A thought provoking article from Peter Young of IndyScot News in Denmark.

Letter from Denmark: Chimes

I’d never heard of Willie Carlin. But his name came up as I was scanning the Danish library app. I was looking for books about the political history of Ireland, as you do. The Irish, after all, are independent, whereas we Scots, well.

‘Thatcher’s Spy’ is the title of his book. Basically, it’s the story of an 11-year infiltration of Sinn Fein between 1974 and 1985. It’s biographical but written in the style of a thriller. That said, books like this are not usually accurate in every detail, state vetting probably sees to that. Nevertheless, there are some observations in it that chime in a Scottish context.

Those who are old enough will probably remember the beginnings of the Troubles. The TV images were in colour, but in my mind’s eye events in late 1969 are all in black and white. Belfast and Derry looked like a rainy Easterhouse with riots. ITV and BBC must have had some good reporters in those days because there was, if I recall correctly, some fair-minded reporting from both communities. But like most 14-year-olds, it was all too bleak for me. The Moon landings and Monty Python kept this young Scot sane in the years between 1969 and 1972.

The nightly TV coverage of shootings, bombings and sectarian murders was truly awful. It was also puzzling, as I had no idea why the Catholic community in Ireland was protesting. I learned little enough about Scottish history at school, never mind Ireland’s. The lasting impression was that the Catholic or nationalist community was somehow responsible for violent riots. Of course, the fact that peaceful civil rights protesters were set upon by loyalist mobs, backed up in many cases by the Royal Ulster Constabulary, never quite got through. 

The violence of settlers and the police — an eerie echo of the West Bank in 2023.

Willie Carlin was from a Catholic background but had ended up in the British army as a youngster. In 1974, he returned across the Irish Sea with his wife, having first enquired if it was safe for him, as a former British soldier, to return. Once home, his mission was to send back reports on political developments. In fact, it seems to have been his abhorrence of violence that led him to accept his undercover role. He excelled as a community worker and came to the notice of Sinn Fein. Highly valued and trusted implicitly by the party, he was asked to join. Back in England, his handlers were sifting through the intelligence he was providing on key figures. It seems that at least one part of the British establishment was keen to find a political solution to the Troubles. If that meant coaxing the gunmen into politics, so be it.

When we think of infiltration of the IRA, we tend to imagine double agents passing on information to the shoot-to-kill lot, or to loyalist fanatics who were, essentially, terrorist murderers for ‘Queen and country’. This did happen, and justice for the crimes of collusion are still pursued by relatives of victims to this day. The Miami Showband Massacre and the murder of Pat Finucane being just two of these outrages.

In Carlin’s case, though, there seems to have been divided loyalties, at least that’s what his handlers thought. His information was valued, but he wasn’t entirely trusted due to his closeness to Martin McGuinness, and his own ‘nationalist’ sympathies. Also, the fact that he wasn’t doing it for money raised suspicions. The British intelligence crowd in the north of Ireland were used to people offering their services for financial reward.

One interesting aspect is that Carlin was seen as a long-term project. If he’d not been betrayed, from a most unusual source, he may have risen to the very top of the political sphere he worked in. Not so much a sleeper as an upwardly mobile, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed political activist.

What this all reveals are the lengths to which the British state (or England, as it should probably be called) will go, to keep the landmass and resources of the Celtic nations under the control of London and the English crown. If infiltration was widespread in the six northern counties, then it seems unthinkable that it’s not equally, if not more, widespread in today’s nationalist Scotland and Wales.

Scotland, of course, is the jewel in the crown. With our nation’s vast resources, we Scots could be citizens of one of the richest nations in the world. Currently, our people are something akin to East Germans gazing at the riches of free nations. Our Berlin Wall is the Union, its bricks and hindrances to freedom being a fake 300-year-old treaty, and the apparatus of the British state. Essential to this apparatus is its iron-grip control of broadcasting and its ubiquitous unionist press.

1707 was nothing more than an annexation of our country. A kind of Anglo-Saxon ‘anschluss’, achieved via bribery, threats and intimidation. That it has been maintained is due, in no small part, to Scots who do London’s bidding either openly or in secret. Openly, we have three political parties in Scotland run by London, and for London. Why is this even allowed? They could at least be registered as Scottish parties. Instead they are branch offices. Votes for Labour, Tory or LibDem in Scotland are Scottish votes for English rule —for colonial rule.

Labour think they are heading for a revival, and voter’ disgust with the nihilistic SNP under current management, may see the Scottish unionist electorate dog returning to its sick. Labour talk about ‘change’ but a vote for Labour is a vote for genocide-apologist Keir Starmer, the Tony Blair of the 2020s.’

Willie Carlin’s 1985 exit from the north of Ireland was sudden and unexpected. In fact, it was only a matter of hours before he was due a visit from Freddie Scappaticci, the IRA’s enforcer and informant killer. The irony, of course, was that Scappaticci himself was a British-state infiltrator. And the information that led to the exposing of Carlin came from yet another informer. In a twist almost too incredible for fiction, it turned out that Willie Carlin’s first ‘handler’ was none other than an MI5 agent who was later imprisoned for his role as a Soviet agent. Remarkably, among his fellow prisoners were some IRA men. The story goes that he told them about a mole called ‘Willie’ who was close to McGuinness. This may be true, or perhaps just a tale to disguise another — as yet unknown — highly-placed source within the nationalist movement. Whatever the truth, it really was infiltrators agogo.

