Continuing the Salvo Did you know series. This contribution from Leah Gunn Barrett, a member of the Steering Committee of the Scottish National Congress.

Did you know 1921 was the last year the British State published Scotland’s contribution to the UK Exchequer? That year, Scotland contributed £119.7m, of which £33.1m was spent on Scottish services and £86.6m was retained in London for ‘Imperial Services.’ Irish independence was most likely the reason publication ceased. London didn’t want to give the Scots ideas above their station.[1] 

Another brief glimpse of Scotland’s contribution to the UK Treasury was in 1952/3. That year, Scotland’s revenue of £409.6m exceeded by £100m the combined revenues of Norway (£183m) and Denmark (£130m).[2]

After North Sea oil was discovered in Scottish waters in the early 1970s, Scotland’s revenue exploded into the billions. The UK Government reacted by hiding the McCrone Report that showed just how wealthy Scotland would be if it retained its oil revenues.[3] Again, London couldn’t risk Scots finding out how wealthy they were. Then Thatcher destroyed Scotland’s industrial base, replacing it with nothing.

In 1999, on the eve of the opening of the Scottish Parliament, Tony Blair and Donald Dewar moved the maritime boundary from Berwick to Arbroath, reclassifying 6k square miles of Scottish sea as English, along with seven major oil fields. This immediately reduced Scottish revenue in the rigged GERS accounts. And Keir Starmer wants Scots to once again trust a Labour government! 

The UK’s ongoing theft of our natural resources should be reason enough to end this union farce. The SNP leadership candidates, if serious about independence, should be shouting this from the rooftops. 

Yours sincerely,

Leah Gunn Barrett

[1] https://randomscottishhistory.com/2022/03/29/contribution-of-scotland-to-the-exchequer-p-41/

[2] https://randomscottishhistory.com/2022/03/29/contribution-of-scotland-to-the-exchequer-p-41/

[3] https://www.thenational.scot/news/18438185.truth-behind-scotlands-oil-mccrone-report/


Why do Scots tolerate this?. Why are people so apathetic that they have no idea of the scale of the theft of our assets happening every single day, for generation after generation? For god’s sake….wake up…then do something to fight back. Like joining Salvo and signing up to Liberation.Scot. Please share the information contained here widely until everyone knows…whether they want to or not!

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


Regretfully there are some among us who seek to censor what others read. Sadly within the YES movement there are sites which claim to be pro Indy but exist to only promote one Party and will not publish articles which come from bloggers who don’t slavishly support that Party to the exclusion of the rest of the YES movement. I ask readers who support free speech to share articles from Yours for Scotland as often as possible as this defeats the effectiveness of the censors.


Free subscriptions are available on the Home and Blog pages of this site. This allows,for an email of each article to your Inbox and that is now how several thousands get my articles each day. This avoids problems that some have experienced gaining access from Twitter and Facebook. You will be very welcome to choose whatever route works best for you.


The work and important development of Salvo has been a beacon of hope in 2022 and as it develops Salvo is creating campaigning hubs throughout Scotland. Salvo will join  with Liberation.Scot and as the campaigning arm of Liberation we are looking at very effective campaigns kicking off very early this year and introducing some new campaigning methods as well as those that have worked well in the past. This requires money so all donations to this site, once the running costs are covered, will go to support the work of Salvo/ Liberation. I think you will see it well used and effective.


We are seeking to build Liberation.Scot to at least 100,000 signatures just as quickly as we can. This is part of our plan to win recognition as an official Liberation Movement via the United Nations. We intend to internationalise our battle to win Independence and through the setting up of our Scottish National Congress will prepare and develop our arguments to win progress in the International Courts. Please help by signing up at Liberation.Scot. It is from those who sign up to Liberation.Scot that the membership of the SNC will be created by ballot.

54 thoughts on “DID YOU KNOW?

  1. We do nothing about it because we are both ignorant of the facts and the MSM/BBC tell us otherwise. Instead of sending drag queens into our schools, they should be teaching our children their history of Scotland.
    Whatever happened to the Scottish GERS ( not the team from Glasgow) the SNP promised?
    Why has the BBC/MSM not been shouting about the spiralling costs of the useless aircraft carriers, the Elizabeth Line and stations, the London Sewage renewal and their delays? Leaving aside the HS2 fiasco.
    Until Scots start talking up Scotland, instead of talking us down, we will get nowhere. It doesn’t help when you have a Scottish Government handing the Tories/MSM open goals. It seems to have gone out of its way to prove it is incompetent at running our country!

