A guest post from a friend of Yours for Scotland who has become a regular contributor in recent times.

Sooner or later, whatever path to Independence we follow, and even if we’re leading our velvet insurrection by the Constitutional route, the time will come when Scottish Independence needs a democratic component to ratify Scotland’s status as an Independent Nation. By choice in a Referendum, or by ratification plebiscite in retrospect, (the latter being my own preference), ultimately, the people will decide.

That is why, whatever it’s fortunes, ALBA is so vital to us. ALBA is the political soul of Scottish Independence; the essential part of the Movement which was NEVER complicit with the SNP’s unconstitutional abandonment and betrayal of Scotland, but actually stood firm and rebelled against it. There will be a reckoning for both; a sorry reckoning for the SNP, and if it please, a powerful and timely vindication for ALBA.

People should not be too dispirited by Swinney running up the white flag on Independence, because he hasn’t damaged Scotland’s status under our Claim of Right “Red” Sovereignty. For goodness sake, I’ve been calling for Holyrood and Sturgeon, (the servants of Westminster’s white sovereignty), to be impeached for months now, and their quitting of the Independence fight is no loss to us – IF we turn their obsequious political failure into fuel for SALVO and our burgeoning Constitutional awareness; an awakening that is only just beginning to take hold. 

The SNP quietly abandoning Independence while the fanfares are trumpeting the “success” of Self-ID as delivered by a “Judge”, has been the UK Establishment’s game plan since before 2014, when they resolved to “rinse away” Alex Salmond and all that Alex had done for Scotland. How thoroughly embarrassing that they found so many ready and willing accomplices and dupes amongst the SNP’s ranks, and quite the coup to have Sturgeon anointed their leader. 

Scotland may have lost Independence through Westminster’s white sovereignty Holyrood Assembly and colonial Scotland Act. But REJOICE Scotland, we have only lost a thing which was never there to be found to begin with. We Scots now KNOW this treacherous Holyrood institution serves Westminster, NOT the sovereign people of Scotland. 

Scotland’s Independence will be delivered by the still dormant Scottish State, the Scottish Constitution, Scottish Sovereignty, and the Claim of Right. It WILL be so.

Scotland’s Red Sovereignty is beginning to stir, and it will NOT be looking to Holyrood for either it’s lead or it’s Legitimacy. “Holyrood’s” function, if it still has one, will be to serve as the demonstrable failure of Westminster’s colonial misadventure; evidence of London’s failed attempt to encroach upon Scotland’s sovereign Realm with an invasive doctrine of Westminster’s Parliamentary Sovereignty.

Let the International Community be made to understand how Westminster “dressed up” their colonial encroachment as a faux democratic institution, but who’s only true purpose was to undermine the Claim of Sovereign Right and acquiesce to the will and protocols of Westminster in all things.

Let Holyrood be recognised for the Trojan Horse that it is, an unconstitutional outrage suffered upon Scotland, and a bogus Assembly that we should, “…exert ourselves at once to drive out as our enemy and a subverter of it’s own rights and ours, and make some other man who was well able to defend us our King; for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule”.

That we rid Scotland of a duplicitous charlatan First Minister codified by the self same colonial Scotland Act as the Assembly itself, is a bonus to be lost or found somewhere in the small print. I couldn’t care less, – just that we be rid of her, rid of her kind, and after eight tortuous years finally be rid all of her treacherous prevarications.

In this sea of skullduggery and treachery, all we need to find is adequate due cause to nullify a Treaty that is widely acknowledged as breached, broken, betrayed, false, unlawful, unconstitutional, ultra vires, undeliverable, and both compromised and surely invalidated by the well documented bribery, coercion, inducement, and general corruption which tainted it’s inception. 

Scotland will be restored to the Independent status which properly, Scotland, our Nation, should never have lost.


Like Breeks I am encouraged by recent events. Any pretence that the SNP could deliver a S30 is now seen as the fantasy it always was. Yes, eight years have been wasted chasing a dead end but those days are now over and even the loyalist, blindest person now recognises a new path is needed.