The book ends with some extremely pertinent observations about ‘personating’ or vote-rigging. Personation involves voting multiple times and was widespread in the north of Ireland under the motto of ‘vote early, vote often’. Carlin’s revelations about the mechanics of ballot-rigging led to a change in the voting laws in the north of Ireland. This was lauded as historic progress, yet, those same laws remain unchanged in the rest of the UK.

This seems inexplicable, since marginal constituencies can easily be swayed by even small voting irregularities of a few hundred ballots. But perhaps this is exactly why the laws have not been changed in rUK, particularly to harmonise with the more strict laws on postal ballots in the British partition. “Living in Scotland,” Carlin writes, “and being an SNP sympathiser, often tempts me to approach some local activists and show them how to achieve this feat.”

Reading this jolted a memory from the 2017 general election. That was the election when many of us were perplexed by First Minister Sturgeon’s underwhelming, uninspired performances during debates. The unexpected loss of so many SNP MPs at the first post-Brexit election did not sit right with me. Scotland was ripe for independence. One poll put support at 60%. European citizens and many No voters were ready to vote Yes. And what did we get? A lacklustre campaign, a disengaged First Minister, and some truly bizarre results. The 56 became 35, still a victory but announced as a defeat by the organs of state propaganda. Not long after, the plot to defame and destroy Alex Salmond gathered momentum. Gender activism came from nowhere and replaced independence as the SNP’s main focus, hardly coincidental at the very moment the break-up of the UK looked inevitable.

Only those who refuse to believe the evidence of their own eyes, dismiss the claim that the SNP has been infiltrated. Perhaps 20 years from now, we’ll get a mea culpa from an informer, an infiltrator who had ‘divided loyalties’. Whether these North Brits work from some sense of monarchial Anglo-Saxon idealism, for financial gain, or due to coercion, is neither here nor there. What we do know, is that within less than a decade the SNP has been neutered, its focus shifted, its electoral prospects diminished, and most of its gerrymandered MPs and MSPs now unfit for public office.

Without wanting to sound disrespectful to our Celtic cousins, the British partition, known as Northern Ireland, pales into insignificance when compared to the Scottish colony with its vast natural resources, land mass, and maritime waters. If London spent decades attempting to keep an economically-faltering Northern Ireland ‘British’, how much more effort have they put into keeping asset-rich Scotland chained to an imaginary Union of equals?


Peter asks hugely important questions here. I like many others have looked on bemused and increasingly angrily at the many incomprehensibly bad decisions the SNP have made in the past decade. Are they so stupid? Are they unaware of the electoral and organisational damage they are doing? Do they care about Scottish Independence at all? Why have they become so hooked on fringe minority issues that are so unpopular with the electorate? Why have they become so dismissive and unattached to their own declining membership? What happened to competence in Government, that was there in abundance pre 2014 but which has disappeared since.

As Peter suggests an obvious answer would be like Sinn Fein and the IRA the SNP Leadership has been infiltrated by the British security services because they had become an obvious threat to the future British State, who would suffer a huge economic and political blow if Scotland became Independent.

The only other alternative would be its huge incompetence on a hitherto unprecedented scale. Neither offers much hope for the future if there are still many “loyalists” who see nothing wrong and are set on maintaining the current hopeless path. I can only hope they waken up before they are electorally destroyed. Because that prospect is increasingly looming.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


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75 thoughts on “CHIMES

  1. The usual excellent and thought-provoking piece by peter Young.

    His final conclusion:

    “If London spent decades attempting to keep an economically-faltering Northern Ireland ‘British’, how much more effort have they put into keeping asset-rich Scotland chained to an imaginary Union of equals?”

    I agree.

    My own reading of history is that the Britz initially wished to retain the 6 counties of Ulster i.e. two-thirds of the province essentially for the shipbuilding expertise of Belfast. That was where the money was, ergo you find the Brits.

    Later on that changed as shipbuilding was run down (from late 70s) and destroyed through under-investment just like all other industries in Scotland and other parts of the UK. So economics was no longer the driver for the Britz to keep a toe-hold in Ireland.

    The reason I reckon for holding on now is that if reunification happens there is a real fear that the whole British State comes under threat of unravelling as the Scottish and Welsh fancy running their own affairs too.

    It also proved handy during the EU withdrawal and retains a sort-of trading access to the EU via the Emerald Isle.

    Plus the Britz own image of themselves as a World power becomes somewhat tarnished and diminished if they can’t manage to keep control and (stolen) ownership of “The North”.

    It is an existential matter for the British. Expect them to fight to keep Scottish land, sea and associated resources and assets.

    And expect them to fight dirty.