    Liked by 13 people

    1. Absolutely agree. We need to challenge this misinformation at Westminster, Holyrood and in the press or on social media. The current leadership election is a chance to do this, though the framing of it by the MSM as Independence is finished is a big hurdle to overcome.

      Liked by 7 people

  2. Sadly I did know this but please keep telling people. The Records are still available in Edinburgh. A detailed record of Scotland’s wealth sent South for the maintenance of the Empire.
    It should also be noted that Scotland once made up 20% of Great Britain’s population. That has now declined to just over 8%.
    Please stress the military garrison map showing the decades of occupation of Scotland by an Army AFTER the Union.
    Tell the true story of the Darien Project that it was a few greedy Scots who were bankrupt and not Scotland. The Union Act details the payouts to those who betrayed Scotland for money and titles.
    Tell Scots about the Clearance. People burned alive in their cottage or shipped to Canada penniless….if the made it given the voyage mortality rate.
    The History is all recorded but is never taught in school.

    Keep telling them……perhaps one day they will listen!

    However given that the McCrone Report didn’t stir Scots from their slumber my confidence in success remains low.

    ….You can take a horse to water……..but you cannot make it drink!

    Liked by 10 people

    1. I think that it probably didn’t because nobody then took the reigns and started with clear steps to doing anything about it. As much as I really like truth I often feel that along with truth there should be a clear solution in order to give people a direction to take that doesn’t dwell in the negative in the situation. Obviously we would have expected our elected to have done this in unison as they were elected by the people to take care of the country and people’s best interests.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. However it’s now becoming more obvious that some of the folk we elected are not there for our interests at all, how do we know that? Well if your words are different from your actions for a start. Just saying that independence is the way forward has been used to keep those who really want this in their hearts engaged in voting for certain individuals and parties. We have already saw those who are now talking 2050 as well as because they fecked up their party needing to be restructured and such then build up to changing the minds of the public to yes. Now they have had mandates don’t forget so it’s another way of keeping us in the mindset of pretence of the same crap over and over again and this time it will be different.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Clootie
      Scotlands population before 1707 made up 40% of uk population, we are now down to 8% exterminated would be the proper way to explain the situation. Keep the hied and a hanky ready there are some utter horrors the pipe line.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Did you know – for the leadership hustings in Glasgow, the SNP booked a small 305 seat venue and all seats are already taken. Same for Central Scotland venue with 450 seats. In fact only South Scotland and Highlands & Islands have any places left. Don’t even bother for the Zoom meeting, registrations are also closed.

    They must be using the same process for the hustings venues as the bottle return scheme.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. In 2016 Scotland voted 62% to stay in the EU, the SNP promised two things,
    (1) Referendum on Independence
    (2) We wouldn’t be taken out of the EU against our will

    Yesterday another British PM has brokered a deal for Northern Ireland with the EU. The only reason the UKG and the EU has brokered this deal is because the DUP has refused point blank to accept the previous one done by Boris Johnston and refused to go into a coalition government at Stormont, so the DUP with only 10 MP’s have got the UK government to change a treaty. The SNP walked out of Westminster in support of Ian Blackford and the response we were told was the SNP had gained another 5,000 members. You and I have been lied to for the last 8yrs by our government and the SNP, who if they’d followed the DUP route and taken some sort of decisive action other than going to the British Supreme court, things could have been so different and we could be having a referendum in 19.10.23, if not before then and possibly we wouldn’t have been dragged out of the EU against our will. I believe that Sturgeon has spent the last 8yrs actively working against Scotland and the Indy cause, it’s extremely hard to look at the evidence and not come to the conclusion that (1) she’s a useless moron or (2) she’s a unionist sleeper within the SNP.

    I’ll be honest when it comes to written and grammar I’m extremely poorly educated, but when I read people saying, that they want Sturgeon to come back, to be honest I have no words. This woman set on the Supreme court and then a defacto referendum. What are we told, that she micro manages everything, so why when she announced the defacto referendum were MP’s and MSP’s allowed to criticise this, it is so out of character with how she has managed the SNP, cos any dissenters have been quickly removed on any other issues, but not this!

