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This article was sent to me by a Scottish friend who lives in the USA. Britain was ruthless against those who sought Independence. I am sure they would still be in the 21st century.

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honour..

What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The owner quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.

Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: ‘For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.’”

Michael W Smith


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  1. Why, they sound just like our group of MSP/MPs. However, I’m not sure that they bothered to have a referendum. Why would we?

    Liked by 7 people

  2. Thank you Iain and thank you Michael.

    For those who wish to know more about the British State’s modus operandi, and there is a lot to know, an interesting read is:
    Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire, by Caroline Elkins.

    On the Fourth of July, the USA celebrated its removal from an exploitative relationship with England, on the Fifth of July, Scotland was conned into celebrating its exploitative relationship with England.

    You pays your money you hands over your chances.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. It does astonish me that the SNP continue to ask for what is ours to take. History tells us that power is taken, not given.

      So long as we are represented by talentless troughers whose eyes are firmly on the prize of their pension pot we are going nowhere. Thank heavens for Salvo and Sovereign Scot.

      Liked by 9 people

  3. James Woods posted the story on his Twitter account, not that I follow him but it showed up on my feed. I was reading an article about their declaration and apparently it was a Scotsman who had knowledge of the Declaration of Arbroath that Jefferson was inspired by and got help fae when drifting it.
    Gregg Braden was talking about it a wee while ago in regards to the future of the USA. He said that it came from England however the Scotsman had moved to England fae Scotland.

    Liked by 7 people

      1. William Small should be far far better known by us Scots (born near Arbroath) – not just for his tutoring of Thomas Jefferson the principal author of the Declaration of Independence – but on his return to Birmingham, his relationship with James Watt of steam engine fame via the Lunar Society (the Lunatics).

        What he achieved and who he met and influenced is fascinating in a short life of 41 years.

        Quick PS on Jefferson – Thomas Jefferson, it is said, shared ancestry with Robert Bruce – both were descended from Malcolm III of Scotland.

        Liked by 8 people

    1. “The nature of the group was to change significantly with the move to Birmingham in 1765 of the Scottish physician William Small, who had been Professor of Natural Philosophy at The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. There he had taught and been a major influence over Thomas Jefferson, and had formed the focus of a local group of intellectuals. His arrival with a letter of introduction to Matthew Boulton from Benjamin Franklin was to have a galvanising effect on the existing circle, which began to explicitly identify itself as a group and actively started to attract new members”

      From this link – if interested:

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Aye and Lincoln felt connected to Robert Burn’s poetry and therefore there’s a statue of Lincoln in Edinburgh. His wife came after he was killed as they had long wanted to come together. Then there’s the Wallace Oak box that apparently went to the White House. Made fae the tree that Your William Wallace society today helped get a memorial. Perhaps a lot of Americans don’t know enough about things because like a tree is pulled fae it’s roots many of them were too and implanted elsewhere. Being connected to Scotland isn’t quite what Donald has done by building courses and saying about his mum, it’s learning and listening and trying to understand the people and culture rather than look at everything as a business.

        Liked by 5 people

  4. The British establishment is every bit as ruthless as it was then. I suspect that those in the SNP WM contingent have seen it close up and the majority have choked. Much easier to be part of it than oppose it. There is just far too much at stake for England to let Scotland go quietly.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. The show Celtic Tiger and specifically the famine scene captures a wee part of the cruelty. It depicts the souls of those starved and burnt out of their homes departing. Can you even imagine being the type of human being who has no issues with doing this kind of thing? Then daily you participate in ongoing theft and entrapment of other human beings because you reap benefits. That’s the reality of rewards from the British Empire and titles etc.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Every empire has done the same things, Fae See. All empires have been brutal colonizers and thieves. Only by getting out from under, is there any hope. The British Empire is dead, but the corpse is still twitching, and we are lying prone beneath it, the last ‘colony’, unable to throw off its weight. We cannot really be described as a true colony because we don’t actually fit the criteria, but we are treated as one by the British State, so it all boils down to the same thing in the end.

        Liked by 9 people

      2. The Highland Family sculpture group at Helmsdale speaks volumes. A similar message.The backward glance to what has been lost. A forward look towards an uncertain future. Above all on his high pillar stands Sutherland, the master of an empty landscape.