    Liked by 14 people

  2. Another great thought-provoking article from Peter and the comparisons drawn with today’s Scotland cannot be ignored.

    No doubt that the SNP and any other “threat to the British State” was infiltrated long before the fake result of the 2014 referendum. As Stalin is said to have stated “It’s not who votes that count but who counts the votes”!

    Cameron only allowed a referendum because support for independence was showing at just under 30% and he thought it an opportunity for a “slam-dunk” result. It shook them into further action when the result, even with interference was so close. That meant the SNP as the “vehicle for independence” had to be destroyed and as you would expect from hundreds of years practice, the infiltrators have done an excellent job for their handlers.

    No political party, left to its own activity would be so crazy as to foist such absurd legislation on their electorate as we have seen in recent years – of course I exclude the Greens from that statement. The deliberate introduction of policies and legislation that were designed to alienate the SNP from the electorate has worked well and no doubt we will see the result of that next year.

    However, the percentage of the electorate still favouring the restoration of our Right to Self-determination and independence has remained steady and in recent opinion polls shows a slight increase. That must be absolutely maddening to the British State – imagine where we could have been with a semi-competent administration at Holyrood intent on independence!

    Liked by 15 people

  3. Belated comment on Freeports article by Alf Baird. as I only found it after reading this . Somehow I missed it as it was not flagged up on my email.
    If only the Scottish government had had the sense to put into practice the ideas ablout a Land Value Tax or Annual Rent when that was suggestwed by many groups, both before or after the 2014 referendum. We would have been in a better position with more control over our land and its resources had that happened.
    However, with hindsight, and in view of what has happened since, it is highly likely that the reasons for that stalling and the reluctance to put the idea into practice were because of infiltration by British organisations into our political systems.
    The only good thing iIcan see from this dreadful tale of woe is the strong and palpable anger of those comementing on alf’s artice;, including the numberof ‘likes’ I just hope that this anger, which I share, will soon be turned into a greater determination to be rid of the colonial yoke on our coiuntry along with some action to achieve that result.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. I would recommend
      Peter read the YANK. The story of an Irishman who goes and becomes an American Marine to help the IRA cause on his return to Ireland.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. The Irish, after all, are independent ?

    They are not because of the EU treaties. Voices are getting louder within Ireland, asking if being a member is a good idea. The use the Euro a foreign currency.

    Let’s use some official documentation to back up.what I am saying.

    Assessment of Stability Programmes and Convergence Programmes

    Stability Programmes submitted by euro area Member States should be based on macroeconomic forecasts produced or endorsed by independent bodies. These forecasts are compared with those of the Commission and, when appropriate, with those of other independent bodies. Any significant differences between the scenarios adopted by governments and the Commission’s forecasts should be explained. Convergence Programmes should be based on sound fiscal scenarios.

    As part of the EU’s annual economic governance cycle, the Commission assesses Stability Programmes and Convergence Programmes both before and after implementation. This allows the Commission to identify and discuss any risks of non-compliance before they occur, and to identify any actual instances of non-compliance that could ultimately warrant sanctions.

    In addition to Stability Programmes, EU Member States sharing the euro currency must each year (by 15 October) submit Draft Budgetary Plans.

    Look at Ireland and what they have been told to do. They are anything but independent.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Agreed vis a vis the EU. It has morphed into a right-wing, undemocratic puppet of Washington. Von der Leyen strutting around as the unelected president of Europe is madness. Doubtful if the EU will exist in its current format a decade from now. To be fair, Ireland can choose to exit the EU if it wants. Scotland had no say in its untimely exit. Ireland can seek membership of EFTA, Scotland cannot. Ireland can choose to remain neutral or become NATO member, Scotland is rail-roaded into housing England’s WMD and its armed forces. Ireland has multi-port connections to Europe for trade and passengers, Scotland has none. On the big issues, Ireland decides its own destiny, that’s an independence Scotland can only dream of right now.

      Liked by 11 people

    2. No person casting their gaze across the Irish Sea Derek can fail to see the basket case Ireland is becoming. Ireland too often is being held up as an example of fiscal prowess. The day to day lives of a fast increasing number of Irelands population are being marred and dictated by a disintegration of essential services relating to Health, (in all facets), Education and Housing while at the same time trying to keep up with the edicts constantly emanating from Brussels.

      At what cost? You are correct Derek, Ireland is ‘anything but Independent’!

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Can’t disagree with any of this.
    One slight element of finesse, there’s an American aspect to this influencing / infiltration.
    This is something of a controversial topic amongst spook watchers. Do the agencies at either side of the Atlantic trust one another sufficiently to cooperate?
    Most certainly, the evidence is there for those who care to look.
    * Wee Simon Bracey-Lane of the Institute for Statecraft “volunteering to work” on Bernie Sander’s primary run against Hilary Clinton.
    * American, David Rupert’s infiltration of the Real IRA (first at the behest of the FBI before being handed over to MI5).
    This appears to be a quid pro quo arrangement.
    By subcontracting to one another the agencies gain; distance, deniability and immunity from laws prohibiting spying on domestic citizens. This is also believed to apply to GCHQ Cheltenham and the NSA.
    Without going into names, numerous nonentity SNP politicians have been cultivated by the State Department through either the International Visitors Leadership Programme or the British American Project, only to see their stars in the ascendant.
    Also of interest in this regard would be the John Smith Centre at the spook infested University of Glasgow.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. Very true. There was also the Russiagate hoax fabricated by England’s Christopher Steele, who is still quoted as a security authority by the two Stewarts – Hosie and McDonald. It’s mindboggling.