    I feel Scotland and Scots like myself who aren’t British are now left at the mercy of the SNP membership and their option of electing the next FM, which will shape my country’s and my own future and yours. We need radical action and a FM that will preside over this, not the actions of Sturgeon’s cabal who want to “make Westminster work”, have you ever heard anything so ridiculous from an SNP member let alone leader.

    If Yousaf is elected, there is no option other than to sit and wait for the SNP to ruin its self and it could have all been avoided if the SNP membership took the right decision, but they won’t.

    The only person in the SNP prepared to fight Scotland’s corner is Ash Regan. I would say the SNP needs this woman not just Scotland, but I’m afraid the people leading us are more interested in their Pay packet than what’s right for Scotland. I tell you something else, I bet Nicola Sturgeon is given a ministerial Job in Forbes or Yousaf government, but not if Ash Regan’s if she was elected.

    When I hear people say Nicola Sturgeon has done so much for Scotland I think, what Disney film have you been watching.

    I feel glad for the people of Northern Ireland and sad for Scots while we sit and wait for the WOKE in the SNP to elect a moron as FM.

    For me Ash Regan has already proven that’s she not in politics for Ash Regan or else she wouldn’t have stepped down as a minster and defied Nicola Sturgeon over this GRR, you only had to look at the clip of Nicola putting her little finger up at Humza Yousaf and his head looking downwards to realize he was being controlled by this woman who didn’t even need to open her mouth in order for him to be submissive, for anyone watching this clip do you honestly believe he’s going to delivery on the economy, education, health or good governance of our country never mind bring us Independence.

    I’ve enclosed a video clip Steven Flynne SNP MP talking about the NI deal it’s the PM response that annoys me because the PM can’t be any plainer that Scotland isn’t leaving the Union, how is Scotland ever going to be Independent by our MP’s sitting in Westminster.

    I only speak for me but wasn’t the way Sturgeon treated Humza the same way England is treating Scotland and the only option from the SNP is to make Westminster work for Scotland.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. “I believe that Sturgeon has spent the last 8yrs actively working against Scotland and the Indy cause, it’s extremely hard to look at the evidence and not come to the conclusion that (1) she’s a useless moron or (2) she’s a unionist sleeper within the SNP.”

      Don’t forget the rumoured upcoming reward for keeping the Scots in their box, a plum UN/other posting with gratitude from the British-American neo-imperialists.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I hope the UN isn’t daft enough to set her on, if they do they’ll only regret it. Its not in her nature to work for others, she only does whats right for Sturgeon.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. We have the “message”. Conveying the message is crux.
    How did we get from circa 30% Yes at the point where the Edinburgh Agreement was signed to 45% when the votes were counted? How did we subsequently get to roughly 50%?
    In truth the official Yes campaign was a lacklustre affair. Only when the myriad of grassroots, self-starting Yes groups got involved did the dial start to move. Crucially, there was a rising of the schemes.
    At the time, Alex Salmond had the political nous to surf the wave. Today, NuSNP reflexively recoil from anything they can’t control to the nano level.
    Payroll NuSNP is an essentially bourgeois racket. Telly Savalas sang “a picture paints a thousand words” (singing may be a bit of a stretch). We’ve all seen the infamous “all aboard the gravy bus” Tweet. That wee smug, middle class face. These folk have no interest in change. In fact, change represents a threat to their comfortable, undemanding, State funded sinecure.
    I differ from Prof. Baird slightly in this. I see a universality at play here. For NuSNP read NuLabour. The change threatened by Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum encountered the same forces the Yes movement faces today.
    We have established that NuSNP have no motive for change, rather, they actively oppose it.
    What of means? Their primary weapon is Poststructuralist dogma. They have deployed Identity politics to distract and divide. Legions of young, middle class humanities graduates inculcated in Poststructuralist doctrine found a welcome berth in NuSNP. Previously these parasitical carpetbaggers, unencumbered by political convictions would have gravitated to Scottish Labour.
    The solution is to concentrate on the schemes. Where the bourgeoisie seek to thwart change, the proletariat demand it. In addition, we must avoid established political parties. State salaries, expenses, office staff and Short money are the bait that primes the trap.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Great sympathy with that argument having spent the 2014 Referendum in the schemes with the Margo Mobile. They moved heavily yes, many having never voted before. We need them back.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Don’t forget that the higher earners here are usually mobile – they choose to stay in Scotland and pay the higher tax rate. I like the Jock Tamsons Bairns approach – what you have in the bank is your own affair so long as you got it legally and paid your dues. Beyond that, we all stand equal. A man’s a man for a’ that. Consign class warfare to the bin, along with Labour who used us as their lower orders poster nation for long years.

