If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, that it makes a sound is a philosophical thought experiment about observation and perception.

Similarly if the idea of popular sovereignty for Scotland is a constitutional right but according to all authorities is not justiciable, if we can’t find the switch, if we can’t pull the handle, if we can’t push the button how do we know it exists?

The purpose of this essay is to highlight that public law needs to catch up with political sentiment in the country given the increasing evidence that support for independence is greater than support for the SNP.

With the  general election when its representatives are outnumbered 11 to 1 and impotent in the face of the first-past-the-post system with 562 Unionist MPs, a large portion of the Scottish electorate are at risk of being disenfranchised and yet again being governed by a government they never voted for.

An added dimension in contemporary political discourse is increasing scepticism that the avowed party of independence fails to express an appetite for or definition of a new Scotland and is in fact merely interested in exploiting the devolution settlement and that, in the words of Salvo  “their own independence from Westminster is not synonymous with the independence of the nation”. A kind of Stockholm syndrome in which the current political system is merely biding it’s time until it can emerge from the shadows and 

…colonise Scotland all over again. In a Scotland internally colonised by its own establishment, we will have an English style constitution, Special Economic Zones, the Hate Crime Act, a Gender Recognition Act, jury-less trials, government corruption, unaccountable ministers, quangos and committees, corporate decision making, all without any mechanism which will allow us to object, let alone mount a challenge.

Except that eighteen years before the treaty of Union, the 1684 Claim of Right Act was passed in the Scottish parliament and is specific that the people of Scotland are sovereign, that the people are the ultimate source of power.

So where can we  find the button marked popular sovereignty ?

It certainly won’t be found at Holyrood. The promotion of a plebiscite election for the next Holyrood election in 2026 is fallacy. No ifs, no buts as the Holyrood parliament is a creature of the Scotland 1998 and subsequent Acts, and in Schedule 5, Matters of the Constitution, are reserved to Westminster. There can be little doubt that the Secretary of State for Scotland would simply issue Section 35 Orders to embargo the use of Polling Places and the services of Returning Officers.  

So is it really the case that Scotland’s citizenry are imprisoned in their own country without access to full membership of the international community by UK governments it doesn’t elect?

Perhaps but maybe it’s in Westminster itself where we can find the popular sovereignty lever. 

Scottish Members of Parliament are elected to represent their constituents. Unquestionably they embody the electoral authority of the original 45 representatives of their country in what was the new parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707.

If a majority of the independence minded cohort of MPs give notice of termination of the Treaty of Union, return to Edinburgh and under the auspices of a National Constitutional Convention prepare the case for a referendum for an independent Scotland based on a new Constitution then, following a successful plebiscite, they can proceed to confirm the end of the Treaty of Union agreement.

What is justiciable is that as the “representatives of Scotland may participate in the passage of legislation on all of the matters over which Parliament has, by virtue of Article III, authority to legislate for Scotland,” they  have substituted the new constitution agreed by their electorate for the (famously) unwritten constitution of Westminster and that one Staatsgewaltin the words of Loughlin,has been democratically replaced by another. There has been no UDI and the sovereignty of the people has been clearly demonstrated in replacing Westminster rule with the new constitutional arrangement based in a re-convened sovereign parliament in Edinburgh.

Early engagement between the political and the juristic in Scotland’s current constitutional debate would be an important contribution for the start of progress to a new nation.

Dr Iain Bruce

39 thoughts on “FROM DR IAIN BRUCE

  1. Justifiable. A good word. Oft understood as something that can be decided by a court of justice.

    But is that not what our Parliament, or democratic choice is supposed to be. But a jury of the people, or democratic it is currently certainly not.

    Choice of the people, the exercise of democracy is an aliien concept in a colony like Scotland. Indeed in English colony after colony, certainly knew that.

    No you cannot have a referendum. No your majority of MPs cannot decide anything. We decide, we choose, we rule, you don’t.

    It is the British way. Every bit as brutal as the bullet or the bomb. And make no mistake that is uhow the British state operates. A once World of British Empire knows that only too well.

