Alf Baird

Self-determination is the process by which colonized and hence oppressed peoples become independent. In this regard we have a great deal to learn from postcolonial theory which explains this process in some detail, and from which much of the UN approach to self-determination and decolonization is based. 

Postcolonial theory is drawn from the common experiences of many peoples and nations that have become independent from imperial rule, mostly since the end of WWII and the founding of the United Nations. It is therefore very much an applied body of literature. In this it is important for an oppressed people to understand the different ‘phases of decolonization’ which colonized peoples’ have to go through in order to secure independence and liberation from oppression, which is never an easy or straightforward process.


Within the first phase of decolonization, the naivety and inexperience of the newly elected national party is exploited to the full by the colonial power. New to assuming any kind of power, the national party elite ‘attach a fundamental importance to the fetish of organisation’, which takes precedence over any reasoned study of colonialism.

Because the national party elite has never undertaken a detailed analysis of colonial society, the leaders do not yet understand what independence really means (i.e. decolonization) or why it is necessary. This also leaves the understanding of the mass of the people at a rudimentary level as they likewise also remain ignorant of what independence means.

The colonial power plays on the relative inexperience of the national party elite using its long experience of imperial administration and the very solid government and justice system it has created. The colonial power also uses traditional means such as divide and rule of the oppressed, manipulation, and the deployment of confidential agents pensioned off at ransom prices.

It soon becomes clear to the people that, inside the nationalist parties, the will to break colonialism is linked with another quite different will: that of coming to a friendly agreement with it. At the decisive moment, such as the election of a majority of nationalist members of parliament, the party elite lacks the courage to declare independence.

Instead, the national party chooses ‘neutrality’, it depends on slogans and for the most part leaves the question of independence to future events. It therefore takes the movement up a blind alley, delaying independence. The dominant national party elite then becomes part of the colonial racket, it behaves like a gang, feathers its nest and builds up its pensions. Colonialism, which is always a co-operative venture with native elites, effectively draws the national party leaders under its wing.


As time goes by, the people begin to realise that all is not well with the dominant national party in whom the movement has placed its trust. The dominant national party opted for neutrality instead of liberating the people, which is the clearest sign that its intentions are no longer aligned with the masses. The party elite then suffers from a kind of petrifaction, it becomes calcified and immobile. Unable to serve two masters, that is both the colonized and the colonizer, the party elite chooses to protect the interest of the latter and hence sacrifices the former, that is the people.

The colonised people discover they cannot gain their liberty from oppression by following the imposed laws and justice courts of their colonizers, i.e. what is known as the Section 30 Scotland Act approach. In an attempt to make party officials looks busy, the administration passes laws with mystify and further oppress the people. The inevitable split in the party results in conflict between ‘legal and illegal’tendencies.

The dominant national party refuses to promote any innovation or make progress on the most urgent cause of liberating the people. It attacks the so-called ‘radicals’ and ‘undesirables’ in the national independence movement, joining with colonial forces(such as state police and prosecutors) to persecute key leaders. Such developments and lack of progress on independence sicken the movement and leads to its rupture.

New national parties are then rapidly created, albeit they unfortunately also have a tendency to model themselves on political parties in the mother country. However, even the more assimilated native who automatically favours the status quo starts to become disturbed by events. The native starts to remember what he is and, no matter whether he thought of himself as British of French, he realises that this was a manufactured being, and little more than a cultural illusion.

The people start to “spew ourselves up; but already underneath laughter can be heard” as they finally begin to realise the colonial hoax that has been played out at their expense and thus to understand their wretched (colonial) condition. And so,they begin to better understand that this colonial condition is at root racist, itsubordinates them as ‘a people’ and a culture, which enables the economic plunder of their lands, which in turn widens inequalities and results in under-development of the people and nation.


Here the people begin to understand that they must take a different approach if they are to become liberated, free to go their own way, and that their political leaders and political solutions have proven to be inadequate. The third and final phase must see the people finally awaken and shake themselves from their lethargy in the face of the forces of colonial occupation, economic exploitation, and political and cultural domination.

It is in this final phase that the people must become liberated from their oppressive reality. The people have to realise that they cannot live with colonialism and neither can they compromise with it through such mechanisms as limiting forms of‘devolution’. The complicit national party that has now become the main obstacle to liberation must be cast aside and a new liberation vehicle brought into play which is wholly focused on securing the freedom of the people. 