      Liked by 8 people

  6. We are tribal. If at 5 years of age you are divided and one set given a blue school jacket and the other a green then a fork in the road is reached.
    I grew up in a house with King Billy on his white charger above the fire place and the Queen and Prince Phillip on the other walls, on the 4th. Wall was a glass case with my grandfathers sash and gauntlets.
    Fortunately I was a reader and devoured books on History. The stories of Ireland that I read did not match the version my family held as their reality.
    I could write chapters about the period from age 12 to 20 as the scales fell away.
    I learned that the elite do not just use division. The use Unity. A young man joins the Paras or the Royal Marines is also in the BRITISH Army and for obvious reasons becomes tied and dependent to those who stand beside him. 2 Para is far better than 3 Para and 42 Marine far better than 45. BUT the British Army is better than any other…..which may be technically correct but it still remains a tool to be misused.
    The State break and create bonds quire easily. (Brexit anyone)
    I seen it years later on a training course when the trainer handed out the “free” baseball hats at the start of the course without saying a word apart from welcome. When he came into the room we were standing in two groups of red and blue baseball cap wearers.

    Give me the child from 7 to 14 and I will give you a conditioned human.

    A present day example is the extreme focus of Stonewall in schools to insert their ideology and propaganda……You are not to challenge or debate. It is the long game, change the mindset of the young and a few decades later…..mission achieved.
    Israel/Gaza is another. I see so many people picking a firm side without any real knowledge of the history of the Middle East…..You are not to challenge or debate.

    Will the “State” undermine Scotland. Of course they will….however so will we.

    The answer “Education and Debate”. What I have seen in our Parliament and Universities on Women’s Rights sends a chill down my spine. The biggest danger we face is the closing down of open critique and discussion…….look at the Indy “Camps” right now….which colour baseball cap are you wearing.

    On the plus side my bigoted “North of Ireland” family enabled me to have an Irish/EU Passport……they must be spinning!

    IF………you believe you CAN or you CAN’T you will be proven right

    Liked by 9 people

  7. The infiltration of Scotland started from 1603 onwards and as Peter slides here is still going on. Like others I agree.
    In the States despite his extremely fascist statements against immigration and the rule of law millions still support Trump. It beggars belief. Unfortunately it is the same here with Scots total apathy to what is going on around them. It’s like most are sleep walking only interested in family, work and fitba. This infiltration of our media and government is the cause that is keeping so many asleep.

    Liked by 10 people

  8. A most thought provoking article for many here in Scotland but no surprise to the many in the north of Ireland. They did not call the trouble the Dirty War for nothing.

    In truth it would be insane for anyone to not realise the the British state play dark and deep in the retention of their colonies. Nothing is off the card and its maybe only when overt violence becomes apparent that people wake up to what is going on.

    Influence and control before overt symmetrical over conflict is the preferred way. Thus the state through all its arts and parts plays deep influencing things. Folks now understand only too clearly how the control and manipulation of the media, so extant here in Scotland is part of it. But it is much deeper than that and much more malign.

    Blackmail and bribery are part of the suite of tools and there can be no more of an influencer that what the Russians call Kompromat because with Kompromat or its alter ego Bribery control is indeed taken. And examples of this are there to be seen.

    In the 60’s there was a rather interesting character in that of Lord Boothby. Born in Edinburgh he was for some twenty six years the MP for Aberdeen and Kincardine. Holding various senior governmental positions in various Conservative governments his sexuality and of those he associated with was another thing altogether. Sexually ambiguous he fathered many children by other peoples wives but in his association with people like the Krays, and an affair with a London east end cat burglar, his true hidden character was lurking. And lurking it was because for whatever reason the press supressed all reports of his behaviour preferring for him to go about his ministerial ways. That is until it was ultimately broken in the press that Mr Boothby, in association with his friends the Krays, had a penchant for attending sex parties and for lying under a glass table where after rent boys would defecate on the table.

    That his association with the underworld caught the attention of the Sunday Express the Conservative supporting paper opted not to publish the story until at a later date the Mirror and the German magazine Stern named names. This as today then occasioned a frenzy of legal action and intimidation against any or all in the press who would attempt to expose the truth about Bootby’s associations and behaviours, with of course Scotland Yard refusingto take any actions.

    But of course a compromised Boothy was a malleable Boothby. The special branch and security services were well aware of Boothby’s kompromat, and were allowing it to continue under the surface.