What route or routes has the best chance of success? I chaired a meeting last night on Zoom as a group of high quality, experienced and talented people came together at our weekly meeting to further the Liberation/Salvo message. They have been working together for the last few months and early in the new year you will see the first results of that work as innovative and exciting new ideas impact on Scotland’s campaign for Liberation. They represent pro Indy parties and none but are all working together, without political policy complications, to further Scotland’s cause.


I am, as always



Unfortunately some pro Indy websites are not pro Indy. They are pro SNP sites and ban any content on their sites which dares to question the SNP or the SNP leader. They seek to censor discussion and free expression. Fortunately many of my readers share the articles on Yours for Scotland frequently and because of this the attempted censorship is proving ineffective. This support is very important and I thank everyone who share and protect freedom of speech and choice.


Are available on the Home and Blog pages of this site. This will ensure you will receive notification of all new posts by email and be the first to get key information when it is released.


The progress of Salvo has been the most encouraging development of 2022. It is doing sterling work educating Scots about the Claim of Right and spelling out what it means that the Scottish people are sovereign, not any Parliament. All donations to this site for the remainder of 2022 will be forwarded to Salvo to support them in developing and expanding this valuable work.


Please register at and join the mass membership organisation that will be the signatories to our application to the UN, debate and organise a new Scottish Constitution. The membership of Liberation is also where the first members of Scotland’s National Congress will be balloted for selection.


  1. Great, upbeat message. The Swinney-Sturgeon duplicity and incompetence is now clear for all to see. The paid apparatchiks will no doubt cling to this failed ‘leadership’, since their loyalty has been essentially bought.

    Liked by 11 people

  2. More people are waking up to the reality of our situation every day. Salvo and liberation dot scot are there to welcome the disillusioned, to raise the hopes of those who might otherwise despair. They are not going anywhere.

    Liked by 9 people

  3. Good article and I apologise now for what follows 😁

    Edinburgh spent £500,000 on the “show” following QE passing. Even in death a stage venue is not wasted. The FIRM used the opportunity to sell the UK money laundering Family which is at the top of the Cash generating pyramid based in London. We do not live in a Democracy. The last illusion was washed away when Truss broke the rules and those in the shadows, who actually run the Country, sent a clear message and she was gone within days.

    We often forget that Independence is only the START of the journey. Those who can bring down economies by attacks on currency or credit rating will not go away if a Saltire flies outside Holyrood.
    When America gained it’s Independence they tried and failed to change the banking system. India after Independence was still bled by the wealthy through local politicians. Ireland is much better off as a Nation out from under London control. However several large powerful groups still wield incredible power.
    Look at America…anyone can be President. IF you have several Million Pounds and a fund raising machine that can raise a Billion. Those in the shadows fund both Political Parties in order to “influence” policies.
    The two party system in the UK is no different. Money is pouring into the Labour Party at the moment…I wonder why!

    The Puppet Masters who run London will fund the fight against Independence. However they, unlike Sturgeon, will have a plan B to ensure their cash cow is kept healthy. A Holyrood that they can shape is in some ways even better than through London.

    If an Independent Scotland merely adopts the UK model of Politics we make the job much easier for the greedy.

    Sorry to be depressing as the fight for Independence is hard enough. However the decades after that goal maybe even more critical.

    Does the wealth generated by a Nation remain to be re-invested in that Nation. That is the test and the ultimate objective.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. I agree Ireland is much better off as a Nation out from under London control

      But don’t forget it has taken 100 years for the country to achieve its prosperity and over 80 of those years were spent overcoming the effects of colonization.

      So yes indeed, Independence is only the START of the journey.

