A Dream To Keep.

Each of us has our own part to play in creating the future Scotland deserves; for that
reason and a few more outlined below, I have resolved to stand as an Independent
candidate for the constituency of Alloa and Grangemouth at the forthcoming General

My home is in the wee coonty of Clackmannanshire and that’s where my heart
lies. Like so much of Scotland though, Clackmannanshire is riven by poverty and
deprivation – unnecessary in a land of plenty. Threatened closure of the Grangemouth oil
refinery comprises continuing de-industrialisation of our country; other than Kenny
MacAskill, few Scottish politicians have raised their voices let alone fingers to prevent it;
only with independence and competent government can we rebuild and thrive. Devolution
is at risk and Scotland’s voice is rarely heard let alone respected at Westminster. The time
to remove Scotland from the Union is now. Not next year, 2026 or some indeterminate
date in the gift of a ‘benevolent’ PM.

A few days before the 2014 referendum, Robin McAlpine wrote “The British state has sent
its big guns to Scotland and found them overwhelmed by a movement of a thousand
On the eve of the referendum Tommy Sheridan addressed thousands of optimistic Scots
in George Square – “ Scotland may have only 40 years of oil left; Westminster has only 40
Had the butterflies succeeded in dodging the impact of the big clunking fist and its
pugilistic companions, what different a Scotland might we have created?

We’d hoped for a compassionate country addressing poverty and inequality, encouraging
and supporting all, with access to the best of services, from cradle to grave. A country
where we’d right the wrongs of centuries of unnecessary hardship for too many. A nation
participating on the world stage as an equal partner, peace loving, warm and egalitarian,
welcoming and a positive force. Freedom come all ye.

We can have this and we must make it happen. Those of us in Scotland determined to
see independence in our lifetime must show that we have the spine so many others lack.
Don’t wait for others – ask what you can do for your country and do it today. There are
children as yet unborn whose future potential will be enormous when we are independent
with full economic powers to address our country’s ills and unleash our greatest resource
– the potential of the Scottish people.

Today approaching the tenth anniversary of the dress rehearsal, Scotland doesn’t need
persuaded to support independence; Scotland cannot afford the alternative.
Scotland deserves a government of inspired, inspirational, driven leaders, visionaries in
tune with the needs and aspirations of our people. Not rule by remote control from a
foreign country. As Jim Sillars said, but some suspect Margo told him to, ‘it’s our purpose
to wipe every unnecessary tear from every Scottish cheek.’ That is what we will do with
our freedom.

Despite setbacks support for our country’s independence remains at least at 50%; this is
why there is unremitting diversion of offshore resources south, manipulation of statistics
by GERS, blatant purloining via instability arising from the Freeports fiasco and the refusal
to consider for Scotland the provisions gained for Northern Ireland following Brexit. It is why the British presence in our cities increases. It is why there is ridicule of Scottish
efforts to create and maintain international connections and friendships.

Westminster maintains its imperial control over Scotland because we are ill-served by
representatives able and willing to challenge this. A campaign providing for one
independence supporting candidate in every constituency was offered by Alex Salmond
and rejected by others. It remains the key to unlocking Scotland’s democratic right to
choose independence. With that, Independence supporting victors will be in the majority
as will be the popular vote ; we will create an internationally recognised mandate
justifying negotiations on the independence settlement. Recognition that regaining
independence will come from all efforts, cross party and no party, is fundamental.
Quietly today the people can mobilise and begin with mass voter registration. Door chapping and street stalls by and for the benefit of the ordinary people of this country, not the elite –just the majority who have been silent for too long; the folk who answer appeals online for donations to baby banks, food banks, school clothing banks or a whip-round for anelectric blanket or a sleeping bag for a pensioner sitting shivering in her house in Fife
within sight of a windfarm but too feart to turn on the heating.

That movement populated by those with the most to gain from our country’s freedom,
linked with a national surge, a petition, declaring our intention to become a free country
once more, supported by political parties united in their determination to deliver that
independent status – that is how Scotland will take her place between Saudi Arabia and
Senegal – and not a moment too soon.

Butterflies signify hope, reincarnation and the tender aspirations of something
indescribably precious. The women, the men and the children of Scotland deserve those
aspirations and thought. Their dreams and values have been fractured but with common
cause and purpose can heal, thrive and overcome. Those wings can fly again. Let’s make
it happen.
When Scottish hearts unite
And we demand what is our right
We’ll stand together, strong and free,
And make our dream reality


Congratulations to Eva, a brave move. I know some were worried when they learned that Eva had resigned from Alba that she would be lost to the battle for Independence.