        In an independent Scotland the highest rank anyone should hold or want is that of free citizen.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. Great Article

    for this:
    In 1999, on the eve of the opening of the Scottish Parliament, Tony Blair and Donald Dewar moved the maritime boundary from Berwick to Arbroath, reclassifying 6k square miles of Scottish sea as English, along with seven major oil fields. This immediately reduced Scottish revenue in the rigged GERS accounts. And Keir Starmer wants Scots to once again trust a Labour government!

    Pictures are worth a thousand words: could we perhaps put the map showing the boundary change in some of our own YES/ALBA leaflets? Also the disparaging of the reasons for the change that the original guy involved made: sorry I don’t have the link but he said something like the change was incredible and he had thought the existing boundary was already favouring England.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Craig Murray’s ‘Stolen Seas’ video plus other relevant material is available embedded in an article on his website here:


      Craig also includes a link to the confirmatory legislative document. Ironic (cf yesterday’s NI protocol agreement) to note the name ‘Windsor’ appearing:

      “The Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order 1999
      Made – – – – 13th April 1999 Coming into force [1st July 1999] in accordance with article 1
      At the Court at Windsor Castle, the 13th day of April 1999 Present,
      The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council…”

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Thank you for revealing that story. Even more dispicable then i had thought given the timing and the acceptance of this theft by a Scot, Danald Dewar,.
        Never trust the Labout party to do anything for Scotland.

        Liked by 3 people

  7. And meanwhile over in Northern Ireland the minority unionists have prevailed.

    After frustrating democracy by refusing to form a Northern Ireland Assembly they have and despite the people of Northern Ireland voting to remain in the EU, we now have Sunak crowing today about the Windsor Framework Agreement. Even the title tells you what the sentiment of this agreement is. Not far off maybe calling it the Britannia Agreement or maybe the No Surrender Agreement, the prime Minister then goes on to declare how the agreement will protect the Union, maintain sovereignty.

    The words, the belligerent words, tell you all about how the UK resists ceding a colony and they would have ripped up the Good Friday Agreement were it not for the fact that it was an international agreement. Moreover in ripping up the GFA the UK would have the troops back into NI in a heartbeat. In fact legislation was passed to beef up British military activity in Ireland to patrol the border with the ROI.

    The unionists and the Tory right are of the same ilk. And its therefore not difficult to see why Scotland’s independence movement has been under so much attack. Hopefully we will not have to suffer the same holocaust that Ireland sustained over the centuries striving for its independence. But with the continued deliberate mass influx of southern Britain unionists into Scotland we need to be aware of the potential for problems.

    International intervention is what we need.

    Anyway, for today, Westminster can revel in its Windsor Agreement and how they are protecting the Union, and Sovereignty.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Good article.

    Here’s a list of more years.


    Westminster has been robbing Scotland from day one, from the Malt tax to the current stealing of resources, we even took on England’s £18 million debt when we were forced into this union.

    I think its 6000 sq miles of stolen seas, with oil wells in situ, now when you look out at Carnoustie Golf Course which is well inside Scotland, and you look out to the North sea waters, you are looking at English waters.

    I really don’t know why Scots put up with it, do you honestly think the English would’ve, if the shoe was on the other foot? No way.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. My reading is progressing well. Gavin McCrone wrote his report in 1974, initially it was ‘secret, then the following year, it was sent to SCOTTISH ECONOMIC PLANNING DEPARTMENT (SEPD).
      His report was framed on his speculation of what an Independent Scottish Government (ISG) could do with the Revenues from North Sea Oil (RNSO). His conclusions follow.

      “What is quite clear is that the balance of payments gain from North Sea oil would easily swamp the existing deficit whatever its size and transform Scotland into a country with a substantial and chronic surplus.”

      “Already it is beginning to look as if these estimates may be too conservative”

      “The country would tend to be in chronic surplus to a quite embarrassing degree and its currency would become the hardest in Europe, with the exception perhaps of the Norwegian kroner. Just as deposed monarchs and African leaders have in the past used the Swiss franc as a haven of security, so now would the Scottish pound be seen as a good hedge against inflation and devaluation and the Scottish banks could expect to find themselves inundated with a speculative inflow of foreign funds.”