        Liked by 5 people

  5. ‘They had security but they valued liberty more.’ Tht is the hall mark of a true patriot. The rank is but the guinea stamp right enough. I watched a dramatised series on PSB a while back entitled Washington’s Spies, which recorded the history of ‘The Culper Ring.’ They paid a heavy price for thier principles. Worth a watch if you can get it. Not the Holwood version by any means. Another very moving letter. It gives pause for thought. What would the founding fathers make of the state of the union now?

    Liked by 7 people

    1. It also raises the question of why the far left elements of YES do all they can to alienate those with security – and talent and ability to take ownership of the issues they face/have faced.

      Black says Westminster is toxic – it is a health spa compared to what she and her fellow Sturgeonistas/Rainbow Greens have done to YES.

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  6. Well, the people who had to endure such things carried out by the British government of the day, the result of their conduct brought despair, but the GB still lost America. We have our own issue to remember ie the clearances where OUR people were cleared from their own land/ houses, no compensation there. It was cruel by any standard, they care nothing for the the Scottish people either, similar to what happened as the author above explained.

    Scotland needs to remember all of this. In hope, I imagine a Scottish nation again, in these times they would not get away with such actions. Our country is as far as I know, is the one of the very few countries, ( if not the only one ) whose population has declined over time, all because of Westminster anti Scot programs over the last few centuries.

    They are still doing these things but in a more sneaky way than in previous times. They have “always” wanted everything that Scotland has, in some cases had. Over time Scotland will cease to exist at all, if we do not actually do something about it. So folks, we have some avenues to go to.
    It needs to be done, and soon, to remove the albatross from our necks for good.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. Les, the vast numbers of English people buying up comparatively inexpensive property in the Highlands is the modern take-over method. We MUST gain INDEPENDENCE before it’s too late!.

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      1. You are of course right, I have been almost everywhere , all over Scotland including islands, There is many English throughout all areas. Buying up houses everywhere, as they are mostly cheap by English standards. The best areas have an even higher amount these people, local businesses get bought, many for use during the tourist season.
        Many use their houses as holiday homes, so only party used and can remain empty for long periods.
        One would think that our SNP government could have put a stop to all this. Sadly they do not come across as willing to do so.

        But this is also what colonisers do, they spread some of their own population in order to assist their colonising progress. Making it easy for their people to establish themselves in the target colony.
        By doing so, over time the consolidate their colony. the excellent Prof Alf Baird explains explicitly how all this works.
        Look for Mr Baird on you tube and other places. When properly explained, you will grit your teeth.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Albatross you must be joking Les. what we have on out neck is an English JACKBOOT!
    Look how yesterdays lie was portrayed on BBC and in the NATIONAL as a mini Coronation.
    This man is NOT King of the UK or of SCOTLAND. He cannot wrar the Crown of Scotland as he did not take our OATH. All of our fignataries at the event meekly acknowledging the Con being played out onnour Nation.
    Not an honest man amongst them and the Church of Scotland also playing along with the biggest fraud in History.
    Every one either a gutless wonder or an English collaborating Ignoramous.

    Liked by 10 people

  8. I think we should stop using the phrases the colonial masters have projected on to us through their gaslighting mindbending propaganda to water down our resistance of thought. The Clearances and forced migration was Ethic cleansing, The wars on independence, where wars of Liberation, The executions of 36k of Scots at Berwick by Edward the Murderer and later the mass executions perpetrated by Cromwell , and again by Cumberland at Culloden and numerous other occasions in between is Genocide. Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. Alistair, All these things did happen, all of them show just how England wants and always have, had a need to dominate and destroy all things that made us Scots. Genocide is not too strong a word to be used. Yes, dissolve the fake ” Union”, but we need the way to do it, without bringing more suffering to our population. Salvo. scot and, seems to be a good way to do it. The sooner the signed up members increase to the right level to take our case to the UN and the ECJ the better.
      I would suggest all who visit the this blog should also sign up to these entities.

      It would also be good if all Indy supporters could visit the site and you will find out all about our claim of right, it is important, and non political. The ” False Union ” needs to be exposed for what it is, a colonial creep by England over centuries, and that our “still legal rights ” can be put back in place by international courts. Like the ECJ, and also the UN.

      Liked by 11 people

      1. When someone marches into a country and under orders from their Government or commanders murder or execute the indigenous population or due to ethnic, racial or religious beliefs this is Genocide. Also recall how female civilians on mass after the Battle of Dunbar had their noises cut of by Cromwells army in a deliberate attempt to mutilating them making them unattractive to prevent them breeding. If this is not Genocide what is. The trouble is we dont get told about our history, we are brainwashed by our colonial masters from birth to death. Use a enemy to fight an enemy is another perfect example of colonial genocide. The first world war, rest of UK deaths in action 11% Scottish casualties as a percentage 25 %.Dissolve the Union and end colonialism.