Not me, and I am grateful for the speed Eva has displayed in proving me right. I suspect Eva will not be alone in contesting these elections as an Independent. That is the direction of travel with many in Scotland these days as more and more people lose faith in the party political parties who are so easily distracted by a myriad of competing priorities, rather than sticking with the overall need to pursue Independence unhindered.

I wish Eva every success and would greatly welcome the support of all those who live in the constituency she is going to contest. Get yourself a very determined and hardworking elected representative. Eva won’t let you down.

I am, as always



Unfortunately there are some sites where extensive blocking takes place against bloggers who do not slavishly follow the dictates of one political party. This is a direct threat to freedom of speech and I unhesitatingly condemn such action. To overcome this problem I rely on my readers to share Yours for Scotland articles as widely as possible. My thanks to those who help overcome censorship.


The most reliable way to get articles from this site is by taking out a free subscription which are available on the Home and Blog pages of the Yours for Scotland website. Given that I often seem to face other problems with both Twitter and Facebook this guarantees that my content is freely available.


Salvo continues to do valuable work and an ever increasing number of people are involved. They are now running strong campaigns on several key issues and as the campaigning arm of Liberation.Scot they are the key to success. If you would like to make a donation to further Salvo and Liberation’s campaigning here are the details. All donations large or small greatly helps our work.

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If you have not already joined please visit the above website and join now. We are looking to achieve a membership larger than any other political organisation in Scotland to approach the UN to achieve the official status as Scotland’s Liberation Movement intent of removing the colonising forces from our nation. Be part of it.


  1. If I was resident in the Alloa and Grangemouth constituency Eva Comrie would get my vote.

    She is passionate, honest and inspirational – the very traits required to engender support for ending this Union. Her profile is high and she is well known locally. I hope she is successful, for all our sakes.

    As I inhabit the dead territory of Edinburgh South/Ian Murray Country/Heart of Darkness I will be repurposing my vote (unless a candidate of the calibre of Ms Comrie decides to stand here).


    Liked by 20 people

    1. This being a ‘new’ constituency it will be interesting to see who the selected(?) candidates from the ‘mainstream’ parties will turn out to be.

      Eva Comrie has done herself a considerable favour in walking away from ALBA, at which recent events surrounding elections to the party NEC were alleged to be clearly ‘tainted by apparent bias’ confirmed by a number of members who were in attendance at conference and who subsequently resigned.

      The proposed closure by INEOS of the Grangemouth refinery is a major body blow to the community depending on employment but is a gift to any candidate standing on a ticket to save it as an asset crucial to an Independent Scotland in terms of self sufficiency in refining capacity, energy production and petro- chemical by-product.

      Alloa has been decimated by the loss of manufacturing capacity, in heavy engineering, electricity generation, brewing, wool yarn and clothes manufacturing. Grangemouth/Falkirk have suffered similar losses with NO attempt by the SNP led government to attract alternative employment opportunities.

      I wish Eva Comrie well in her quest to deliver on behalf of Scotland and those whom our current governments have left behind to fend for themselves. Myself? I shall be repurposing my vote with this legend; #End The Union. It is a message, clear, concise and absolutely imperative that we implement it!

      Liked by 10 people

  2. Is there a way of contributing to Eva’s Campaign? I’d like to help as I think she is very brave to stand and should have a hood chance of success but, as I now live in Oxford I çannot offer leafletting or stalls but çan offer financial help

    Liked by 15 people

  3. Not aa thing wrong with standing as an independent candidate committed to independence.

    Far better candidates focused on Scotland than SNP candidates focused on the pay and perks they can get for playing the colonial administrators at Westminster.

    Time to ditch the poisonous undermining SNP and to replace them with candidates like Eva, or Angus Brendan MacNeil, or selected Alba or individuals from Salvo or even the odd decent SNP who would declare themselves ex SNP and utterly pro independence.

    Folks are ready to rally to good independents who cannot be corrupted like the SNP.

    Millions of butterflies supporting a mass objective!

    Liked by 19 people

  4. I had completely tuned out with anything to do with Scottish politics for some time now but finally there is hope on the horizon.

    Moving away from the party system is without doubt the way forward and not only for Scotland and her independence but I believe for England also as it seems this is the way they plan to vote going forward.

