limit – for instance I met Iain and Alf at Golspie for what was called Manniefest. I have fulfilled that committment 100%, and as part of the next Stage, I will increase that committment, in particular to meet those who are housebound and cannot attend rallies (I am already doing that). Thus my emphasis on STAGES!

    One of the most frequent questions I am asked (similar to yours) is “Would you e-mail me a pdf of the Declaration, and I’ll get a bundle signed and then post them back to you”.

    Am I willing to give out both my e-mail details and my home address to anyone who asks for them – would you? But again I re-emphasise there are STAGES. It also has to do with the abuse the online version suffered.

    I use various F/book pages to announce where and when I will be somewhere/anywhere in Scotland (for example I use Independence Live where I am an editor) – I am about to organise a kinda tour of Scotland, including the islands. If you want to know what is planned there is however a central link to use – because (if you are prepared for a load of scrolling) it will also give you three years of posts and details of each of the Stages that have already happened – and where the next Stages will be announced. (Example – that is where extracts of my letters to the UN can be found – and more recently (Yes – another Stage) extracts from my letters to 18 UN Member States.)

    One final comment – I am not crowdfunded, the state pension pays for all that is involved – that also has its part to play in why there are Stages.

    Here’s the link to a page X2: Insert a dot after www

    https://www (dot)facebook.com/people/X2/100070340354557/

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a lot for that clear explanation, Mike. Though not naturally patient, I will await the time when I can sign up as a Scot in exile! (unless I manage to make it to a Scottish Rally first, though may be inelgible to do that!)

      Liked by 1 person

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