Being less well known to the Scottish public it was important Ash got off to a positive start. What I was looking for was a positive message, a clarity of message and some bravery and vision about the challenges in front of her in this contest.

On all of that Ash delivered. On Independence she would set up a new operation to drive that forward on her Day One in power. As it is the prime aim of the Scottish National Party since the Party was created the only surprise about that is that a section of the Party are opposed to such a plan and are wedded to snail pace gradualism, unsure of which direction the snail should travel.

Introduced at her launch by Joanna Cherry KC,MP a powerful and competent ally, unafraid to stand up to the intimidation she herself has faced, she expressed her desire to be regarded as the Change Candidate and if ever a Party needed significant urgent change it is the SNP, a Party that has seriously lost its way in recent years.

She also made a vital call insisting that having Peter Murrell, as the Party’s CEO in charge of the election for his own wife’s replacement, was a serious conflict of interest and totally unacceptable in the circumstances.

I most certainly echo that call, already a readers poll in the National newspaper has witnessed an onslaught by electronic interference in the voting system from supporters of Humza Yousaf. It is known that Mr Yousaf is the “continuity candidate” and it can be assumed that those who benefited most from Nicola’s patronage in the past and that the staff at Party HQ, appointed by and still reporting to Mr Murrell, have the most to fear from any “change” candidate.

Supervision of this election must be strict and fair. The SNP under Mr Murrell ran farcical elections to determine the list placings for the last Scottish elections where even the various candidates were not allowed to know the results. Only a winner in each region was announced, no breakdown was provided. It was just a case of xxxx has won. No other information at all. It was run by an outside company operating on instructions and direction from….Peter Murrell. Given that the said gentleman is himself facing serious investigation over financial matters including the missing 600k and a personal loan of £107,000 to the Party it would seem sensible to have others in charge of the voting process. It must not only be fair, it must be seen clearly to be so.

After all we know that many of the leading figures in the SNP and also senior staff at HQ were involved in the plot to convict Alex Salmond. Even ignoring the financial irregularities they may have a lot else to lose if a new command structure is put in place.

Likewise it is expected any result will be, at best limited to percentages. You would think any Party that was still claiming to be easily the biggest in the country would be happy to provide real actual numbers of the votes for each candidate if only to demonstrate their “huge” membership. Not so the SNP. WHY?

A final word. Don’t expect any candidate other than the hapless Humza Useless to get any useful media coverage from the British Biased Corporation. I feature below the coverage of Ash’s launch first published on Wings. She gets 90 seconds while the remaining time in the almost seven minutes coverage comes from a known Humza supporter from wait for it… Stirling University or Woke Central as it’s better known, who gets the opportunity to talk down Kate and Ash while talking up Humza. In the interests of balance I offer myself to comment on Humza’s next appearance. Just give me equal time with Humza I don’t need any more. Just ask yourself why would the BBC be punting Humza Useless for leader? The answer my friends is in his name!

An opening message from Ash Regan

To finish today’s highlight

Alex Neil revealing on Reporting Scotland that Humza sought permission from Alex Salmond to set up a meeting at the exact date and time as the Same Sex Marriage vote as he was under pressure from his mosque. So he was happy to see Kate Forbes being attacked for her religious views while he himself was using subterfuge to disguise his own cowardice. I merely ask is this the man who deserves the honour of being Scotland’s First Minister?

I am, as always



Regretfully there are some among us who seek to censor what others read. Sadly within the YES movement there are sites which claim to be pro Indy but exist to only promote one Party and will not publish articles which come from bloggers who don’t slavishly support that Party to the exclusion of the rest of the YES movement. I ask readers who support free speech to share articles from Yours for Scotland as often as possible as this defeats the effectiveness of the censors.


Free subscriptions are available on the Home and Blog pages of this site. This allows,for an email of each article to your Inbox and that is now how several thousands get my articles each day. This avoids problems that some have experienced gaining access from Twitter and Facebook. You will be very welcome to choose whatever route works best for you.


