To understand why Keir Starmer has abandoned every pledge he made to become Labour leader, ‘follow the money.’ This reveals with surprising accuracy the motivation for his political decisions (U-turns) in this plutocratic age. 

Last week, shadow Chancellor Reeves sent personal letters to Tory donors inviting them to one-on-one breakfast meetings.[1] Since becoming leader, Starmer has courted big business and he and Reeves have hobnobbed at Davos to convince the oligarchs that Labour won’t threaten their hegemony. Like obese rats fleeing the sinking HMS Tory, donors like Kasim Kutay, the CEO of life-sciences investor Novo Holdings and Gareth Quarry, a multimillionaire tycoon, jumped ship to HMS Labour, knowing they’ll be safe.[2]

Their influence is obvious. Rather than fund the cash-starved NHS, Starmer just pledged to introduce personalised drugs, for which big pharma has been lobbying for years, the same industry that has exploited publicly funded research and privatised the profits. 

The Tufton Street gang, a gaggle of right-wing ‘think tanks’ with close ties to UK Government ministers, MPs and to Labour, is bankrolled by large corporations and wealthy elites, the same entities that fund the mainstream media. Their purpose is to protect and grow the establishment’s obscene wealth by completely destroying the post-war welfare state and impoverishing the vast majority of people. 

Staying in the union means Scotland’s extinction (our birthrate is 1.3 when the replacement rate is 2.1)[3]while what remains of our land and resources is sold off to private corporations. To save itself, Scotland has no alternative but independence.

Yours sincerely,

Leah Gunn Barrett

[1] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-07-14/labour-invites-tory-donors-to-breakfast-in-bid-to-woo-city-elite#xj4y7vzkg

[2] ibid

[3] https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/news/2022/birth-rate-the-second-lowest-since-records-began


    1. William M
      Yes he is that all right, the other side of the Tories ass. I think he also has Tory sympathies, Labour is no use to any thinking person now, again, like the Tories.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. We need to get this out on leaflets – as ALBA are doing – the YES vote that is done with the nuSNP is most likely to go to Labour unless we show them that nuLabour are indeed just one cheek of the same arse. Then the YES alliance we hope to see should get those votes.

        Liked by 6 people

    1. Starmer is another example of how the British establishment take over political parties and mold them from the inside turning them right wing he got rid of the lefties in the Labour party and now hes getting rid of the centralist’s. This is how the establishment ensure no change Tweedledee Tweedledum politics. Business as usual in UK,Ok for the 1%.

      Liked by 5 people

  1. Starmer and his party make me sick! Yuseless and his party make my skin crawl. Where once the Scots had a real political alternative to the tory/lab establishment, Sturgeon and her lapdogs have deprived us of that possibility in any upcoming election. Unless there is a real breakthrough for Alba ofc – probably not this time round?

    Thankfully, Salvo and the grassroots Yes movement thrives still, and, as the movement really begins to gain confidence in its own ability to call power to task, our strength and momentum will grow.

    Thank God for forums such as this and voices such as Leah’s. At least we know we’ve not gone totally nuts!

    I just hope that disaffected and ex SNP voters don’t decide Labour is their best/only alternative

    Liked by 8 people

  2. Starmer’s calculation is that he can afford to drift Rightward to an indefinite degree because “they’ve nowhere else to go”.
    In Scotland and Wales, this clearly isn’t the case, hence the branch offices flapping like shell-shocked budgies.
    Even in England, the peasants are restive. Mehmood Mirza’s (Independent) stunning, landslide (1,153 margin) in London Council, Boleyn ward, last week should give Starmer’s controllers in Thames House, Washington and Tel Aviv food for thought.
    Meanwhile, in North East England, the contest for Regional Mayor has been joined by Jamie Driscoll, who shows every indication of taking the post as an independent socialist.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. “hence the branch offices flapping like shell-shocked budgies” lol
      Have you noticed Jackie Baillie morphing into Gove?
      Govish: enunciated to have the same effect as nails down a blackboard……

      Liked by 4 people

  3. Scotland has been inflicted with 10 UK Tory governments since the last time we sent a majority of Tory MPs to Westminster in 1955 and Scotland has paid the price, and what a price it has been!