      Liked by 9 people

    2. I very much like your premis that we might bypass Holyrood, and agree with Clootie that what comes after must not follow the rutted paths of Westminster and the all powerful City of London. It is a great sadness that our own government has become so untrustworthy and inefficient, and the idea that Sturgeon will have the power to manage the economy is nightmare stuff. What upholds my spirits is the increasing concentration on the philosophy of the common good, alive every second in Scotland where folk help each other for no reason than that they can so they do. It is time in my view, given the disastrous amoral state of politics, for us to begin to review what we can do. Even the cosmetic PR machine of the SNP, the only efficient part of the whole movement, would have to redraw its imagery if we begin to concentrate on the actual ghastly state of the nation. Isn’t it time for Alba to unemotionally begin to categorise the failings in the infrastructure and to posit what they would do instead? The state of the roads, health service, schools etc are scandalous., it is being left to the Unions to point up the deficiencies. Those who live busy lives are not concentrating on who is responsible for the conditions that they battle against, they are too busy getting on with the battling. But some clinical factfinding must be able to fights its way to the surface even through the oily pandering that Sturgeon currently seems to swim through. I haven’t been following the Alba progress lately, so if they have already started to publish some positive practical political back up to the efforts of our two MPs battling away heroically, I apologise. But being nice to the SNP isn’t working, we don’t need to be nasty, but some honest facts and some practical applications would help. After all, Mr. Salmond has the blueprint, he has done it before, run Scotland on the principle of the common good. But we need to up our game, I don’t think I am the only one so disillusioned that I don’t bother much any more. Thanks for your articles, and for this one. I hope we get some action before poliical sludge swamps us.

      Liked by 12 people

    3. “ If an Independent Scotland merely adopts the UK model of Politics we make the job much easier for the greedy.”

      Scotland’s Independent Government must be different Clootie. It simply must.

      Scotland is a living example of a Nation plundered and impoverished by Neoliberalism and unchecked greed centuries, long before Neoliberalism was even a thing. Not just financially impoverished, but stripped of our assets, industries, skills, trades and public utilities, and saddled with debts which were never properly ours, but democratised and spread across us all.

      Perhaps it’s no accident or coincidence that our “best” models of democracy are also our worst models for Neoliberalism. But how did it come to this? I mean “how”, what process brought us to this?

      I think Scotland will be different. I really mean it, because I think SALVO is only just getting started.

      By way of one example; take Auld Scotland’s societal philosophy of “Common Good”. Where did that come from? It’s not to my knowledge a feature of Romanised culture. It’s not my knowledge a Celtic doctrine, nor is it Gaelic or Norse. So where does Scotland’s “common good” doctrine come from? Who introduced it to Scotland? We have a wee mystery. Is it, perhaps, a vestigial legacy of our Pictish ancestors?

      It’s not a theory I want to really want to dwell upon, not at the moment, (for progress, we need simplicity not half baked conjecture), but there is one society I know which does indeed embrace a “common good” philosophy of sorts, and is also married to simplistic principles of land ownership. That culture is, or rather was, the First Nation Americans.

      “Common Good” is actually a hunter / gatherer philosophy, where “everybody” shares the forests and streams. Nobody “owns” them, nobody is excluded from hunting there, everybody shares, and welfare of the people is inextricably linked to the welfare of the environment. “That” is where a common good philosophy has it’s origins, and evolves into something cultural over centuries. Where people have to work together and cooperate.

      And if you think that’s a tangent too far, then “what if” Auld Scotland did indeed have VERY old, pre-Roman cultural origins to it’s societal structure, and it was actually these primitive concepts of shared land ownership and common good which were to prove so ripe for exploitation? Just as we saw in North America, we witnessed indigenous cultures bushwhacked for their rights and easily dispossessed of their lands by lawyers with double edge treaties. Did something like this happen to Scotland?

      Don’t know about you, but considering Scotland’s huge privately owned Estates, that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up… Did “something” that was essentially a Neolithic hunter gatherer legacy survive in Scottish culture until as recently as the 17th / 18th Century? And did this vestigial legacy make it easier to dispossess the people of their ancient rights and ownerships that had no formal title deeds?

      You’ll maybe now see why this isn’t really the time to tear off down this particular rabbit hole. I don’t have the knowledge or expertise for one thing, but I really do think that Sara Salyers revelations about Auld Scotland are just the vestigial remnants of a Scottish society was very, very different in it’s cultural DNA.