The work and important development of Salvo has been a beacon of hope in 2022 and as it develops Salvo is creating campaigning hubs throughout Scotland. Salvo will join  with Liberation.Scot and as the campaigning arm of Liberation we are looking at very effective campaigns kicking off very early this year and introducing some new campaigning methods as well as those that have worked well in the past. This requires money so all donations to this site, once the running costs are covered, will go to support the work of Salvo/ Liberation. I think you will see it well used and effective.


We are seeking to build Liberation.Scot to at least 100,000 signatures just as quickly as we can. This is part of our plan to win recognition as an official Liberation Movement via the United Nations. We intend to internationalise our battle to win Independence and through the setting up of our Scottish National Congress will prepare and develop our arguments to win progress in the International Courts. Please help by signing up at Liberation.Scot. It is from those who sign up to Liberation.Scot that the membership of the SNC will be created by ballot.


  1. 1. Unify broken YES movement across country
    2. Establish Independence Convention on day 1 after election as leader
    3. Team of the talented to replace the sycophants and place-persons
    4. SNP Independence manifesto at every Scottish and British general election going forward
    5. Declare Independence on day 1 after a majority of ALL pro-Indy votes is first achieved

    Can the ‘party of Independence’ really vote for Ash Regan?

    Liked by 18 people

  2. The wokerati will be in overdrive now. The party’s elected politicians will be accessing the Activate data to phone round members to “offer advice” on who to support. The advice might include ” I will not support/work with Ash/Kate if they are elected”.
    They are all running scared that the members, and Scotland, have at last woken up to their antics. In the words of the woke, they have all, virtually overnight, become right wing, mysoginistic bigots and can’t be trusted to vote properly.

    Liked by 16 people

  3. First and foremost, we need public hustings.
    One (of many) unique proposals Ash is standing on is to ditch the insane, premature run-down of our oil and gas sector. She correctly points out that we will still be using gas and that gas will be tankered in to terminals in compressed, liquid form. Quite apart from the fact that Scotland doesn’t have a LNG terminal, this is just virtue signalling at the expense of all scientific, practical, logical, environmental, strategic, security and commercial imperatives.
    The present policy is driven by the technical incompetents that infest the salaried ranks of the SNP and more particularly the Greens.
    The folk in the street are savvy enough to see through the juvenile posturing of our scientifically illiterate, professional political class.
    In any public debate Ash would make mincemeat of bumbling, short tempered Humzabot 2000 (pre-programmed by Chief Mammy of course).

    Liked by 16 people

    1. Aye the few clips I have saw of Ash gives me the impression that she acts like a leader already. If she does what she says if I were still able to vote I would vote for her. Tim Rideout and Ash’s currency plans have been mentioned in the SDM and they are negative about Tim which is always a bonus because they obviously don’t want independence.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. A good clear statement of intent. Independence and its necessary preparations as Scotland’s priority, and the case for it made to the only people who need to hear it and approve it; – us, the sovereign people of Scotland, because being sovereign we are Scotland. When we are ready, we shall inform Westminster that its services are no longer required.

    Liked by 17 people


    At last, a Scottish National Party MSP / MP who unequivocally commits to the SNP’s prime reason for existing and actively progressing the first “Aim” in its Constitution:

    2. The aims of the Party shall be:
    (a) Independence for Scotland; that is the restoration of Scottish national sovereignty by restoration of full powers to the Scottish Parliament, so that its authority is limited only by the sovereign power of the Scottish People to bind it with a written constitution and by such agreements as it may freely enter into with other nations or states or international organisations for the purpose of furthering international cooperation, world peace and the protection of the environment.

    I copy the above for the benefit of most other SNPs Parliamentary Representatives at both Holyrood and Westminster who appear to have forgotten why they are in those places.