        Liked by 9 people

      2. Alastair
        Again, you are correct in what you say, in Berwick the savage English army only stopped when their King saw them killing a heavily pregnant woman. But before that they committed many other inhuman atttacks on their King’s orders to do so. Yes, they have much to answer for, it may have been a long time ago, but these events and many others are engrained in print and Scottish minds .
        Yes the quicker better we get rid this Faux ” Union” the better off our nation will be.

        Liked by 8 people

      3. History is history but I hope when those in England see how a proper country and Government operates in an Independent Scotland. They to with then throw out the elites that deliberately impoverish them. You could say that Westminster has declared war on is own people on behalf of the elites the Poor, the Old, Sick and Disabled are victimised and scapegoated by a greedy establishment. While they pay no tax and laugh all the way to their tax havens in the sun.

        Liked by 7 people

      4. Agreed Alastair, been my own thinking too, for a very long time. Also, a revolution in England may one day happen due to the to the neferious actions of the elites, the French had the answer, back in the day.

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    2. Good words, Alastair.

      While we are (rightly) urged to consider our Nation’s part in the slave trade, we should also be reminded of the enslavement of Scots by Cromwell and others. I doubt that if left to our own devices, enslavement would be part of the Scots’ psyche.

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      1. The part we played in slavery is an attempt at Guilt tripping us into making you think you where a keen perpetrator of colonial atrocities. We as a nation where a junior party to slaverly like everything, through the coercive Union the Scottish establishment however have blood on their hands, they benefitted immensely through this inhumanity. Its is clear some Scots took pleasure in colonial suppression be we are a suppressed people ourselves. The Nazi’s used Jewish guards in the concentration camps this does not make the Jewish people guilty of the holocaust.
        She through the smoke to get at the truth the ,manipulation, propaganda and lies.
        Dissolve the Union.

        Liked by 8 people

      2. Check out the Red Leg slaves of the Caribbean – Jacobite s sent out as slaves in an attempt to make a profit, rather than just hanging them. They got terrible sun burn and the plantations refused to take any more so the English went back to hanging them.

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      3. Alastair – the French say a bad Frenchman does not make France bad. Those in our past who behaved disgracefully did so in their own name, not in ours. Scotland had no voice worth a damn in this union and she never will have.

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      4. Please put an end to blaming [ the people ]we the ordinary people never benefited in any way whatsoever from the African slave trade. Barberry coast slavers prowled the coast s of Scotland England and Ireland taking hundreds of people into slavery.
        The North African slave trade was the biggest the world has ever known enslaving numbers of people well in excess of the African American slave trade. The people being enslaved were white this does not justify what happened to Africans, but please some perspective. Oh and don’t tell useless.

        Liked by 6 people

  9. I noticed two interesting curiosities in yesterday’s footage of the Republican protesters:

    1) amongst the “Not my King“ placards in yellow, were a few reading, “Charles King of Scots“.

    2) one Republican protester, held TWO placards, one read “Not my King“ and the other bore an image of the Butcher’s Apron.

    Just what was that all about?

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Yesterday the steel barriers put in place all the way along the Royal Mile brought into sharp focus the reality of the Royal charade.

    No hordes of adoring subjects thronging the streets.

    Instead a royal shit show being played out behind a steel six foot high barrier with a heavily tooled up police force at hand lifting people off the streets.

    And today a Main Stream Media with carefully cropped photographs and carefully crafted spin trying to deny the reality of an unwanted shit show.

    It for me was like a scene out of one of these old eastern block dictatorships.