    And that then maybe takes us to more recent times and the rumours of a paedophile ring at the heart of the Thatcher Government. After their deaths all manner of exposures came out about sick sexual behaviours. Cyril Smith and Sir Jimmy Saville being but two examples. Paedophilia is a crime so why was this allowed to happen. Again the security services knew. Well what better way to retain influence and control than to have the threat of exposure hanging over the head of a minister or particular politician. It’s a perfect way to retain control and it is the threat of the exposure of this ring that is reported as having cost the Scottish patriot and Scottish lawyer his life.

    Declaring at an SNP meeting that he had got the bastards, and having had his home and office burgled over the previous weeks by persons unknown, but anecdotally reported by a witness to be special police, MacRae reportedly shot himself later that evening at a remote part of the highlands leaving only his open and empty briefcase at the scene.

    Not difficult therefore to see how compromise is a tool of the British state and not difficult to see how certain politicians could be compromised and or bribed to depart to someone else’s wishes. And not difficult to see how compromise can morph into the next stage of extra judicial killing.

    It’s all there if you look, Ireland in the 1900, India, Kenya and indeed all of the British colonies or are we so naive as to believe the British state would never interfere in Scotland in malign and murderous undemocratic ways.

    Alex Salmond ran the British Establishment close in 2014. Closer than we may actually know. The concept of power devolved being power retained had failed. The Scots were on the cusp of, or in fact beyond the cusp of selecting independence. No surprise therefore that only a few years later the man who had run the British Establishment closer than we dare think was arraigned on trumped up charges in an attempt to jail him.

    No surprise either that for whatever reason the SNP abandoned the cause of independence preferring instead hugely unpopular transgender polices instead.

    So yes, Peter’s timely reference to a book that gives insight into what was going on just a few miles form Scotland in Northern Ireland is most thought provoking.

    Liked by 9 people

  9. Two unanswered questions here from the article and Ian’s comments:

    1. What happened to Government competence from 2014?

    2. What position(s) did the infilrtator(s) hold in the SNP leadership?

    If what is suggested is correct, the only person with the ability (through their position) to impose such disastrous policies would have been the leader. There may have been support from other infiltrators, but it could never have worked without the leader of the party directing operations.

    So the two questions above are answered by the same name.

    Is what is being suggested correct? Or has just incompetence ruled from 2014. People will have to form their own view.

    A few poinst might help them to come to a decision. Why did the leader resign when she did? Why was there such desperation to elect the new leader in the way it did in breach of its own procdures? Why did they bounce the membership into choosing the most incompetent candidate? Who did they engage to assist in the vote counting?

    Again, if what is said is correct, should we look at the identities of those senior members of the party who came out so forcefully in favour of such an incompetent?

    Is there a barrel of rotten apples running Scotland into the ground? Or has it just happened by bad luck?

    Tinker, tailor……

    Liked by 12 people

    1. If I may add another: Why was Sturgeon, a failed lawyer married to the CEO, ever considered an appropriate choice to succeed Salmond? Who pushed for her appointment? Why was it not conditional on Peter Murrell resigning? So many questions.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. A failed lawyer the truth about Nicola Sturgeon, how she was found guilty by the law society of maladministration, and how she jumped before she was pushed was well covered up, and to an extent still is, for many a long year.

        Indeed, jumping to being selected to stand as an MSP before being sanctioned by the law society for maladministration is of itself strange. Not exactly the credentials for passing vetting and subsequent election as an MSP.

        And the lawyer who investigated Sturgeon is now a Sheriff in the Highlands alongside ex crown agent and ex MI5 man David Harvie who has just been slotted in as a sheriff in Elgin. Funny how paths cross innocently or otherwise.

        But yes Sturgeon the failed lawyer. How on earth was she allowed to jump and evade sanction whilst concomitantly being selected to stand as an MSP.

        Liked by 5 people

  10. What can be done? Politicians can be voted out of office, but the top civil servants (who run the country) Are appointed by Westminster. I sometimes think that having had over 300 years to construct the prison, Scotland might never be able to break out, It’s depressing.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Politicians make policy. Civil servants carry it out. Theoretically.

      If politicians were carrying out civil sevice policy they must at least be complicit. They are the ones that vote the rubbish through.

      “Well almost all Government policy is wrong…but frightfully well carried out” – Sir Humphrey Appleby

      Liked by 6 people

      1. While that may seem like a logical supposition, at first glance,
        One only has too look at the overpromoted acolytes like Shona Robison, “Shirley Anne Shit-for-Brains” and Hairy Munter to be reminded that some people just are incompetent and stupid.
        Some of them are self promoters and idealogues.
        We don’t always get the best of people who push themselves forward for the Big Paychecks.
        It takes a determined intelligent Leader like Alec Salmond to make the best promotions and bring on fresh talent.
        John Swinney … I hear he has arranged a synecure for himself at Glasgow university.
        Safe in the bosom of unionist Academia.


        Liked by 4 people

      2. You have to look at who put all the plonkers in place, and for what reason, then it makes sense. Even if they don’t.

        Liked by 3 people

  11. Ireland like Scotland didn’t just arrive at the doings without people who went along with it. Sad state of affairs for all especially all the people who died along the way.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Dirty dealings between those at the top..apparently. The wee boys did their bidding. Disgraceful. Far removed from Michael Collins time.