      Don’t misunderstand, I don’t think she’s wrong or barking up the wrong tree, I think she’s dead right and close to finding the Key out of this Union, but that’s just the start. I think we are only (so far) seeing glimpses of the tip of a huge cultural ice berg. Auld Scotland is not fitting the “typical” mould, and that could be of monumental significance.

      I don’t know what we have here. Maybe it’s too far gone to truly grasp and properly understand. But I do know Scotland’s traditional culture is not the same as the Anglo Saxon DNA of Westminster rule. If we merely copy the way things are done by Westminster, we have already missed the point. I’d still take it mind… Independence is essential.

      The more we learn, the more the mystery deepens… but I think it’s riveting, and say it again. Scottish Independence is only the beginning.

      Liked by 15 people

    4. Spot-on , Clootie . The apparent lack of awareness of those Transnational puppet masters you refer to , even by decent , experienced Politicians in ALBA ( Sturgeon NSNP , are not even worth considering , having been already bought and sold by those nefarious * forces * ) is , or should be , a cause for concern

      I understand the main focus being domestic Politics , but you simply can’t ignore how the REAL power operates in the modern world – the Truss example you give is completely salient ; how it impacts on all National Politics , bending to it’s will by coercion , blackmail , infiltration and manipulation any country , policy or initiative it deems a threat to it’s dominance .

      ” We have to talk about ” the WEF . WHO . IMF . IFC and all the other unelected ( by the Public ) entities that have an increasing influence on how * things * are run , and in exactly whose interests decisions are made .

      Calling anything that doesn’t fit/ challenges the ghost-written , self-serving narratives of the powerful * Conspiracy Theories * just won’t cut it anymore . We need people , Politicians who are willing to shine a light into the shadow world/s of anti-democratic * Influencers * , that are in the – by now advanced – process of eliminating any meaningful resistance to their malign agendas .

      Anyone who believes Scottish Independence or it’s continuing absence will be wholly determined by the people of Scotland themselves , is , I’m afraid , at best naive , in fact , deluded

      Liked by 2 people

  4. “As long as but a hundred of us remain alive, and provided that none of us are members of the SNP, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule.”

    Liked by 9 people

  5. The Scottish Parliament has been exposed for what it is, a Westminster Trojan Horse.

    Similarly the Scottish electorate are waking up to the Westminster Trojan Horse that the SNP have become.

    I quite agree with Breeks that neither are required to deliver independence.

    It is by other mechanisms that we will achieve independence.

    Our priorly suppressed and hidden constitutional rights are becoming much more widely known. And together, we must all widen that so that the people know, and indeed take, what is their lawful right.

    Liked by 11 people

  6. They whole system needs changed. We must have a talent pool of people who make up the body of Scotland. I would have the real environmental experts after doing background checks to ensure that nobody was funding them from behind a curtain. Same in all areas that require repairing. The political formula doesn’t work. We have a health minister who has no clue about health. Green ministers who focus on changing sex etc.

    Liked by 7 people

  7. (@ Iain – as usual, I leave you to allow this post or not. It’s slightly O/T.)

    Below you will find a post from Independence Live (I am an admin) – it’s a small part of Stage 2 of the Declaration initiative – that’s info – but my reason for this post is that the song on its own plus video (We wish you a merry Christmas) will be posted on Indy/Live – it occurs to me that your followers might wish to make contact with their families or friends who live elsewhere than Scotland, and also share it – the link to Indy/Live where the post will appear is here:

    PS: If you are still in Florida – consider it applicable to you, Iain – (inserts wink emoji).

    Post referred to above follows:

    If Scotland reaches out to the people of the world – will they reply? I’ve asked Kevin to add the Indy Choir livestream to the I/L You Tube channel. He asked me for a title and a description, this is what I gave him.

    Title: From Scotland with love!

    Description: A message to our families and friends elsewhere in the world. Two songs from a rehearsal in Scotland’s capital, Edinburgh, sung by the “Indy Choir”.

    However, I’ve now edited the livestream into the two songs, each separate – and edited anything I said OUT completely!! (Don’t all cheer at once!).

    Over this weekend in the run up to Christmas I’ll post the first song on its own, making it available to anyone to SHARE with their family and friends from elsewhere in the world.

