A post from National Congress Steering Committee member Alex Thorburn.

Both Salvo and Liberation have been the target of extensive interference by those who would rather hide the truth from the people of Scotland. Political parties are not as dangerous to the continuance of the union as having the truth read and understood by Scots.

As the truth emerges from the darkness that is the union, and the realisation that Scots and Scotland have been the victims of the biggest and longest-running scam in our history, there will undoubtedly be a whole rush of emotions and not the least of them will be anger.

Of course, anger will be directed at our oppressor for annexing Scotland and its people and drawing them into their empire, as they did so many colonies around the world. That anger is entirely justified, but much of that anger must also be directed to some of our own people for letting this go on for over 3 centuries. Long enough for Scots to believe the lie that is the union and not only believe the lie but also defend it.

Top of my list are the self-proclaimed “Kings and Queens of Scots”, none of whom took the Scottish Coronation Oath since Queen Anne. We warned them in 1320 with the Declaration of Arbroath and with the words that you know so well “But if he should cease from these beginnings, wishing to give us or our kingdom to the English or the king of the English, we would immediately take steps to drive him out as the enemy and the subverter of his own rights and ours, and install another King who would make good our defence.”

So, what the hell happened? It’s not as if there were no warnings that our monarchy was about to betray us to create his “empire” and to ensnare Scotland as one of their earliest colonies. Almost 100 years to the day prior to the union, James’s VI made a speech in his English Parliament that showed his intent. On 31 March 1607 in his parliament at Westminster he said “‘Consider therefore well, if the Minds of Scotland had not need to be well prepared, to persuade their mutual Consent, seeing you here have all the great Advantage by the Union: Is not here the personal Residence of the King; his whole Court, and Family?  Is not here the seat of Justice, and the Fountain of Government? Must they not be subjected to the Laws of England, and so, with Time, become but as Cumberland, and Northumberland, and those other remote and Northern Shires! You are to be the Husband, they the Wife; you Conquerors, they as conquered; though not by the Sword, but by the sweet and sure Bond of Love: Besides that they, as other Northern Countries, will be seldom seen and saluted by their King; and that, as it were, but in a posting or hunting Journey.’

So much for 1320 and that was only the beginning of the sellout!

However, since the union, what has our monarchy, our elected representatives, our legal profession and our well-educated Scots done to end this annexation and to protect our territory, our assets, our resources and most important of all, our people.

We now know that the union is a fiction and Scotland nothing more than a colony, but why on earth has it taken so long and why have all those mentioned simply accepted the biggest lie ever told. The cost of their inadequacy and in many cases collaboration over those 400+ years since James VI, “forsook his hame the south tae rule”! is incalculable, and it’s still going on.

Can we look to our so-called “King of Scots”, to our legal profession, or to our elected representatives to finally end this charade? The answer to that will be the response – just the same as it has been all these years.

As has been the case for so many of England’s other colonies their freedom from London rule came from a People’s Movement and that is where our answer lies today

So, to paraphrase what Iain has headed this article “The People must become the change they are waiting for”, because the others have had multiple opportunities, and it is now time for the people of Scotland to do the job and take back their sovereignty, so long annexed by England along with our people, our land and our resources.

Part of the answer is to complete an application form for the Liberation Scotland Committee and help the people take back what has always been rightfully theirs.


My thanks to Alex for all the valuable contributions he has made to our committee, both in terms of research and in keeping the files on all that is discussed. He is a machine.

I am, as always



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The most reliable way to get articles from this site is by taking out a free subscription which are available on the Home and Blog pages of the Yours for Scotland website. Given that I often seem to face other problems with both Twitter and Facebook this guarantees that my content is freely available.


Salvo continues to do valuable work and an ever increasing number of people are involved. They are now running strong campaigns on several key issues and as the campaigning arm of Liberation.Scot they are the key to success. If you would like to make a donation to further Salvo and Liberation’s campaigning here are the details. All donations large or small greatly helps our work.



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If you have not already joined please visit the above website and join now. We are looking to achieve a membership larger than any other political organisation in Scotland to approach the UN to achieve the official status as Scotland’s Liberation Movement intent of removing the colonising forces from our nation. Be part of it by joining, visit the site and you can join and vote in the important election process that is now underway.


  1. Wonderful to see the traitors words clearly written. One of the traitors from our past. I could list a few from today.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Thinking further about James VI and I. He was the worst kind of traitor. He was a Scot used to life of privilege in Scotland who once he went south saw more opulence and power. He took an oath to his people in Scotland, the land of his birth, the land of his heart and yet here we read his words of betrayal.

      Maybe our modern day political establishment took their guide from him shouting the mantra ‘Me, Me, Me’ in their search for self advancement on a gravy train. Traitors all.