The colonial relationship and chains must be broken, oppression must be ended. If the colonial relationship is allowed to continue, the people, their culture and nation will eventually perish. The people need to understand that true independence meansthe concrete situation which begets oppression must be transformed. This requires a two-stage process, as follows: 

1) the oppressed group and their leaders unveil the world of oppression (i.e. colonialism is revealed to them) and commit to its transformation, and: 

2) the culture of domination is confronted, its myths expelled, and its presence removed.

Liberation is thus like a childbirth, and a painful one. The correct method of liberation requires dialogue with the people, and political action must be undertaken together with the oppressed group. This is achieved through a liberation movement in which revolutionary leadership establishes a permanent relationship of dialogue with the oppressed people.

The liberation group cannot exist without the people, and the leadership group grows out of communion and dialogue with the people. The leaders must dedicate themselves toward an untiring effort for unity among the oppressed people in order to achieve liberation, which is the opposite of domination. Such organization is a highly educational process in which leaders and people together experience true authority and freedom, which they then seek to establish in society by transforming the reality which mediates them, including necessarily self-recovery of culture.


Bell, P. A. (2023) The new thinking. Peter A. Bell. Available from: (27 August 2023)

Baird, A. J. (2022) The Socio-Political Determinants of Scottish Independence. Towson University Journal of International Affairs, Vol LV, No. 2. Available from: The Socio-Political Determinants of Scottish Independence | Towson University Journal of International Affairs

Baird, A. J. (2020) Doun-Hauden: The Socio-Political Determinants of Scottish Independence. Kindle Direct Publishing : doun-hauden

Cesaire, A. (2000) Discource on Colonialism. New York: Monthly Review Press

Fanon, F. (1970) The Wretched of the Earth. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin 

Freire, P. The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. London: Penguin

Hechter, M. (2017) Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development. Abingdon: Routledge

Memmi, A. (2021) The Colonizer and the Colonized. London: Profile Books

Price, A. (2018) Wales: The First and Final Colony. Talybont, Ceredigion: Y Lolfa Cyf

Said, E. W. (1994) Culture & Imperialism. London: Vintage


More quality information from Alf Baird. Education is the key for Liberation to be successful. People will recognise from this article what has been happening in Scotland and why. That is a giant step forward. If you do nothing else today please share this article on every platform you can think of. Knowledge is the weapon that truly threatens the Union. Be part of the effort to spread it everywhere. Many thanks for your help and assistance with this. Much appreciated!

I am, as always




      1. Thanks to both Iain and Alf for setting out clearly where we in scotland are now, Phase three od the process is not a great place to be as we risk annihilation as a nation if we do not act, Alf’s analysis is spot as regards our ‘Scottish government. Our hands and everything else (Including our tongues) are tied by our colonial masters , It is worth remembering that it was the Labour Party which made sure during the Devolution negotiations, that the media were kept in Westminster control.

        however we aree where we are, as they say and at a critical mement.

        i like Jim’s suggestion of a wee Salvo book and we have an opprtunity with people going to the polls to hand out copies of our message, if we can muster people to do this out side the Polling places, though that will take a bit of organisation and a lot of dedicated volunteers.

        My thought, which could be done alongside Jim’s is to have people collecting signatures to something like a #End the Union Petition. Liberation,scot have been collecting names and so, ithink, has mike fenwick at rallies and marches. At the polling staion, people will have some ID with them and information from that could be useful in establishing who people are and preventing multiple signatures by the same person.

        Is it possible to coordiate the efforts of Liberation nad Mike to establish a definitive list of signatures of people seeking independence for Scotland which would be accepted by the UN or the European Court of justice?

        I think a combination of these suggestions would help to educate people in Scotland of the urgency of our situation now.Also the chance to gather signatures at such a time would be a useful opportunity. I realise t.hat what i am suggesting is not easy and would require a lot of work and i am unable to help myself being in my late 80s an curently living in England (though reluctantly and only because of family circumstance) but I offer this for consideration.

        We must do something to show we do not accept what is happening. Othersise the future for us is extremely bleak.

