A guest article from Colette Walker, Leader of the ISP

The Burning Question – Freeports

‘A week is a long time in politics’ is probably as hackneyed a phrase in politics as ‘football is a game of two halves’ is, in the beautiful game. But it’s none the less true for all that. Humza Yousaf is facing two votes; one on his own job as FM and one on the performance of his government. Until the latter was mooted, it looked like he was going to have to rely on Alba’s Ash Regan for survival. Unless the Greens really want to vote themselves out of a job, they are going to have to support HY on the vote of confidence in the government. But one thing that did interest us was Ash Regan’s wish list for bargaining with the SNP.  It included womens’ rights, the backing of her own bill on Scottish referendum rights and Grangemouth. All fine and good. But there’s one important omission from that and that’s freeports and special enterprise zones (SEZs). 

Yes, we heard that groan. Freeports on the face of it, seem a complicated issue. We’ve spent a lot of our time and effort trying to explain this to people, because it’s our job as a political party to do difficulty. So let’s explain it simply. Freeports are the UK’s poisoned gift to Scotland post -independence. Instead of Scotland being run by Westminster, it’s going  to be broken into lots of little statelets, each run by a business consortia, who will pay no tax and treat workers and their rights exactly as they please. They will collapse our local business economy and sell off our resources dirt cheap to other countries and interests and will not pay tax on it to us. Is that clear enough?

Let’s give you an old colonial example (other than our own) that make it clearer. The vanguard of colonial power for Britian was companies like the East India company. They would go ahead into countries, set up trading posts, hire soldiers and then pay the locals pennies to pick cotton, work mines etc. They would extract the natural resources of the country and sell them for a huge profit. They gradually pushed out their influence, backed up by soldiers and ignoring the local powers and laws to do so. 

This is the same thing. We are at a loss to understand why we appear to be the only party that gets this right now. There is absolutely no point in gaining Scotland’s independence, to hand over control of Scotland to be run by private business interests, counter to our laws. And these contracts last up to 25 years. We are being asset stripped. And they also prevent us from rejoining Europe. The freeports that exist in Europe are allowed because they are publicly owned and run under EU standards. Our ports aren’t. They could certainly do with being taken into public ownership as major strategic interests. But these contracts will also prevent us from doing that. 

Here’s a question for you. How can you call Scotland free, when all its major ports, its airport (Edinburgh), its capital city, its oil refinery, its deep docks, its oil and gas facilities and its renewable energy facilities and energy resources are under the control of private consortia, operating to their own set of rules in breach of the laws of Scotland. Is that freedom?

Oh, and Jim Ratcliffe from Ineos has just re-applied for fracking licences. Isn’t that great ?

There is one piece of good news which is that Salvo sent letters of notice to all these consortia informing them that the setting up of the freeports wasn’t permitted under the Scottish constitution. That allows them to be challenged legally later on. 

There is no excuse for any independence party not to be taking this seriously. For it not to be at the top of their agenda. Freeports are the equivalent colonial gift that partition was to India and Northern Ireland was to the Irish Republic, with the same intended effect. To stop it, we (and by ‘we’ we mean all independence parties) need to challenge it now. 

Ash, please add freeports to your wishlist. We promise you, history will judge you and Alba harshly if you don’t.


Colette and ISP identified the danger of Freeports immediately and Colette has been particularly active in the Salvo Freeports Group in educating Scots all over the country to the dangers they pose. Would that the other parties do the same.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland.


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Both these organisations are doing very valuable work and are carrying out very worthwhile research and building the International case to win our freedom. They are also leading the fight to expose the Freeport’s ruse as the latest method to plunder our country’s resources. Please join at Salvo.Scot and Liberation.Scot and if you can afford a donation that would be very gratefully received.Details are as follows

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  1. “Freeports are the UK’s poisoned gift to Scotland post -independence. Instead of Scotland being run by Westminster, it’s going  to be broken into lots of little statelets, each run by a business consortia, who will pay no tax and treat workers and their rights exactly as they please. They will collapse our local business economy and sell off our resources dirt cheap to other countries and interests and will not pay tax on it to us. Is that clear enough?”

    Quite clear.

    But perhaps even more succinctly:

    Scotland is being partitioned.

    Liked by 13 people

    1. The SNPG has done little else but sell us down the river – literally. It is because they are inept and listen to no one with sense. You see it every day in real life when people are too stubborn and intransigent to give an inch on something that is destined to be a disaster. We all do it to some extent, but you simply cannot afford to do so with a country or you harm many people. Where are the SNP advisers, lawyers, people with nous and experience?

      Liked by 4 people

  2. The East India Trading Company is a good analogy. That is what Scotland has become. A 21st Century Indian colony.

    This is the message we need to get out.

    Scotland is being utterly plundered. The donkey’s back is being broken. Our political system is broken, non functioning, abused, as the elites and their Westminster political servants rape our country.