    Sovereignty, democracy needs to be taken. There is no other route. Colony after colony through out the world did that and we need to do the same.

    Liked by 18 people

  2. The UK is nothing more than a Colonial Project Run by the British State that Hides behind the Mask of the UK, your Bank details, Country of Origin and Nationality are Acts of Colonialism, I pulled the Royal Bank of Scotland up for this its not them imposing this,I was told,its the British UK Government that told all banks and building societies to Impose this act of Colonialism on all of the People across the whole UK.

    Liked by 8 people

  3. Great article! that’s exactly the position i have been trying to argue from within the SNP. Some may say that’s a forlorn task but the more in the SNP who embrace it the more it can gain traction. It would gain even more if those who left the SNP came back even for a limited time to push this argument. Stephen Flynn was unaware of this route some months ago. In my conversation with John Swinney he was open to real discussion of alternative routes including dissolution. Some may ask why he spoke only of a referendum in his recent tv interview. I think there will be change by the time of the Party conference along other routes.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sorry, but no – no returning to SNP unless they did more than idly listen to other routes.

      They know perfectly well there are many routes to Independence other than just a Referendum. Goodness knows there are been enough (eminent) people such as Angus Brendan McNeil, Craig Murray, etc. speak of them. Craig Murray described the process in his blogs & I refuse to believe SNP leaders don’t read Craig’s blog. As a British ambassador who dealt with this very issue (Independence for colonies), he is best placed to know. So why have they not sought him out to ‘pick his brain’ as it were? Why have they not conferred with Constitutional lawyers, formed liberation groups to discuss Independence with UN officials? There are a myriad of things they could do to get the Indy show on the road – and they’ve done zero. Au contraire, they have actively BLOCKED people who dared to do just that (Martin Keatings). They aren’t interested in fact-finding, they have done zero work on the subject & they aren’t the least bit interested in what the Treaty of Union meant for Scotland.

      The ToU gave Scottish people certain powers that WM now deny them. SNP have done nothing to re-claim those powers, to use them – and dare WM to deny they have the right to exercise those powers. The Treaty spells out the power within it and that of the Claim of Right, the powers of which are incorporated. Why are SNP not choosing to re-engage with the Treaty, search out the relevant passages, quoting those powers & utilising them? Why are SNP not arguing & demonstrating that many of the articles are simply WM’s interpretation of the articles, interpreted to THEIR benefit, when the interpretation could be just as arguably be in Scotland’s favour? Why lie down to WM interpretation & bullying & consequent right to rule the whole of the island?? Because, in my opinion, SNP have become much too comfortable with the trappings of position – the huge salaries they command, even bigger expense sheets – and the power they have to get what THEY want, whether Scotland as a whole wants it.

      The SNP have sat like bumps on a log, doing absolutely nothing to counter the bullying & forced use of more modern acts that in truth are not legal and should not have been entertained, never mind signed over by Scottish politicians. A true party of Independence would not have sat like the Mona Lisa, quietly smiling & doing nothing, when there is a good, comprehensive Treaty Agreement to scrutinise and use to Scotland’s good effect.

      At the inauguration of the Scottish parliament, a unionist party was given the role of Scottish government. So nothing was expected of them when it came to giving Scots a real voice. But then Alex Salmond’s SNP was elected – and change came! And while I don’t believe he used the Treaty of Union as it could have been, he did make it clear to WM that he would have no truck with lame excuses and questionable authority over Scots matters. So we got a Referendum. (One Referendum – so where has the ‘gold standard’ nonsense come about? There is NO ‘standard’ for Referenda. One Ref does not a standard make & if there WAS a standard, then that first Ref would BE the ‘gold’ standard till another Ref was shown to have been done much better! That’s how standards work!) And while I know that Alex has a plan, has a process for Independence, it seems its just insisting on another Ref. Which, in my opinion, is taking us in a complete & never-ending circle. HOWEVER, not the point here; it’s the fact that returning to SNP simply ISN’T GOING TO HAPPEN while the SNP refuse to accept there are ways and means to get Independence moving. And that we have the Rule Book to scrutinise AND USE to much better effect. It would take POLITICAL WILL and SNP just don’t have it!