      Liked by 19 people

    2. I recall the body of a baby was found in the walls of Holyrood Palace – wrapped in a rich cloth embroidered with I (the Latin initial for James). There was a rumour that Marys baby died and was replaced with the son of a Scottish Lord. Were we betrayed by the pretendy “King” James VI?

      Liked by 5 people

  2. James VI’s explicit statement of Scotland becoming just another shire of England is a complete shock. I knew he wished to have the crown of England but I had no idea that Scotland was to be subsumed. Thanks, Alex.

    Liked by 12 people

      1. Precisely. Given how constrained his life was in Scotland, liable to being kidnapped by different factions, and getting little of the deference that other monarchs received, it is astonishing that he could conceive of Scotland being so reduced in status.

        Liked by 6 people

    1. That was only one small section of his speech on 31 March 1607 to reassure the English parliament there are many more and they include:

      But what Preparation is it which I crave? Only such as, by the Entrance may shew something is done, yet more is intended.’

      From that one wee statement it illustrates that James VI informed the English parliament to do just enough to get Scotland on board in a union and then they can turn the screw and take whatever England required from our nation and forget anything of little or no value – “Yet more is intended” and Scotland has found that out to its great cost.

      Zoom is over 400 years too late or James VI would have been arrested, tried and convicted of treason as soon as he next crossed the border in 1617. Had no-one thought of an International Arrest Warrant back then??

      Liked by 8 people

  3. just an aside – saw on … the nation-state Scotlands air …

    A reference to ourselves we should use and demand – THE NATION-STATE SCOTLAND

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Those quotes from James V1 read like excerpts from a Shakespeare play .

    It’s all there , the subterfuge , the ill-intent , the treachery : also the venality & character flaws of those deemed superior – in particular , monarchs .

    One , perhaps the greatest , value of the work SALVO is doing by unearthing more & more information surrounding the formation of the Union , is the wealth of new material it provides to tell THAT story in a new way , from our perspective ; in greater depth , nuance & ( magical ) realism : rather than the trite self-serving potboiler we’ve had drummed into us for 300+ years .

    If we create/gain meaning from the stories we’re told – and the stories we tell ourselves ( we do ) – … how we understand ” what it’s all about ” getting the story ” right ” is crucial .

    Ultimately , Independence will be realised when enough people are persuaded by the stories we tell in relation to it – even if those stories consist of economic predictions , blueprints , strategies – they’re still stories .

    People have to be engaged imaginatively as much as pragmatically ( ie what’s in it for them ) : I would say even more so .

    ” the dream will never die ” , hmmm , not so sure about that ; dreams …stories , CAN die , fade away/out of collective consciousness , through neglect , rote repetition , being related in dull monotone .

    Scotland’s story is a work in progress . Looking forward to the next chapter .

    Really good piece , Alex . Thanks

    Liked by 4 people

    1. As Alf Baird explains, without a sense of national identity, there is no demand for liberation. And what is national identity but our collective story? Stories are everything. Truthful, they can guide, direct and even liberate. False, they imprison and oppress. I’m in a kind of permanent, low level shock these days, firstly because the true constitutional position of Scotland is dramatically different from the warped fiction that has been delivered through the sophistry of a colonising state and secondly because I am still in the process of discovering a Scotland that exists nowhere in the histories and commentaries that have defined and continue to define us to ourselves but only on the fringes, in scattered pockets of research and report. This is a Scotland that bears no relation to what we have believed to the extent that I find myself staring at the facts confronted by my own resistance to a past and an identity that that challenges so much I have taken for granted. ‘This cannot be true’ has been so frequent a reaction that I have been afforded a very personal testimony to the power of the colonial mindset. And along with the sense of disbelief, I also recognise the grief, helplessness and anger that are the price of decolonising my own mind. The gain, however, is that I have a much stronger sense of connection with my own ancestry, and I mean my own grandparents, great grandparents and great-great-grandparents whose stories were passed down by my grandmother. For me, ‘the dream’ has changed completely. It is summed up in. piece I wrote recently for a proposed/possible book:
      Independence is decolonisation. It begins in the hearts and minds of a people, not in a court of law or a debating chamber. It begins with the reassembly of a national identity founded on common historic and distinct values and on common aspirations. And it depends on a realizable route to fulfilling those aspirations. In Scotland’s case that realizable route is interwoven with national identity. It remains invisible so long as the official narrative remains unchallenged, superimposed on the world’s perception of us and on our collective memory and consciousness. 

      Liked by 3 people

  5. When you read articles like this and others that SALVO and Alex,Alf,and Sara have prepared and exposed it only further illuminates and highlights how our various political parties and politicians have either through ignorance or stupidity betrayed Scotland and Scots for decades if not centuries

    Every one of them that has went to wm and swore fealty to the monarch of the time has committed treason against the Scottish people , even now there are the majority of them unaware and totally disinterested in rectifying that situation , for them it is the personal riches that can be accrued through the wm system with as little upset to their position or finances as possible

    Liked by 1 person

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