    The USA kicked the British out. India did the same. Kenya too. As did Ireland, as did innumerable other colonies around the world.

    Britain lost its Empire. And it will lose Scotland too. Our day will come as sure as night follows day.

    And we have the means to end this faux union but in reality colony. This is the message we need to get out.

    Good article Collette Walker.

    Liked by 17 people

    1. Because of the work that SALVO and Liberation have done, there is no excuse for any Scot not to know that all of this breaches the Treaty of Union and our constitution. Our territory, both terrestrial and maritime was NOT put in to England’s hands or the British government’s hands after 1707. This is eminently provable, but with British agents, parasites of all kinds and devolution-forever- ists, we have been sold out too many times to count. This needs to be challenged in the international court. I’m glad that SALVO has written to these corporates; it might make them think twice. Maybe. Since most of them command budgets greater than most countries’ GDP, I won’t be holding my breath. How could the SNP have been so stupid and so collaborative? Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh.

      Liked by 7 people

  3. Thank you Colette. You have been a solid reliable source during the years of the SNP insanity.

    I hope you have a candidate standing in Argyll & Bute.
    Your professional approach deserves votes and cash and I will certainly be willing to reward your efforts.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. I donated to a crowdfunder just this morning. The only party to oppose Freeports openly, support direct democracy and believe me, they truly get the real nature of Scottish sovereignty. This isn’t just a salad rearranged on a plate. ISP gets it. They get my support. Any time they need it.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. Yes indeed. I mention ISP on Wings btl as the exemplar of what a political party should be – it is prepared to be subordinate to the voters. Why aren’t all the parties prepared to do the same? And of course ISP respects women and children’s rights.

        Liked by 6 people

      2. Thank you for your kind words and support , I really appreciate it , politics is a tough gig , and just hearing support like this keeps me motivated 💜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💜

        Liked by 9 people

    2. Thank you so much , I try and do my best for the people of scotland and our beautiful country that’s is being disgustingly mistreated by people that should know better , but using it for their own gain … and you may well be in luck regarding c, keep fingers crossed they pass vetting coming up

      Liked by 5 people

  4. The only thing that would work is secession. Anyone who thinks that the UK, and the financial finaglers, will give up the rich source of wealth that Scotland represents, has not been paying attention.

    As for referenda, dream on. Westminster is not obliged to pay heed to the result of any referendum, regardless of the numbers. (Westminster numbers are such that Scottish MPs of any hue might as well not be there at all. Treaty of Union? Phooey!)

    Liked by 17 people

    1. It’s TIME we awoke to the REALITY that Scotland will never achieve freedom by voting for it.
      Time to stop mucking about and REMOVE our elected representatives from the UK Parliament.
      What precisely do they accomplish? The square root of F’all.

      Liked by 5 people

  5. Colette and the ISP have been one of many involved in Salvo’s Freeports campaign to help the people of Scotland understand that their country, with the active assistance of Westminster’s Administrative group at Holyrood, are gradually but rapidly privatising Scotland.

    In general, people have no idea that this is going on in their name and that their elected representatives are selling off our assets to the large corporations with the sole interest of profits that will be useful to Scotland for as long as it takes for a money transfer to the Cayman Islands or similar tax-avoidance destinations.

    I am grateful that Salvo / Liberation Scotland has had the benefit of Colette’s experience and that of the ISP members who have given freely of their time and energies to help educate the people about what is really taking place in their name. However, the Salvo Freeports and SEZ Team are a determined and dedicated group from all of Scotland’s “independence parties” and many that have no party membership.

    Studying why Scotland’s ‘independence parties’ (ISP excepted) are not fighting Freeports and Special Economic Zones tooth and nail is the quick way to a migraine. Why the ‘Scottish Government’ has been so secretive about their partnership with Westminster is much easier to understand. Once an exemplar of left of centre democracy the SNP under Sturgeon quickly transformed itself into an undemocratic body controlled by a very few people ‘at the top’ and under Yousaf (now just departed I hear) entered into a partnership with a far-right Westminster government to create their ultra-right wing Tory policies of freeports and special economic zones in Scotland.

    For that alone, they should never again be trusted by the people to safeguard our rights and protect us from plunder by our colonial overlord.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. No idea why Alba is blinkered to this. In autumn 22 Sara gave a talk on our sovereignty at their conference. It seems that the High Heid Yin was not into the peoples sovereignty apart from election days.
      For some time now for me the ISP is the only party in town although I have an interest in Independents for Indy.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Yes it’s very clear Collette and I’ve been telling anyone who’ll listen what a disaster and asset stripping they will be. Unfortunately too few are aware of it. YET.

    Alba does have a policy against freeports but the defection from the SNP of one of the prime movers of the Cromarty Firth freeport to Alba does make you worry whether that policy will be backpedalled on. They’ll lose even more members if they do!