        Liked by 13 people

  1. Not only do we need a wee Doun Hauden book put through every door in Scotland but an explanation of the Claim of Right, our constitution and how the Treaty of Union has been broken constantly by our politicians on both sides of the tweed , this deception has been orchestrated for over 300 years. We either end it now or become part of a greater England sliding down with them on their greasy poll to self destruction. Education is the key to liberation, and a End of Union candidate in every constituency for the election.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. Agreed. In my own way I am creating five YouTube videos on different aspects of the education need. The second will be online in about a week. Even if just a couple of hundred watch each one and they talk to one person I hope it helps spread the message.

      Liked by 19 people

  2. A great article by Alf Baird.

    I reckon we are currently around the start of the final paragraph of Phase II.

    Given the current high and accelerating rip-off rate of Scotland’s assets of oil, gas and renewable energy resources and carving up of the country via Green Freeports and Special Economic Zones we need somehow to telescope Phase III of education of the masses regarding liberation.


    Liked by 15 people

  3. It’s interesting this short piece. I wonder how many of the SNP faithful will recognise that this is truth with respect to their party.
    When I discuss with people that we are a colony it’s almost unanimous the reaction which starts with ‘Eh!, what!’

    The problem is lack of historical knowledge.
    Onwards and upwards.

    Liked by 15 people

  4. Couldn’t agree more with Alf’s summary of where we are as a colony.

    And iif I may add, last weeks speech by the PM to a right wing think where he described Scottish nationalists as terrorists reinforces the absolute hatred that Westminster has for the indigenous Scots. It certainly reinforces how the establishment is focused to wipe out their enemy

    people here truly need to wake up to the hostile colonialists who want only Scotland’s wealth and resources but not it’s people.

    But oone last thing if I may. This week ex PM Boris Johnstone at a function being held in the Palace of Westminster was photographed wrapped in a flag with the Wolfsangel symbol on it.

    For those who do not know the Wolfsangel symbol was used as a Nazi icon by many of the Nazi SS units.

    Post WW2 and the defeat of the Nazi Reich, the symbol was made illegal in Germany

    Today however, outside Germany, the symbol is used in the US by the Aryan league and by the far right in Italy.

    And that should inform us all as to what sits on our Westminster doorstep where ex PMs can openly display and promote Nazi symbols.

    And of course, as enemies of the Westminster Reich, terrorists in fact, this should reinforce to us all how the Scots could, like Palestinians or the Jews in 30s Germany are ripe for eradication.

    Westminster’s Final Solution – destroy your enemy!

    Liked by 14 people

  5. Aye, a wee blue hauden doon book – wae nae big words mind👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Are there any benefactors with generous pockets here or among our diaspora who could fund it?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. How about McIntyre Kemp and business for Scotland who seem to be hoovering up plenty of cash.
      Also if he refuses to help it will expose him for the fraud which I think he and his organisations are.
      We should then shout it from the rooftops(win win)

      Liked by 6 people

  6. Another fine, clearly written and comprehensively researched, contribution from Alf. Visceral nationalism, I’ll argue, is plentiful amongst us, it is, unfortunately, a rough-diamond of a sentiment which is in need of constant refinement. Our dominant National party, having reached its predictable, self-interested compromise with the colonial-oppressor and having reconstituted itself as yet another classical, puppet-gang, has not only rendered its original reason-for-being as wholly defunct, but has also made its role as any kind of a credible, political-educator to the great pool of visceral nationalism an impossibility. The role of credible, political-educator to the viscerally nationalist has, therefore, fallen to Salvo/Liberation.

    Liked by 12 people

  7. it is hard to believe that events would unfold with such alignment to a prediction based on the hard lesson experienced by others…….yet it is there before our eyes. Step be step the tramlines are followed.

    I hope the predicted final stage comes quickly!

    Liked by 15 people

  8. DECOLONIZATION” – the American English spelling, not the Scottish English spelling which is DECOLONISATION” (with an “s” not a “z”).

    The wonderful prospect of being decolonised from Britain and Sunak (or Starmer), to instead be coloniZed in language and mind by America and Biden or Trump.

    It’s a “no” from me, to any sort of colonisation.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. What are American spellings, as well, are actually Oxford English spellings. ‘Z’ s are perfectly correct. In fact, American spellings of many words are the original spellings.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. The USSR had its own white cola as it refused to have Coca Cola and McDonalds, for fear of being colonised by US influences. But then they relented and some Coca Cola and a McD in I think Moscow, were allowed.

        Look what happened to the USSR.

        Blue Jeans? When I wake up in the morning light? Well, that’s another story!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Alf has never shied away from telling the true story of Scotland, how it was annexed and then colonised.