    Liked by 9 people

  11. Aye Mike and that’s what gets me when we have American Presidents speaking about how their freedoms are so important but when it comes tae Scotland, you know that they are like naw Scotland should be better in the UK. The reason that I brought him up was as the nature of the post and I posted the William Small article under James Woods’s post. 😄 Just as a wee reminder that before their Declaration there was ours and how theirs came to be.
    We have to take into consideration though that the USA has went wrong and lost it’s way. Gregg is quite good for the American citizens in trying to remind them about the things taken for granted that they are losing or have lost.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. What gives other people that view that the creator just selected them out for special status and they get to veto everyone else who has the same rights? Narcissistic view helped along of course by those who have self interest. I believe differently and think if you really believe in those principles then they apply to us all otherwise you’re not part of the solution.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. It comes from the Norman influence. Although we had our share of Normans (Bruce was partly Norman, partly Celtic) ours were more benign, intermarriage being the preferred way to assimilate the natives. Perhaps they had learned the lesson? The English (Angles and Saxons and remnants of the old Celtic tribes) suffered a genocide under the Normans. No other word for it, so many were butchered. The Normans were the ancestors of the Vikings who also butchered the English (and our early ancestors in much of what is now Orkney and Shetland; we know, from the excavated settlements in both, that the peoples who had inhabited the islands were the same people as those who inhabited the mainland) and who had settled the French land of Normandy, and were always warlike. Today, of course, the Normans are a lovely people, and Normandy an enchanting experience.

        Liked by 5 people

      2. You have to wonder, well I have about how Bruce has a bench in the Church of Scotland in Israel and apparently the Black Douglas was taking his heart there until the King of Spain asked him to help with their fight against the Moors and of course as he died it didn’t quite end up there.
        You then look at Egyptian images of the heart on the scales and the information coming out about the heart -brain connection and how they can have an effect on the field around us and within us.
        Then there’s people decoding the bible and discovering that possibly Yahweh isn’t God but a coloniser that changed things all stemming fae Israel. If Bruce was Celtic, I wonder why they didn’t Bury him alongside the other Celtic Kings in Iona? I read that he was cloaked in a fine gold threads as well when they buried him.
        There’s lovely people all over the world and I don’t suppose that all participated in cruelty and murder no matter what their heritage was.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Maybe Bruce was a Templar, a good one and the story of the Templars helping us is truthful because the Vatican at the time had excommunicated us along with Scotland not accepting Edward of England?

        Liked by 3 people

  12. What is it about the Scottish psyche that sucks up to those who kick you that perpetrate tyranny and privation . We seen it yesterday with the fake coronation. Our Nationalist intelligentsia are timid uncomfortable with our history the uncomfortable with its legacy and true facts. The emotional tug of the Union for those of a certain age is to strong. Being in denial will not get us independence or being nice or reasonable or playing cricket to colonial masters game. Humza is no Gandhi and I dont she a British government being anything except unreasonable ,obstructive and deceitful.
    Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. I posted America divided by Gregg. Best thing would be go on his channel then because I definitely didn’t post Morgan. Not someone I watch.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. What do people think of this report I just came across ?

    “Royal household (BBC Report)
    The issue of coronation was not covered by the Scottish government’s White Paper, published in November.
    A spokesperson for the Scottish government said: “Future monarchs will be the Kings or Queens of both Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom and we would expect coronations to continue as at present with any additional investiture arrangements determined alongside the royal household.”

    Liked by 5 people

    1. All eyes on the pension pot I would say. Treacherous incompetents who could not give out a free pardon in a prison.

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      1. marion
        I can only agree with your comment. I am surprised there has not been more who have mentioned this. it really does show what side the SNP are really on, and by their remarks it seems they are in tow with Westminster.
        For me, there is not any other way to view these disgraceful comments. Charlie is the king of england now, but he is NOT the king of Scotland and can’t ever be. The Claim of Right we have ensures that and the Claim of Right is part of the Union contract agreement ” and it is in a Legal International agreement between Scotland and England. But they always want to hide it away from us, as if it does not exist, but legally it does still. So shame on ” our Scottish government for what they say in the article provided.

        Liked by 8 people

  14. Michael,

    Thank you so much for that specific slice of American History. Viewing the story from the impact on the signatories was fascinating.

    People in all the Nations that fought for Independence did so without the expectation of reward and in full knowledge of the risk the faced.

    All Scots had to do was go to a polling station and Vote Yes……and they failed miserably.

    Even now the cower under the propaganda of the Union. As for our elected representatives…..never have I seen such a spineless, ineffective, cowardly and self interested gang of thieves.

    The spirt of Wallace. More like Wallace and grommet.

    Liked by 5 people

  15. Fae See
    6th Jul 2023 at 10:48 am
    Then daily you participate in ongoing theft and entrapment of other human beings because you reap benefits. That’s the reality of rewards from the British Empire and titles etc.