    Ash Regan has at least given the SNP a hope of survival from the self-inflicted downward plunge it has set itself in recent years. However, even if she is elected as SNP Leader, will she be allowed to become First Minister of Scotland, once the decision for that position is removed from the SNP Members?

    In normal times, no matter who within the SNP won the contest for Leader, they would become First Minister. However, as we know to the cost of Scotland and its people, we are not living in “normal times” as far as the governance of the SNP is concerned. For the SNP MSPs to create a situation whereby the Leader of their party was not elected as First Minister would have been unthinkable a few short years ago, but now, after the lack of action and multiple missed opportunities, to promote and secure self-determination and independence nothing would surprise me!

    Liked by 15 people

    1. I am glad they have made the threat. Firstly if SNP have any decency they will resent being held to ransom by this bunch of over privileged gravy boat idiots. To carry out their threat this cowardly bunch would have to be identified, named and recorded doing so. How many would be deselected? I imagine all of them. The sad thing it will never happen these people are cowardly bullies operating in the shadows. I hope I find out who they are, my blog awaits a giant spread. Look around folks who will be the first to betray your little plot. Trouble sleeping? I hope so!

      Liked by 16 people

      1. It’s quite disgusting and disturbing to see some SNP members online saying we see you if you don’t support their party and favoured candidate and then tell you that you are an Alba member because you disagree with their propaganda. Some of these people made money from the Scottish public who favoured independence and it just makes you realise that they think it’s perfectly OK to try haud us hostage because they get to have a vote and those who left can’t.

        Liked by 5 people

  6. Crossing the exit poll age cohort demographics from the 2014 ref with mortality rates identified a majority for ind by 2027. Brexit clearly accelerated that. 2019 – 46%, 2021 – 49%. The next GE will likely bring a popular majority. Plans to take power, rather than asking meekly for it to be surrendered need to be talked up.

    Liked by 17 people

    1. Yes, the quoted letter in the article has one typo, “negotiations” should read “process”.. entering any pretence of negotiations without the *intent* to take independence unilaterally if necessary will just be a repeat of the supreme Court farce. However, strategy and preparation are needed, both absent in the last few years, it seems to me.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. According to the National

    “STV will broadcast the debate, which will be hosted by political editor Colin Mackay.

    It is scheduled to air at 9pm on Tuesday, March 7 and will see Ash Regan, Kate Forbes and Humza Yousaf face off as they make their cases to party members.”

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Perhaps the question asked of all 3 candidates and especially of the “Continuity Candidate” should be whether they still support Sturgeon’s statement that “A vote for the SNP is not a vote for independence”.

      Liked by 13 people

  8. If Yousaf wins this race then we stay in GroundHog Day he and his MSP supporters talk about ”a ”progressive society” as food prices soar and energy bills are over have soared above 400% our infrastructure is crmbling these idiots beleive that being progressive is turning Scotland into a 21st Century Babylon meanwhile Stonewall is lurking among the SNP and the Greens who are again holding the spineless SNP to ransom!

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Well she’d have my vote on that pitch – if I had one. Let’s hope enough indy supporters are left in the SNP and that it’s not just a hollowed out nest of grifters, careerists and entrists who remain!

      Liked by 7 people

  9. It has been several years since I have read anything of interest coming out of the SNP other than the odd flicker of hope from Angus Brendan and Joanna Cherry so this is music to my ears. I hope both ladies are made of stern stuff as all manner of crap and filth will be coming their way from the twitler yoof and a few old enough that they should know better. As for the Greens they drove out the only able MSP on the books so are just a bunch of gender benders hiding behind the odd release of a beaver as a photo op. Having Harvie and Slater even anywhere near the levers of power gives me the fear and a bad attack of the vapours. I sadly still think the SNP may be beyond redemption but more power to Ash for giving it a go and hope she gets a lot of support.