      You want us to return to SNP & to convince them… so what you’re saying is we should vote for them for the unforeseeable future – without ANY SIGN AT ALL that they are prepared to actually DO Independence? They’re all good talkers. But none of them are prepared to DO.

      PS: SNP is mired in as much slease & corruption as WM parties. With missing money, sexual abuse rampant in the party, with their crude attempts to jail people they see as their political rivals, their rigging of (Leader/NEC) elections, their very bad policies that they KNOW Scots don’t want (GRR, HCB, Jury-less trials, FREEPORTS, Conversion Therapy Bill) but are forging ahead with in spite of what the people want, does not warrant ANYONE’S vote. And much as I have voted for it all my voting age life, Independence isn’t a good enough reason to elect as leaders of a country, to put in charge of my children, the criminals & tawdry carpetbaggers that I wouldn’t choose to have as friends. Sorry, No… I’ve got other parties I can vote for & I think I’ll stick with THAT plan.

      Liked by 12 people

      1. Well said Katielass , Graeme McCormick is just a recruiter for the Scum Nonce Party whose credibility was blown out of the water when his good friend “The Undertaker” dishonest John the sturgeon redactor decided to take Graeme into his confidence with his devilish plans of winning independence by not talking or posting about independence , AFAIK these devilish plans were first concocted by the heid mammy who was just waiting another decade to implement them , but unfortunately missing finances by unknown (Ahem) Assailants forced her mammyshit to resign , but no fear her/him/its plans were handed over to Dumza the racist whose term of greatness was cut short , it now falls to THE REDACTOR through Graeme and his recruitment abilities to ensure the plans see fruition and the HEID MAMMY the MESSIAH returns to greatness

        Liked by 5 people

      2. Katielass04 says..

        “And while I know that Alex has a plan, has a process for Independence, it seems it’s just insisting on another Ref. Which, in my opinion, is taking us in a complete & never-ending circle.” 

        And that is the reason after joining ALBA as a founding member I left 2 yrs later, HE would not listen to Sara Salyers route at the first conference, in truth, it has been the ONLY time I saw him get angry in his speech referring to what Sara said, since coming back Into Politics, He was like the YOUNG Alex in WM.. Yet he handles the SNP as if he still wants to be IN the SNP back leading that party and NOT ALBA.. I get that, his heart has always been with the SNP..And he at least ran a good DEVOLVED government that benefitted his fellow Scots from some of that nastiness of the WM Gov, The Rape Clause, Bedroom tax, Prescription charges, even Fracking, & insisted that NO SNP run council ever evict anyone due to the bedroom tax..

        But offering the hand of friendship & unification to the SNP will never work so long as people like Sturgeon, Robertson, Spinney, and all her girlfriends she promoted well above their experience. Just as Alex promoted her well above her experience..

        I know Alex is an intelligent man, a very experienced politician, but in all honesty, he has lost a lot of his oomph since Sturgeon & her lying Cabal tried their damndest to jail him.. And I understand that..

        At 75yrs now, my faith & hope lies with SALVO & Liberation.Scot..

        On an aside, watching our supporters in Munich, I just wish the 200,000 90minute patriots, would get signed up to these Liberation movements so that Salvo can take our case to the UN ASAP, The Un made the rules on colonised countries or just countries being run by another country where they are plundering that country’s assets for their benefit.. And as Scotland is the ONLY country in the world to discover Oil and LOTS and LOTS more than Norway have, & get poorer.. Then we DO have a case to take to the UN..

        Why would Alex not back that?

        Because I now think Alex will settle for being the government, albeit he MIGHT get a few more concessions out of WM. But we are never going to see Independence so long as he wants to use the same franchise as before.. Because us Indigenous Scots who voted almost 53% YES in that 2014 referendum, have seen a huge influx of English people settle here since that referendum, yes, I know there are English for YES, who would vote to leave the UNION, but the majority of English believe we are all ONE country, a country called BRITAIN.. We will NEVER win our Independence via a referendum, NEVER..