    Well said Far See. This describes our political representatives and every Scottish insitution perfectly.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Interestingly the definition from the architect of the Genocide convention of the UN in 1948( Raphael Lemkin) stated that Genocide was defined by any of 5 acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. These Five acts were killing members of a group, causing serious bodily harm or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing birth and forcibly transferring children out of the group not randomly.
    The New definition is clearer,the distruction of the essential foundations of the life of national groups with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions of culture, language, national feelings, religion and economic existence, of national groups the destruction of the personal security, liberty,health,dignity and actions are directed against individuals ,not in their individual capacity but as a member of a national group.
    Prehaps Salvo could look into this cause after reading this I believe we are still victims of Genocide taking the definition in whole. Prehaps Salvo could use this to strengthen the case for Decolonisation just a thought.
    Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 7 people

  17. The common insult thrown at Scots’ nationalists was and is that they are ‘grievance mongers’, witnessed on hundreds even thousands of different occasions over the last few decades and the only reason for the insult is to bring a kind of instant social shame on those who want independence. Be content with what you have is the idea behind it all.
    The middle ‘section’ of the Declaration of Independence’s text is a set of twenty-seven grievances that justify the overthrow of the King’s authority by his American subjects, but they acknowledge first that ‘governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes’, which is how the UN and the EU view the borders of long-established countries though this is balanced by the recognition that these borders can seem or actually are oppressive to peoples whose identity differs from their encompassing nation state.
    To me there is nothing wrong and a lot right by establishing a catalogue of recent grievances and use that term specifically so that it loses its sting. We’ve had our long benighted period of UK rule, we know what the grievances are both historical and more recent ones. Our old people freezing in their homes in the coldest, dampest part of the UK because the UK govt won’t take on the burden of protecting the people in general is only the latest example.
    In full knowledge of this kind of grievance model, we should challenge the UK govt on specific issues affecting only Scots and expect the problems to be put right or the legitimacy they say the 2014 vote gave them will be lost in the eyes of the world.
    Incidentally, the UK govt challenging the GRR bill cannot be viewed as a grievance because Scots do not want this change in the law. The grievance model is far deeper and the issues come to be seen as intractable without independence.
    Went on a bit there. Pardon.
    Lastly, the delicious irony of focussing on this period in American history is that a certain someone studied this – American History 2 – as part of their degree at Edinburgh University (shout out to Frank Cogliano!). I’m not sure how her ‘racing certainty’ future career with Charlotte Street Partners has anything to do with supporting re-gaining our independence, although to be fair there is no observable difference there with her recent career as chief of staff to Chief Mammy, our very own Benedict Arnold.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Glad you went on a bit Phil M, you make a good point.. Highlight the grievances we have from all their broken promises in 2014.. Best of both worlds, strong shoulders of the pound pish.. Running out of oil enshrining the powers of holyrood.. Just digging through some info, the ‘facts you need to know’ leaflet we all got from better together pre-referendum states, and I quote, ” Impartial experts at the National Institute for Economic and Social Research estimate that independence would put up interest rates by as much as 1-2%.What would a 1% rise mean for your finances? ”

      Blinking emoji face..

      Liked by 3 people

  18. The unavoidable truth is: liberation is taken, never given. Who in their own heart doesn’t understand this to have always been the case? Micheal W Smith’s splendid piece merely reminds us once more, of the huge price that those who advance from fine words to selfless actions can often be expected to pay.

    Liked by 6 people

  19. The Unionists press and media tell us Nationalism is a disease, its destructive and devisive. However British Nationalist are Patriotic. Irrational arguments and a contradiction they dont seem to comprehend , like democracy is good for the Ukrainians but bad for Scots. Last week the Orange order marched through Glasgow in full sectarian mode , Union Jackery Unleashed. My daughter told me that people in her street had St Andrews flags hanging out their windows and where booing the bigots as they went by. This gives me hope that the tide is changing with the squeeze now affecting the middle classes even the Anglophones are showing disaffection with the British state they are beginning to think their is an alternative.
    Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Our Irish cousins have always been very successful in raising support and sympathy among the Diasphora. In the latter end of the last century the An Gorta Mor commemorations galvanised support to raise consiousness about the Irish Famine both at home and abroad, to great effect, even in major cities in England such as Liverpool where there is or was an active Orange Lodge. Are we missing the boat? No Pun intended. It was a revelation to read about the Scottish Red Legs. My understanding was that these were from the Cromwellian ‘Pacification’ of Ireland, but it makes sense that the same policy would have been employed in Scotland. Just a point of information. Was Cornwallis one of the commanders at Culloden?If so he ‘got his rottans’ at Yorktown.

      Liked by 2 people

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