    Liked by 19 people

    1. Sadly, I’ve seen a fair amount of comments on Twitter condemning her as Alba’s favoured candidate. She has stated quite clearly that she is pro unity and has outlined a clear strategy for independence. The SNP supporters condemning her as an Alba plant obviously don’t see how truly stupid their comments are. Those who worked to divide the movement and oust those members whose priority was independence have been very efficient in their task. I truly hope their day of reckoning is fast approaching.

      Liked by 16 people

      1. Aye Jan so do I hope their days of reckoning comes swiftly. I honestly don’t support any party and have not done so for a long time. I just look at individuals and see what they have done in terms of for people as well as those who might have been targeted by these people. That’s why I was glad to see Salvo and Liberation emerging because I was sick of being attacked myself and accused of things for asking questions, some Alba members also did it to me as well to be honest.

        Liked by 4 people

  10. Ash Regan is the hope Scotland has been waiting for. I have been waiting for clarity and here we have it. I could listen to her all day repeating the same thing. For far to long we have been told Independence is coming, just vote for it and we have, only to be denied it by the party we elected.

    This woman is the mechanism that the movement has been needing for so long. I just hope that the SNP membership doesn’t make another mistake when they chose their new leader and if it happens to be Yousaf, god help Scotland and the SNP will get what it deserves from the scots.

    Liked by 15 people

  11. For 8yrs we have heard from Nicola and her right wing LGBT++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ party saying Westminster can’t deny democracy and one of his very first statement from Humza Yousaf stated “you can’t be independent with 50%+1 vote”. So if anyone in the SNP who’s a member can you please get Mr Humza Yousaf clarity what % would be democracy, because I’d love to know.

    Liked by 13 people

  12. I’m no longer a member of the SNP so obviously I don’t have a vote. Nevertheless Ash Regan has impressed me with her open and clear ideas. I truly hope that she wins, though with Peter Murrell in charge of the campaign I fear the worst.

    If she does win, then her first action will need to be to clear her office of all of Sturgeon’s people who will sabotage her efforts before she even gets settled in.

    Good luck Ash. I wish you the best of luck.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. When looking at facebook indy pages (I know) I despair at those members ruling out Ash, because of Alba, or coz she’s asking for plebicites just like Nicola, or she wants to keep oil industry or any other shit, these folks claim to be indy supporters and critical thinkers and here they are all spouting populist media led nonsense and choosing based on personality rather than actions.

      Her ideas are just the same as Nicolas, the differences being if a plebiscite election won, Nic was then using that to ASK for permission, Ash will use same result to start negotiations, no need to ask, just do, and she is willing to work with ANY ally.

      They claim the hurried vote for a new leader is to hurry up and get Indy done, yet when a candidate says they are for that they balk because…because…Alba as if they are somehow the enemy, what about the enemy within known as Peter Murrell.

      I despair for our chances leaving the voting up to these tabloid reading shallow thinking fuckwits.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. This is indeed impressive stuff. My concerns remain that while Westminster run our critical systems we are handing them leverage. While the SG has yet to reestablish competent government we will struggle on getting the support needed – I am extremely glad the de facto referendum is off the cards here. This seems to me Sturgeons last effort to kill our right to self determination stone dead.

        Liked by 2 people

  13. Tuesday evening, nine o’clock, March 7th STV, may well prove to be the defining moment of the contest. Colin Mackay, something of a captured entity of the old-regime will have his hands-full imo, trying to convince viewers of his personal neutrality in the matter. Particularly so, regarding Ash Regan.

    Liked by 8 people

  14. An opening message from Ash Regan
    Our campaign is built on hope, optimism, and a belief in the power of our people.

    1I hope this means that Ash is fully conversant with the Scottish constitution.

    My intention is to establish an Independence Convention on day 1 of my leadership.

    2 Please familiarise yourself with the Scottish constitution this will save you much time wasting and whatever you do do not involve civic Scotland therein lys the thickest poison.

    3 We will make the case for Independence by reconvening and emboldening the council of economic advisors, amongst other bodies bringing the best minds in Scotland and outwith, to help ready Scotland for Independence.