        Liked by 10 people

      3. Yes, mickmaw’ Yet he handles the SNP as if he still wants to be IN the SNP back leading that party and NOT ALBA.’ You are by no means the first to think that way and if Alba does not perform well on 4th July others have said to me he will try to find a way back into the SNP.

        However, remembering how he was treated by them it is hardly credible that he would even consider such a move – but in the murky world of politics, who knows and we often hear the phrase ‘never say never’.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. “If a majority of the independence minded cohort of MPs give notice of termination of the Treaty of Union, return to Edinburgh and under the auspices of a National Constitutional Convention prepare the case for a referendum for an independent Scotland based on a new Constitution then, following a successful plebiscite, they can proceed to confirm the end of the Treaty of Union agreement.”

    It’s a tragedy that SNP have had three opportunities to act in this way with nationalist majorities in 2015, 2017, and 2019, yet failed to act. As an Irish observer pointed out, they are at best, the Redmondites of 21st century.

    On Brexit Day Sturgeon promised a Constitutional Convention. Another of her lies. The hope at this election was that a Scotland United coalition could either dislodge the SNP or bring them to their senses. Once again, petty party tribalism has left 4 alternative pro-independence parties all doing their own separate thing. The SNP remain an infiltrated sham of a party intent on returning to swear fealty to the English king and his parliament.

    Only one party, ISP, the one with the least media profile and clout, have got the strategy right – abstentionism, withdrawal of representation, leading to a revocation of the union. Unfortunately, their electoral chances look slim. The political route is essentially dead.

    Liked by 24 people

  5. It is so clear, and yet the politicians we elect, ignore it.

    Are they being paid to do that?

    On countless facebook pages and published in The National, I have made the following suggestions, which appear to be well recieved by all, except the politicians.

    I’ve proposed that:

    Our MPs return to Edinburgh, calling a conference to debate withdrawing from the treaties of the union.

    They should invite members from the UN, the MSPs, the EC and, of course, the international press.

    Facts conce|!ing the failure of England to act in accordance with those treaties would be raised and a decision on secession would follow.

    Whether or not, the MSPs could be involved in both the debate and the final vote, while being legal, rem-ins disturbing if my assumptions of duality of allegance has any weight.

    However, our MPs are sufficient, as they were in the original signing.

    This discussion, debate, conference, call it what you will, needs to come after this election and before those MPs enter that place and take their oath.

    What are th e chances eh?

    It is crystal clear to me that the SNP management, the backroom boys, are happy with colonialist devolution.

    The elected members abide by what the backroom boys tell them.

    I’m 84. I’ll nottsee independence, even ifsit were to happen the way just described.

    Being out of th: union is not quite the freedom we seek, that only comes when we have recovered what is ours and have stopped, england diverting our money and resources.

    That will take many years in the international courts.

    We’ll win though, so that is not the problem, which remains, how do we force our MPs to act?

    Best regards

    Christopher Bruce

    Sent via BT Email App

    Liked by 16 people

    1. I really do not think it is possible to force our MPs to act on behalf of Scotland, they did not do so when they had bigger majorities for the’party of independence than they are likely to get this time (and may well fail in thatattempt).

      I think all we have now is the voice of the people as represented by ISP and the few brave folk who are standing as Independents for Independence. I have absolutely no faith any more in Alba, who seem to prefer the tactic osf asking London for a referedum, which will fail, or, if granted, would be on their terms, their franchise, their question, their choice of date, so would be like 2014 and finish us forevermore.

      I hope all of us who want to be properly Independent will vote for those Independents and the ISP, where available but otherwise repurpose the ballot paper by writing on it ‘#End the Union’.

      If enough of us do either of these, we will have demonstrated that we still want Independence and point this out loud and clear, when th results are known, so that London and the international community will recognise that fact.

      I’m not sure how or if it can be done, but ideally we need impartial people at thecount to make sure these ‘spoilt’ ballots are counted and recorded, though we have been assured that this happens routinely. However I do not trust the agents of the British State not to interfere when something is against their interests.