    Now, as Leah rightly states, it seems as if the UK is about to replace a succession of Tory governments with another under a different name. All the signs were there that showed Starmer for what he really is and yet it seems that once again Labour is willing to ditch any semblance of socialist principles to secure their Ministerial salaries, chauffeured limousines, huge expense allowances, flunkies to do their bidding and all the other perks of the “job.”

    Just when you think that there could be some respite from Tory sleaze, profiteering and corruption – along comes Starmer the “Continuity Tory” – where have I heard something similar recently?

    However, although the rest of the UK is trapped and unable to escape, Scotland has a way forward and a way out, Illustrated by Salvo and Liberation Scotland.

    Our current situation reminds me of Ritu Ghatourey when she said “Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.”

    We have the courage and Salvo is providing the legal ammunition – go and fire it, but choose your targets well and that means not directing fire at ourselves or our allies.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. What a marvellous quote from Ritu Ghatourey, I’m going to keep that! Leah is doing a fine job raising these issues in her letters. More power to her pen. As for Continuity Tory, he has a new nickname follwing his decision to keep the 2 children cap – Sir Kid Starver. Suits him…

      Liked by 9 people

      1. Sir Kid Starver, indeed. So apt. That anyone with a brass neck you couldn’t mark with a blow-torch, who call themselves “Socialist” and behaves like a Tory can aspire to the political heights, defies logic.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. Excellent quote!
        I see folk out there saying ‘The UK gov will NEVER agree – what is the point?’ The point is it always takes brave men and brave women. We could have taken an easy first step with whatever deal May had for Scotland as Brexit broke over us but Woke Queen Sturgeon ruined that for us. We must show the world our wish to be free and our right to be free. I don’t want to see any entitled politician conflating Scotland with Catalonia because it makes them feel good – WE ARE SCOTLAND!!!! Not Norway or Catalonia or any other place on earth. We show the world we want to be free and it is our national right to be free. And we show Westminster we will do whatever it takes.

        Liked by 8 people

  4. As a fiefdom of the hugely resourced international-finance cartels, U.K. governments are in no position to independently dictate a ‘home-grown’, truly representative politics. That the competing administrators Sunak and Starmer both sound-alike, should surprise nobody.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. if you want independence at the next general election then you’d better join the SNP and vote on the options to deliver Independence. If it’s not delivered this time then i reckon it will never be delivered. Members will make the decision.


    1. Politicians have had their opportunity. It is time for them to stand aside and let the People of Scotland restore their right to self-determination and independence. It has been clear for some time that the domestic route to our goal no longer exists – if it ever did. After all, Sovereignty in Scotland rests with the people and not the politicians.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. if the SNP adopts the dissolution route then a majority yes vote in the forthcoming GE delivers that and a Scottish state.

        that is the only way to deliver it without U.K. government consent.


  6. It’s just the prawn cocktail offensive mk2. Reeves/starmer continuing where John smith left off, with labour’s capitulation to the city in the 1990s. This marked the complete capture of the U.K. political system. Sadly , it is self-evident that the same has happened in holyrood. I’m enraged that the SNP ‘veterans’ now bowing out seem to expect a salute of respect. Respect? What did they actually achieve? They kept their head down and got through to the other side none too badly off.

    Make no mistake, Labour will privatise the NHS. Their flagship public ‘British energy’ will only be public in name, yet will persuade the English electorate that Scotland’s energy is their’s.
    Sadly, it looks like Angus McNeill has done a Jerry Macguire. “Who’s coming with me…?”… tumbleweed..

    Liked by 2 people

  7. The only thing standing in the way of progress is the corrupt (bought and sold) political class. Until and unless the people rise and remove the corrupted their lot will remain and nothing will ever change. As every institution in Scotland is now British in its leadership and structure (Judiciary, police, banks, military, politics etc) the political/democratic route is nigh on impossible (by design). We must remember that the system is designed to maintain the status quo and anything that upsets that equilibrium is deemed illegal. Yet “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” the world knows that there is a moral need and obligation to do the right thing whether it is deemed “legal” or not! I guess Scotland and its destiny are in the hands of its people. More of the same (colony) or a new world (Sovereign State).

    Liked by 5 people

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