    4 I do hope you mean a convention of the estates, please consult Scotlands constitution.Try not to reinvent the wheel. Everything is laid out for you in those documents.

    The referendum mechanism has been exhausted, including the ‘so-called’ de facto referendum proposal.

    Under my leadership the SN policy will be to explicitly declare on line one of our party manifesto in any election going forward, that should we (in conjunction or not with other parties) achieve a majority of seats and votes cast, then collectively we will ‘begin independence negotiations’ on day 1 of the new Parliament.

    5 A majority of seats and votes. I seem to remember that was a wee ruse that nicy came out with an impossible target good luck wi that. Anyway who gets to vote.

    I will hand Independence back to the people, where it belongs.

    6 How kind of you. According to the Scottish constitution, hidden for centuries, never taught in law school. All power rests with the Scottish people over every institution and monarch, we have been ruled over in an illegal swamp for centuries will you be the person who finally upholds the law of Scotland.

    Sovereignty of the Scottish people is the law in Scotland it allows the people to hold those who wish to act on our behalf accountable. Parliamentary sovereignty is illegal in Scotland and is the English method and would leave us exactly where we are today powwerless

    I hope Ash wins I do not have a vote not a party member.

    liberation.scot. please sign
    salvo.scot. please visit

    Liked by 9 people

  15. It certainly seems like a defining time for the SNP.
    My take is that there are two neoliberal candidates and one progressive candidate in the mix. By neoliberal, I mean those who are comfortable with the corporatisation and monopolisation of what should be public resources. We’ve seen this religion being played out within the scottish govt, certainly over the past 5 years, with the continued acceptance and adoption of the ‘growth’ commission report and more recently with the scotwind debacle and the acceptance of freeports with open arms

    As finance minister, Kate forbes has very much sung from the neoliberal hymn sheet (no pun intended). Humza Yousaf is, as we all know, the continuity candidate.

    Ash Regan is the only candidate who appears to be proposing a more progressive approach. For all those who argue that the FM needs to get on with running the country and forget independence, they’re half right. Delegating the constitutional mishmash to a convention is a great idea. As for running the country, this can be done with a view to pushing Scotland towards greater sovereignty and away from the neoliberal model. That means making good on conference promises – national energy company, a national investment bank that benefits the common good and not the elite land owners and an urgent re-appraisal of tax policy with a view to accelerating the imposition of land tax on non-doms and a tax on rent-seeking which displaces locals due to property inflation.

    We need to bring energy more into the public domain, but we also urgently need to address food security. Its crazy, we have a surplus of energy such that suppliers have to be paid to switch off wind turbines due to the inability of the grid to handle nighttime surpluses. That surplus could be converted to calories by supplying heat and light to year round growing tunnels. We can start to move a long way towards that now.

    The most important pillars of monetary sovereignty are food and energy. If we can work towards that then it greatly improves the prospect of a stable currency should we become independent – I am of course assuming that any progressive would know that a sovereign currency is absolutely essential to the wellbeing of an independent nation.

    If she is the progressive candidate I think she is, she will be attacked relentlessly, not only by the british establishment, but by the careerists in her own party. They may succeed, as the blairite fundamentalists did with corbyn, but it will be the beginning of the end for the SNP.

    Liked by 13 people

    1. Too right Scott Egner.

      You couldn’t get a. Cigarette paper between the Westminster Tories and the SNP these last five years.

      They are in thrall to the corporates. And they took us out of the EU too against our democratic wishes.

      Liked by 4 people

  16. How will the three candidates be arranged for the telly debate two wummin and wan man, who will be placed in the middle. asking fur a bit o continuity.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Why is Murrell allowed to continue as An Executive Member of The SNP while being investigated for a substantial amount (£600k) of “ missing donations”. In ANY other business he would be immediately suspended until it has been investigated by the Police.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. That’s what can happen when you have a husband and wife team running a political party. Who is there to overrule them ? They closed down all democratic checks and balances within the party before they revealed what they really are. So we only found out too late. Ash Regan is, I think, the last hope of saving the SNP.