      Liked by 12 people

      1. Because of the timing of the election many young families will be off on holiday and far from inspired to vote , or bother to get a postal vote to ‘spoil’.

        That plays into the hands of Westminster perfectly.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Arayner, The struggle for Freedom will never die. The problem is that a number of good people on here think we can vote ourselves free. The reality is our Colonial masters will NEVER allow that.
        The legal route via Liberation Scotland is the only way I can see.
        This will take money and we Scots should start donating ASAP to this cause.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. “Perhaps but maybe it’s in Westminster itself where we can find the popular sovereignty lever.”

    That’s exactly where that lever is, Dr. Bruce!

    From the Treaty of Union;

    ARTICLE III. (in full)

    That the United Kingdom of Great Britain be represented by one and the same Parliament to be stiled The Parliament of Great Britain.

    ARTICLE XXII. (two excerpts)

    “THAT by virtue of this Treaty, of the Peers of Scotland, at the Time of the Union, sixteen shall be the Number to sit and vote in the House of Lords, and

    forty-five the Number of the Representatives of Scotland in the House of Commons of the Parliament of Great Britain.”

    This is repeated later in the same Article;

    “a Writ shall be immediately issued under the Great Seal of Great Britain, directed to the Privy Council of Scotland, for the summoning the sixteen Peers, and for electing forty-five Members, by whom Scotland is to be represented in the Parliament of Great Britain.”

    It was agreed by the Lords’ Privileges committee that Scotland’s Peers do not represent Scotland, but only Scotland’s Peerage, and therefore those Peers’ numbers can be limited without breaching the Treaty.

    It is only Scotland’s MPs who actually and formally represent Scotland itself in the Union’s parliament, and they are alone in representing the entire sovereign kingdom, country, nation, territory and people of Scotland in the Union’s parliament. Nothing in principle subordinates the Kingdom of Scotland in any way to the Kingdom of England, neither before nor after 1707.

    Given that the sovereignty of Scotland is not at all subordinate in any way to England’s sovereignty, then neither can Scotland’s MPs be at all subordinate in any way to England’s MPs, nor vice versa, without an actual formal agreement to that effect. The very fact of those two sovereignties makes the relative numbers of their two representative bodies completely irrelevant, and the numeric superiority of England’s MPs is therefore meaningless in terms of authoritative weight in any vote of the two bodies. Thus England’s authority over Scotland, via its MP numbers and that flat voting system, is fundamentally bogus.

    This interpretation is backed up by the complete absence, in all of the three formal founding documents of the Union, of any actual agreement to the use of a flat voting system in the new Union’s parliament, and thus puts paid to any concept of England’s MPs being legally and constitutionally entitled to outvote and thus overrule Scotland’s MPs on any matter of Union governance.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. @xaracen

      (Following your thoughts – first of a series of posts elsewhere on social media.)

      Alpha – the beginning: Part 1

      London – early April 1706, two people are present. Two English Commissioners, the Lord High Treasurer, Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of Godolphin, the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and William Cowper, Baron Cowper. They reviewed their agenda.

      Both agreed that the widespread famine in Scotland lasting for 4 years from 1695, with up to 10% of the Scottish population either dead or having emigrated could not have happened at a better time.

      They laughed as they discussed how easy it had been to completely destroy the Darien scheme, with the help of the Spanish, and see the financial turmoil in Scotland, as a third of Scotland’s wealth was lost.

      And look at us now, they agreed, English Commissioners, established through the Alien Act we passed in 1705, with a royal commission established to agree a formal union between England and Scotland.

      Now to business, they agreed – let’s review how we make absolutely sure that Scotland can never again be a separate independent sovereign state.

      If we get this right Scotland will never escape – ever.

      They begin to review what they have agreed to call the Articles.

      (Alpha – the beginning: Part 2 will follow.)

      Liked by 7 people

      1. For info – Part 2 in the series.

        (In 1707, virtually every Scot was denied the right to vote, over 300 years later, EVERY Scot has been denied the right to vote on the future of Scotland. This series of posts as part of the Declaration initiative is designed to completely change that!)