    The SNP followed the path usually taken by ‘The dominant independence party’ in a colony to the letter. Radical, accepting, co-operative, partners – a simple progression whereby individuals once viewed as a ‘strong nationalists’ becomes enthralled by, and then assimilated into, the culture of the coloniser. Unfortunately, that also applies to another ‘party for independence’ that is also on that same path.

    We need only to look at how the ‘Big Two’ alienates anything and anyone not arising from within their own ranks and this exclusion has resulted in tens of thousands leaving the SNP and this, to a lesser degree due to having less members, is now being replicated by Alba.

    The leadership of both the SNP and Alba have denied the people of Scotland’s sovereignty by rejecting anything that removes power and control from elected representatives and places it back where it truly belongs – with the people of our country and NOT politicians or their political parties with their own agendas and self-interests.

    When 45 Scottish ‘MPs’ were co-opted into the 2nd parliament of Queen Anne in 1707 that began the process of creating North Britain / Greater England. After well over 3 centuries, we see the result of that betrayal and it now appears that is to be repeated by our politicians who either mistakenly believes, or already knows, that there is no route to restoring our independence that goes through Westminster – there never has been and there never will be!

    So, why do they keep knocking at a door that has long been firmly closed and locked with the key melted down and chucked in the Thames? Why do they go into election campaign after election campaign dangling this non-existent carrot in front of the people of Scotland? There really is only one answer to that questions – they don’t want independence!

    However, they do want and need the people’s votes to hold on to whatever they have – position, power, financial security, so don’t expect this election campaign to be carrot-free.

    Liked by 12 people

    1. I am glad someone feels the same, Salmond at Perth coming out in defence of the open rigged voting franchise was enough evidence for me that Alba was not a serious independence party. Inclusion for all sounds like democracy but isin’t. Its the colonisers ensuring the indigenous population get knowwhere.

      Liked by 12 people

  10. What has not been discussed is the undeniable fact that, when we reach a fork in the final road, it can take us to a reasonably peaceful settlement or it can take us to armed struggle. This is why the work of SALVO/Liberation is so important: it can draw up a case for Scottish independence, using every constitutional and legal means available to us – and there are many – plus international law and human rights. We have almost reached that fork in the road.

    If the SNP leadership cannot see even now that unity is the only way forward, with input from all the independence parties, then it is going to be a hard struggle to oust the SNP, but ousted they must be. For a short while, we may have to endure Unionist rule in Scotland, but it will be short-lived because we are coming to the end of the road and the end of our patience.

    The barely two years between 2024 and 2026 will be crucial as to whether we take the road of constitutional and legal advancement or the road that will surely lead to acceptance, defeat and obliteration as a people. We need the very best minds we have on this, to avoid going down the route of repair, or worse, as Ireland had to do, and we need both a plebiscitary election and our case placed before the International Court. I agree with Alf’s analysis on the collaboration of the initial independence party; this, too, happened in Ireland. However, I have never read of, or heard of, an independence party that behaved with such complacency, stupidity and utter lack of political nous as the SNP – ever, in history. They have managed to all but destroy the fabric of Scottish society within a timescale of fewer than 20 years, deliberately set people against each other, backed unscientific and malevolent nonsense that threatens the rights of so many. It is not just that they have been inept in so many ways, but that they will not listen, will not acknowledge the monster they have created and which squats like a giant parasite in our midst, uninterested in our future, independence or in any sane development of our Scottish community. Yes, they have done some good things, but nothing now can wipe out the ignominy of their gross negligence and failure.

    Liked by 13 people

    1. “What has not been discussed is the undeniable fact that, when we reach a fork in the final road, it can take us to a reasonably peaceful settlement or it can take us to armed struggle. “

      Good comment Lorna, we just have to look at what the French are doing with regards to New Caledonia, the French government are changing the voting rules to marginalise the indigenous Kanak people who make up roughly half of the population.

      The Kanak people have decided to fight back and Macron has sent French troops to New Caledonia to crush the indigenous peoples unrest.

      Is there a lesson here for us to learn? I’d love to see us ditch this union without any conflict, but I can’t see it happening in reality England just cannot afford to allow to lets us go.

      Some will mention other nations that have left the English Empire, but they are thousands of miles away, we are right next door, and England relies heavily on Scotland for things such as power generation, a deep water port for it nuclear subs and weapons etc, so our exit will be one of great animosity and possibly conflict, unless of course Salvo and Co come up with another way.