      Liked by 4 people

      I came across this the other evening whilst looking at a book on the boortree or Elder as am interested in natural remedies etc especially from the past. I also do a fair bit of research as it’s just how I am. I am a firm believer in synchronicity and that what you seek is seeking you. Last New Year I was in the wee local shop and in my change I was given back an Irish 2p before they went on to the euro and even mair surprised that my y.o.b was on the back with a design that came fae a Fransiscan Bible. My family like many have roots fae here and Ireland and this is one of the branches of the tree. Maybe not the exact one however something inside you just knows it’s all connected. If you’re reading the room, Ireland is going through the same unpopular policies that the SNP are trying to foist upon us, Wales are doing it as well.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. What’s yob?
        And I can tell you for a fact the Irish aren’t happy.
        They also conn the Scots.
        No one like yir ain’t fawk

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Year of birth. I met someone years ago fae Ireland in Turkiye of all places and he happened to be connected to Michael Collins, he was called Michael funny enough. Was on a night out and we ended up in his bar, never forget that Elvis Presley song he put on in his Jukebox Always On My Mind, it stuck and played 3 times.🤣 Iraq war was happening at the time and some local thought it was funny to stick a rifle at me asking if I saw Bin Laden. I knew that he was joking and I wasn’t scared but there were jets flying rather low over the airspace where we were. Hopefully one day soon we shall experience a world where there’s unity and peace and we resolve issues with sticking to treaties and agreements and instead of killing each other, we learn the art of communication and true meaningful negotiations where we be fair to all.
        A world where we can hold accountable anyone who breaks international laws as well as domestic or the consequences will be high for those who endanger our world and people.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. That must have been a bit discombobulating.
        Like seeing a dog in the playground.
        We live in a weird world.
        Glad you were safe. X



  12. Whatever happened to Labour’s 145 seat majority of 1945? Are we to believe that so many people just decided to change their minds so as to give the Tories their slim electoral victory of 1951 and their later 60 seat majority of 1955? But, wasn’t the UK a liberal-democracy, a “free” country, why would anyone question such a catastrophic reversal of fortune for the Labour Party? Does anyone believe for a moment that Washington (and the British establishment), was even remotely sanguine regarding the apparent ascendency of “socialism” in one of its strategically central, client states? Direct comparisons with Atlee’s 1945 government and the SNP, a mere devolved administration, can’t be readily said to exist, of course, but a similar modus operandi in the management of global, strategic affairs most certainly remains in existence. And it’s quite unthinkable that any strategic decisions made elsewhere in that regard, will be influenced by Scotland’s status as an ancient European nation or her indigenous culture, languages and history. Because from afar, we all appear to be Brits and, as many will have experienced abroad, are too often regarded as being one-size-fits-all, English. Why wouldn’t those with a vested expedience in the status-quo within the u.k. not use all means available, including vote-rigging, infiltration and anything else for that matter, to maintain what they believe to be an advantageous status-quo? Such people will know too well that automatic access to Scotland’s energy resources has to be maintained, if England is to avoid penury, civil-unrest and all the other unpredictables flowing from such a scenario. Why wouldn’t such people be totally opposed to Scottish independence?

    Liked by 10 people

  13. I did write a comment earlier but it didn’t go through. Sure it was my mistake.
    Thank you Peter for a really meaty post. Every line was spot on.
    I too lived through the troubles from 12 miles away. I can’t remember becoming politically aware. My Faither was never an activist although he was politically astute. When he was home we watched the news together, not by design, just me hanging onto his knees. He didn’t say very much, apart from the time the paras shot themselves in the foot, metaphorically. So bad. So sad.
    Your piece is spot on for me.
    Thanks Peter and Iain.

    Liked by 5 people

  14. As an addendum to my post my Dad did his national service and then went into the oil industry. He was a para but was disgusted by what they did. I remember it as if it was yesterday. He said to me that he could understand why it happened but said it was wrong. He was upset. You can’t hide much from children actually.

    Liked by 6 people

  15. Infiltration was probably accelerated once the British state realised post the 2014 indyref than future UK general elections would perhaps consistently return a majority of nationalist MPs in Scotland leading to calls to bring the union to an end via that established method. Since 2015 tThese MP’s have steadfastly refused to withdraw from Westminster. This is not the behaviour of nationalists desperately seeking to liberate their nation.

    The Westminster privileges committee report below acknowledges as ‘common sense’ that Scotland may exit the union alliance by democratic means. ‘Democratic means’ tells us that a majority of Scotland’s national elected representatives can end the union, in much the same way it was created. This has been the case since 1707, until devolution when the unionist establishment (and the SNP) changed the narrative and goal posts.

    Scotland is in fact already de jure independent with the election of its third elected nationalist majority; all it requires is for a majority of Scotland’s representatives to withdraw from Westminster and the union is over. Even a Westminster committee is telling us this. Which confirms that the SNP Westminster group (and most MSPs) must be composed of infiltrators.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Thanks Alf. You’re so patient. It’s the only explanation. Some of the nusnp are really thick but we’ve got nicoliar and the one who learned Gaelic?! Aye that one . Shameful horsebox wtf! Infiltrated from top to bottom. What a bunch of cowards 😤

      Liked by 7 people

      1. I don’t doubt it. There’s a fair few folk including yer self Iain who are doing a great job on many fronts unpaid and it’s a pity that we don’t have proper media which values true freedom of speech and telling the truth.