        Alpha – The Beginning: Part 2

        London – mid April 1706, two people are present. Two English Commissioners, the Lord High Treasurer, Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of Godolphin, the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and William Cowper, Baron Cowper. They have already reviewed the famine in Scotland, the destruction of the Darien scheme, the level of economic debt now facing Scotland, they will now use the powers of the Alien Act, which made them English Commisioners with one priority to end Scotland as an independent sovereign state.

        They consider what they have called the Articles. 25 Articles. with 4 key Articles to achieve their real objective.

        Article 1: this article will state that the kingdoms of Scotland and England will be united into one kingdom by the name of Great Britain.

        Article 3: states that all the people of Great Britain will be represented by only one parliament, known as the Parliament of Great Britain. It will be sovereign, the Parliament of Great Britain will be the supreme legal authority in the UK, and will be able to create or end any law. Scotland will no longer have its own Parliament

        Article 22: there will be 16 Scottish peers in the Lords, and they will allow 45 MPs in the Commons. They will be chosen from amongst the Scottish Commisioners who will agree to the Articles, there will be no election.

        Article 19: Will end Scotland’s status as an independent sovereign state.

        (Alpha and Omega!)

        Alpha – the beginning:

        Omega – the ending: the ending of the Union … will follow)

        Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m praying that Salvo are going to clear a way to bypass all this nonsense, and forget any talk of a referendum. A referendum is not necessary to end this non-treaty, that WM use to bind us to its rules. Nor is negotiation necessary. We are WMs prisoners, we dont negotiate with them. We tell them this sham is over, and get rid of the gutless con artists, who supposedly represent the Scottish people.

    We should put an end to this on going thieving of our resources immediately. And stop playing by WMs rule. I don’t think I’m alone in being absolutely sick of being treated as a colonial peasent by our greedy thieving neighbour. SNP are a busted flush, and are not going to do the right thing for the people they represent.

    Liked by 17 people

    1. I suspect that the thieving of our resouces will continue with even more vigour if the Unionist parties are the majority in Westminster seats as may well happen. The ending of free prescriptions, free eye tests, free personal care for the elderly and free tuition for students have already been flagged up, along with the imposition of the two child cap on family support, the extra money paid in Scotland to families on benfits and the loss of free school meals for Primary children.

      We can also expect Free Ports, the closure of the Grangemouth , Nuclear Powered electricity generation and more exploitation of North Sea Oil in our waters which are all against the wishes of our people, and more bypassing of the Holyrood Patliament as England will assume they know best whet we need.

      It is a grim future and the only weapon we have left, I think, is the voice of our people in protest against London Rule as our elected representatives have failed us.

      Liked by 11 people

  8. Graeme get in your lifeboat put your oars in their rollocks and row your way back to sense away from Fantasy Island. Are you a member of Lineration Scotland.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. A thought-provoking article: particularly the concept of locating ‘the button’.

    My observation is that legitimate solutions to Westminster intransigence are often rejected because they don’t appear have democratic legitimacy.

    E.g. We want to get a majority of independence supporting MPs so can request a referendum.

    Westminster sets high hurdles against independence (a majority of the MPs from Scottish constituencies seems to constitute a Westminster mandate). Meanwhile the independence movement sets its own additional ‘long hurdles’ by requiring a democratic mandate (a majority in a de facto or set-piece referendum).

    It is unrealistic (and unnecessary) to try to win the high and long jumps together – with a single jump.

    The first (manageable) step is to get a majority of MPs elected on a mandate for independence. In Westminster’s rules this is a sufficient basis for independence.  But such a mandate has never been achieved, because the mandate sought by the SNP (since 1999) has been for an ultra vires referendum.

    Of course, if the Westminster requirement for independence is achieved by returning a majority elected on a manifesto commitment to deliver independence in the event of such a majority, then Westminster will not only allow, but demand a referendum. In any case, a referendum can be held the day after the flag lowering ceremony if Westminster doesn’t oblige.