    In case you missed it – I amended the choruses – listen and you will hear:

    – the first now says “We sing for our independence (x3) – It’s coming home soon!
    – the second now says “We won’t stop until we get it (x3) – It’s coming home soon!
    I’ll repeat this on the weekend following with “Auld Lang Syne” on its own.
    Whether you participate is 100% optional – your call!
    Here is what I want to find out as a very small part of the “Declaration” initiative:
    If Scotland reaches out to the people of the world – will they reply?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is what the North American Indians have done, they have gained support and regained respect from many people and are beginning to win legal battles and make strides against the inhuman and still active injustices they have endured. (Incidentally I read that one of the Founding Fathers, Jefferson, was very involved and accepted by the North American Indian tribes that formed the Five Nations, and used the constitution they developed (to halt the constant warfare) to formulate the American Constitution. The only issue not adopted was the Indian recognition of equality for women (except for war – the women were considered too fierce). Those of mixed gender were never mentioned because totally accepted, so why bother) I think involving those Scots who were forced away and welcoming them both to tell their stories and to encourage us is a brilliant idea.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is so heartening and interesting. Maybe Gaia has had enough of pillage and the climate changes are beginning to make us as a species think how arrid is our society that only thinks of money. Thank you so much for this, Ros

        Liked by 3 people

    2. @Fae See … great article via that link for many reasons – but perhaps given the direction of many of the posts on here, this extract seems most apt:

      Conditions are reaching a breaking point for many, many people all at once.

      That does not guarantee a turnaround, but it does promise an opportunity for one.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeah, If you believe that everything is connected then although this is about Kansas it could well be here. We are currently feeling powerless to do anything about it because we are restricted by being ruled by people who have not a care for resolving any of this.
        Even past politicians couldn’t, just perhaps make wee improvements and give awareness on secrets that have been kept, then another connection yourself Mike and Salvo and the team involved have emerged. Our country is relying upon charities in too many areas as well when really we know that it shouldn’t be necessary.
        Death in Scotland is on the rise due to things mentioned and unmentioned in this article. We have nobody willing currently in politics using the power to save people from this doing so and we know it.

        Liked by 2 people

    3. In contact with a lady in Kenya many years ago, who established a tele/radio link for women across the country, starting small and just getting bigger and bigger, this phrase arose:

      “If many little people, in many little places, do many little things, they can change the face of the world”.

      It’s way past time, we applied those very thoughts – just to Scotland!

      Liked by 4 people

  8. Sexual preference shouldn’t be brought into politics, same for religious. We have or did have protections in place for protected characteristics and the equality act. People might disagree with me but I think that if you are going into the parliament with a personal issue and trying to have the whole of our country conform because it’s close to your heart we’ll that’s not beneficial for all. Same for vegetarians, you can’t force everyone to be just as you are.
    Having our constitution and Claim of Right is for one and all. This transgender issue wasn’t an issue before, it’s being in my opinion deliberately made one and what I said above is showing why I think is an example of personal crusades being brought into politics isn’t good for all.
    By now we should know all the areas that are required for attention that have an impact upon the lives of all, so we should be looking at the best people in order to start getting it done.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Peter posted an article from Carlton Jock last night about outing homesexuals etc so this had me thinking that there’s got to be no distinction. If your a man then you are, woman the same, protect the sexual preferences and freedom of religious which I think already are. The areas that are needed looked at well we know that ferries, biodiversity, architecture, food security, organic no chemical, poverty eradication, the energy, restoration of languages in our schools, our real history restored etc Why do we need to spend time in parliament discussing what your sexual preferences are and people trying to create division ans upset etc when the areas that should require the safety should implemented properly in accordance with the laws already in place.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I don’t mean keep people who are of different sexual preferences out of politics, just personal. We have got to find a way that makes everyone feel safe, valued and that should be by the laws that were already in place to ensure that. Only those who harm others or their religion or beliefs do shouldn’t be allowed in government. Nor should any laws or policies be put into place by politicians who did not let the public know their intentions before hand because that’s deception.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Maybe if we concentrated on defining prejudice violence and working on dealing with that people who currently attract violence and abuse could be themselves without fear or favour and wouldn’t need to publicly define themselves ( again North American Indians had this sorted, by loving their children for who they are and recognising their gifts as people of two spirits)

        Liked by 4 people

  9. So, it has come true at last! I think I remember someone saying that “a vote for the SNP is not a vote for independence” – how true that has become, although some of us knew a long time ago.