      Liked by 9 people

    2. i fear that even a short period of Unionist rule (possibly a Labour/Conservative coalition!) would do agreat deal of damage. The dreadful ‘Free ports’ and SEVs are to be given power for around 10 to 25 years and then the area s concerned would have to bebought back at a price set by the current owners.

      While that would likely make the people realise the dangers, there wewould be little anyone could do for a long time as any protests or rebellion would be punished severely.

      I dread to think of what might happen.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Just been reading about Rishi Sunak’s announcement that all eighteen year olds will have to do a year’s National Service.

    Says that if the Tories are returned to power the conscription plan is to commence in 2025.

    What can one say folks, what can one say.

    Liked by 5 people

  12. Pseudo political sociology. Political sociology is a very niche subject, but taking it up as a hobby interest at least makes the author pretty unique, with a pretty unique boredom threshold.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Postcolonial theory is limited neither to politics nor sociology, or indeed to economics. Aime Cesaire affirmed that “colonization is based on psychology” and noted in this context that there are certain groups of people in a colonial society who suffer from what is known as a “dependency complex” and who help further the interests of colonialism.  Colonialism is always a co-operative venture with native elites (Cesaire).

      Whilst the other disciplines you mention are important, to those of us who have studied, researched and taught the behavioural sciences, and who have also lived through colonialism, postcolonial theory provides for a more comprehensive and fitting analysis that explains and helps us understand our colonial ‘condition’, as well as providing the pathway to the only ‘remedy’ – liberation.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Alf, are there multiple examples of other countries going through these three phases and a ‘textbook’ example of one going through each in turn? I know – read the references, but I’m lazy. It’s just that the first two paragraphs just seems like a description of what we have witnessed in Scotland, with the third a hope of what’s to come. I’d take comfort, and we could perhaps learn practical lessons by studying the countries who went through all three phases, be it Ghana, India, Jamaica or many others who escape British/Westminster rule. Westminster specifically as that is the position we are in.

    If you must make me read a new book – which one provides the clearest examples I’m looking for?


    Liked by 2 people

    1. The three phases are from Fanon. His analysis was mostly related to the many decolonizations in Africa, but he also related it to Mid East and Asia, and South and Central America/Caribbean, hence its universal application.

      The final phase relating to the liberation phase essentially, is then further developed by Freire.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. I would recommend Albert Memmi’s ‘The Colonizer and the Colonized’, well worth a tenner to discover our ‘condition’ and the path out.

      Liked by 3 people

  14. A brilliant analysis Alf. True to the very fact of what is happening at the moment. With the Scottish Government. Seeking large pensions and remunerations.

    Phase three. Is roughly where we are at. Let the fun begin.

    One thing in our favour, is the support the present Government and opposition have for the terrorist state of Israel. They won’t get much support from the ordinary people for any action they might wish to take on us.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Having read Alf’s book and undertaken my own study, it made re-reading the history of Scotland and our people from a different perspective much easier to understand how we managed to arrive at the current situation.

    I suspect many others have followed a similar path and now recognise the hand of the coloniser threaded throughout the period of the non-existent ‘union’.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Starmer saying he would block any referendum anyway, regardless of the success of independence parties. That there extinguishes the union officially. It becomes an occupation.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Independence might end up boiling down to this.

    In 2017 the Catalans declared independence, then Spanish laws shot it down, if your going to declare independence in whatever form that takes you must be willing to defend it in whatever form that takes.

    If we declare UDI we’ll need to defend it against foreign English/British laws that say its illegal, though these foreign laws should have no bearing on our independence.

    No country in Europe came to Catalans defence though some did shelter the movements leaders including Scotland.

    Scotland is a country in a international treaty, a treaty that can be dissolved, Scotland is the elder of the two countries in this treaty, independence will need to be taken and I mean taken.

    I don’t see the the likes of the UN or EU or any other body World Court for example interfering in domestic affairs to the point that they tell Westminster to let Scots choose their own destiny.

    The Catalan independence scenario is a great example of not doing whatever it takes after the declaration is made to achieve the goal. They had no plans to defend it.

    Ireland is a good example of perseverance, leading to independence.

    You may frown upon this route , but in reality its will be the only way if Scots are willing to pay the cost, which just now they aren’t.

    Liked by 2 people

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