    I had already cancelled my membership from Alba and had vowed I’d never again join any party or vote for any party, electing only independent candidates for me is also the only route back to real democracy.

    It will be much easier to remove a single candidate who isn’t delivering on his promise than it is to remove a party from power.

    Once again we have the opportunity to take back control. let’s hope we’ve learned some lessons since 2014.

    Liked by 20 people

  5. Such a refreshing change to discover someone who is prepared to do what they feel is right and not just talk about it.

    Party politics has failed the people of Scotland as a number of times we have been led so far up the hill only to retreat far quicker than we ascended. We only need look at the matter of sovereignty and how even a hint of Direct (Popular) Democracy terrifies politicians. Don’t they trust the people they call “Sovereign”?

    Of course they don’t! After all, it is only they who have the skills, knowledge and experience to govern Scotland and its people. If they maintain their current position, following the restoration of Scotland’s Right to Self-determination and Independence Day they will be leading opposition to Direct Democracy.

    Only the ISP is standing on the platform of Direct Democracy because “the People of Scotland are Sovereign” means what it says and not some idea of ‘borrowed sovereignty” or “loaned sovereignty” put forward by SNP and Alba to get around the fact that their leadership does not want or believe in total sovereignty for the people of Scotland.

    I wish Eva well and hope that she is successful because we need more like her to take forward our hopes and aspirations for our children and all who follow. There must be many others who could follow Eva’s example and I don’t think she will have to pay to have her leaflets distributed.

    Liked by 15 people

  6. A strong intelligent independent compassionate candidate are exactly what we need at the GE. Please let us know when the fundraiser for Eva is launched. My Alba membership money is looking for a new home.

    I would still vote for Kenny or Neale if I was in their constituency but I’m finished with Alba adopting the SNP approach to an unelected inner clique who ignore members.

    In future Candidates will earn our votes instead of using Party rosettes and Party logos.

    I have two redlines now…..

    You must support Independence with a proven track record.

    You must support Women’s Rights (Adult Human Females) with a proven track record.

    Let Twitter and INDY bloggers support the deserving and flag the con artists.

    I wonder if Stu Wing) would stand in Argyll & Bute.?

    What about you Iain?

    I hope ISP are standing if no independent will.

    Liked by 11 people

      1. I agree. It is probably more important to stay with Salvo/Liberation……I have a feeling that is going to be how we achieve Independence.

        Liked by 10 people

  7. Go, girl. You will make an excellent political representative. Kind of hoped it would be the Scottish parliament, but never mind.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Holyrood election is unlikely to be before 2026 so first things first! Eva can stand in 2026 for Holyrood as well – it has been done….

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Yes, Sarah, I suppose so. With a fair wind behind us, we might be out of Westminster soon in any case. Eva would have been an asset in the ‘conversion therapy’ nonsense at Holyrood, though. The problem is that all female rights will be gone before we get independence

        Can you see things being overturned and put back as they were, when womanx were women and manx were men? I’m afraid I can’t. Certainly not by the mainstream parties – any of them. ALBA, like the SNP, and soon, Labour, the Greens and Lib Dems will be riven apart by this ideology.

        The pretence and even the deliberate mis-categorizing of this as a less important women-only issue that can wait till independence will be the death of democracy – and any hope of independence. In the 1930s, Churchill, for whom I have few accolades, stated that, if we did not stop Hitler in the 1930s, we would end up at war and untold numbers would be harmed. It is always too late when not tackled promptly.

        I’m not saying this is Nazism, but it is totalitarianism and people with big bucks are pushing it. Perhaps they have money sunk in the arms trade. They certainly have money sunk in the pharmaceuticals and tech industries, even bigger than the military industrial complex. People need to stop looking at this as a female issue and start looking at it as a Western issue that could easily undermine democracy itself. Desperation for independence is no excuse for letting the fox into the henhouse.

        Liked by 5 people

      2. Once the voters know which politicians have supported the sheer wickedness of the “trans” conspiracy I am sure things will be put right. I very much hope so because it is the brainwashing of schoolchildren that is most worrying – I don’t think parents are aware of what is being taught as the councils and teachers don’t seem to be informing them. 

        I don’t understand how this issue has spread so quickly, and been supported, through every level of politics and into every large business e.g. John Lewis and M&S, and institution e.g. NHS and the media. After all it is clearly unhinged and dangerous. 