      I have been attacked on social media lately for stating that Nicola Sturgeon had become a dictator in effect, even though democratically elected. She still has a fan club who will brook no criticism of her.

      Liked by 7 people

  18. Leadership prepared to take risk, to face full on the suppressive system, carry the «crann tara» throughout the land.
    Time killing, belt and braces legalism, out, gut passion for the great project, in.
    May ardent Scottish Nationalism finally win though.

    Liked by 6 people

  19. Thinking ahead, is a legal challenge against the Murrell-controlled voting count on the cards? Particularly if Yousaf is declared the unlikely victor?

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Vellofello.

      This is where it all falls down on the vote counting, it should be a transparent process but I very much doubt that will be the case.

      Just an idea but what about UN or international observers brought in to monitor the vote counting, its a terrible state of affairs that I have to even mention such a thing, but alas that’s where we are now with the SNP.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. I agree, they are not only voting for a party leader but probably for the First Minster of a country – albeit, a devolved administration.

        There would be more scrutiny in place if they were electing a Community Councillor!

        Liked by 4 people

      1. Unless we all are disappeared and she gets one of her pals who are authors to write up books claiming differently. 🤣

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Look how quickly Alan Cummings was drafted in after Humza not voting for same sex marriage was put out. It’s like shit call in gay actor pal to support Humza to make it seem good. I mean fer goodness sake it couldn’t be mair obvious, except the comments about Alan weren’t pretty.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. I am very impressed with Ash and her vision. As I am no longer a member of this version of the SNP I have no vote so I can only wish her well. As I have said previously, this leadership election will confirm if the nuSNP are a party for Scotland and Scottish Independence or just another Unionist/Devolution party. The membership has nowhere to hide now.

    Many have been questioning since Sturgeons resignation as FM why her significant other is still in post especially with all the corruption allegations flying around. I think the answer to that question is quite simple…he remains in position to rig this leadership election. He and Sturgeon will be whipping, bullying and interfering in the process to promote their “continuity candidate” to ensure more of the same and NO HOPE OF INDEPENDENCE. The UK is secure in their hands.

    Again, good luck Ash. I like what you have to say and you look and sound like a leader that speaks for a country, something that has been sadly lacking in the last 9 years.

    Liked by 11 people

  21. Thanks Ian for all the heavy lifting you have been doing.

    Ash Regan, introduced by Joanna Cherry from Queen Margaret’s South Queensferry with a speech like that? Mentioning Common Weal too? I am in.

    How brilliant it would be to see Scotland brought to independence by a woman, SNP, First Minister who is slightly left of centre… As Donald Dewar might have said, I like that.

    Thanks for supporting Kate, Ash.

    And best of luck to you.

    Liked by 6 people

  22. Is it not interesting that McPravda today did not mention Ash Regan Leadership bid. Yes the concussion is obvious another propoganda channel for the Union devolutionist house jocks. Ash Regan has put the cat amongst the pigeons today, let’s hope she can breakthrough the obstacles that are being put in her way by the dark UK,Ok state . Let’s pray the membership of the SNP make the right choice and dont saddle us with another Westminster Stougge. We need Unity Ash to me is the only candidate that is showing a willingness to do this.
    Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 4 people

  23. Now Starmer is saying the UK will fall behind Eastern Europe. I’d like to hear a candidate highlight that all of this damage has been done against the strongly expressed democratic will of Scotland. This cannot be considered a union. Work with Salvo to highlight the violated union and ride the rising tide of discontent with this Tory mess. Cameron had obvious ways to avoid Brexit – 50%+1, majority of home nations must vote for change – but no, what England wanted Scotland got. It is not Scottish nationalism that has ended this union – it is English nationalism on the Treasury Bench and that is a truth that must be heard.

    Liked by 3 people

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