        Liked by 3 people

  16. Couldn’t agree more Alfred Baird. If your elected MPs, your majority of nationalist MPs resile from the Westminster parliament then the Union is at an end.

    That is all that it takes.

    But of course the establishment know that. The 2014 referendum which I believe they did not win, and the independence majorities ever since, are the reasons that the establishment is pulling out all the stops and will do whatever it needs to do to frustrate the move to independence.

    In the 1920s the British used gun boat diplomacy by using extreme violence against an Ireland that had voted democratically by a huge majority to end the Union.

    Folks that don’t believe that the Brits will play dark and deep with no limit, and who are already playing dark and deep would be better to believe in the tooth fairy.

    We have the mandate to end the union now!

    Liked by 10 people

    1. It’s more subtle now. Scotland is full of English. More now than ever. They talk about infiltration by the ‘boat people ‘.
      Aye. Just like the Chinese government have done for years …take their language and culture
      Did anyone say those taken over were racist?
      No. But it happens to us.
      Just watch an Irish TV channel. Culture celebrated. They’re not called racists.

      Liked by 9 people

  17. Alf, a lot of Pelham puppets in the SNP. The latest being Humza. Muffin the Mule had more independent thought. You can see the strings from a mile off

    Plenty more lined up to dance to the tune being played. And it’s not ‘Flower of Scotland’

    Liked by 9 people

  18. Makes you wonder where The National fits into this, the SNP propoganda machine.

    Who pays the money to keep it going to try and keep the SNP going to keep Scotland from getting independence?

    Liked by 9 people

  19. @cruchanabeinne

    That anyone other than an Irish person might be employed to read the national news or, indeed, the weather forecast of an evening, is nigh unthinkable for most Irish citizens. (You can make the comparisons between us and Dublin, without any help from me.) Whereas, Ireland uses its home-grown talent, we, it would appear, prefer to get our facts and information from people from outwith our borders, people who all sound alike and who know little and care even less about Scotland, our politics, culture, history or identity. In its uniquely anomalous way, that strange phenomenon is surely up there alongside the adoption of a local-franchise in the case of national referenda.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Thanks Erich.
      Another poster makes sense.
      Naw. The Irish don’t give a flying one about the Scots. But what I do object to..they think we’re fucking stupid. Aye. Friends again foe

      Liked by 1 person

    2. They’re a bit like us Erich. Just working for a euro in their pocket. I can tell you every Irish person I’ve met hates the EU. Even the farmers.
      How did that work in Scotland nicoliar? Sure we had better terms?
      So it’s back to westmidden now to dole out the pennies?
      I fecking despise you nicoliar, alphabet arses ,spads from Newcastle etc. Bloody etc.
      All alphabet. Aye you should all be jailed. Liars.

      Liked by 3 people

    3. Many of ours are trying to fit in and be accepted into the establishment, we’re kept backwards in the fact that we have pretend Scottish TV/News.Perhaps it’s the only way they get into these jobs? I was listening to a healing by sound seminar and it was stating that we each have our own unique tone. It had me thinking about language, if we are all not being (speaking)the way that we should be are we out of sync and balance?

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Yes Fae. Of course we’re out of balance…I’m becoming unbalanced the older and angrier I get! If we can’t speak our own lingo, never mind know about our own history…we’ll…what’s the result?
        It’s like DARVO.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Excellent read. Haven’t finished it yet.
      Interesting. I didn’t christen my weans, although I was christened myself at 6 weeks…that was normal for the time. I have tried the church but I couldn’t stand the hypocrisy. I appreciate some folks believe. I’m not one of them, but sometimes wish I was…like handing something over.


      1. I am religiously neutral but I am spiritual.I wasn’t christened, went to a non denominational school and I don’t see it necessary to be fighting with someone or hating them for following their chosen faith or not. I experienced a bit of discrimination in my old workplace for being non Catholic, lapsed Catholic or worse were some of the things said to me and one time as I wouldn’t bless myself the priest threw holy water in my direction, perhaps he was expecting me to melt? 😄 It had me thinking about the people teaching others their faith as being intolerant and not always caring unless you’re in the same club.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. To calm ourselves from the rage and the things on our mind which may rob us of sleep, why not later on tonight snooze with Sam. Let his lovely understated Scottish accent take us on a journey of Scottish stories. ❤️ 🤣


      3. Aye Sam. The Scottish man fae Skye who developed the ASM to help people and he’s using Scottish stories. It’s actually not easy to find other Scottish doing this. I made an enchanted forest one up for a lassie who was having difficulty sleeping based upon what she found relaxing and she made me one based upon the same.
        We know that there’s a lack and instead of always stating what we don’t have, well each one of us can create and get our accents, languages stories etc into the consciousness. One of the things I learned from doing TEFL was to not let the people who you are teaching a new language/culture to, to forget their own and allow yours to remove theirs. So if our authorities denied it of ourselves well get creating.