    We need only look at the actions taken and the actions not taken over the past 8 years to see the pattern emerge of a deliberate destruction of the SNP. What has taken place is straight from the British state playbook because this is not their first successful destruction of an independence-seeking political party and I believe that their fingerprints are all over the demise of the SNP. Well, they have been doing this for hundreds of years, so they should be getting quite proficient at it by now!

    However, if they hoped to destroy the Yes Movement, because the Yes Movement is just about the SNP is it not, well they are about to learn different and that the Yes Movement is much more than just the SNP.

    No doubt that it is a sad day for many of us that gave so much of themselves to the SNP over decades of leafleting in the wind and rain, manning stalls when snow is on the ground and a hundred other things all in the cause of independence and freedom. Not one of us grudged that time, and yes money spent, for what we believe is our rightful place in the world, in the belief that here was a different party, a party of the people and where people really mattered. All that was true, but all that has been washed away in 8 wasted years and the SNP that was once an exemplar of how to establish and run a truly democratic political party is no longer entitled to those attributes.

    There was no better example of what the SNP MPs have really been doing at Westminster when this week one of them, who shall remain unnamed, was celebrating his 21 years as a “front-bencher” – does he not see the irony of such a celebration because there is no-one up here celebrating his total ineffectiveness to achieve what was once the SNP’s prime objective.

    However, the sad days are now over, and now that the SNP have been condemned from their own mouths, the people of Scotland are left in no doubt that if they truly want self-determination and independence they must seek an alternative route. Surely, those that still remain within the SNP membership can no longer delude themselves about what has taken place and what are the true intentions of their leader and their party!

    So, for me, it IS a day of celebration, a day where there is no doubt left about who is and who is not fighting in the cause of independence. However, if we are being truthful to ourselves, we knew that this day was coming and that we may have to take a small step back, regroup and come back stronger than ever.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Like you I walked estates in all weathers. I travelled to by-elections to help out. I climbed tenement staircase after staircase. I folded and packed envelopes. I gave up weekends to man stalls. I worked to keep branches active and supported. I spent thousands at fund raisers. I never suspected that during those years an inner clique was building a business. I shared a top table at Burns Nights with people like Pete Wishart never suspecting that he was laughing at fools like me working to give him a comfortable lifestyle.
      Look how “cheaply” the SNP have been bought for…a few million in short money and a few pensions.
      Can you imagine how easily their votes now would be secured by the greedy elite. However it is not just money that entices them. I listen to SNP Politicians talking about NATO and War conflict and I hear the children who attended CIA culture capture classes during their USA trips.

      “…For the fifth labor, Eurystheus ordered Hercules to clean up King Augeas’ stables. Hercules knew this job would mean getting dirty and smelly……”
      Even Hercules would be challenged by the task of cleaning up SNP HQ!

      Liked by 5 people

  10. Scotland is one of the oldest nations in Europe. And right now we have a way to re gain our Independence. We just need to get real!

    SNP dinnae want Independence – or they’d have asserted their mandate long sine…

    ALBA Party ‘strategy’ is for a referendum – with the 2014 franchise of allowing anyone from anywhere, who happens to pass through Scotland – or who is bussed there for the day by the British state – to have a vote. Plus ALBA leadership must know that the British state and fair play are a contradiction in terms…. A referendum would be mass suicide for another generation of Scots and shouldn’t be on any right thinking person’s agenda. And love him or nae, Alex Salmond is yesterday’s man – tainted in the eyes of most Scots by his erstwhile -sleekit – former cronies. Aye his successors – the same comfy mob who have caused the Scottish folk such pain these 8 years. Salmond’s political judgement was wrong then too.