        So yes it is a worry but I cannot believe that it will be with us for ever. The general election may help by ousting a good number of current SNP MPs.

        Liked by 6 people

      3. Have you read the Denton’s Document, Sarah, or, indeed, has anyone else on this thread? If not, it is an eye-opener and will tell you how we got here so quickly and so thoroughly. It is available on-line. Just type in Denton’s Document and download or save as a pdf. I’d bet a penny to a pound that very few of our politicians in any of the parliaments have bothered to read it. If their researchers have, they have not bothered to inform their bosses. It is a deplorable dereliction of their duty of care to their constituents, and, particularly, to the female constituents who will comprise at least half their voter base.

        Liked by 6 people

  8. Good luck Eva. She will make a great independent candidate.

    I can’t believe SNP are not doing a thing re-Grangemouth Oil Refinery. They are finished as a Scottish party.

    Liked by 10 people

  9. Are ALBA finished then, with all the ladies departing..? I don’t like too much of what I’m hearing there these days, sounds like SNP2 which is a real shame. As the nuSNP contemplate their navels (and trans-vaginal exercises), fiddling while Grangemouth closes, what is left for the rest of the Indy movement? Independents dotted around, no matter how excellent they are as individuals, will take a long time to make any impact. However, let’s get rid of the nuSNP, not replacing it with other devo chancers or unionists, and see what happens. A Real Indy only party with no intention of ever visiting WM unless to settle up once and for all would be great, but if it’s one by one and build a host of Independent Indy supporters like Eva then let’s go. Good luck Eva. I wish you were standing in my area.

    Liked by 6 people

  10. I will be interested to see what Alba’s response to this is. Will they as with Angus Brendan not stand in this constituency or will they put up a spoiler as the SNP is in Western Isles/ Na h-Eileanan an Iar?

    As much as Kenny MacAskill has been working hard re Grangemouth, he already has a constituency and I hope they leave the field clear for Eva Comrie who is well regarded by many.

    Liked by 6 people

  11. Excellent news, Eva. Please put up a donation page so we can all help your fight. I see John Nicholson is the SNP candidate – losing to you would be a just reward for his “efforts” for independence.

    One question, will you be abstentionist?

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Ah John Nicolson!

      A denizen of the trough if ever there was one. Be delighted to see him taken out at the election.

      Liked by 7 people

  12. Excellent article Eva, I hope you win at the GE, I too believe that 50%+ of Scots want independence but this figure is massaged by what passes for the media in Scotland to play it down to a lower figure, as you rightly say the majority of current SNP politicians aren’t interested in freeing Scotland from this union.

    We can achieve very little in Scotland without independence.

    Liked by 5 people

  13. Good news indeed . The Movement can’t afford to lose a passionate advocate like Eva and the constituency she intends to stand in/for would/will benefit greatly from being represented by her .

    Go get ’em , sista 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

  14. The Independence movement in Scotland needs a non-party-affiliated figurehead. Eva Comrie must be a prime contender for that position.

    Liked by 6 people

    • A brave move by Eva and I wish her every success. It remains to be seen if Alba will select this seat as one of the dozen or so they decide to contest or do the sensible thing and give Eva a clear run at the yoons. She will not be short of support in terms of boots on the ground and hard cash so she has to be in with a shout. Go girl.

    Liked by 4 people

  15. Brilliant news ; Eva has always been outstanding, and a person who I always thought would be the best F.M. If I was in her constituency I would vote for her in a flash, but not living there, or for that matter in the country, all I can do is to help out with a donation. Please give us info on how we can do so.

    John Nicholson getting his arse whipped- what a Christmas present that would be.

    Just imagine if we also had Tommy Sheridan running as an independent.

    Liked by 4 people

  16. I am really chuffed for Clacks, and particularly Alloa and Grangemouth … They really need friends just now, and I can think of none better than Eva. How brilliant it would be to see her in Westminster alongside Kenny MacAskill and Neale Hanvey… Possibly too, with Alex Salmond.

    Just some thoughts… We need our brightest shining brightest again. 

    Liked by 7 people

    1. “How brilliant it would be to see her in Westminster alongside Kenny MacAskill and Neale Hanvey… Possibly too, with Alex Salmond.”…And what good would that do? We don’t have a voice in Westminster. Win the seat by all means, but don’t enrol at Westminster and your voice will be heard by those that are deaf to the cause at the moment.

      Liked by 1 person

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