Some random thoughts and memories.

What impact will Farage’s Reform Party have in Scotland?

Probably minimal in most seats but in many of the currently held Tory seats the Tories must be worried. None of them have large majorities and one that might have been safe, Aberdeenshire North and Moray East has become much more marginal thanks to the antics of the ambitious Douglas Ross to return to Westminster. The SNP there must be a lot more hopeful than they were before. Right wing voters may choose to vote Reform to evidence their displeasure at the treatment afforded to David Duguid by Douglas Ross’s allies on a committee. I remember campaigning in this lovely constituency along with the late Margaret Ewing in the early 2000’s. She was a fine MP for Moray.

The creation of the Internet makes it very difficult to disengage with a political party.

I am not a member of any political party yet I still get regular communication seeking donations. I see plenty of others on Facebook and Twitter making similar complaint. In the old days it would have cost them paper, printing, envelope and a postage stamp, but since the internet they can just contact you as frequently as they want, effectively for near free. We really need cut off rules to eliminate these nuisance begging letters.

Politicians are dangerous and claim “credit” for things others pay for.

Labour are promising a “real living wage”. Nothing wrong with that ambition but Labour won’t contribute a penny to make it happen. It will be businesses that will fund any increases.  If they legislate to enforce it there is no doubt many, not every business, will have to reduce staff jobs to fund it. Take the perilous state of the pub and restaurant market, many companies are going bust already, a move of this kind could accelerate this problem. In rural areas this sector is an important job provider. It often allows younger people jobs near their family homes. If they lose that job it may mean leaving the area altogether. Companies should of course pay their employees a fair wage but a one size fits all rule can only result in disaster for a significant number. Check out California.

Scots humour guarantees success in Germany ( the flag belongs to Barrhead Boy who is on active duty in Munich)

I am too old and my mobility is no longer good enough to travel, as I did for many years with the Tartan Army. Nevertheless I will be cheering on our team in Germany and hoping for a good show from our lads. They did brilliantly in qualifying.

The last big tournament I attended was France 1998. I was in the Stadium when Scotland played bravely and skilfully against Brazil in the opening match and we were unlucky to lose the game 2-1. I then travelled to Bordeaux where we managed a 1-1 draw with Norway. So the third game in the Group was against Morocco and a win could have seen Scotland qualify for the next stages for the first time ever.

Hopes were high, alas Morocco were a much better team than we had anticipated and Scotland lost 3-0. We were gutted. Now it’s not as if this is the first time following Scotland has resulted in disappointment but it is how fans deal with that disappointment that sets the Tartan Army up as being so different to other football supporters, especially our English neighbours who have a shameful reputation for violence.( better recently thank goodness)

I finish this article by recalling an interview in the Herald with a fan shortly after the defeat. He explained that he was so full of hope and super confident. In the ground he was queuing to buy some food when Morocco scored their first goal. He was devastated and a young French policewomen noticed his despair. She approached him and gave him a short cuddle. As the game progressed his interest was now being shared between the game and the French policewoman. To his horror Morocco scored a second goal. This time the policewoman gave him a longer cuddle. As the game progressed Morocco got the third goal ending any hope of a Scottish recovery. This time the French policewoman gave him a much longer cuddle and a little kiss.

Charming story is it not ? It is not why I remember this story. Asked by the Herald for his final comment he replied “ we had no luck at all. If only they had got a fourth goal she would have definitely taken me home”

I think we can be sure that the Scotland team will do their best and the fantastic Tartan Army will enhance our reputation as being the friendliest of people, loud for sure, but also considerate and respectful of the locals.

An opening game, in Munich with the Tartan Army there in considerable force. It’s the stuff of dreams and if our team gets beat let’s hope it’s big enough to ensure at least  some of the lads get to visit the homes of the female German police officers. Still back in Scotland I would prefer a series of wins on the park. The Tartan Army have the skills to survive irrespective of the result.

Come on Scotland and the very best of luck.

I am, as always



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  1. Scotland has a very difficult group and it will be hard to go further. But then we tend to do our best (not just in footie) when our backs are against the wall. If you get a chance, catch the IrnBru ad re the Euros – as funny as ever!

    The only downside of DRoss losing in Aberdeenshire North and Moray is that we’ll be stuck with him at Holyrood until 2026. However he may have made enough enemies to ensure he’s not placed highly enough on the list to be returned. Of course he’ll no longer be branch manager to pauchle it, so that would be just desserts.

    Liked by 11 people

  2. Among my acquaintances and friends there are high levels for apathy towards the political classes. Most are scunnered. Most intent not to vote or spoil their ballot paper.
    Personally I have no faith at all that Labour will change anything.
    Starmers latest sound bite talks about wealth creation. Is that for the country by a plan to increase inward investment and manufacturing or is it for the elite? The U.K. markets have 11 trillion invested overseas and only 2 trillion in the U.K.

    As for football I have not got a clue. I could not name one footballer although I wish our boys well. Particularly with the police ‘support’.
    These are interesting times and depressing as well.

    I look forward to a time when Salvo kicks up a hornets nest with the planned legal action against our overlords.?

    Liked by 12 people

  3. My bitter sweet moment was the Hungary game in (I think) 2016.

    For about 20 + years, the top brass at the SFA had ignored the sterling efforts of the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal and their aims to support the local childrens charities with cheques for £5000 or £10000.

    That all changed when they realised that the British ambassador in Budapest(a fellow Scot) had become actively involved.

    Suddenly you couldn’t get enough of them in the picture.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. With their huge following in Munich, the Scottish players will be experiencing real pressure to give their very best, and more. Those who remember doing Vernon’s pools or Spot the Ball, will know how difficult/impossible it really is to predict or guess anything about the game of football. As always, we can only hope for the best, just like the fans of all the other competing teams in the tournament. C’mon Scotland!!!

    Liked by 6 people

  5. I am no football fan except when Scotland plays , though I do have a favourite football game involving another home nation, England versus Croatia. We heard from the pre match commentators how this was just a wee practice run for their team and who they will meet in the next round – so sure were they that Croatia would be defeated . The wonderful comeuppance was decidedly thrilling.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. Hi Iain,

    Do you remember the stories from, or indeed any of the names of the Scotsmen that were involved in the discreet discussions with the UN, regarding Scotland’s independence, well before devolution came about?

    Christopher Bruce 8th Dan 八段 Kyoshi 教士 OSS Taisho

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m planning to watch every match in the Euros, I get nervous even thinking about Scotland playing because I want them to do well. They looked really good for the first hour against Finland, so my hopes are high – they always are though.

    To less important matters, Reform will affect politics in Scotland, and I hope in a positive way. They will reverse-takeover the Tories and take them even further to the right, and drag the English political centre ground further to the right , Labour included as we are currently witnessing. This is not where Scotland wants to be, and will add weight to the independence cause.

    Like our current fitba team we are strongest on the left.

    Liked by 5 people

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