    The issue now is that the people believe they’ve voted for independence by voting SNP. The SNP, meanwhile, have de-activated the button by offering meaningless mandates and imposing candidates who are at best disinterested in independence.

    Liked by 8 people

  10. Katielass,
    please share Alex’s plan. when questioned on his wee blue book tour in Coatbridge about the claim of right he immediately backpedalled saying it was not relevant to Scotland today. And the Declaration of Arbroath was also not relevent cos it was a plea to the Pope.
    Unfortunately there is no POLITICAL route to Freedom.
    We must find another way.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. All the SNP needed to do with mandate after mandate was to withdraw or MPs and declare independence. This is democracy, there is no excuse for the SNP inaction. However 90k, wages 250k expenses and there is the lobbying money, stoker if you like where our politicians get bribed from oligarchs and big business who buy our democracy. Where would these Numpty politicians get money like that elsewhere. This is how the British state insure the continuation of the corupt one way Union. I personally will be voting for the ISP if there is a candidate standing or if not for an independence seeking candidate .I will never vote for a Unionist part or the SNP, devolutionist colonial party run by the British security services for the purpose of denying independence and the deliberate mismanagement of Scotland .The colonial masters game is to put the votes of. The SNP have no credibility and Alba to me is just a continuation of this colonial game of let’s pretend while they covet their noses in the Westminster trough. Nothing is as it seems in UK, Ok.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Iain Bruce is right. Here we have a corrupt and violated treaty. And here, despite our otherwise colonial predicament, we (still) retain a distinct national legal system ostensibly outside imperial rule. Perhaps we ought to put the two together to come to a decision – afore whits left o Scots Laa is itsel nae mair, an Scotlan an aw.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. This is the fundamental part of the Declaration of a Sovereign Scot document.

        Exercising my Claim Of Right as a Sovereign Scot, I declare:

        I do not consent to the terms of, nor the continuation of, the Treaty of Union established through the Acts of Union in 1707.

        Why – because it is the Treaty itself, and the Articles which are THE abuse. I listed 4 key examples from the Articles in my earlier post (above).

        The people of Scotland are Sovereign – and when they exercise their claim of right and their Sovereignty – it is they who can end the abuse by removing their consent. Thus the above wording.

        Thus the Declaration inititiative and the growing number all across Scotland who are both signing and supporting it. With all signed Declarations lodged with the UN for safe-keeping and scrutiny by UN Member States, and a copy retained for future generations to see who signed.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. A good question as to responsibility for these abuses, to which the answer might be:

        1. Scotland’s national elected representatives;
        2. Scotland’s courts;
        3. Scotland’s people;
        4. International bodies, UN and ICJ.

        1 has repeatedly failed to act and swears allegiance anely tae ser anither croun;

        2 has thus far refused to be bothered and may also ser the wrang croun;

        3 are divided and manipulated (by the oppressor and its agents), and;

        4 have yet to be fully informed, and appealed to, but may be soon.

        Liked by 3 people

  13. Sorry. bit fu after the game. this is more bullshit as far I can see!! How do we extracate ourselves.
    You make statements which appear of no use?


    1. Alf Baird is quite right in his summary of those who have failed us, The Scottish Courts and our elected representatives.

      That leaves us, the people who will have to do it for ourselves. Thanks to Salvo and Liberation, there is now a fair body of folk who are informed about the state we are in and how to remedy that and are also working on educating more of us.

      Lets hope it does not take too much longer, though I dont know how many or what proportion of the population would be needed to get international support or have enough to show Westminster we are serious in demanding the End of the Union as it is highly unlikely that there will be enough MPs there, after next week, willing to walk out, and I think we will need a majority for that to be an effective tactic. Otherwise we will just be laughed at!

      Will we be able to demonstrate the Will of the People if there are enough ballots with ‘#End the Union’ written across them?

      I am beginning to think we are going to need demonstartion and some disruption in London as well as some non-violent protests before we can be taken seriously. As I am in Oxford at present, I’m happy to attend any such in London, though I rather hope arresting or manhandling 87 year old women is not a good look for the Met, not that they seem to care how they are viewed!

      Liked by 1 person

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