        Liked by 3 people

      4. Thank you Fae. I lived on the banks of Loch Awe as a child so it holds very special memories. Unfortunately Dougie Campbell planted it with caravans and it’s choccka with english. Not the place I remember. Ben Cruachan is still there ❣️

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Ghandi on Jesus Christ an Christianity.

        I like your Christ
        I don’t like your Christians
        Christians are so unlike your Christ

        Liked by 1 person

  20. Pingback: Ewen's Blog
  21. I think the rot set in when the SNP couldn’t make any headway in liberal seats in Scotland. Moved into neoliberal territory to win those seats.

    Mistakenly hold the view the EU would save us. When it would clearly be what Naomi Klein described in her book – The shock doctrine. The nail in the coffin was when Charlotte street partners and Andrew Wilson were put in charge of economic strategy.

    Which was instead of being centred around the Scottish people was all about geopolitics. It was no accident the ” official ” money story was changed and how money works, at the time the Berlin Wall was put on wheels.

    The whole strategy is nothing new. Andrew Wilson just like Thatcher says their is no alternative.

    Neoliberalism’s Colonial Origins (Essay)

    I honestly think because trident is Here the US leaned on Sturgeon and she caved. Now the SNP is no different to New Labour. Which is ironic, because New Labour is the reason the SNP popularity surged, as New Labour was based on the Skye Bridge economic model and was rejected by Scottish voters. Andrew Wilson wants the whole country to be run like the Skye Bridge when the toll was on it.

    The Greens are the same and Lorna Slater is just their version of Andrew Wilson.

    “All under one banner ” stops any of it from being questioned. Gives the likes of Andrew Wilson and Lorna Slater free reign. When we should be marching in huge numbers to get These neo liberals and Charlotte street partners removed from the Indy movement.

    Liked by 5 people

  22. When you look back at how our redoubtable hacks were all over the misdemeanours of Messrs McLeish, Alexander and McLetchie, the assault against Sturgeon’s filing inadequacy seemed to stop short. Only McConnel got his retaliation in first by owning up to some jiggery-pokery.

    The Daily Record leak saw Clegg move out of Redcoat land PDQ to an outpost of Empire in Dundee. There he joined the other comic artists and produced his magnus opus. Perhaps the Glasgow police don’t communicate with their colleagues in Dundee.

    It all smacks of manipulation. The trials and tribulations of the SNP are now so abundantly manifest that spook control, far from celebration, should look to damage limitation. Such is the level of suspicion amongst (knowledgeable) voters.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. @cruachnabeinne. If you could write a heartfelt memory to Mr Campbell and without being accusary (which might make him feel shamed) and put up walls but instead let him know what the place means/meant to you and how the pursuit of having more money has cost the people maybe we could open their hearts and change their perspective?

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Perhaps you would like to share those memories with us, give us a wee visual of what it was like, how you felt etc. ? You could make a podcast, blog, write a book and be supported by other people who appreciate how you feel.It helps us understand how each of us feel about the places that meant so much to us, still hold dear in our hearts and the effect that such events have had upon the Scottish folk.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Not sure if any in here can help but signed up to Salvo and get regular e mails with updates then after a lot of effort signed up to liberation and have heard nothing. Worried I have signed to a cloned site. I doubt if in the next round of elections I will have a party to vote for as Alba are talking about standing a dozen or so candidates so the chances of one of them being out here in the sticks are South of bugger all. ISP are also unlikely to stand which is not unexpected but sad as they are nearest to my position. If Alba want to boost their credibility get Alex to stop being a privy councillor and have nothing to do with the freak show South of the wall. Still they have started as the members have decided not to vote Barrhead bhoy back onto the NEC as he is at best divisive and that is on a good day. Well at least we still have Salvo No pressure but get the finger out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. News from Liberation is imminent. It will be featured on this site and directly by email to all those who have signed up. When it appears on YFS if you don’t get an email that will confirm your fears. We will shortly launch a much more secure signing up process.

      Liked by 3 people

  25. I wonder who is behind the right wing riots in Dublin who is financing the extremists . They dont want Irish reunification so they will try and destabilise Ireland. They are trying to put off soft voters from voting yes in a possible reunification referendum.UK, Ok is playing the same game here in the Scottish colony.The British elite and their transatlantic pals on a positive note are losing their power, we are now witnessing their demise with the rise of the new world order. They have no respect for democracy as we have seen in the Ukraine with the over throw of a pro Russian democractic government in 2014, and now the mass murder of thousands of innocent Palestinians civilians
    in Gaza. Genocide Ethic cleansing beyond anything we have ever seen before. We have much in common with the Palestinians. Meanwhile the colonial masters are using Scottish colonial administration as a tool an Humsa there agent to close Hollyrood. When will we have enough of this parictical neighbour. Dissolve the Union.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The 2014 Government you speak of was corrupt to the core. There have been multiple elections since, with high turnouts and Zelensky has a clear and popular mandate.


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