      Those are the meat in the first part of his report. In the second part, he looks at the range of policies that an ISG might be able to follow. I plough on…

      Liked by 2 people

  9. “Why do Scots tolerate this?. Why are people so apathetic that they have no idea of the scale of the theft of our assets happening every single day, for generation after generation?”

    Because generations of entitled middle-class troughers have bequeathed our ignorance to us through their positions of power and authority within all aspects of Scottish public life.

    But what’s this!? Did I really hear that Ash Regan woman publically suggesting that having a husband and wife with total power at the top of a ruling political party might be less than acceptable elsewhere? Good grief! Th-that kind of language just isn’t acceptable in our politics, and it never has been! That lady ought to be put-in-her-place and stopped right-now! Sh-she’s nothing but a bad influence!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. “Because generations of entitled middle-class troughers have bequeathed our ignorance to us through their positions of power and authority within all aspects of Scottish public life.”

      The dye was cast with the written protection of the privileges and status within the Treaty of Union itself of three specific elite groups controlling the values, behaviours and structure of Scottish society: the legal establishment, the Church of Scotland, and the most status-conferring of all institutions – the ancient universities. These remain the most significant and also the most socially conservative elite groups in our society and, yes, each more than content for the union status quo to prevail. For which, of any of them – judiciary, church, or university – have we ever heard offer an opinion in support of our peoples’ liberation from oppression?

      Liked by 5 people

      1. “For which, of any of them – judiciary, church, or university – have we ever heard offer an opinion in support of our peoples’ liberation from oppression?”
        The following is from a 2003 book of essays edited by two Church of Scotland ministers. I post it to highlight at least one ecclesiastical “liberation from oppression” opinion being offered, albeit personal rather than institutional. But there are in fact many such —

        “There is an emerging consensus that the Holyrood parliament should audit their policies as to their likely effect on the lives of the poor and on the environment. One of the best ways in which the churches can complement that process is through listening to the impact of these audited policies on the lives of the communities and places in which they live and serve. To be an auditor is to be a hearer. The churches and their clergy are one of the last national bodies to retain a residential presence in every community in Scotland, including the more deprived urban and rural areas. Out of that ubiquitous presence, the churches are almost uniquely placed to give voice to what they hear from their neighbours, the length and breadth of Scotland, and from around the world. The God of the Bible is the God who hears the cries of the slaves in Egypt and the groans of a creation in bondage to decay and the yearnings of the human heart, too deep for words. The Spirit helps us to give audible voice to these laboured sounds. As communities of faith open to the Spirit, the churches must also learn to listen to these sounds of oppression, despoliation and despair, under the impact of Holyrood’s policies and laws or from any other source, local or global — and then to help articulate them to those in power, in partnership with their neighbours. One of the surest signs of health and wholeness, one of the surest signs of the life-giving Spirit, is when we hear the cries of our neighbour. To paraphrase the parable, ‘for I was silenced and you heard me’ is surely the Lord’s Word to post-modern democracies.”

        (Extract from Wm Storrar’s opening essay in the multi-contributor compilation ‘GOD IN SOCIETY: Doing social theology in Scotland today’, Edited by William Storrar and Peter Donald, Saint Andrew Press, Edinburgh, 2003, pp 30,31)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So many kinds of oppression. This 9 min video (2015) is the story of Mez McConnell who after a dire start to life founded ‘20 Schemes’, a local-level church-planting ministry focussing on deprived housing schemes in Scotland —

        Liked by 1 person

      3. In this 20 Schemes Barlanark video from last year, Terry McCutcheon tells his own Glaswegian tale of surviving drugs and eventually becoming a Christian worker helping addicts. A couple of hours long, so maybe just a case of dipping into it…

        Liked by 1 person

      4. ““liberation from oppression”

        Fearghas, I appreciate there are ongoing efforts by many church groups to help mitigate what I consider the effects of colonialism – e.g. poverty, deprivation, inequality, associated health issues, discrimination, and long-standing exploitation of a people who remain unable to access their own resources and lacking opportunities in their own land. Much as there are also numerous other charitable organisations doing likewise, which is nothing new in Scotland.