    Naw – Politicians won’t get us there. But we don’t need them.

    Turns out that our forebears inserted a ‘get out clause’ in the Treaty that created the UK (It’s called The Claim of Right 1689 (CoR)).

    Put plainly, The Scottish People are in charge. Monarchs and parliaments are accountable to us – and sackable by us if they do not act for our common wellbeing.

    The land and sea of Scotland – and its resources are owned by ‘The Crown’. Which in Scotland means ‘the community of the realm’. Yes, we, The Sovereign Scottish People, own everything – the oil, gas, the other minerals etc.

    This is the Law of Laws of Scotland. Our forebears ensured that it cannot be overturned.

    The Treaty of Union is an International Treaty. The route to re-establish Scotland’s Independence is through the UN.

    No country has gained its freedom via domestic law – designed to maintain the status quo.

    History shows that Independence comes only from having a Liberation Movement.

    Scotland now has a Peaceful -and determined- Liberation Movement and once we reach 100,000 signatures, Scotland’s case will be submitted to the UN.
    sign at Find out more at:

    Liked by 7 people

    1. “The settler’s work is to make even dreams of liberty impossible for the native” (Frantz Fanon)

      Aye, yer daen a gey braw job thair, nummer 19.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. We seek the support of the Scottish people to peacefully achieve the goal of self-determination. and the right to self-determination is a human right protected in both the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both of which expand Art.1 Par. 2 of the United Nations Charter into more detailed statements.

      The first articles of both of these Covenants are identical and state:

      Article 1
      1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

      2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.

      3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realisation of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

      Eleanor Roosevelt also stated at the UN on 27 March 1958

      “Where after do human rights begin? In small places, close to home– so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any map of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person: The neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm or office where he works. Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerted citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world.”

      That statement has inspired Human Rights Defenders throughout the world and I do believe that without that “concerted citizen action” intended by the Liberation Movement, I have concerns that “we shall look in vain for progress” towards the self-determination that is our right, even although that right is protected by those International Human Rights Treaties.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. While I cannot improve on what our friends have posted here, I requote this: Scotland’s people are legitimately able to get rid of Hollyrood; and we ARE Scottish soveiryn people; “for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule”. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
    Transmundane? 🙃
    She believed in otherworldly contacts and transmundane spirits
    Fantastic Mundaneness (FM), comes to mind ~~ let alone misfits
    Alba/Scotland is moving towards regaining its own Independence
    Unnatural Kingdom will vanish; being an inevitable consequence
    Ewenart 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Alba is the future and the SNP is the past, in a way Swinney openly admitting that the SNP has knocked Scottish Independence on the head, has opened many eyes, and hopefully these people will now vote for the Alba party the real party for Scottish independence.

    Sturgeon running up the white flag might actually save us years trying to convince the public that the SNP actually wants independence.


  13. I think this is the usual game that the Colonisers play with its indigenous population who want
    freedom. The security services infiltrate political parties and turn them. We have seen this with the Labour party at a UK level with the blatant assassination by the Media of Jeremy Corbyn. Sturgeon and Swinney need to go , if they dont we need to push them, the time has come to impeach them as has been already stated. The Democratic will of the people is now for independence and the quislings are coming into full view in fear crawling out of the woodwork exposing themselves. 8 wasted years of inaction and lost mandates has been for a reason, and that reason was for the preservation of the UK state by their agent’s within the main political apparatus for delvering our freedom,the SNP.. We now know why Salmond was stiched up ,why we never had a independence campaign for 8 years from Sturgeons NuSNP , Why Brexit has been meekly accepted along with our reluctant removal from the EU, we now know why Sturgeon went to the colonial masters court. Why she had no plan B. There has never been such a parcel of rogues in a Nation as Sturgeon , Sweeney and their secret Unionists cabal of rat bags traitors. Now is just the beginning of our push for independence in ernest, we have lost our naivety in putting our trust in one politician we will not make that mistake again. The SNP are now faced with the reality of cleansing the party or being destroyed by the Scottish electorate for the leaderships constant betrayal.

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