I am joined with Sara Salyers, SNC Steering Committee member John Brown and Salvo Information Officer for Fife David Hood as the programme answers questions sent in by viewers who have watched previous podcasts. Enjoy and let us know what you think.


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13 thoughts on “SALVO QUESTION TIME

  1. Was a good short informative Q&A. I welled up at the part particularly in relation to murder of our people, replacing
    us and killing off our country. What particularly struck a chord with me is that you are telling truths that we don’t hear from our politicians for whatever reason.
    David I agree with when he said that we need to get the message out that gets to the point and provides the vision of the future and what popular sovereignty looks like without it being caught up in policy that politicians use. Perhaps that could be another wee production in the making? Thanks for the information.

    Liked by 9 people

  2. This is the most polished and professional offering from Salvo and there was no flannel or skipping around the difficult questions.

    More of this quality will make the road a lot less bumpy.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. gaslit, kidnapped, home invaded, robbed, under threat of invasion, armies at the border, driven from our country……not a voluntary union of equals! no EXIT

    oh dear ye bloody think so?


  4. gaslit, kidnapped, home invaded, robbed, under threat of invasion, armies at the border, driven from our country……not a voluntary union of equals! no EXIT

    oh dae ye bloody think so?

    Liked by 6 people

  5. @John Love “gaslit, kidnapped, home invaded, robbed, under threat of invasion, armies at the border, driven from our country……not a voluntary union of equals!” To my old ears that represents a massive shift in the language normally associated with the Scottish independence debate. Regarding “no EXIT”: I took that to be a technical answer to a technical question, nothing more. As for:”oh dae ye bloody think so?” The panellists who used the above language, like you, me and many others, clearly do not “bloody think so”.

    Liked by 7 people

  6. Great discussion folks.

    Salvo’s timely arrival and purpose well fits our urgent need, as Frantz Fanon explained:

    “Now, the political education of the masses is seen to be a historic necessity. That spectacular volunteer movement which meant to lead the colonized people to supreme sovereignty at one fell swoop …. (are) all now seen in the light of experience to be symptoms of a very great weakness. While the native thought that he could pass without transition from the status of a colonized person to that of a self-governing citizen of an independent nation, he made no real progress along the road to knowledge. His consciousness remained rudimentary.”

    Also good to see that the understanding of at least some of the nationalist political class is advancing:

    Liked by 5 people

  7. In the 18th century, the Speaker of the House of Commons stated that England has “catch’d Scotland and we will bind her fast”. He did not reckon with an unbound Sara Sayers materialising from the Celtic mists.

    When Scotland is free from Westminster’s ‘voluntary’ boot on its neck, there has to be a statue erected of Sara. It should show her smiling… If I am still around I would place a little white rose of Scotland at her feet.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. That well documented remark should be included in the evidence of poor intent toward Scotland and our de facto colonised status.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello Iain

    May I offer my thanks for the time and effort by all concerned for the SALVO Q&A held on Monday.

    I found it very informative and enjoyable.

    The message was clear. We must unite and spread the word. How exactly that can be achieved, is easier said than done,

    especially for a dinosaur like me, no matter how willing.

    At the first SALVO North East hub, it was expressed how we can best spread the word. I for one, am not familiar with the best practise.

    and opportunities for communication. Perhaps more on this will be discussed at the next SALVO North East meeting next week. I need to improve

    my communication skills, and hope that there is expertise in Salvo to point me and perhaps others in best practise. It will be good to hear best

    practise from the other Salvo groups too. Great to unit for the common purpose.

    I appreciate you cannot advise all that is going on, due to not giving a heads up to any union opposition. Will await with great interest on the developments.

    So, at present, my main concerns are

    Communication – how to get the message out, how to convert and share, who to send to as need to broaden the distribution.
    The reaction of the establishment and possible threats, direct or indirect. Listened to an interesting podcast on infiltration by the establishment

    Into various organisations over the decades. That was enlightening the levels the establishment will take to control what’s going on, and gain valuable intelligence.

    This will be an enormous battle. I liked that in 2014 how social media assisted the Indy campaign. We need that passion again, only this time mustered to defend and attack.

    It could prove brutal. The power of the establishment is so strong already, and that’s based on what we know, and understand.

    Security – especially cyber, on Salvo, and the individual groups, and all involved. Due diligence to determine friend or foe. Hopefully won’t come down to this.

    But on past examples of what the establishment is capable of, preparation is key.

    Thanks again for all your valuable information and guidance. Looking forward to what lies ahead and the creation of our own route out of being an oppressed state,

    Best Regards

    Len Hobbs

    Westhill, Aberdeenshire

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks Iain that was great.

    I was interested to hear what David Hood had to say about the upcoming SNP Conference and the possibility (probability?) of getting the leadership to endorse Salvo/Clair of Right/Popular Sovereignty approach to the constitutional question … I hope I’m wrong but I will believe it when I see/hear it.

    Liked by 1 person

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