    Freeports – ALBA (

    More power to your elbow for raising the matter loud and clear. Please put freeports on your campaign literature and continue raising awareness

    As an aside, you’ll have my vote in the Westminster GE!

    Liked by 8 people

  7. The new Unionists game is clear, the infiltrators throw yet another handgrinade into the SNP creating more distruction so the Independence vote collapses. They are saving Sturgeon for their general election announcement. The Unionists media will, claim that independence is dead, rejected by the people which is not the case . We reject a vichy quisling SNP, not independence. The SNP will then form a minority Government with the Red Torys who will rewrite the constitution so we cannot escape from their corupt rotten coercive Union.This is all theatre to claim credibility for a state that has none.The insertion of sleeper agents have taken over the main political party and vehicle for independence. You can see the media pushing Sweeny the devolutionist all ready or Forbes who sold us out to sanction the so called Free ports. A independence candidate must be placed in every constituency to give us our democratic right to end this colonial parictical farce.

    Liked by 9 people

  8. Many thanks for this timely article – one of my list MSPs has today been in touch to arrange a phone call to discuss freeports following me contacting him prior to the Inverness event. I will have this article to refer to when I speak to him.

    Are the newspapers etc talking about the problems with freeports and SEZ? They should be as the drawbacks are obvious when the research is done and we can see the facts. Thank you Salvo.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. That’s great you have a phone call arranged , please if possible let me know how it goes , any answers you get , you can email me colette

      The national picked up what @SalvoFreeports were doing by all our X posts , they ran a fully welcome of articles , a few anti , but I would say a few more , more pro , but , no surprise they were from those who are in collaboration with global , money grabbing companies

      We always invited journalist /media to our public meetings non every attended

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Sarah you ask “are the newspapers talking about the problems with freeports and SEZs?” Of course not and we have Albert Einstein who said “There will come a time when the rich own al the media and it will be impossible for the public to make an informed opinion”.

      That applies today and is why the public know so little and the SNP as partners with Tory Westminster intended to keep it that way. However, Salvo has loosed the genie from the bottle and no amount of obfuscation and misdirection from the SNP leadership will ever be able to put it back again.

      I have used “the SNP” when actually their members are just as mystified and kept in the dark as the rest of us and that’s a Sturgeon legacy that was continued by her successor. However, once before we asked the SNP members to stand up for Scotland and against the continuation of anti-Scotland actions by their leadership – and we got the “Continuity Leader”.

      So, the question must be “what are the SNP members going to do this time around?” Will they deliver us from this madness or subject us all to more of the same?

      Liked by 7 people

  9. Spot-on . At least one political entity gets it .

    ISP are shaping-up to be THE pro-Independence Party , the only one that is consistently focusing on all the things that matter .

    What is going to be the biggest land-grab of our country in modern times – * Free*ports – is being slotted into place with no discussion , no debate , no consultation : colonial imposition of the most rapacious kind , with the compliance of 99% of * our * Political Class . ALBA’s ambiguous position on this absolutely critical issue is not helping to create a distinct picture of what the Party actually stand for ; worryingly , what vague outlines are visible suggest the it will emerge as yet one more entity fully compliant with the Neoliberal * Shock Doctrine * that has been and continues to wreak incalculable damage on People & Planet .

    No such lack of clarity on the part of ISP . They grasp the desperate , perilous condition our country is in , eg virtually defenceless , abandoned by it’s so-called socio/political representatives , a lamb surrounded by ravenous wolves .

    ISP are the only Party manifesting the requisite awareness of the extreme danger facing Scotland & the absolute , existential necessity to resist . It’s no hyperbole to state this is the fight of our lives ; another decade of unopposed plunder of our resources + the imposition of even more lunatic policies from an aberrant , poisoned ScotGov + the further atomisation of the Independence Movement and the Spirit , Soul and distinct identity of our country could be lost forever

    Liked by 6 people

  10. To change the dial a little but has anyone heard about Humza Yousaf’s departure pension deal that he is to receive after he steps down as First Minister.

    Seems that the deal is that the ex First Minister is to receive an index linked pension for life at the rate of fifty percent of the FM’s salary which is around £166,000. Not sure if the fifty percent is applied to the element of salary beyond the basic MSP salary or the whole salary, but even if it is the former, one year in office is going to give our great man over £50k a year, index linked for life.

    Well done the taxpayer and no doubt Frau Sturgeon will be on a similar pension. And well done the taxpayer too.

    But hang about. There’s rumours that John Swinney is gong to step in to be the next stop gap first minister. He was intending to retire at the next election but one cannot but think that a wee stint as FM would help his already comfortable pension a tad more. The gravy it seems just keeps coming and gravy for all is what I say. Unfortunately there are many who never get a taste of the gravy.

    And that’s it folks. A small digression to cheer you all up at the terrible sad news of Humza’s departure. Now back to Freeports, Special Enterprise Zones, and the foreign and corporate ownership of all of Scotland’s assets.

    Liked by 4 people

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