        However, lets not confuse laudable efforts of people and groups to deal with the symptoms of our condition, with that which is the root cause. My point was about the CoS as ‘the national church in Scotland’, its protections under the Treaty, and its ‘response’ (if any?) to what is arguably the most important question facing our people – their liberation and very existence as a nation of people.

        I am a member of that institution. The issue I raise is, when has the CoS ever protested Scotland’s colonial condition? Does its ‘leadership’, and particularly its 650 ministers, the General Assembly, presbyteries and its thousands of ‘elders’ out of a declining membership of 300,000, even understand what independence means and why it is necessary? Is its hierarchy still holding predominantly to unionist ‘values’, which seems to be the case. Was the late Tom Nairn right?

        Liked by 3 people

    2. The answer to many – if not most questions about the so-called ‘UK’ – is centuries of brainwashing! However, today, we can communicate with reasonable ease; which our forbears never could do… In conclusion, we people can NOW decide for ourselves.

      Liked by 5 people

    3. erichvonbarrhead.

      Last night’s interview.

      Ash Regan give an interview last night on STV, she ran rings around the mediocre news reporter John Mackay, the highlight was when she said that on Murrell counting the votes of the leadership contest, that it would be like Boris Johnson’s partner Carrie, counting the votes for Johnson’s replacement, Mackay was gobsmacked and quickly moved on to another probing question.

      Here it is.

      Liked by 4 people

  10. Anyone saw those two Australian women who do the honest adverts for the government? Hey vote for me because I will do feck all about this and continue to ask you to vote for me whilst still doing feck all about this except line ma ain pockets sort of a style?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is what we are missing when the campaigns begin to counter the bullshit, we should have built up a couple of personalities online with humour, honesty etc and fired out the videos. 🤣

      Liked by 3 people

      1. agree with one caveat – if we build them as a personality that is what they are – they can’t hold power. Never again!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I am not talking about people running for government just folk who want the politicians to do as they say and highlight their bull.

        Liked by 2 people

  11. @iainlawson27

    Indeed, Iain, one of the numerous things that have long escaped open discussion in our heavily prescribed, national political discourse. Ash Regan, to her great credit, seems to be unapologetically prepared to call a-spade-spade and hang the preconceptions of the establishment-media. How refreshing is that, from a Scottish politician?

    Liked by 6 people

  12. So if I read this correctly the SNP leadership hustings are to take place behind closed doors without the media in a “safe space”. Starting to look like the bunker in Berlin in 1945. Any doubt that the SNP are out of touch and a lost cause seems to have left the building. Secret hustings , iffy counting of the votes the soon to be former first minister rooting for one candidates is not a good look and would make North Korea blush. To take what was once one of the most democratic parties in the UK to this will be the legacy of Nicola and I for one feel sad and betrayed. Still onwards and upwards over to you Salvo/Alba/ISP as the SNP are toast.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. David I’m sure like you and I, many folk want to see these hustings, BBC Reporting Scotland teatime progamme has said that the BBC and ITV will challenged the secrecy of the hustings, and the right to air them.

      No doubt some in the SNP hierarchy don’t want Ash Regan to tell it like it is, live on tv in front of a huge audience.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. Anything in the line that Murrell is being removed from having any role in the leadership vote?


  14. Yeah it seems to me that our colonial masters are changing us far to much rent for what we already own.
    I always knew the colonial game was crooked but it is quite staggering the level of theft to our economy.
    The gaslighting ,doublespeak, projection of lies from the British establishmentt that we have been subjected to over the years its a disgrace especially from labour politicians like the Broon, McConnell and Swawar. To Poor , to Wee to Stupid. They might have a point with the last one. The only time we get more than our fair share is when our imperial masters start a war to enrich themselves as someone else’s expense. The evil empire strikes back the Torys wet dream.
    Let hope we get the Unity candidate Ash Regan who seems the only one with the bootle to get us out of this coercive parictical zombie unwanted Union.
    Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. The question of are there any good people still in the SNP has been answered and it seems there are. Steve Norris with his post on the Craig Murray blog about the cheating going on to get Humza elected comes as no great surprise but well done to him for speaking out. It was the same in Argyll and Bute when all stops were pulled out to get Rhiannon Spear the nomination as candidate when I was still a member. So the SNP are to have hustings behind closed doors with no media access and what could be a selected audience. Seems fare to me. I wonder what would happen were Humza to stand down ?

    Liked by 1 person

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